55th+1 Class Reunion The Distinguished Class of 1965 had to postpone their 55th class reunion originally scheduled for April 23 through Sunday, April 26, 2020. The reunion, now dubed 55th+1, has been rescheduled for June 30 through July 4, 2021 at the Marriott Renaissance Hotel and nearby Residence Inn in Arlington, VA. Co-chairs for the reunion remain Bill and Nancy Hecker and Jim and June Harvey. The theme of the reunion is Greetings once again from the HH Team. As we sit down at the computer to begin to draft this latest letter to you, we note that there are only fifty days until our much anticipated reunion begins! Last week you should have received an email from the AOG reminding you that Reunion Registration will close on June 6th. (27 days from now) This is a follow up to that reminder, along with additional information that will be of interest to you. Please take the time to read through this rather lengthy letter so you will be among our classmates who are in the know about all the reunion details! We are getting closer. On April 14th, the H&H Team, representatives from the AOG, and the Alumni Glee Club met in Arlington, VA to conduct site visits and effect coordination with the hotel. Read the details here. Mark your calendar for the week of April 19th to be on the lookout for the notice from AOG that the registration page is open. Attached is the 55+1 reunion official schedule of events. This summary is FYI. The attached schedule controls and I suggest you refer to it directly if you want the official skinny. Lodging. Please note that lodging is reserved in Arlington, VA, at the Marriott's Renaissance Hotel and/or nearby Residence Inn. Wednesday, June 30. For golfers who live out of the area, Wednesday will likely be a day of travel. Eager beaver nongolfers may travel on this day as well. For those that live in the immediate area hang loose. Thursday, July 1. Thursday is the traditional annual golf outing. Details are still being worked out. Those traveling from outside the area will be arriving during the day. There is an evening cocktail hour and buffet at the Hotel. All those who will be lodging will have arrived and be staying overnight and ready for Friday. Friday, July 2. Class memorial activities on Friday morning will be at Arlington National Cemetery. In the early afternoon a brief visit to the Vietnam Memorial in D.C. is planned. After that, all activities, including the class business meeting, and Friday evening's cocktails and dinner will be at the Hotel with bus service from the Inn to the Hotel. Saturday, July 3. Saturday morning is free time. In the afternoon, excursions to Fort Belvoir are planned followed by Benny Havens and Dinner at the National Museum of the United States Army. As reported, reunion registration is on hold for just a few more days now until the 55+1 Committee gets an official greenlight to use the Museum for Saturday evening. Sunday, July 4. Some may wish to stay in the area for the 4th. Otherwise, this could be a day to return home.