GEO 101
Introduction to Geography
Test Study Guides

As geographers use the term, scale tells us
a. the weight of a given commodity
b. the intrinsic character of the object or the area studied
c. the relationship between earth distance and map distance
d. the length of a degree


The location of Chicago at 41 49’ N latitude and 87 37’ W longitude is an example of
a. intensive location
b. absolute location
c. relative location
d. remote location

Every map projection has some degree of distortion because
a. a curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distortion
b. parallels and meridians never cross at right angles on a globe
c. the grid system is two-dimensional but the earth is three-dimensional
d. a sphere is a developable surface

All of the following are key reference points in the grid system EXCEPT the
a. North and South Poles
b. polar circumference
c. equator
d. prime meridian

Which one of the following correctly lists the four main properties of maps?
a. area, distance, latitude, longitude
b. equivalence, shape, latitude, longitude
c. conformality, equivalence, direction, symbols
d. distance, area, direction, shape

Which of the following is the largest scale?
a. 1:8,000
b. 1:24,000
c. 1:50,000
d. 1:63,360

Which of the following statements about latitude is true?
a. latitude is a measure of distance and of the equator
b. latitude lines are always parallel to each other on a globe
c. latitude varies from 0 to 180
d. on a globe, lines of latitude intersect parallels of longitude at right angles


A map scale of 1:25,000 means that
a. one inch on the map represents 25,000 feet on the earth
b. one inch on the map represents 25,000 inches on the earth
c. one foot on the map represents 25,000 inches on the earth
d. one foot on the map represents 25,000 miles on the earth

A map drawn in which of the following scales would show the most detail?
a. 1:500,000
b. 1:250,000
c. 1:63,360
d. 1:24,000

Which of the following statements about longitude is NOT correct?
a. degrees of longitude range from 0 to 180
b. it is the angular distance east or west of the prime meridian
c. all meridians are the same length
d. distance between adjacent degrees of longitude increases away from the equator

The federal agency that makes most of the topographic maps in the United States is the
d. Census Bureau

Which of the following is NOT one of the five major components of a geographic information system?
a. geographic database
b. pixel
c. computer hardware
d. computer software

Meridians of longitude are farthest apart at the
a. equator
b. poles
c. International Date Line
d. Arctic Circle

What is the representative fraction scale of a map in which one inch represents one quarter of a mile on the ground?
a. 1:21,120
b. 1:15,840
c. 1:10,560
d. 1:2,640

An intrusive igneous rock is formed from
a. lava that cools rapidly on the earth’s surface
b. magma that cools slowly on the earth’s surface
c. lava that cools rapidly beneath the earth’s surface
d. magma that cools slowly beneath the earth’s surface

Earthquakes result from movement associated with
a. faulting
b. carbonation
c. glacial activity
d. mechanical weathering

The breaking up of rock by freezing and thawing is the result of
a. chemical weathering
b. gravity transfer
c. erosion
d. mechanical weathering

Which of the following is NOT one of the three classes of rock?
a. tectonic
b. metamorphic
c. sedimentary
d. igneous

Which of the following groups contains processes caused only by mechanical weathering?
a. frost action, root action, development of salt crystals
b. hydrolysis, oxidation, carbonation
c. frost action, carbonation, root action
d. development of salt crystals, oxidation, carbonation

The elements that make up weather include
a. temperature, vegetation and precipitation
b. precipitation, temperature and wind
c. temperature, wind and soils
d. climate, moisture and solar energy

The intensity and duration of radiation that various places on the earth receive from the sun mainly depend on
a. weather conditions
b. the angle at which the sun’s rays strike the earth
c. earth rotation
d. the earth surface material

The earth’s axis is tilted about _______ away from the perpendicular.
a. 67.5
b. 45
c. 7.5
d. 23.5

The type of precipitation that is associated with hills and mountains is called
a. convectional
b. orographic
c. frontal
d. cyclonic

The leading edge of a continental polar air mass is called
a. the southern oscillation
b. a front
c. the windward side
d. a pressure gradient


Characteristic vegetation of the steppe climate is
a. tundra
b. deciduous forest
c. coniferous forest
d. grasses

The name given to the zone to the north of the forested subarctic region is
a. humid continental climate
b. the tundra
c. the savanna
d. the steppe

Precipitation is least reliable in
a. steppes
b. deserts
c. rain forests
d. savannas

The term insolation refers to
a. the rate of pressure change
b. solar energy received by the earth
c. distribution of temperature over land and water
d. evaporation from both water surfaces and plants

The smallest but most violent of all storm types is the
a. hurricane
b. tycoon
c. tornado
d. typhoon

The natural vegetation characteristic of areas that have warm temperatures and heavy rainfall evenly throughout the year is
a. deciduous forest
b. coniferous forest
c. tropical rain forest
d. steppe

Which of the following does NOT place growing demands on water supplies?
a. hydrologic cycle
b. urbanization
c. industrialization
d. agriculture

Which of the following is NOT a means of reducing the impact of solid waste on the environment?
a. reducing the volume of waste that is generated
b. halting irresponsible dumping
c. increasing the production of toxic residues
d. reusing the resources the waste contains

Which of the following statements about solid waste is NOT true?
a. the amount of waste has remained at about the same level in recent years
b. society has always been faced with the problems of discarding materials that are no longer needed
c. much municipal waste is hazardous because it contains toxic chemicals
d. every method of disposing of such waste has an impact on the environment

Discharging emissions from very tall smokestacks
a. is rarely used in the U.S. because of high costs
b. is favored by the EPA
c. prevents secondary pollutants from forming
d. increases the risk of acid deposition

In the food chain, the only organisms that produce their own food are
a. carnivores
b. herbivores
c. bacteria
d. plants




The hydrologic cycle involves
a. evaporation, condensation, and precipitation
b. decimation, concentration, and precipitation
c. transpiration, vaporization, and decimation
d. vaporization, perturbation, and declination

In the United States the area that receives the greatest amount of acid rain is
a. California
b. Florida
c. the Rocky Mountains
d. the Appalachians

The chief factor contributing to acid rain is
a. burning fossil fuels
b. use of nuclear energy
c. cloud seeding
d. ozone emissions

What gas in the stratosphere prevents dangerous intensities of ultraviolet radiation from reaching the earth’s surface?
a. ozone
b. hydrogen
c. argon
d. nitrogen

Which one of the following occurrences is most typical after the clearing of a tropical rain forest?
a. high crop yields are maintained for many decades
b. biotic diversity is increased
c. soils soon lose their fertility
d. the natural environment is permanently improved