Archive for November 26, 2018

Reunion Dates

Based on available dates (older classes get priority and homecoming is only an option for the four most recent classes) and a class poll, we have selected the weekend of October 26th, 2019 as the date for our 30th reunion.  

For greatest timeliness, updates will be posted to the USMA 1989 Facebook Page and sent to the usma1989 mailing list (not the more contentious usma1989-forum list). I’ll try to post updates here as well but the other outlets are more likely to be up-to-the-minute.

If you’re not on the usma1989 mailing list (there are a couple hundred folks who aren’t) and wish to be added, go to my personal website and use the Contact Me page to let me know what email address to add.  Sorry about that inconvenience but putting one’s email on a public web page is asking for more spam than I care to deal with.