"Geography for Life"
World Regional Geography I
World Regional Geography II
Introduction to Geography (GEO 101)
Advanced Placement (AP) Geography
Kentucky Geographic Alliance (KGA)
Geography Workshops
Geography Websites

Hub's Homepage

World Regional Geography I

The curriculum in World Geography examines human geography including the interrelations between humans and their environment. Physical, cultural, and economic geography is examined from a world regional context. Location, place, region, movement, and human-environment interaction are studied from a local, national, and global perspective. The skilled use of maps, charts, and graphs is also covered.

The following study guides and answers will be very helpful as you prepare for a test in my class. Please disregard the formatting errors. In an effort to get these study guides published as quickly as possible, I chose not to correct all the formatting errors. These study guides may be printed at home, but let me caution you about the length of some of these documents. It is probably best if you "cut & paste" the useful material into a word processor, then print the material. I hope you find these to be very helpful!
Unit 1 Study Guide Unit 5 & 6 Study Guide  
Unit 2 Study Guide   Unit 10 Study Guide
Unit 3 Study Guide Unit 7 Study Guide Unit 11 Study Guide
Unit 4 Study Guide Unit 8 & 9 Study Guide  
Unit 1 Answers Unit 5 & 6 Answers  
Unit 2 Answers   Unit 10 Answers
Unit 3 Answers Unit 7 Answers  
Unit 4 Answers Unit 8 & 9 Answers  

Final Examination Study Guide --Terms

Final Examination Study Guide -- Multiple Choice

World Regional Geography II

Advanced World Geography is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and perspectives learned in World Geography. Students gain knowledge on such topics as world hunger, deforestation, urbanization, natural hazards, resource management, and local and regional planning and development. Further skills training include asking and answering questions, as well as acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information. New insights and perspectives on humans and their environment are gained through extensive oral and written communication.

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Introduction to Geography (GEO 101)

Study Guides -- Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice questions -- Chapters 1 - 5
Multiple Choice questions -- Chapters 6 - 7
Multiple Choice questions -- Chapters 8 - 10
Multiple Choice questions -- Chapters 11 - 13

Study Guides -- Short Answer & Essays

Test 1 A Midterm A Midterm D Test 3 A Final A
Test 1 B Midterm B Midterm E Test 3 B Final B
  Midterm C Midterm F Test 3 C Final C
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Advanced Placement (AP) Geography

Visit the Advanced Placement (AP) Geography website at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. The College Board has slated the first AP Geography test for May 2001. This course will be a Human Geography course with areas of concentration including urban, economic, cultural, agricultural, political and population geography.

Textbook outlines

Outline A Outline B Outline C Outline D Outline E

College Board Adding Geography to Its College-Level Advanced Placement Offerings

The College Board will add a geography course and exam to its Advanced Placement (AP) Program, probably in the 2000-2001 school year, bringing to 32 the number of college-level AP courses available to high schools. The new offerings will be developed by six college faculty and three secondary school teachers of geography.

"The new course will address the critical geographic issues of our time," said Donald M. Stewart, president of the College Board. "Geographic literacy is an essential component of the academic preparation of young Americans if we expect them to meet the challenges and demands of the 21st century in an increasingly global community."

Alexander B. Murphy, professor of geography at the University of Oregon and chair of the development committee, said AP Geography will mirror a semester-long, three-credit college- or university-level introductory course in human geography, and include such topics as population distribution and movement, cultural patterns and processes, political organization in space, agricultural and rural land use, industrialization and economic development, and urbanization.

"The real problem is not that students can't locate a country," he said, "but that they don't understand how its political, cultural, and environmental issues are related. Memorizing locations doesn't provide an understanding of how those places came to be the way they are."

The study of geography increased in the 1980s, he said, prompted by a growth in environmental awareness and by the efforts of the National Geographic Society (NGS), which sponsors training programs and alliances for educators. Geography was also one of the core subjects in the federal government's Goals 2000: Educate America Act.

Training and Implications

Wade Curry, director of the College Board's AP Program, said training activities will prepare AP geography teachers for the 2000-2001 school year, and encourage them to work with NGS alliance coordinators in the organization of workshops and supportive networks of interested educators. The first institute for 40-50 teachers will take place at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the summer of 1997, with additional institutes in the summer of 1998. These teachers will lead introductory workshops for geography teachers starting in the 1998 school year.

Mr. Murphy said AP Geography may have far-reaching consequences for American education.

"High school students will have the opportunity to be exposed to a rigorous course in geography, and geography will increasingly be seen as a serious subject," he said. "If the experiences of other disciplines in the AP Program are any guide, it also means that colleges and universities will see more students who are well prepared in geography and predisposed toward majoring in it. AP is likely to play an important role in the geographic renaissance we are experiencing today."

The College Board's AP Program offers college-level courses and exams in 18 academic subjects in over 50 percent of the nation's high schools. Its students comprise 18 percent of all students who entered four-year colleges in the fall of 1996, with options for credit and/or placement into advanced courses on the basis of AP exam grades.

The College Board is a national nonprofit association that champions educational excellence for all students through the ongoing collaboration of more than 3,000 member schools, colleges, universities, and education systems and organizations. The Board promotes -- by means of responsive forums, research programs, and policy development -- universal access to high standards of learning, equity of opportunity, and sufficient financial support so that every student is prepared for success in college and work.

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Kentucky Geographic Alliance (KGA)

Visit the Kentucky Geographic Alliance (KGA) website at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky. The mission of the KGA is to establish a network of all those interested in geographic education and to act as a conduit through which ideas, concepts, information, and materials can be spread throughout the Commonwealth. The KGA can provide the opportunity for Kentucky educators and professionals to be involved in the quality of education within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

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Geography Workshops

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Geography Websites
Thanks to Bruce Lindsey of Graves County High School and the KY Geographic Alliance for these links!!


This IBM education site provides geography lessons for grades six through 10 in which the students use the Internet to answer geography questions and make maps. Students will enjoy the challenge and become more knowledgeable about the world


The Geography Station offers these lessons to high-school teachers and students. Students will create topographic maps, study stream velocity and more. Topographical maps background and discussion questions included.

National Geographic Lesson Plans : www.nationalgeographic.com/resources/ngo/education/ideas.html

National Geographic has put together some exciting and innovative geography lesson plans for K-12 classrooms. Students and teachers will enjoy the hands-on activities such as a clue search to learn about location.


These innovative lessons integrate economics and geography with wonderful children's

literature for elementary school students. Teachers from Montgomery County, MD have

created these multicultural, creative and thorough lessons.


Learn about the mapping services, products, programs and educational resources offered

by the U.S. Geological Survey.


Children of every age can enjoy these fun geography activities like the clickable map with country facts. Join the secretary as she travels around the world.


Project GeoSim is a joint research project of the Departments of Computer Science and

Geography at Virginia Tech creating education modules for introductory geography courses. These modules typically have two parts:


Complete geographic resource site with research links for every country, from Creative Wonders.


Global Trends in Environment and Development slides and transparencies presents graphs and

maps to illustrate some of the major conditions and trends in population, agriculture, biodiversity, forests, water resources, energy, climate, and social and economic development that determine the state of the world's environment. These data give a broad picture of trends over 20 years. Some of the trends are alarming or depressing, but others are hopeful. In a few cases, future projections are presented to show possible consequences.

Contains detailed information about every country and territory in the world.









http://www.lsrp.com/mainind.html http://pubweb.parc.xerox.com/map http://www.igc.org/prb/info/98wpds.htm



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