Parent Services

WP-ORG prides itself on using the expertise of our numerous volunteers, as well as our paid employees and consultants, to create solutions for the parents of cadets and graduates of both USMA and USNA. We host email lists to assist these family members, and host websites for parent clubs and other USMA and USNA parent related interests.

USMA Parent Lists

**USMA plebe parents** Join Plebe-Net now by clicking here 

***USMAPS (prep school) parents***  join now by clicking here

PARENT-FORUM – PARENT-FORUM is a conversational list for upper class USMA parents. Parents can freely ask questions of other parents, and a few very supportive Grads, about any topic, such as “can anyone give me information about Airborne School?” The information shared on this list is very interesting and helpful, and the topics frequently can be great fun. It is a list designed to draw on the experienced cadet parent, and to assist those who are just beginning the four-year journey. The over 1700 members of Parent-Forum discuss/support etc. topics/issues of interest. If you would like to subscribe to any of the parent lists, go to the site (each list name in this article is an active link to that list), and click on Subscribe Now in the left hand column of that page. Take the time to look at all the information available to you by clicking on the other links on those pages. If you have any further questions, contact Megan Hostler and Cheryl Westfall,  parent-forum moderators at

PLEBE-NET – PLEBE-NET is a listserv (e-mail list) for the parents of West Point Plebes. It is intended to allow an exchange of information and support among the parents of the 4th class cadets. The members of this e-mail list are Plebe parents, and a few upperclass parents who have volunteered to help answer the Plebe Parent’s questions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators at

PROSPECTIVE-NET – PROSPECTIVE-NET is a net for prospective candidates and their families. We have invited any MALO’s (Military Academy Liaison Officer) who would like to be a part of the list. The key objective is to allow candidates and their families to communicate, ask questions, and get answers. It is also intended to allow the candidates to meet one another through e-mail prior to Reception Day. Contact the prospective-net moderator at

WPP-GRAD – WPP-GRAD Is a net for the parents of graduates of West Point. This list assists parents during deployments and military service. The objective is to allow the parents of graduates to ask questions and get reliable answers. Contact the wpp-grad moderator at for more information.

USMAPS NET -USMAPS net is a net for prep school parents.  It is intended to allow an exchange of information and support among the parents of the prep school.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators at

GRAY-NET – This list is a email list *only* for parents of West Point cadets, who are threatened with, or considering leaving West Point.  The list is very quiet, unless someone is asking a question.  Contact Dian Welle, the gray-net moderator at: .

West Point Parent Clubs

USNA Parent Lists

These are the most unique lists of all the WP-ORG parent lists, in that they are obviously for Naval Academy Parents. We are proud to sponsor USNA parents. We were most fortunate to find the most experienced list moderators available on the Internet for these lists. WP-ORG has hosted USNA parents on our listserv’s for four years, free of cost. We are also a host for any parent club who wishes to use our services. This list was designed to provide USNA parents with an environment of mutual sharing and information gathering. It is a list designed to draw on the experienced midshipman parent, and to assist those who are just beginning the four-year journey. Just look at the moderator qualifications!

Towanda Curtis USNA ’67 Wife: ’02 ’05 mom
Dan McArthy CPT USNA 1977
Elaine Brye USNA-Plebe Moderator – NAIA-Naval Academy Information Affliate
Captain Barbara Craig – USNA-Parents List Plebe Section Co-moderator- Medical Corps- United States Navy