USMA '58 '58 is Great!
Class Events E-Mail Exec Committee Class Notes  Web Sites Archived Info

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Class Rosters and Lists
Perpetual Endowment Fund (PEF)
Deceased Classmates
Death Notification Steps
CCQs & Procedures
Ring Memorial Program
First Class Club
Class Awards
'58 in 2058 (Time Capsule)
Other '58 Web Sites
PC Support Group
Company Web Sites
'58 Widows

Your Resolution Is 



Quick view of The Great Class of 1958  click here

Our 10th, 30th, and 50th Year Books are stored on this site.  Contact me if you would like an excerpt. 

A look at '58 from the 65th Forward  click here





Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Classmates, Grip Hands and Stay Safe


Site maintained by Pete Trainor (G-1) Contact Me  
 Support provided  by Brian Bradshaw Contact Brian

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