GEO 101
Introduction to Geography
Multiple Choice Questions
Chapters 11 - 13
  1. Renewable resources are materials that

  2. a. have a renewal cycle of hundreds of years
    b. can be both used and restored or replenished after use
    c. can satisfy future as well as present demands
    d. are accessible, highly concentrated, and close to markets
  3. Vast quantities of oil, enough to supply domestic needs for another century, are contained in U.S. deposits of

  4. a. biomass
    b. crude oil
    c. oil shale
    d. uranium
  5. Nonrenewable resources

  6. a. are scarce
    b. may become renewable resources as a result of technological advances
    c. exist only in finite amounts
    d. are price controlled
  7. Most petroleum is used for

  8. a. tars
    b. plastics
    c. waxes
    d. fuels
  9. Mineral deposits are the result of

  10. a. geological processes
    b. competitive market forces
    c. planned allocation of government resources
    d. cultural assessment of what constitutes a useful material
  11. The Industrial Revolution was characterized by the

  12. a. shift from renewable energy to fossil fuels
    b. invention of the internal combustion engine
    c. use of electricity to power trains and streetcars
    d. efficient use of metallic minerals for the first time in human history
  13. Which of the following is an example of a nonrenewable resource?

  14. a. iron ore
    b. forests
    c. water power
    d. fish
  15. Coal gasification and liquefaction are conversion techniques for producing

  16. a. hydropower
    b. synthetic fuels
    c. relict fuels
    d. tar sands
  17. Electricity generated from heat energy beneath the earth’s surface is called

  18. a. hydroelectric power
    b. geothermal power
    c. tidal power
    d. biomass power
  19. The selective breeding of fish in freshwater bodies or coastal bays is called

  20. a. horticulture
    b. sericulture
    c. monoculture
    d. aquaculture
  21. Threshold refers to

  22. a. the number of people in a central place
    b. the minimum number of consumers necessary for the supply of a product or service
    c. the number of people in a hinterland region
    d. the population of a central place
  23. Economic base analysis is used to

  24. a. study the economic structure of a city
    b. determine the threshold of a good
    c. estimate the interaction between city systems
    d. calculate taxable income of a city
  25. Which of the following statements regarding basic and nonbasic activities is true?

  26. a. manufacturing is a nonbasic activity
    b. basic activities must occur in the central business district
    c. nonbasic activities are heavily dependent upon rail and barge transportation
    d. basic activities bring in money from outside the town
  27. Population density in U.S. central cities is

  28. a. greatest at the center and gradually decreases toward the suburbs
    b. gradually increases from the center to the suburbs
    c. low at the center, highest in the zone just outside the center, and decreases gradually toward the suburbs
    d. relatively uniform and related to the economic base
  29. Social areas of large, complex American cities show residential segregation based upon

  30. a. social status, income status, and ethnicity
    b. income status, family status, and ethnicity
    c. socioethnic status, income status, and family status
    d. social status, family status, and ethnicity
  31. The rank-size rules tells us that the second largest urban area in a region will be _______ the size of the largest urban area.

  32. a. one-quarter
    b. one-half
    c. one-eighth
    d. twice
  33. The continuously built-up landscape with no reference to the political boundaries that limit the legal city of which it is the extension is called the

  34. a. central city
    b. urbanized area
    c. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
    d. metropolitan area
  35. Which one of the following types of workers is most representative of a basic worker?

  36. a. city government official
    b. grocery store clerk
    c. steel worker
    d. subway conductor
  37. The main shopping and financial heart of a city is called the

  38. a. concentric zones
    b. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
    c. central business district
    d. point of accessibility
  39. The movement of middle-class people to deteriorated portions of the inner city is called

  40. a. displacement
    b. exurbanization
    c. gentrification
    d. homelessness
  41. Megalopolis is the term used to describe

  42. a. a huge metropolitan area such as New York
    b. a coalescence of several metropolitan areas
    c. a new city mainly of suburban character, such as Los Angeles
    d. an ancient city of Greece having many of the characteristics of present-day cities
  43. Land use types, in order of increasing land values per unit of land, are

  44. a. residential, commercial, agricultural
    b. commercial, industrial, and residential
    c. agricultural, residential, and commercial
    d. residential, agricultural, and commercial
  45. A city has a total of 100,000 workers, with 50,000 engaged in nonbasic activities. What is the basic/nonbasic ratio?

  46. a. 1 : 1
    b. 1 : 2
    c. 2 : 1
    d. 1 : 1.5
  47. According to Christaller’s model of central places, towns are surrounded by

  48. a. circular shaped trade areas
    b. square shaped trade areas
    c. pentagonal shaped trade areas
    d. hexagonal shaped trade areas
  49. Central place theory is concerned with

  50. a. the relation between site and topographic features
    b. the location, size, and spacing of population centers
    c. the land use of major metropolitan areas
    d. land uses in central areas of cities
  51. Which of the urban areas is largest in population size?

  52. a. urbanized area
    b. metropolitan area
    c. suburbs
    d. central city
  53. Manufacturing cities in the United States are most heavily concentrated in the

  54. a. Northeastern quarter
    b. West
    c. South
    d. Great Plains
  55. World cities are noted for their

  56. a. nationally prominent financial activities
    b. control over international production and marketing
    c. place at the top of high density metropolitan areas
    d. economic and social complexity
  57. The three most dominant world cities are

  58. a. New York, Paris, Shanghai
    b. Tokyo, London, Singapore
    c. London, Tokyo, New York
    d. Los Angeles, Tokyo, Berlin
  59. Regions have in common all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

  60. a. relative location
    b. derived location
    c. spatial extent
    d. boundaries
  61. Culture realms are best described as

  62. a. mixed central regions
    b. multifactor regions
    c. static interaction regions
    d. structural ethnic regions
  63. Formal regions are

  64. a. legally defined
    b. areas of essential physical or cultural uniformity
    c. bounded by distinct landscape changes or features
    d. named to reflect their relative or absolute locations
  65. Functional regions are

  66. a. dynamic and organizational
    b. static and structural
    c. marked by political boundaries
    d. have internal uniformity but no defined boundaries
  67. The ecosystem approach to regional geography is an example of

  68. a. controlled empirical analysis
    b. dichotomous structural analysis
    c. spatial systems analysis
    d. area congregate analysis
  69. In the locational tradition of geography, the central regional concern is with the distribution of

  70. a. natural features
    b. ethnicity and the ideological subsystems of culture
    c. human activities and resources
    d. political units and the control of territory
  71. Geographers define and describe regions in order to

  72. a. explain the forces of nature
    b. outline areas of political and social concerns
    c. organize spatial data
    d. prepare maps for books and atlases
  73. The nation-state is an example of a

  74. a. formal cultural region
    b. functional region
    c. hierarchical construct
    d. subsequent region
  75. All of the following features are common to all regions EXCEPT

  76. a. location
    b. spatial extent
    c. symmetry
    d. boundaries
  77. Functional regions

  78. a. have no boundaries
    b. are multifactor formal regions
    c. display uniformity of characteristics
    d. are defined by interactions
  79. Formal regions are

  80. a. usually expressed in the form of urban regions
    b. areas of basically physical or cultural uniformity
    c. always legally defined
    d. are seldom used by geographers
  81. A cultural realm is always made up of many

  82. a. cultural regions
    b. buffer zones
    c. culture hearths
    d. perforated states
  83. The least sharply defined region is a

  84. a. political region
    b. landform region
    c. nation state
    d. mineral resource region