Directions: Write the letter of the correct ending or answer in the blank.
1. _____ The climate bands that cover Africa run
a. east to west and include tropical, moderate, and polar regions.
b. from low coastal elevations to inland areas and include arid and tropical regions.
c. west to east and include highland, tropical, and moderate regions.
d. north to south and include semiarid, tropical, and moderate regions.

2 2. _____ The major landform in Africa south of the Sahara is
a. low plain rising to towering mountains.
b. vast plateau surrounded by a narrow coastal plain.
c. low plain rising to a high plateau in the south.
d. series of parallel high mountains.

3 3. _____ The African landform that was probably formed when two tectonic plates moved apart is the
a. Western Coastal Plain.
b. Sahara.
c. Great Rift Valley.
d. Congo River Basin.

4 4. _____ South Africa, Swaziland, and the southern tip of Mozambique are the most heavily populated areas in Africa because they have
a. mild climates and good farmland.
b. a large number of factory jobs.
c. a large number of navigable rivers.
d. fishing resources.

5 5. _____ The Namib and the Kalahari are
a. desert regions in North Africa.
b. tropical rain forests at the Equator.
c. dry regions in Southern Africa.
d. savanna regions near the Equator.

6 6. _____ Nearly three quarters of the people in Africa south of the Sahara live
a. in growing urban areas.
b. in rural, agricultural villages.
c. north of the Equator.
d. in the rain forest.

7 7. _____ Farming in Africa
a. takes place only in Nigeria.
b. offers its inhabitants a high living standard.
c. has dramatically improved Africa's economy.
d. is risky because of droughts.

8 8. _____ One of the main problems challenging the economies of many African nations today is
a. a lack of diverse exports.
b. increasing their export of raw materials.
c. competing with the industrial output of other African nations.
d. making fishing more productive.

9 9. _____ Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Women play a vital role in many African economies.
b. Many African governments have borrowed huge sums of money to modernize their countries.
c. Leaching of nutrients from the soil is more of a problem in deserts than in the rain forest.
d. Loan payments are a major part of the budgets in modernizing countries.

10 10. _____ The large area of land that the tropical rain forest covers in Africa
a. contains very fertile soil, but environmentalists will not allow people to cut down the trees to plant crops.
b. is shrinking as the savanna expands to take land away from the rain forest.
c. has poor soil because of leaching, which takes away nutrients.
d. is located along the eastern coast of the continent.

11 11. _____ Great cultural diversity exists in African countries, especially those
a. with small populations.
b. located along the northern coast.
c. located south of the Sahara.
d. that were independent in 1914.

12 12. _____ Scientists believe that the Great Rift Valley was created by
a. volcanic eruptions.
b. tectonic forces.
c. ocean flooding.
d. receding glaciers.

13 13. _____ Africa's tropical rain forests are located
a. in the equatorial region from Guinea to the Great Rift Valley.
b. along most of the western coast south of the Equator.
c. along the southern tip of Africa.
d. along the eastern coast on the windward side of the mountains.

14 14. _____ Generally, the farther away from the Equator one travels in Africa, the
a. hotter the temperatures become.
b. drier the climate becomes.
c. higher the landforms become.
d. denser the rain forest becomes.

15 15. _____ Which of the following statements is not true?
a. The Nile River is a major transportation route across southern Africa.
b. The central plateau produces many cataracts in African rivers.
c. Africa's rivers can be used for hydroelectric power.
d. Because of terrain, some African rivers are not navigable.

16 16. _____ Many African economies depend on the export of
a. one or two products.
b. rain forest products.
c. African wildlife.
d. manufactured goods.

17 17. _____ All of the following have contributed to slow economic growth in parts of Africa except:
a. poor soils.
b. large loan repayment amounts.
c. drought.
d. industrialization.

18 18. _____ Keeping people healthy is a challenge in Africa because
a. governments are not concerned about health matters.
b. drought and famine cause poor diets and weaken the health of many people.
c. modern medicine has not yet reached the continent.
d. hurricanes and earthquakes cause widespread damage.
B. Key Geographic Concepts and Skills

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank.
19. _____ Why was the Sahel's location important to the early empire of Ghana?
a. Its location in the Sahara made it difficult to attack.
b. Its coastal location gave it vast fishing resources.
c. The Sahel was the trade link between the Mediterranean coast and the rest of Africa.
d. Its location between rain forest and desert gave it an ideal climate.

20 20. _____ Which of the following has not contributed to the environmental destruction of the Sahel?
a. overgrazing by animals
b. damming of rivers
c. deforestation
d. desertification caused by drought

21 21. _____ What two rivers and their tributaries provide transportation and water for irrigation in the Sahel?
a. Congo and Zaire b. Ubangi and Niger
c. Zaire and Benue d. Niger and Senegal

22 22. _____ What two advantages do the coastal countries of West Africa have over the Sahel countries?
a. better soil and more mineral resources
b. wetter climate and access to the sea
c. cooler temperatures and flatter terrain
d. large reserves of uranium and tin

23 23. _____ Why have the people of West Africa started to work at the local level to help their economies?
a. They have learned that their governments alone can do little to improve economic conditions.
b. Foreign countries have stopped all economic aid to West Africa.
c. One-man rule in West Africa has been replaced by democratic governments.
d. West Africans are beginning to resist colonial rule of their countries.

24 24. _____ What was one result of Nigeria's dependence on its oil profits?
a. Its production of gold declined.
b. Since most nations depend on Southwest Asia for their oil supply, there was no market for Nigerian oil.
c. Enormous oil profits resulted in the corruption and destabilization of the Nigerian government.
d. Nigeria suffered serious economic problems when the price of oil fell on the world market.

25 25. _____ Which of the following was not part of Nigeria's structural adjustment program?
a. selling state-run businesses to private companies
b. firing some government workers
c. ceasing to sell oil on the world market
d. stabilizing wages and prices

26 26. _____ Which is not a result of the use of the common CFA franc in many West and Central African countries?
a. trade among the CFA countries
b. general interdependence among CFA countries
c. lack of stability in international markets for CFA countries
d. travel between the different CFA countries

27 27. _____ Which sentence below is a cause-effect statement?
a. Nigerian students and workers often protested during the structural adjustment period.
b. One of the surprising facts about West Africa is that the Sahara was not always a desert.
c. Because of their location, the coastal countries of West Africa have many advantages.
d. The continent of Africa consists of a group of basins set in a vast plateau.

28 28. _____ What kind of city was Tombouctou, the capital of the Mali empire, during the reign of Mansa Musa?
a. a major center of Islamic learning and culture
b. a British colonial capital
c. a major port city for the European slave trade
d. a manufacturing center for bauxite and iron ore

29 29. _____ What effect has the herding of animals had on the Sahel?
a. Grazing has removed the forage, allowing larger plants to grow.
b. Herding has helped to reverse the desertification of the Sahel.
c. Overgrazing has destroyed the plants that hold the soil in place.
d. The Sahel has become the center of western Africa's cattle industry.

30 30. _____ What is a major reason for the failure of West Africa's coastal countries to create successful economies?
a. The region has been unable to borrow money for development.
b. The cost of the region's imports exceeds the value of its exports.
c. Most European nations avoid trading with West Africa.
d. The region exports only manufactured goods and not raw materials.

31 31. _____ What role do West African women play in the region's economy?
a. Tradition will not allow women to work outside the home.
b. Women make most of the economic decisions in West Africa's matriarchal society.
c. Women help grow crops and run local markets.
d. Women own and run most of the small businesses.

32 32. _____ Which of the following is not a physical characteristic of Nigeria?
a. rain forest b. mountains
c. savanna d. swamp

33 33. _____ Why did the military stage a coup in Nigeria in 1983?
a. Regional conflicts had brought the country to civil war.
b. Foreign investors had gained control of the country's industry.
c. The existing government was corrupt and ineffective.
d. The economy had broken down due to the sudden fall of oil prices on the world market.

34 34. _____ Why is there little movement through the Congo River basin?
a. The center of the basin is a dense rain forest.
b. The terrain in the basin is too rugged for easy passage.
c. Wildlife on the savanna makes it too dangerous to travel.
d. The basin is covered by a desert.

35 35. _____ What factor explains why Zaire has been economically unsuccessful?
a. corrupt national leadership and inefficient use of resources
b. a lack of natural resources
c. a lack of rivers that could be used for transportation
d. poor soil and a dry climate

36 36. _____ What are the cause and the effect in the following statement? Famine relief does not reach some parts of landlocked Africa because the transportation system is so poor.
a. The cause is starving people; the result is famine relief.
b. The cause is the poor transportation system; the effect is that relief can't reach the people.
c. The cause is landlocked Africa; the effect is that relief can't reach the people.
d. The cause is famine relief; the result is the poor transportation system.

37. _____ Under British rule in Kenya, which began in 1890,
a. Africans lost their most fertile farmland and all political power.
b. Africans continued living in their traditional homelands.
c. the Masai and the Kikuyu populations grew rapidly and became the dominant groups in the country.
d. European immigration to the country was greatly restricted.

38 38. _____ Kenya's social and political unrest is due largely to
a. rapid industrialization.
b. the country's move toward democracy.
c. the country's inability to supply enough food or jobs for its rapidly growing population.
d. the country's cash crop economy, which requires few farmers.

39 39. _____ Eritrea's long war with Ethiopia created
a. unity among its different ethnic groups.
b. sharp divisions among its different ethnic groups.
c. a postwar economic boom.
d. a thriving weapons industry.

40 40. _____ Sudan's many years of civil war have resulted from conflicts between
a. the northern military power and the southern economic power.
b. Muslim Arabs and Christian and animist Africans.
c. African southerners and European northerners.
d. the Hutus and the Tutsis.

41 41. _____ In recent years, Tanzania has
a. adopted a socialist system.
b. moved toward communism.
c. abandoned its free-enterprise system.
d. moved away from its socialist system.

42 42. _____ After South Africa became an independent republic in 1961,
a. many blacks moved out of the reserves into the cities.
b. the Afrikaners moved into and took control of African lands.
c. a large number of British citizens moved to South Africa to mine.
d. many Asians moved to South Africa to work in factories.

43 43. _____ The South African government changed its policy of apartheid in 1990 and 1991 because of
a. the policy's failure to eliminate racial discrimination.
b. the formation of the African National Congress (ANC) by Nelson Mandela.
c. international sanctions and an increase in protests by black South Africans.
d. an economically devastating civil war between black South Africans and whites.

44 44. _____ One problem that the countries of Rwanda and Burundi share is
a. a lack of means for moving their goods to foreign buyers.
b. a lack of a fresh water supply.
c. the absence of fertile soil.
d. very small populations.

45 45. _____ Zambia has become a poor country since the time the country gained independence because
a. uncertainty about the future forced most commercial farmers to flee.
b. the economy fell when the price of copper plunged.
c. the government failed to rebuild the country's economy after colonial rule.
d. the economy was devastated by a civil war.

46 46. _____ There is enough information given in your textbook to conclude that
a. Angola and Mozambique would have been world economic powers if they had not adopted a communist system after independence.
b. Namibia, on the west coast of southern Africa, has proven to be the most economically independent nation of the region.
c. Zambia and Zimbabwe would have had more economic success if they had adopted a communist economy after independence.
d. the countries of southern Africa are affected by the wealth and policies of the Republic of South Africa.

47 47. _____ The focus of movement in Kenya for centuries has been toward the
a. coastal lowlands on the eastern shores of the country.
b. lands around Lake Victoria in the southwest.
c. fertile lands of the central highlands on either side of the Great Rift Valley.
d. lands in the north and the northeast of the country.

48 48. _____ Kenya's government has concentrated mainly upon
a. growing cash crops such as coffee and tea.
b. exploiting the mineral wealth of the country.
c. encouraging subsistence farming.
d. developing service industries.

49 49. _____ Ethiopia's relative location changed because
a. Somalia occupied its coastline.
b. Eritrea's independence left Ethiopia landlocked.
c. its GNP fell.
d. its soil eroded.

50 50. _____ Conflicts between the Hutu and Tutsi have resulted in much violence and death in the countries of
a. Rwanda and Burundi. b. the Sudan and Uganda.
c. Djibouti and Ethiopia. d. Somalia and Tanzania.

51 51. _____ Tanzania's government turned around the country's failing economy by
a. forcing people to move into towns and to work on collective farms.
b. paying farmers a price for their crops that allowed them a profit.
c. creating government mining companies to mine the natural resources.
d. obtaining foreign loans that allowed the buildup of small industry.

52 52. _____ All of the following have contributed to South Africa's economic growth from 1950 to 1980 except
a. the country's reliance on coal as a source of energy.
b. the availability of investment capital.
c. an economic policy that rewarded its workers.
d. a vast pool of inexpensive black South African labor.

53 53. _____ The government of South Africa created homelands in order to
a. stop whites from taking over any more traditional black South African land.
b. control the movement of black South Africans toward the cities.
c. keep black South Africans out of the British society after the Boer War.
d. give black South Africans an amount of land proportional to their population.

54 54. _____ All of the following are true of Angola and Mozambique except that they
a. are coastal nations that were once Portuguese colonies.
b. have relied on South African aid to keep their economies from failing.
c. used communist economic systems to recover from colonial capitalism.
d. have rebel groups that have fought the governments in civil war.

55 55. _____ One major difference between the economies of Zambia and Zimbabwe is that in Zimbabwe
a. the economy was dependent on only one product, copper.
b. no infrastructure was ever developed to support the economy.
c. the president instituted a cautious policy of land redistribution.
d. the wealth of natural resources was used to develop industry.

56 56. _____ There is enough information given in your text to conclude that
a. Malawi and Botswana are likely to sever all economic ties with South Africa.
b. Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC) have no influence among the people of Africa.
c. pressure by Africans and international sanctions affected the South African economy and attitudes toward apartheid.
d. the Boer War was more a conflict of racial prejudice than a war to win control over the region and wealth of South Africa.

57. _____ The Indian subcontinent includes India and all of the following countries except
a. Afghanistan and Pakistan. b. Bangladesh and Bhutan.
c. Nepal and Sri Lanka. d. Myanmar and Thailand.

58 58. _____ The Indian subcontinent is separated from the rest of Asia by the
a. Himalayas. b. Ganges River.
c. Deccan Plateau. d. Eastern Ghats.

59 59. _____ All of the following help form the large alluvial plain in the northern region of South Asia except the
a. Indus River. b. Krishna River.
c. Ganges River. d. Brahmaputra River.

60 60. _____ The heavy rains in South Asia are due to the
a. summer monsoons that pick up moisture from the warm Indian Ocean.
b. winter monsoons that bring cold air and low temperatures to the region.
c. continental air that blows from Asia's mainland over much of South Asia.
d. scorching temperatures that can reach as high as 110øF.

61 61. _____ Because the Western Ghats block the monsoon winds, the interior of the subcontinent has a climate that is
a. hot and dry. b. subarctic.
c. cold and wet. d. warm and humid.

62 62. _____ Most areas of high population in South Asia are located along coastal regions and in northeastern India and Bangladesh where
a. the landscapes are the most attractive.
b. nomadic herding is most common.
c. there is little economic activity.
d. rainfall is abundant.

63 63. _____ Most of the people in South Asia make their living from
a. mining. b. herding.
c. farming. d. weaving.

64 64. _____ The landform through which the Ganges River flows is the
a. Deccan Plateau.
b. Great Indian Desert.
c. Himalaya Mountains.
d. Indo-Gangetic Plain.

65 65. _____ The factor that is forcing many South Asians to move to cities is
a. religious conflict in rural areas.
b. the threat of landslides in coastal areas.
c. lack of arable land due to a growing population.
d. dry conditions in the Indo-Gangetic Plain.

66 66. _____ The two religions with the most followers in South Asia are
a. Hinduism and Christianity.
b. Christianity and Sikhism.
c. Hinduism and Islam.
d. Sikhism and Buddhism.

67 67. _____ The major rivers in South Asia include all of the following except the
a. Indus. b. Ganges.
c. Tigris. d. Brahmaputra.

68 68. _____ The landform occupying the center of the triangle that forms the Indian subcontinent is the
a. Deccan Plateau. b. Western Ghats.
c. Indo-Gangetic Plain. d. Eastern Ghats.

69 69. _____ The climate of South Asia is mainly influenced by the region's
a. location far from large bodies of water.
b. high temperatures and monsoon winds.
c. position atop the Indo-Australian plate.
d. location in the upper latitudes.

70 70. _____ The monsoon rains can bring all of the following kinds of destruction to the region except
a. floods. b. landslides.
c. storm surges. d. drought.

71 71. _____ Because the Western Ghats block winds and rain from the southwest, the interior of the Indian subcontinent
a. is covered with mixed forest vegetation.
b. is covered with a thick tropical rain forest.
c. has a continental climate.
d. is hot and dry.

72 72. _____ The Indo-Gangetic Plain is one of the most densely populated areas of the subcontinent because of its
a. lush rain forests. b. fertile land.
c. ocean ports. d. high mountains.

73 73. _____ The physical features that determine where the rain will fall in South Asia are
a. rivers. b. coastal areas.
c. mountains. d. plains.

74 74. _____ One of the greatest challenges facing South Asia today is
a. gaining independence from the British.
b. growing enough food to feed its large population.
c. increasing its population.
d. improving rail transportation throughout the region.

75 75. _____ Relatively little economic activity occurs
a. along the Indian coast.
b. in areas of high population density.
c. along the mountainous northern border of South Asia.
d. in the southern portion of India.

76 76. _____ All of the following statements are true except:
a. South Asia is one of the most densely populated regions of the world.
b. More and more South Asians are moving to cities.
c. All of the people in South Asia share a common culture and religion.
d. Farming is the most important economic activity in South Asia.

77. _____ In 1947, India and Pakistan
a. became independent countries.
b. came under British control.
c. were reunited.
d. were divided into Indian-run provinces.

78 78. _____ In order to avoid being ruled by a majority religion to which they did not belong, in 1947
a. 12 million Indians migrated to other Asian nations.
b. all of the Muslims living in Pakistan left the country.
c. millions of Hindus moved to India and millions of Muslims moved to Pakistan.
d. most of the Hindus living in India moved to Pakistan.

79 79. _____ A war between India and Pakistan in 1971 resulted in the
a. unification of East and West Pakistan.
b. creation of the new nation of Bangladesh.
c. largest migration of refugees in history.
d. establishment of East Pakistan as a colony of West Pakistan.

80 80. _____ All of the following statements describe rural life in India except:
a. Most Indians follow a primarily vegetarian diet for both economic and religious reasons.
b. Many Indian women wear saris and many cover their faces completely with a veil when outside of the home.
c. Although all family members help in carrying out chores, life is particularly demanding for women.
d. Radios and televisions are not part of village life.

81 81. _____ In recent years, many Indians have
a. moved from rural areas to the cities in search of better educational and employment opportunities.
b. returned to rural villages and to traditional ways of life.
c. left India's large, overcrowded cities to live in small towns.
d. moved from remote villages to small towns.

82 82. _____ Businesses such as weaving or pottery making that people set up in their own homes are called
a. cottage industries. b. joint family systems.
c. buffer states. d. partitions.

83 83. _____ The Indus River is important to Pakistan because the river
a. is held sacred by the Muslims.
b. drains the flood waters left by the monsoons.
c. deposits rich silt behind the Tarbela Dam.
d. provides water for irrigation.

84 84. _____ Because of its location and physical terrain, Afghanistan
a. is threatened by dangerous flood waters during the summer monsoons.
b. has been a route for merchants and soldiers crossing from China to India.
c. is the leading agricultural and trading nation in the region.
d. is isolated from other countries in the region.

85 85. _____ Most people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are
a. Buddhists. b. Muslims.
c. Hindus. d. Protestants.

86 86. _____ All of the following are important when predicting the consequences of events and trends except
a. having a clear and accurate understanding of the event or trend.
b. evaluating possible consequences and determining which are more likely to occur.
c. using prior knowledge and experience.
d. predicting with certainty which consequences will occur.

87 87. _____ Increased Indian and international pressure in 1935 resulted in the
a. destruction of the Indian cottage industry.
b. establishment of Indian-run provinces.
c. creation of a British state.
d. division of India into two states.

88 88. _____ After gaining independence, millions of the subcontinent's Hindus moved to India and many Muslims moved to Pakistan because
a. each group wanted to move to a country where its religion was the majority religion.
b. both groups wanted to escape British rule.
c. independence gave them the freedom to live where they wished.
d. friendly relations between the two groups allowed easy movement between the countries.

89 89. _____ East Pakistanis felt discriminated against by West Pakistanis for all of the following reasons except that
a. East Pakistanis paid more taxes than West Pakistanis.
b. more than half of the country's budget was spent in West Pakistan.
c. most government and army positions were held by West Pakistanis.
d. East Pakistanis were forced to abandon their Bengali language and literary tradition.

90 90. _____ Most of the people in India live in
a. nomadic camps.
b. small, rural villages.
c. medium-sized towns.
d. large, overcrowded cities.

91 91. _____ The growth of India's middle class in recent years has resulted in a(n)
a. decline in the birthrate.
b. increase in the production of consumer goods.
c. lower rate of literacy.
d. decrease in urban population.

92 92. _____ Built on the banks of the Ganges, the city of Varanasi is
a. India's busiest port and financial center.
b. the capital of India.
c. India's largest commercial district.
d. considered by Hindus the holiest city in the world.

93 93. _____ Bangladesh can be accurately described as a country that
a. has a diversified economy.
b. suffers from poverty, overpopulation, and natural disasters.
c. contains rich mineral resources in the delta basin.
d. includes large areas of light population.

94 94. _____ Clearing more than half of Sri Lanka's rain forest for farmland and other development has brought about
a. great economic growth in the country.
b. conflict between the Sinhalese and the Tamils.
c. changes in the island's weather patterns and subsequent droughts.
d. rapid urbanization of the island.

95 95. _____ The physical geography of Nepal and Bhutan consists of
a. a flat, fertile river delta emptying into the Bay of Bengal.
b. elevations ranging from 600 feet to more than 20,000 feet.
c. the high mountain peaks of the Hindu Kush.
d. arid lowlands that rise to barren plateaus.

96 96. _____ Predicting consequences of events and trends involves all of the following except
a. predicting consequences for different groups involved.
b. determining with certainty which consequences will occur.
c. understanding the events or trends that have taken place.
d. identifying the consequences that are more likely to occur.

97. Determining Relevance How has climate affected population patterns in Africa?

98 98. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships How might the existence of nearly 3,000 ethnic groups and 800 languages affect life in countries south of the Sahara?

99 99. Identifying Alternatives Many African nations today have weak, unstable economies as a result of their dependence on the export of just one or two products. What are two ways in which African nations might reverse this situation and strengthen their economies?

100100. Synthesizing Information What challenges does Africa face today?

101101. Predicting Consequences Explain why clearing trees from the rain forest would result in poor, unproductive soil.

102102. Expressing Problems Clearly Why have the attempts at modernizing many of the African economies not been able to increase the countries' wealth? Why have modernization projects in Africa not brought increased wealth to the region?

103. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships Explain how drought and desertification in the Sahel have affected the inhabitants of the region in the past two decades.

104104. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships What are three ways that early European trade along the coast of West Africa affected the entire region?

105105. Identifying Alternatives Give three steps that can be taken to stop the deforestation and desertification of the Sahel.

106106. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships Why are children important to the spiritual beliefs of many African peoples?

107107. Expressing Problems Clearly Why must the people of the Sahel consider long-term effects of their methods of food production?

108108. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships How do rain forests help to prevent the greenhouse effect?

109. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships How did the coming of the railroad change life in Kenya?

110. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment Do you think that India's many languages have hindered or helped to create unity among its people? Explain your answer.

111111. Identifying Assumptions What type of farming do you think takes place in most of South Asia? Why?

112112. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships How do the monsoons and the mountains influence the climate in South Asia?

113113. Making Comparisons Based on what you have learned about its physical features, culture, climate, and economy, how would you compare life in South Asia with life in the United States? List at least three points of comparison or contrast.

114114. Predicting Consequences What do you think would happen if most of the family-run farms in South Asia were converted to large, technologically advanced commercial farms?

115115. Checking Consistency How are monsoon rains responsible for both survival and hardship in South Asia?

116. Predicting Consequences Read the following passage. Then, answer the question that follows. When the Republic of India was established in 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru became India's first prime minister. Under his leadership, a democratic constitution was drafted and adopted under which the pariahs, the lowest of India's social castes, could no longer be discriminated against. What consequences would you predict for the pariahs?

117117. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment Why do you think nonviolent resistance was so effective in helping India gain independence?

118118. Determining Relevance What role does modern technology play in the education of India's rural villagers?

119119. Predicting Consequences Read the following passage. Then, answer the question that follows. In a free election held on December 2, 1988, Benazir Bhutto was elected prime minister of Pakistan. The first woman ever to be elected leader of a Muslim nation, after being sworn in, Bhutto said, "I think it's a great day for women, a great day for youth, a great day for Islam, and above all a great day for Pakistan." What consequences would you predict for Pakistani women?

120120. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment Do you think that the British influence in India was positive or negative? Explain your answer.

121121. Recognizing Bias How did British actions at the time of colonization reflect bias against the Indians? What were the results of these actions?

structural adjustment program
ancestor worship
inland delta
shifting agriculture

122. When overharvested land is stripped of its trees, the process is called __________.
123123. Food for grazing animals is called __________.
124124. The loss of all vegetation in an area following a drought is called __________.
125125. A(n) __________ flees his or her country to escape danger.
126126. An area of lakes, creeks, and swamps away from the ocean is a(n) __________.
127127. Belief in the spirits of the dead is known as __________.
128128. A(n) __________ is designed to change the structure of an economy to make it work better.
129129. A(n) __________ is a soldier who is hired to fight.
structural adjustment program
ancestor worship
inland delta
shifting agriculture
130. A farmer practices __________ when he prepares new farmland to replace fields in which soil has been exhausted.
131131. The process of stripping the land of all its trees is called __________.
132132. Most of the Sahel countries are __________, or cut off from the sea.
133133. A(n) __________ is a sudden, violent takeover of a government.
134134. Conflict in the region has been worsened by the use of __________, or soldiers for hire.
135135. The belief that ordinary things in nature contain gods or spirits is called __________.
136136. A drought frequently causes __________, which is the loss of all vegetation.
137137. A person who leaves his or her homeland to avoid danger or persecution is a(n) __________.
strategic value
land redistribution
shifting agriculture
138. A(n) __________ is a government in which one ethnic group rules over others.
139139. Under the policy of __________, land is taken from those who have plenty and is given to those who have little or none.
140140. A Swahili word that means "pulling together" is __________.
141141. The forcing of people to move into towns and to work on collective farms is called __________.
142142. Through __________, the South African government established a legal basis for the "apartness" of racial groups in South Africa.
143143. Because Kenya does not grow enough food to feed its people, many of its people suffer from __________.
144144. A(n) __________ is a measure that punishes a country for actions not approved of by the international community.
145145. East Africa's coastal location gives some of its countries __________, the value of a location for nations planning large-scale military actions.
alluvial plain
tectonic plate
rooftop of the world
146. The __________ is the seasonal shift in the winds of South Asia.
147147. About half the people in India understand the language called __________.
148148. A(n) __________ is a large landmass.
149149. A broad expanse of rich, fertile land along a riverbank is a(n) __________.
caste system
buffer state
nonviolent resistance
autonomous division
150. Through __________, Gandhi opposed British rule in a peaceful manner.
151151. Gandhi's __________ of British cloth was one way in which he peacefully opposed British rule.
152152. Conflicts between India's Hindu and Muslim groups forced British and Indian leaders to __________ India into two states.
153153. The Muslim custom according to which women keep their faces covered with a veil when outside of the home is called __________.
154154. Hinduism includes the belief that the soul passes through cycles of ____________.
155155. According to the __________, people are born into particular groups with distinct ranks in society.
156156. Afghanistan is a(n) __________, a country that separates two political enemies.
a. animism
b. sanction
c. infrastructure
d. apartheid
e. strategic value
f. nationalism
g. land redistribution
h. diffusion
i. harambee
j. malnutrition
k. shifting agriculture
l. villagization
m. ethnocracy
157. _____ disease caused by an unhealthy diet
158158. _____ value of a location for nations planning large-scale military actions
159159. _____ type of government in which one ethnic group rules over other ethnic groups
160160. _____ act of forcing people to move into towns and to work on collective farms
161161. _____ South Africa's policy of strict racial, political, and economic discrimination against non-whites
162162. _____ an economic policy of mutual cooperation, or pulling together
163163. _____ economic measure taken against a country to force it to comply with international law
164164. _____ act of taking land from those who have plenty and giving it to those who have little or none
a. rooftop of the world
b. monsoon
c. apartheid
d. Mt. Everest
e. segregation
f. subcontinent
g. precipitation
h. alluvial plain
i. Hindi
165. _____ large landmass
166166. _____ broad expanse of rich, fertile land along a riverbank
167167. _____ seasonal shift in the winds of Asia
168168. _____ Indo-European language
169169. _____ nickname for the Himalayan mountain range
a. caste system
b. buffer state
c. nonviolent resistance
d. joint family system
e. malnutrition
f. reincarnation
g. boycott
h. partition
i. autonomous division
170. _____ opposing an enemy by any means other than violence
171171. _____ refuse to purchase or use
172172. _____ divide into parts
173173. _____ belief that the souls of human beings and animals go through a series of births, deaths, and rebirths
174174. _____ large family made up of several related families living together
175175. _____ social hierarchy in which people are born into a particular group with a distinct rank in society
176176. _____ country that separates two political enemies