Advanced Placement (AP) Geography
Proposed Course Outlines

AP Geography -- Proposed Course Outline


Textbook -- An Introduction to Geography: People, Places & Environment (1995), Renwick & Rubenstein, Prentice Hall


The following outline is designed for an 18 week semester using an 80 minute class block schedule.


Week Chapter Topics


1. Course Introduction Course topics

Course expectations

Reading requirements

Skills checks


2. World Regional Overview (Prerequisites) Themes of geography

Geographic skills



3. Basic Concepts Ch. 1 Maps



Geographic data


4. Physical Geography Ch. 2, 3 Solar energy

Circulation patterns

Climate patterns

Past & future climate changes


5. Physical Geography Ch. 4, 5 Plate tectonics


Biospheres & hydrospheres

Soil and biomes


6. Natural Resources Ch. 6 Energy resources

Mineral resources

Food resources

Forest resources


7. Population Ch. 7 Using population data

Population trends and projections

Population policies

Demographic transition models


8. Languages & Religions Ch. 8 Language origins

Language spread and change

Distribution of languages

Classification and distribution of religions Religious impact on the land

Religious conflicts


9. Social Customs & Diversity Ch. 8 Innovation



Cultural diversity


10. Political Geography Ch. 9 Political systems


Geographic characteristics of states

Political cohesiveness


11. Development Ch. 10 Indicators of development

Regional development

Promoting development


12. Agriculture Ch. 11 Development and diffusion of agriculture

Subsistence and commercial farming

Intensive and extensive agriculture

Agricultural models


13. World Supply of Food Ch. 11 Problems for subsistence farmers

Problems for commercial farmers

Increasing the world supply of food


14. Industry Ch. 12 Origination and diffusion of industry

Locational considerations

Manufacturing regions of the world

Models of industrialization


15. Settlements Ch. 13 Why are settlements established

Rural vs. urban

Growth of settlements

Central place theory


16. Suburbs Ch. 13 Urban land use and planning

Systems of urban settlements

Causes and consequences of suburbanization

World urban diversity

Inside the modern city


17. Research Projects


18. Course Review All previous material