We do not collect any personal information on this Web site. We do share and reconcile the class email lists with the AOG database if the class moderator has agreed to do this, and it is noted on a footer for those class messages. Those concerned with AOG’s Privacy Policy with this data should contact AOG directly.
We have never provided subscription data to any third party other than the arrangement with AOG mentioned above. That is also our current policy. We also have a notification protocol with AOG for Death Notification Services to be distributed to the class members of the deceased.
In the event you use our secure Credit Card interfaces, you’ll be asked for the minimum information required to process the transaction. That is submitted to Authorize Net, our clearing house. A verification message is sent to our CFO, but is not processed for data mining. This is our audit base for any subsequent questions. You may also provide class and affiliation data for reporting purposes. Your credit card numbers and expiration dates are processed directly by the clearing house, and will not reside on our servers. Any subsequent requests for adjustments will require re-submission of that data.
All message traffic on our listservers is archived and available to any member of that list, in addition to all WP-ORG Advisors and System Engineers in our employ. Access is controlled by name/password assignments given by the list moderator.
Those subscribers with FTP authority, granted by the page moderator, have password access to our servers for the purpose of publishing HTML. Until such time as the initial permissions are changed, only that person has publishing authority for that directory.
We also host virtual sites owned by other members of the West Point Community, such as Virtual West Point. We do not control that content nor audit it with respect to the above policies.
Any further questions should be addressed to feedback@west-point.org.