A. Vocabulary

Directions: Match the definitions with the terms. Write the correct letter in each blank. You will not use all the terms.

a. muezzin
b. Hajj
c. desert
d. mosque
e. prophet
f. oasis
g. Muslim
h. arable
i. monotheism
j. minaret

1. _____ pilgrimage to Mecca
2. _____ suitable for farming
3. _____ Islamic place of worship
4. _____ person who calls Muslims to prayer
5 5. _____ follower of Islam
6 6. _____ tall, thin tower attached to Islamic house of worship
7 7. _____ fertile place in a dry region formed by a source of water
8 8. _____ person whose teachings are believed to be inspired by God
A. Vocabulary
Directions: Match the definitions with the terms. Write the correct letter in each blank. You will not use all the terms.
a. falaj system
b. anarchy
c. shah
d. infrastructure
e. secular
f. ayatollahs
g. mandate
h. embargo
i. desalination
j. drip irrigation
k. militia
l. Zionists
m. Knesset
n. self-determination
9. _____ agreement under which a foreign power governs a country until it is ready for independence
10 10. _____ Jews who believe that the return of Palestine to the Jewish people is their historic right
11 11. _____ method of allowing precise amounts of water to drip from pipes onto plants
12 12. _____ Israel's parliament
13 13. _____ army
14 14. _____ state of lawlessness or political disorder
15 15. _____ process of purifying seawater of salt
16 16. _____ country's basic support facilities
17 17. _____ ancient network of underground and surface canals in Oman
18 18. _____ conservative Islamic religious leaders
A. Vocabulary
Directions: Match the definitions with the terms. Write the correct letter in each blank. You will not use all the terms.
a. capital
b. perennial irrigation
c. caravan
d. wadi
e. pharaoh
f. reservoir
g. fellaheen
h. basin irrigation
i. bazaar
j. medina
19. _____ traditional Arab open-air market in Egypt
20 20. _____ practice of building walls around fields in order to trap the water and silt overflowing from the banks of a river
21 21. _____ ruler of ancient Egypt who was worshipped as a god
22 22. _____ artificial lake created by damming a river
23 23. _____ older Arab section of a city in North Africa
24 24. _____ system that provides needed water to fields throughout the year
25 25. _____ large groups of merchants joined together to travel in safety
B. Key Geographic Concepts and Skills
Directions: Write the letter of the correct ending in the blank.
26. _____ Much of the land in Southwest Asia is made up of
a. semiarid, rocky mountains.
b. dried-up gullies and deep river valleys.
c. dry, hot desert.
d. fertile coastal plains.
27 27. _____ Because most of the inhabitants in Southwest Asia live near reliable sources of water, the population of the region is
a. unevenly distributed over the area.
b. concentrated in small desert villages.
c. greatest in highland areas.
d. more than 90 percent Muslim.
28 28. _____ Small rivers are important to the region because
a. there are no large rivers in the area.
b. only small rivers deposit rich soil when they flood.
c. rivers are the major source of water in the region.
d. rivers are the main means of transportation in the area.
29 29. _____ In the Tigris-Euphrates basin, the vegetation is
a. grassland. b. mixed forest.
c. evergreen forest. d. desert.
30 30. _____ All of the following are among the Pillars of Islam except
a. performing daily prayers. b. memorizing the Koran.
c. giving to charity. d. making a Hajj.
31 31. _____ As the rural population of the region grows, many farm families are forced to
a. become nomadic herders.
b. work to build dams and irrigation systems.
c. move to the cities to earn a living.
d. move to farming villages along the major rivers.
32 32. _____ A Mediterranean climate region is found
a. throughout Southwest Asia.
b. from the Mediterranean coast east to Saudi Arabia.
c. around the Persian Gulf.
d. on the west coast of the Mediterranean.
33 33. _____ All of the following religions began in Southwest Asia except
a. Judaism. b. Christianity.
c. Islam. d. Buddhism.
34 34. _____ All three of the major religions that developed in Southwest Asia
a. are monotheistic.
b. originated in Iran.
c. were based on the teachings of Muhammad.
d. used Arabic as the language of their holy books.
35 35. _____ Water is a precious resource in Southwest Asia because
a. there are few harbors in the region.
b. temperatures rise dramatically during the day.
c. there are few underground springs in the area.
d. most of the region receives less than 10 inches (25 cm) of rain a year.
36 36. _____ Southwest Asia can best be characterized as
a. an area with few resources.
b. a desert with an arid and semiarid climate.
c. a region of forests.
d. an area of forests and grasslands.
37 37. _____ The most important source of water for the region is
a. rainfall. b. underground springs.
c. rivers. d. the Mediterranean Sea.
38 38. _____ Life in the desert is spread out over great distances primarily because
a. water is scarce.
b. people prefer to live apart from each other.
c. the desert is too hot in some areas.
d. the soil is richer in areas of high elevation.
39 39. _____ The predominant religion in Southwest Area is
a. Christianity. b. Islam.
c. Judaism. d. Hinduism.
40 40. _____ The teachings of Muhammad have been recorded in the
a. Torah. b. Koran.
c. Five Pillars of Islam. d. New Testament.
41 41. _____ Farmers in Southwest Asia have adapted to the dry climate of the region by
a. building dams and irrigation systems.
b. covering large areas with forests.
c. becoming nomads who search for fertile soil.
d. settling in small villages and towns near markets.
42 42. _____ The most important factor determining population distribution in Southwest Asia is the location of
a. oil reserves. b. reliable sources of water.
c. Islamic houses of worship. d. centers of trade.
43 43. _____ Each of the following is one of the Five Pillars of Islam except
a. performing daily prayers.
b. fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
c. adopting the Arabic language.
d. traveling to Mecca once in a lifetime to pray.
B. Key Geographic Concepts and Skills
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank.
44. _____ What occurred after the fall of the Ottoman Empire?
a. The Seljuk Turks conquered almost all of Southwest Asia.
b. The followers of Muhammad invaded Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Persia.
c. Islam successfully governed the people in Southwest Asia as one political region for 150 years.
d. Southwest Asia was divided into several countries and political entities.
45 45. _____ Which of the following was not part of the United Nations' solution to the problem of Palestine in 1947?
a. Palestine was divided into an Arab state and a Jewish state.
b. The city of Jerusalem was designated as an international city.
c. Palestine was divided among Jews, Palestinians, Egyptians, and Jordanians.
d. Palestine's Jewish minority gained control of more than half of the country's lands.
46 46. _____ What event left the Palestinians without a homeland?
a. the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 b. World War I
c. the Arab-Israeli war of 1967 d. World War II
47 47. What is Israel's greatest resource?
a. fertile land b. a skilled work force
c. oil d. water
48 48. _____ Which of the following statements is true?
a. Arabs living in Israel are Israeli citizens who have full political rights.
b. Israeli Arabs and Jews live in the same communities and attend the same schools.
c. Arabs are allowed to serve in Israel's army.
d. Arabs make up more than 80 percent of Israel's population.
49 49. _____ Which statement about Iraq is not true?
a. Outdated farming methods have affected Iraq's agricultural output.
b. Profits from Iraq's oil industry have been used to develop the country.
c. A war with Iran severely strained Iraq's financial resources.
d. Farming is Iraq's most important economic activity.
50 50. _____ Why have countries on the Arabian Peninsula invested large sums of money to develop industries other than the oil industry?
a. Oil revenues are too low to support their economies.
b. The countries need to provide jobs for their large populations.
c. The countries realize that one day they will run out of oil.
d. Most countries on the Arabian Peninsula have large amounts of other resources.
51 51. _____ In what two countries has life changed very little over the centuries?
a. Bahrain and Qatar
b. Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates
c. Oman and Yemen
d. Saudi Arabia and Jordan
52 52. _____ What is one of the changes that Turkey's president Mustafa Kemal, or Atatrk, brought to the country?
a. He created a bond between Islam and the Turkish government.
b. He replaced public secular schools with traditional Islamic schools.
c. He gave women many political and legal rights.
d. He replaced European law with Islamic law.
53 53. _____ How are Turkey, Iran, and Israel different from other countries in Southwest Asia?
a. Most of the people in Turkey, Iran, and Israel are Christians.
b. Arabic is not the major language of the three countries.
c. There has been very little conflict in these countries over the years.
d. They have no oil reserves.
54 54. _____ What was the result of Iran's 1979 revolution?
a. The Sunnis defeated the Shiites in their struggle for control of Iran.
b. Iran cut off Western influence and became an Islamic republic.
c. The Iranian Persians defeated the Iraqi Arab rule.
d. Iran became a modern, Western nation.
55 55. _____ Which group of people established the last great empire of Southwest Asia?
a. the Persians b. the Ottoman Turks
c. the Arabs d. the Seljuks
56 56. _____ What was not a result of the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
a. Saudi Arabia and Yemen made up an independent Arab state.
b. France ruled Syria under mandate.
c. The area from southern Turkey to southern Arabia, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the borders of Iran, formed an independent Arab state.
d. Great Britain ruled Palestine and Iraq under mandates.
57 57. _____ What effect did the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 have on the Palestinians?
a. The Palestinians gained control of almost three fourths of Palestine.
b. The Palestinians lost one half of the country to the Israelis.
c. The Palestinians were left without a homeland.
d. The Palestinians established an independent homeland with territories given to them by Egypt and Jordan.
58 58. _____ How did the Israelis overcome the challenge of limited farmland?
a. by using traditional irrigation methods
b. by growing fewer crops
c. by developing oil resources
d. by draining swamps and building irrigation systems
59 59. _____ What group of people makes up 17 percent of Israel's population?
a. Sephardic Jews b. Arabs
c. European Jews d. Oriental Jews
60 60. _____ Which of the following led to Lebanon's civil war?
a. disagreements among Lebanon's religious groups
b. PLO attacks on Israelis based in Lebanon
c. anger over an Arab-Israeli peace agreement
d. conflicts between the military and the government
61 61. _____ Which of the following statements about Syria is not true?
a. Many Syrians have left their farms in recent decades to work in cities.
b. Syria has very little fertile farmland.
c. Damascus and Aleppo have long been centers of trade.
d. Dams built by Turkey may affect Syria's future.
62 62. _____ How have countries on the Arabian Peninsula prepared for the eventual depletion of their oil supplies?
a. by developing other industries
b. by searching for new sources of energy
c. by allowing only nationals to work in their countries
d. by preserving traditional lifestyles
63 63. _____ How do most people in Yemen and Oman make their living?
a. from oil b. from mining
c. from fishing d. from farming and herding
64 64. _____ Which of the following statements about Turkey is true?
a. Turkey is one of the most industrialized countries in the Middle East.
b. Turkey is an almost entirely agricultural nation.
c. Women in Turkey have very few political or legal rights.
d. Agriculture is no longer important to Turkey's economy.
65 65. _____ The civil war in Cyprus during the 1970s stemmed from conflicts between what two groups of people?
a. Greek Orthodox Christians and Turkish Muslims
b. Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims
c. Greek Muslims and Arab Muslims
d. ultra-orthodox Greeks and non-religious Greeks
B. Key Geographic Concepts and Skills
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank.
66. _____ Water from which of the following sources keeps Egypt from becoming a desert?
a. the Mediterranean Sea
b. heavy rainfall
c. the Nile River
d. the Red Sea
67 67. _____ Where do the vast majority of Egypt's people live?
a. along the Nile River and in the Nile Delta
b. along the Mediterranean coast
c. along the Red Sea and Lake Nasser
d. in the Sinai Peninsula
68 68. _____ What event led to Great Britain's renewed interest in Egypt in the late 1800s?
a. the opening of the Suez Canal
b. discovery of oil in the Sinai Peninsula
c. the building of the Aswan Dam
d. the French invasion of Egypt
69 69. _____ What are Egypt's most important exports today?
a. cotton and cotton textiles
b. manufactured goods
c. phosphates
d. oil and petroleum products
70 70. _____ What was the major reason that Egypt tried to develop closer ties with the Arab Middle East immediately after the end of World War II?
a. to oppose the establishment of the state of Israel
b. to raise capital for the building of the Aswan Dam
c. to promote trade among countries in the Middle East
d. to protect the Suez Canal
71 71. _____ Which of the following problems is not a result of Egypt's growing population?
a. overcrowded cities
b. emigration of educated professionals to other countries
c. a diminishing food supply
d. widespread unemployment
72 72. _____ What countries make up the Maghreb nations?
a. all Islamic nations
b. Egypt and Libya
c. Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco
d. the countries west of Egypt bordering the Mediterranean Sea
73 73. _____ When did North Africa enter a golden age during which the region became an important center of learning?
a. during rule by the Carthaginians
b. during Roman rule
c. after the Arab conquest
d. after European powers invaded the region
74 74. _____ Which of the following is true of both Libya and all the nations of the Maghreb?
a. Most of the land area is covered by tropical rain forest.
b. They were French colonies until the mid-1900s.
c. The majority of their people live along the Mediterranean coast.
d. Their economies depend on the sale of petroleum.
75 75. _____ Which of the following is not true of the Nile River valley?
a. It runs the length of Egypt.
b. It empties into the Indian Ocean.
c. It is flanked on both sides by deserts.
d. It is densely populated.
76 76. _____ What factor made ancient Egypt a tempting target for waves of invaders?
a. arable land at the Nile Delta
b. great treasures housed in the pharaohs' tombs
c. its location between Asia, Africa, and Europe
d. rich deposits of gold
77 77. _____ How did Great Britain gain control of the Suez Canal?
a. by invading Egypt and seizing the Canal
b. by disrupting Egyptian trade on the Mediterranean Sea
c. by buying Egypt's share of ownership in the Canal
d. by agreeing to remove British troops from Egypt in exchange for the Canal
78 78. _____ Which of the following was not a goal of Gamal Abdel Nasser?
a. to end Western domination of Egypt
b. to modernize the country
c. to make Egypt a major influence in world politics
d. to negotiate peace with Israel
79 79. _____ Why does Egypt import more than half of its food supply?
a. to encourage cotton production on arable land
b. to encourage rural Egyptians to give up their traditional ways of life
c. to promote industrialization
d. to meet the demands of a rapidly growing population
80 80. _____ What two major factors limit the growth of industry in Egypt?
a. few skilled workers and lack of capital
b. lack of foreign aid and support from other Arab nations
c. dependence on a single export and limited oil reserves
d. limited access to trade routes and lack of raw materials
81 81. _____ What is an important Arab contribution to North African culture?
a. the Islamic religion
b. introduction of camels from Central Asia
c. irrigation systems
d. organized government
82 82. _____ Where do most of the populations of Algeria, Libya, and Morocco live?
a. in urban areas
b. in rural communities
c. in small groups throughout the Sahara
d. in and around the oil fields
83 83. _____ Which of the following is a goal of Qaddafi's government?
a. to protect the Tuareg culture
b. to increase the revenues from foreign aid and to raise the rents on the military bases
c. to provide Libyans with a free education from the primary grades through the universities
d. to create a more equal distribution of wealth in Libya
C. Critical Thinking
Directions: Answer the following questions on the back of this paper or on a separate sheet of paper.
84. Analyzing Information Explain what Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, meant when he said: "If the state does not put an end to the desert, the desert is likely to put an end to the state."
85 85. Expressing Problems Clearly Name one or two sources of conflict that have led to instability in Southwest Asia since the end of World War II. Give examples to support your answer.
86 86. Determining Relevance Explain the role that oil has played in the development of several countries in Southwest Asia. Give examples to support your answer.
87 87. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment Do you think oil-rich countries in the region are preparing well enough for the eventual depletion of their oil resources?
C. Critical Thinking
Directions: Answer the following questions on the back of this paper or on a separate sheet of paper.
88. Identifying Alternatives What are some options government leaders in Egypt might consider to meet the demands of a rapidly growing population?
89 89. Making Comparisons Compare the lifestyles in North Africa's rural and urban areas.
90 90. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships How has the Suez Canal been a catalyst for nationalism in Egypt?
91 91. Making Comparisons How did the Arab conquest and rule of North Africa differ from the European conquest and rule of North Africa?
C. Critical Thinking
Directions: Answer the following questions on the back of this paper or on a separate sheet of paper.
92. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships Discuss two ways that explain how the physical geography of Southwest Asia has affected the way of life in this region.
93 93. Making Comparisons How are the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam alike? Identify at least four features the three religions have in common.
94 94. Perceiving Cause-and-Effect Relationships Why are the populations of Southwest Asian cities increasing at such a rapid rate?
95 95. Identifying Central Issues The countries of Southwest Asia are united by several characteristics and divided by others. Name three characteristics that unite the countries and two that cause conflict or tension.