From time to time the class Leadership Team will recognize individuals who are not members of the Distinguished Class of 1965 by bestowing on them Honorary Membership to the class. Individual class members may nominate a person who has demonstrated a particular connection to the class through their actions and/or deeds. To initiate consideration for bestowing this honor a classmate need only submit the individuals name along with justification for the honor to the Secretary/Scribe of the class (Gerry Burkosky -
James Ford was the junior Protestant chaplain at USMA when the Class of 1965 entered in 1961. He was well-known among the Class because of his sincere connection with cadets. He supported many Classmates in their emotional and spiritual journey. That connection was reinforced as Chaplain Ford married members of the Class during June Week. As the Class graduated, Chaplain Ford also “graduated.” He was appointed Senior Chaplain in 1965. When members of the Class returned as part of the staff and faculty, Chaplain Ford was always ready in support of Classmate needs. His bond with the Class was and remained strong. A petition from the Class to the Speaker of the House was instrumental in Chaplain Ford’s appointment as the Chaplain of the US House of Representatives, where he served from 1979 to 2001.
Inducted as an Honorary Member of the Class of '65 at the 50th class reunion. Jack is an active member of the WPSNY and a member of the NY Union League Club, a pro- military organization and somewhat of a West Point "Clubhouse." Some of our class served and/or taught at USMA with Jack. The NY Society has nominated Jack for the Thayer Award.
Inasmuch as the late Francis J. Sehn, patriot and innovative man of business, has rendered invaluable assistance to the United States Military Academy's achievement of important academic aims, and in particular did provide generous financial support for the establishment at West Point of a Center for Oral History wherein might be archived interviews with U.S.M.A. graduates for the edification of the officers of tomorrow;
And whereas the West Point Class of 1965 was also significantly involved in supporting the establishment and operation of that key academic Center;
Now therefore we the undersigned, in recognition of Mr. Sehn's great generosity and keen concern for developing America's future leaders, are privileged to designate him an Honorary Member of the Class of 1965, United States Military Academy, forever to be remembered and cherished by its Members as such.
Done on the 21st day of May, 2018.
Inducted as an Honorary Member of the Class of '65 by unaanimous vote of the Class Leadership Team. Dan had gone to high school with several members of the Class of '65 and attended many Army-Navy games with them rooting for Army. Dan played a pivotal role in various veterans initiatives, including the Veterans Leadership Program, Friends of Danang, the Pittsburgh Veterans Day Breakfast and Semper Fi Odyssey, leaving an indelible mark on their growth and success.
Inducted as an Honorary Member of the Class of '65 at the 55+1 class reunion. Dawn exhibited determination and untiring efforts as the West Point Association of Graduates event coordinator for the 2021 class reunion in Northern Virginia. Her close coordination with the planning committee and her problem-solving abilities were key factors to insuring the successful holding of our reunion, the first such reunion not at West Point under the AOG sponsorship. Click HERE to see her Certificate of Honorary Membership in the class.
Inducted as an Honorary Member of the Class of '65 with a unanimous vote of the Class Leadership Team. In recognition of his leadership as Director, Center for Oral History, United States Military Academy; his stewardship of the investment of our class gift to the Center; and his personal connection with our classmates and their families, David R. Siry, LTC (USA, Ret) is hereby designated an Honorary Member of the Class of 1965. Click HERE to see her Certificate of Honorary Membership in the class.