Directions: Use each term below in a sentence that shows the meaning of the term. Write your sentences on the lines provided.

1. summit
2 2. prevailing westerlies
3 3. multilingual
4 4. European Union

Directions: Answer the following questions on the back of this paper or on a separate sheet of paper.

5. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships Why did industrial development take place in such areas as the Rhine River region, Belgium, and central England?

6 6. Drawing Conclusions Why did the people of England, Norway, Italy, and Greece become involved in trade by sea?

7. Synthesizing Information How has Britain's relative location benefited the country since the 1500s?

8 8. Formulating Questions In order to better understand the situation in Northern Ireland, what four questions might you want to ask the Catholic and the Protestant extremists who have used violence to win control of the region?

9 9. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships Discuss how the religious battles between Ireland's Catholics and Protestants led to economic differences in the two groups of people.

10 10. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment Name two possible economic advantages that neutrality gives the Nordic nations.

11 11. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships Name at least two changes brought about in the United Kingdom as a direct result of theIndustrial Revolution.

12. Making Comparisons How are the physical landscapes and uses of land similar in both Switzerland and Austria?

13. navigable
14 14. Renaissance
15 15. graben
16 16. tsunami

17. Making Comparisons How do the economies of Spain and Portugal compare? How have they changed in recent years?

18 18. Analyzing Information How does Greece exemplify the ability of a nation to preserve its cultural identity despite foreign invasion and occupation?

19. _____ Which of the following best describes the continent of Europe?
a. a huge isthmus connecting the continents of Asia and Africa
b. a giant peninsula of peninsulas jutting out from the huge landmass of Eurasia
c. a large continent equal in land size to Eurasia
d. a continent consisting mostly of large islands

20 20. _____ How do the northern mountains differ from the southern mountains in Western Europe?
a. The mountains in southern Europe are higher and younger than those in the north.
b. The mountains in southern Europe run north and south while those in northern Europe run east and west.
c. The mountains in northern Europe run only along the coasts, and those in southern Europe all are far inland.
d. Northern Europe is very mountainous, but southern Europe has few mountains.

21 21. _____ What are the two major language groups in Western Europe?
a. Romance and Germanic b. Celtic and Hellenic
c. Basque and Slavic d. French and Germanic

22 22. _____ Which of the following is a true statement about Western Europe?
a. Few Western European countries have a coastline.
b. Most of Western Europe's people live in Spain and Italy.
c. There are few large metropolitan areas in the United Kingdom and Germany.
d. Shipping and trade have traditionally been an important part of Western Europe's economy.

23 23. _____ What kind of climate does Mediterranean Europe have?
a. warm, moist climate year-round
b. hot, dry summers with mild, moist winters
c. hot, wet climate year-round
d. hot, wet summers with cool, dry winters

24 24. _____ How has human settlement affected the natural vegetation of Western Europe?
a. People have carefully protected all of the scenic areas in Western Europe.
b. Most of the natural forests in Western Europe have been cleared to make way for farms and to provide timber for field and buildingmaterials.
c. Human settlement has ensured the survival of Germany's Black Forest and other forest regions in Western Europe.
d. Forests have been planted to replace pastures, orchards, vineyards, and gardens.

25 25. _____ How is Western Europe able to provide enough food for its dense population?
a. The region imports most of its food supply.
b. Large, densely populated agricultural regions harvest crops year-round.
c. Sophisticated farming methods are used to produce high crop yields.
d. Most of the region's labor force works in agriculture.

26 26. _____ "A peninsula of peninsulas" describes
a. the United Kingdom
b. Northern Eurasia
c. Western Europe
d. Germany

27 27. _____ Human beings changed the environment of Western Europe by
a. introducing tropical plants to the area.
b. using the vegetation of the tundra.
c. clearing most of the natural forests for farmland and pastures.
d. planting broadleaf forests around the Mediterranean Sea.

28 28. _____ Which of the following is not true of the rivers of Western Europe?
a. They have carried much of the region's commerce.
b. The rivers of Western Europe empty into the Black Sea.
c. Many rivers crisscross Western Europe.
d. Many Western European cities are located on the banks of rivers.

29. _____ Along with England, all of the following regions constitute the United Kingdom except
a. Wales.
b. the Republic of Ireland.
c. Scotland.
d. Northern Ireland.

30 30. _____ Britain was known as the "workshop of the world" during the Industrial Revolution because the nation
a. made many products abroad.
b. used water power to run spinning machines.
c. had an abundant supply of raw materials.
d. produced and traded many manufactured goods.

31 31. _____ Heavy industries in Wales have declined since the mid-1900s because of the
a. use of more land for farming.
b. lack of modern technology.
c. emphasis on service industries such as tourism.
d. migration of many people to rural areas.

32 32. _____ Most of the Nordic region has a mild marine west coast climate because
a. winds blowing over the North Sea bring abundant rain to the region.
b. the warm currents of the North Atlantic Drift moderate the weather and keep the coast free of ice.
c. the region lies in the northern latitudes and reaches into the Arctic Circle and the polar zones.
d. mountains running through Norway prevent the warm, moist ocean winds from reaching the area.

33 33. _____ Icelanders call their island "a land of fire and ice" because
a. the island experiences temperature extremes.
b. volcanoes and glaciers exist side by side on the island.
c. many lochs carved out by retreating glaciers line its coasts.
d. thousands of lakes and high rugged mountains cover much of the island.

34 34. _____ The Nordic nations share all of the following except
a. a common landform pattern.
b. related languages.
c. a northern location.
d. a common religion.

35 35. _____ The political divisions of Ireland are
a. North Ireland and South Ireland.
b. Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.
c. Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
d. Great Britain and the United Kingdom.

36 36. _____ Great Britain consists of all of the following regions except
a. England.
b. Wales.
c. Northern Ireland.
d. Scotland.

37 37. _____ The most densely populated region in the United Kingdom is
a. Wales.
b. Scotland.
c. Northern Ireland.
d. England.

38 38. _____ Britain's relative location improved in the 1500s when
a. the Industrial Revolution arrived on the island.
b. trade across the Atlantic decreased.
c. improvements in ships and navigation devices increased trade in the Atlantic.
d. the center of trade shifted from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.

39 39. _____ Differences in the landscapes and resources of the Nordic nations have produced different
a. political systems.
b. languages and religions.
c. economic activities.
d. relative locations.

40. _____ Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Paris is a major manufacturing center.
b. Farming is the major activity in the Alps.
c. World-famous wines are produced in the Bordeaux region.
d. Marseille is a busy seaport on the Mediterranean coast.

41 41. _____ Where are Germany's most important industrial centers located?
a. near the Bavarian Alps
b. along the country's southern border
c. in the northern plains region
d. in the central part of the country

42 42. _____ How have the people in the Netherlands interacted with their environment?
a. by polluting the coastline
b. by damaging the land through heavy mining
c. by diking land once covered by the sea
d. by cultivating forests

43 43. _____ What is an important economic activity in Luxembourg?
a. manufacturing steel
b. raising livestock
c. making watches
d. exporting lumber

44 44. _____ Which of the following is not an official language of Switzerland?
a. French
b. Italian
c. Swiss
d. German

45 45. _____ How do Switzerland's 26 cantons differ?
a. in language
b. in religious practices
c. in economic activities
d. all of the above

46 46. _____ Which statement about Austria and Switzerland is not true?
a. The Alps cover more than half of the land area in both countries.
b. Unlike Switzerland, Austria has mineral resources such as iron ore.
c. Switzerland has used Austria as a model for economic renewal.
d. Dairy farming and specialized industries are important in both countries.

47 47. _____ Which resource-rich regions along the Rhine River lie in eastern France?
a. the Ruhr Valley and Alsace
b. Bordeaux and Normandy
c. the Riviera and the Massif Central
d. Alsace and Lorraine

48 48. _____ Where is France's chief manufacturing center located?
a. around the Massif Central
b. in Paris and its suburbs
c. in Bordeaux and its surrounding area
d. along the Riviera

49 49. _____ Why is the Ruhr Valley important to Germany's economy?
a. It produces most of Germany's iron and steel.
b. It is the cultural center of Germany.
c. It is popular with tourists.
d. It is a leading center of trade and finance.

50 50. _____ Which of the following is true of Germany?
a. Its borders have remained the same for hundreds of years.
b. The country was divided after World War I and awaits reunification.
c. Its history has been one of long periods of peace.
d. It ranks as a major world economic power.

51 51. _____ What European region is the most densely populated?
a. Switzerland and Austria
b. France
c. the Benelux countries
d. Germany

52. _____ What landform separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe?
a. the Dinaric Alps b. the Meseta
c. the Pyrenees d. the Cantabrian Mountains

53 53. _____ How are Spain and Portugal alike?
a. Both countries occupy their own landmass.
b. Rainfall is abundant in all parts of the two countries.
c. Both Spain and Portugal established colonial empires during the fifteenth century.
d. Neither of the two countries is a member of the European Union.

54 54. _____ What mountain range separates Italy from the rest of Europe?
a. the Alps b. the Pyrenees
c. the Apennines d. the Cantabrian Mountains

55 55. _____ What is the significance of Vatican City?
a. It is the site of the remains of the Colosseum and the Forum.
b. It was once the capital of the Roman Empire.
c. It is where the Renaissance began.
d. It is the world headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.

56 56. _____ Why is agriculture not a profitable industry in southern Italy?
a. Modern irrigation systems are not available in the south.
b. Many southern Italians have moved to cities in the north, leaving few farmers to cultivate the land.
c. Arable land in the south is limited and farming technology is outdated.
d. Poor roads in the south make it difficult to transport agricultural products to other parts of the country.

57 57. _____ Which of the following is not an important economic activity in Greece?
a. manufacturing
b. farming
c. tourism
d. shipbuilding

58 58. _____ Which of the following is not true of Greece's relationship with the sea?
a. Greece relies on both the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea for irrigation.
b. Greece has one of the world's largest commercial fleets.
c. Shipbuilding is an important industry in Greece.
d. Greece relies on the sea for trade and contact with its islands.

59 59. _____ Besides the Pyrenees, what other physical features isolate the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe?
a. steep coastal cliffs
b. unnavigable rivers
c. desert regions
d. the French Alps

60 60. _____ Where are Italy's flat lands located?
a. along the narrow coastal plains
b. in the center of the country
c. in Sicily
d. around Mount Etna

61 61. _____ Why have many Italians migrated to the north in recent years?
a. to work in northern factories
b. to be closer to the Alps
c. to escape the hot climate of the south
d. to find better farmland

62 62. _____ Which of the following is not true of the Po River valley?
a. Located in northern Italy, the region is the country's most productive agricultural area.
b. Hydroelectricity from the Alps powers many of the region's factories.
c. The region is the site of Italy's major cultural center.
d. About two thirds of Italy's factory products are made in the region.

63 63. _____ What effect do the Alps have on Italy? 
a. The Alps isolate Italy from the rest of Europe.
b. The Alps are the sole source of water for Italy's rivers.
c. Because they block the moisture-laden westerlies, the Alps are responsible for Italy's Mediterranean climate south of the mountains.
d. The Alps are the cause of much volcanic activity in the region.

64 64. _____ Which of the following is not the result of tectonic forces on the Greek landscape?
a. Major faults sank the land area, which the Aegean Sea later flooded.
b. Older extensions of the Dinaric Alps run through northern Greece.
c. The crush of tectonic plates thrust up mountains in the south.
d. Rugged slopes in areas where natural forests have been destroyed suffer from soil erosion.

a. estuary
b. glen
c. bog
d. annex
e. firth
f. cay
g. fjord
h. peat
i. escarpment
j. ore
k. moor

65. _____ formally add land to a country's territory
66 66. _____ narrow valley
67 67. _____ flooded glacial valley
68 68. _____ broad, treeless plain in Scotland
69 69. _____ spongy material that can be used as fuel
70 70. _____ flooded river valley at the wide mouth of a river
71 71. _____ wet, spongy ground found on the Scottish moors
72 72. _____ rocky material containing a valuable mineral used in the production of steel

a. recession
b. canton
c. polder
d. inflation
e. dike
f. nationalize
g. confederation
h. reparations

73. _____ land reclaimed from the sea
74 74. _____ loose organization of independent states
75 75. _____ extended decline in general business activity
76 76. _____ money for war damages
77 77. _____ to bring industries under state control

a. recession
b. canton
c. polder
d. inflation
e. dike
f. nationalize
g. confederation
h. reparations

78. _____ embankment of earth and rock built to hold back water
79 79. _____ loose organization of independent states
80 80. _____ to establish government control over an industry
81 81. _____ extended decline in general business activity
82 82. _____ general increase in prices