Bob Frank, in his role as Class Historian, wanted to share the importance of your Cullum File.
Your Cullum File is a critical resource for historical purposes in
nailing down dates and other tidbits that insure accuracy of detail
concerning your life. It is an asset to classmates, family and
friends writing your Memorial Article for Taps. The Cullum File,
however, remains a mystery to many of us. How is information
posted to the file, who does it and how can you validate information in
your file. Here is some information to clear up the confusion.
The Cullum File is maintained by the AOG based on information and
documents you provide. The current administrator of the Cullum
File for the AOG is Marilee Meyer (
or 800-232-4723 ext. 1545) and she is available to assist you and
answer your questions. What documents should you include in your
Cullum File?
Here is a list of the documents
you should consider including in your Cullum File, your DD214 among the
most important. "Autobiographical Data in Support of Future
Memorial Articles" is at
this link. These documents can be provided to the AOG in one of three ways:
1. USPS. Address the letter to:
Marilee Meyer
698 Mills Road
West Point, NY 10996
2. Fax to 845-466-1695
3. As a scanned document attached as an email to Marilee Meyer at
There is also an online "Vital Statistics Sheet" you can complete and
submit electronically. If you haven't provided this information
previously please do so as soon as possible. You will need Adobe
Acrobat Reader (or Pro) to complete this form.