Available Howitzers, to be auctioned one at a time and announced on the silent auction listserv.
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CLICK ON CLASS YEAR FOR IMAGES (these are being created, please be patient)
NOTE: The collector who donated these Howitzers placed page markers in them (he had an interest in cadet geography). Those page markers will be left in the books.
1921 | AGED | Leather bound, brittle. First class with a nickname “The Orioles.” Seventeen members of the class of ’22 graduated in ‘21 |
1923 | GOOD | Leather bound. Edgeworn (Shelf Wear) |
1924 | GOOD | Embossed “Zei.” Minimal moisture damage on partial page edge. |
1925 | GOOD | Embossed “John H. McCormick” (USMA ’25). Article torn out of the New York Times Magazine 16 March 1952 “A Distinguished Alumnus Appraises the Mission of the Military Academy After its First 150 Years.” No moisture damage at all. Edgeworn (Shelf Wear) |
1926 | FAIR (good for age) | Embossed “MOTHER.” Broken binding. Very slight old moisture damage (No mold) only on page edges. Pages inserted from ’25 Howitzer |
1927 | GOOD | Embossed “George W. Shillock” (USMA ’27) Edgeworn (Shelf Wear) |
1928 | FAIR-GOOD | Edgeworn (Shelf Wear) Moisture damage – limited to page edges. |
1929 | GOOD pages missing(?) | Embossed “Albert Edward Stoltz” (USMA ’32). Excellent binding condition. One page appears to be torn out. Another appears to be a binding error. Page sequence is uninterrupted. Torn page appears to be a title page. See images. NOTE: images show yellowing that was an accident of photography and is not seen in the book itself. |
**USNA ** 1929 (‘The Lucky Bag’) | GOOD | Edgeworn (Shelf Wear) – pages in excellent condition |
1930 | POOR | Minimal shelf wear, but this book is moisture damaged, with multiple groups of pages stuck together. “Robot Dumbgnut, Jr.” Cadet within. |
1931 | VERY GOOD | Embossed “Arthur R. Hercz” (USMA ’31) |
1932 | POOR | Binding separated at front and back cover. Pages in excellent condition and no separation from binding on pages. Embossed “LM NILES” (not found in ROG). |
1933 (A) | FAIR – GOOD | Embossed “MOTHER AND DAD.” Moisture ripples on pages. |
1933 (B) | EXCELLENT | |
1934 | VERY GOOD | Some shelf wear, but very good for age. |
1935 | GOOD | Embossed “MOM AND DAD.” Cover cracked at front binding |
1936 | VERY GOOD | Embossed “John C. Meyer.” MAJ Omar Bradley pic on pg. 52. William C. Westmoreland pg. 216. Henry A. Mucci pg. 176. |
1937 | GOOD | Embossed “Michael Paulick.” Inscribed on first page “From Michael Paulick, July 30, 1937” some shelf edge wear. |
1938 | GOOD | Very minor moisture damage on last few pages |
1939 | VERY GOOD | Embossed “Joseph F. Fiala” (not found in ROG). Note within from previous owner indicating Fiala was separated prior to graduation |
1940 | EXCELLENT | Insert of The Cadet Prayer |
1940 (15-yr reunion) | VERY GOOD | |
1941 | EXCELLENT | |
1942 | VERY GOOD | Last few pages stuck together, likely due to moisture damage, but no other moisture damage throughout |
1943 | Fair – Poor | Embossed “Paul R. Ellis.” Pages loose, picture cut out pg. 365., 2 pages missing: 51/52, 53/54 |
1944 | VERY GOOD | Small amount of wear on lower cover edge |
1945 | EXCELLENT | Page defect pg. 135/136 (defect of manufacturing, not damage) |
1946 | EXCELLENT | Signed on inside cover “Capt S.V. Porter, Jr.” |
1947 | EXCELLENT | |
1948 | EXCELLENT | |
1949 (A) | EXCELLENT | Embossed “Arthur R. Stebbins.” Pages 247/248, 277/278 cut out and replaced, taped in (previous owner indicates there was derogatory information regarding two graduates on these pages, thus the pages were systematically removed and replaced on all 1949 Howitzers) |
1949 (B) | EXCELLENT | Pages 247/248, 277/278 cut out and replaced, loose (previous owner indicates there was derogatory information regarding two graduates on these pages, thus the pages were systematically removed and replaced on all 1949 Howitzers). Invoice from last owner within. $344.55. |
1949 (C) | EXCELLENT | Pages 247/248, 277/278 cut out and replaced, loose (previous owner indicates there was derogatory information regarding two graduates on these pages, thus the pages were systematically removed and replaced on all 1949 Howitzers) |
1950 | EXCELLENT | |
1951 | EXCELLENT | |
1952 | EXCELLENT | Original sallyport photo inserted at page 75. Program for 1952 graduation within. |
1953 | GOOD | Binding broken at page 192. Embossed “Charles A. Schuh.” |
1954 | EXCELLENT | Embossed “Charles A. Schuh.” |
1955 | EXCELLENT | |
1956 | EXCELLENT | Embossed “’OURS’ BOBBI & SID.” Schwarzkopf pg. 315. |
1957 | GOOD | Embossed “COW YEAR IS HELL.” Binding broken at front cover |
1958 | GOOD | Embossed “MIKE AND MARY.” Water damage at top corner |
1959 | GOOD | Embossed “IT’S ALL OVER BUT THE SHOUTING.” |
1960 | VERY GOOD | Embossed “FRANK B. EYLER.” |
1960 | GOOD | Inscribed “from Nicholas S. Plodinec, Jr.” with various classmates’ signatures. |
1961 | GOOD | $15 sale penciled on first page, Embossed “TWO DOWN—TWO TO GO” |
1962 | EXCELLENT | Photos of visiting New York Yankees’ Mickey Mantle. Library cards pasted to back cover “US ARMY MILITARY HISTORY INSTITUTE” |
1963 | GOOD | Embossed “TO MOM AND DAD.” Binding worn and broken in a few places. |
1964 (A) | EXCELLENT | Embossed “GARY L. LaBELLE” |
1964 (B) | GOOD | Embossed “JCFT IV” (Belonged to John C. F. Tilson, Cullum 26128 ’66, 47th in class). |
1965 | FAIR | Water damage. Binding brittle. Printed on first page “Gary L LaBelle” inscribed “to Rozanne: this is 65’s. The year we’re waiting for is 67. It will come, just remember that!! Love, Gary.” |
1966 | FAIR | Embossed “YEARLING YEAR.” Brittle cover. Binding broken at first page. |
1967 | GOOD | Embossed “FROM PMB TO PMD IN ONE MORE.” |
1968 | GOOD | Front corner damaged. |
1969 | GOOD | Embossed “GTO.” Binding broken. |
1970 | FAIR | Embossed “NO PLACE SUCKS LIKE THIS PLACE SUCKS.” Cover breaking. Inscribed “Robert MacMullin Company B-1” with a drawn Airborne tab. (USMA ’73) |
1971 | EXCELLENT | Plastic protective cover. Embossed “Grant G. Hintze Class of ’72.” |
1972 | VERY GOOD | Torn paper cover. |
1974 | EXCELLENT | Printed on first page “WEST POINT 73-74 / THE YEAR OF GOOD DEALS / R.P. SAGER” |
1975 | EXCELLENT | Binding in great shape! Printed on first page “TIME FLIES WHEN YOU ARE HAVING FUN.” |
1976 | GOOD | Donation sticker on first page. |
1977 | EXCELLENT | $9 pricetag from previous sale written on first page. |
1978 | EXCELLENT | Plastic cover torn, but cover in exquisite condition. Binding excellent. |
1979 | EXCELLENT | Exquisite. |
1979 | VERY GOOD | Binding slightly separating. |
1980 | GOOD | Slightly cracked cover. Embossed “COL(RET) AND MRS. G.E. THAYER.” Original company (C-4) photo enclosed. |
1981 | EXCELLENT | Embossed “IN GOD WE TRUST.” |
1982 | MINT | Unopened wrap |
1983 | MINT | Unopened wrap |
1984 | GOOD | Torn cover edge. Embossed “MAR AND RONNIE.” |
1985 | EXCELLENT | |
1986 | EXCELLENT | |
1987 | EXCELLENT | |
1988 | POOR | Torn cover, separating binding. |
1989 (A) | VERY GOOD | Embossed “CADET JOEL AOKI” (USMA ’92). |
1989 (B) | VERY GOOD | Embossed “LOVE TO JUMP, JUMP TO LIVE” |
1990 | GOOD | Embossed “495, THIS IS TRUE, DUFE, HAM4.” Worn cover edges. Binding Slightly breaking. |
1993 | VERY GOOD | Embossed “ROBIE.” |
1995 | GOOD | Embossed “NATE JOHNSON PROJECT MANAGER CD ROM.” Binding slightly breaking. With CD ROM Complement. |
1996 | EXCELLENT | Embossed “PATRICK HEMMER.” |
1997 | VERY GOOD | Embossed “SOMEDAY…HALAM, NP ‘BUGSY’” |
1998 | EXCELLENT | Embossed “CADET STEVEN DUNAWAY” (not in ROG, class of 2000, did not graduate) |
1999 | EXCELLENT | Embossed “JASON BOONE” (USMA ’01) |
2004 | EXCELLENT | Embossed “PATRICK W. HENSON” (USMA ’05) |