By U.S. Army Public AffairsFebruary 24, 2023
Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth has issued a memorandum today that rescinds all policies associated with the DOD COVID-19 vaccination mandate. In accordance with the memorandum:
- Currently serving Soldiers will not be separated for refusing to receive the COVID vaccine if they sought an exemption on religious, administrative or medical grounds.
- Ongoing reviews of COVID vaccine exemption requests have ceased and will be deemed resolved.
- Records of Soldiers who requested COVID vaccine exemptions will be updated to remove and/or correct any adverse actions associated with denials of such requests, as well as any flags associated with those adverse actions.
- Reenforces that Covid vaccinations are no longer required for accessions or pre-commissioning programs.
- Reenforces that official Army travel restrictions based solely on COVID vaccination status have been removed (however, other policies such as combatant-command and theater-specific entry requirements will remain in effect).
- Former Soldiers may petition the Army Discharge Review Board and the Army Board for Correction of Military Records to request corrections to their records.