Class Poop

3 Sun Valley Court
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156-4473
847 404-1767
847 658-1050 (Fax)

Class Notes 2005v64n1Sep

Greetings once again from Chicago! Hope all is well at your end of the Long Gray Line! The 40th Reunion will probably be history by the time that most of you receive this issue, so expect to see the Reunion report in a future issue.

1965--Dryzga and Harmon.

Several good things have come out of the reunion planning, ably led by Bob Frank and Steve Ammon, of which you should be aware. First, through the hard work and sheer determination of a few classmates, we are SLOWLY pecking away at completing some of the long overdue Memorial Articles. In many cases, just getting the next of kin to agree has been a real challenge. As a class, I hope you stand behind me in my determination that we should continue to make sure that not one classmate passes on without a fitting written tribute. I understand that many of you find it too difficult a task and I will respect that decision, but again, as a class, we just have to push on and get these Memorial Articles completed and published.

The second good thing coming out of our September rendezvous is that it gives me a golden opportunity to "ambush" some of you "recalcitrants" (you know, the ones who always start off by saying "Really, Denny, I have been meaning to write you. . ." To wit, I usually reply "For 40 years?") to fess up and tell the ole Scribe what has been happening with you and your family. So, if you saw me heading toward you at the Reunion with notebook in hand, and you were unable to dodge me, now you know. The individual classmate reports will follow in future columns, as space permits.

AOG is still urging everyone to reach out and sign a classmate up for a subscription. Overall, our group (1950-76) has just more than 50% subscribers, while S&D comes in a bit higher at 56% (302 out of 541). I have never understood why more don't subscribe. It certainly cannot be the cost. So, please do what you can. Find a classmate who is not a subscriber and try to get him to sign up.

1965--The Doughtys.

Our line will officially pass completely into that of the Long Gray Line on 1Oct 05 when our own COL Larry Isakson, USAF, officially retires. He took the round-about way, in that it only took him 40 years to retire with 20 years of active duty. He will officially hang up the canine/feline collars on 29 August, motor up to the 40th and then hit the garden and golf course in St. George, UT. Also retiring, but a few months earlier, was our long-serving USMA History Department head, Bob Doughty; who hung up his quill in June preceded by a retirement party in May. The class was well represented, as the accompanying photos will attest. The class officers approved a resolution to contribute $25,000 in Bob's name through the Johnson Fund for the Oral History project at West Point. Job well done to you both.

1965--Dermody, Brian & Addison Coll.

There is still a lot of e-mail "chatter" about RVN-related psych disorders. Our own Terry Carlson has spent the last 26 years with the V.A. dealing with these issues (Terry. is his address) if you need some answers. The next photo shows Dermody with my oldest son and grandson in the Old Man's work shop, where he made individualized clubs for this nine year old, who is quickly approaching his dad Brian's scores and is well ahead of his paternal grandfather's best score ever. Humbling experience having your lunch handed to you on a regular basis by your second generation issue!

Ralph Locurcio is still at it, helping his alma mater. He will be working on some buildings at USMA on a contract that was let in early June. See the photo at the Class' WP.Org website. He may be unable to attend the 40th due to teaching requirements.

Lots of you shared thoughts on your memories and feelings on the actual 40th anniversary of our R Day on the Plain, but perhaps that neatest came from the Timmermans. Tim asked Sue what she wanted to do for their 40th anniversary and her answer? Yep, you guessed it. They spent a day in June at their "rockbound highland home" relishing great memories. Now who said we weren't a sentimental group?

1965--Sheridan wedding.

We mentioned the Jennifer Sheridan wedding last time, but the next photo is a good one, received a bit late, of classmates Gabel, Alger, Tomaswick, Scully, Abraham, the stunning bride with her father, good old what's-his-name, Munson, Kurtz, Medaris '59 and ex'65er Whicher '66. Reports from Long Island confirmed a three day blow-out with complete and total S&D dominance on the dance floor. An added plus can be seen in the photo--two of our ailing guys (Alger and Kurtz) were looking good!

1965--Wollen, the Doughtys, Merriam, and Barron.

Doug Gentzkow is doing well, recovery-wise, after his 2003 airplane crash, nine surgeries, and lots of rehab. He will definitely be at the 40th on gimpy knee aided by a cane. He also reports that had he known how great it was to have a handicapped parking sticker, he would have crashed sooner! And finally, in the "Who is that masked man?" category, the last photo shows our peripatetic, civilian "low income housing" builder back from Baghdad and Fallujah. Stay home for a while, will you please, Reg!!

That's it from this end. Looking forward to seeing all of you on the Plain, in proper uniform of course, as we move into our fifth decade after graduation! Please also note new e-mail address.