Bulletin Board
Updated 10/306/2024
Established: Class List (Donohue: 13 July 1996 + Bahr 2020);
Forum (Donohue: nominally 1997 but activated 13 July 2005); 4um
(Bahr: 29 March 2012); DG (Lennon: 5 Mar 2021);
USMA 1969 Website (Bahr: 22 June 2013 w/ 1st traffic 4 July 2013); Sallyport (Bahr, KC Brown, Champagne: 1 December 2021)
Information hopefully "intuitively obvious to the casual observer on a bridge to
be crossed rapidly."
Classmates, RIP
Have something to post for the Class? Add/delete/modify suggestions welcome. Click here.
1969, a very good year!
1969 Data
50th Reunion
55th Reunion
Academy Awards Academy
Stores Amazon
Battle Maps Bean
Book Nook
of Class Authors on Amazon Calendar 1969
Class Discount
Classmate Email Addresses*
Classmate Grad Tours
Classy Threads (Gift Shops)
Deceased Classmates*
Death Notification
Honor, Country Speech
E-Howitzer Facebook For
What They Gave Saturday Afternoon
Graduate FAQs
Graduate Guide
Classmates* National
Name Database
New Cadet Preparation-PDF 1968
Football Roster
1968 150 Pound Football
Maps (1, 2, 3)
Map 4
Map 5
Map 6 Google
Map 7 Wikimapia Music Offspring
at West Point*
Old Grad
History Other Military/Academy Links Parent
Plebe Parent Handbook Personal
Web Page Development Help
Pointer View Archives Remembrance
Ring Repair/Resizing/Recovery Screens
Slang 2
Shine Shoes
Troop Leading Guide
VA Benefits with Sue Irons
Veterans Information
Veterans Discounts
Virtual West Point Tour
Wall Roster Spreadsheet
Wall of
Faces War
Deaths by Class
Point Lore
West Point Magazine
West Point Magazine Article West Point Museum
West Point Fortifications Staff
Rides Note Cards
West Point Plebe Knowledge ~ 2007 (except origin of Why Cadet Gray Uniform is WRONG! See West Point Lore above)
West Point Cadet Life Project Gutenberg West Point Podcasts WPAOG Brick and Paver Viewer
Survivor's Checklists (ctsy KC Brown): Army Retiree Casualty, MOAAS Survivors, USAA Survivors, Survivor 5 Steps
* AOG log-in
Distinguished Grad Mike Krzyzewski
Distinguished Grad Jodie Glore
Distinguished Grad Bob Kimmitt
Distinguished Graduate Scott Wallace
Class Gift
"Thank You '69 Graduates for Your Commitment"
On May 21, COL (R) Wayne Murphy, Fundraising Chairman, and
Mr. Mike McGovern, Class President, presented two checks to WPAOG on behalf of
the Class of 1969 for a
total of $2,275,000 in support of the Simon Center for Professional Military
Ethic, the Cyber Research Center, and the Long Gray Line Endowment. Not only did
Class of 1969 graduates come to West Point to celebrate their 50th Reunion, but
the class allocated $50,000 of their gift to the Long Gray Line Endowment to
WPAOG's 150th Anniversary. Thank you to the Class of 1969 for their
tremendous support! (West Point Magazine, Summer 2019)
Simon Center for Professional Military Ethic
Cadet Prayer
follows virtue as if it were its shadow." -- Cicero
"Tusculanarum Disputationum," I. 45, ~ 45 BC
the Hudson takes a hard right, West Point teaches the Harder Right."
-- W. Bahr, USMA '69
@ 2014
Living" Draft of White Paper by Col. Peterson
Superintendent's Character Development Strategy: Live Honorably and Build
West Point's 1st Character Development Strategy (17 pages)
West Point's
1st Character Program (Gold Book) (35 pages)
Please Pledge50th
Link immediately above to Class data. Also, 4YI:
west-point.org Class List email (moderator Hugh Donohue):
usma1969@west-point.org begun by
Hugh Donohue on 13 July 1996
west-point.org Class Forum email (moderator Hugh Donohue):
begun by Hugh Donohue on 31 July 2005
west-point.org Class 4um email (moderator Bill Bahr):
begun by Bill Bahr on 29 March 2012
west-point.org Class website (webmaster Bill Bahr):
www.west-point.org/class/usma1969 begun by Bill Bahr on 4 July 2013
(with redirect from www.usma1969.org on 26
May 2015)
The Days Forward (webmaster Chris Rice):
www.thedaysforward.com begun by
Chris & Suzanne (Bill) Rice on 7 Aug 2014
Sallyport Class webpage (Administrators Bahr, KC Brown, Champagne) begun
on 1 December 2021
Click on the icon below to shop for Amazon items and
painlessly donate to West-Point.org.
Bookmark the start page and put it on your toolbar so as never miss a chance to
help West-Point.org help you!
The Wall Roster Spreadsheet Download
Once downloaded spreadsheet is open, sort by Class (bottom left tab) for classmates killed in Vietnam.
National Name Database (West Point)
For What They Gave on Saturday Afternoon
Book Nook of Class Authors on Amazon
Skip Bacevich Terry
Bacon Bill
Gary Dolan Pete Grimm
Mike Healy Jim Johnson*
Dick Leucke
Chaz Kibert Mike Krzyzewski Jim McDonough
Ron Moore (x69) Jerry Morelock Tom
Ed Rehkopf
John Rountree Glenn Schiraldi
Stewart Hugh
Stirts** Lucian Truscott David
Mick Zais
and our 1st Regimental Commander, MOH recipient: Colonel Ralph Puckett
and our Brigade CSM: CSM Ted G. Arthurs
*Also search for
"America's First River" **Google Books
NB: Contact Webmaster if have book for sale @ Amazon & wish listing.
Washington's Liberty Key: Mount Vernon's Bastille Key -- the Mystery and
Magic of its Body, Mind, and Soul
Bill Bahr's Academia Articles Researchgate Articles YouTubes Amazon book reviews
Michael Nardotti Wrestling Interview
"From Washington to Palmer: 'The Story of Leaders of Character'" Alternate View
Jim McDonough "Platoon Leader" (2 parts: 9A & 9B)
Jim McDonough: Vietnam Veterans and Their Families: The Road Back [to reconciliation] Written Transcript
Tom Ramos' "From Berkeley to Berlin" (8-part lecture series at Lawrence Livermore)
Consumer Classmate Real Discount Deals ≥ the Best Offers to/from Others
Irish Pub Posters from Mike Healy: Buy one 16x20 poster and receive a free 8x10 photo of your choice...
or buy an 8x10 photo and receive one free of your choice. Deals not offered to the public. Contact Mike here to choose your free item.
See Mike's 2012 Ireland Mini-reunion video on Photos/Videos page.
Register here for various Ireland Reunion events with classmate Mike Healey, while supporting your West-Point.orgDiscounts often 15-50% off when Zazzle occasionally puts on sale a day or two at a time:
Go Army, Beat Navy! Beer Bottle Cozy (editable/personalizable)
Go Army, Beat Navy! Beer Can Cooler (editable/personalizable)
Bean Navy!! West Point Lore
"On Brave Old Army Team" and other fight song music in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Includes interesting West Point lore research findings.
Gift Shop
Shop the Point
Army Sports Love A Cadet Museum Gift
Cadet Stores
Ring Repair/Resizing/Recovery
201 262-8800
'69 Troop Leading Guide Troop Leading Procedures Soldier's Blue Book
Here's a link that allows one to wander around Washington Hall, with a little bit of creativity. https://goo.gl/maps/btEF22ArJJ9it9AVA
Other USMA exploring opportunities from Doug Lobdell, USMA 1980 Moderator:
"Go to maps.google.com Use the search bar (upper left) to look for West Point NY. Zoom in a bit. Now a bit more. Pick up the little guy in the lower left [or right] hand corner. Available street view places will show up as dark lines overlaid on the map. Drop the little guy on the place you want to go. It’s a pretty neat feature. I use street view frequently to recon routes to new restaurants, take pictures of relevant buildings for reports at work, or show friends where I used to live. The detailed views of USMA are a great addition."
Howitzers & Bugles Notes
Cadet Store Items
Plumes, Caps, & Uniforms
Wedding Sabers and
Giving to West Point
Parades at West Point and
remembrance...Music (with Microsoft Internet Explorer) /Videos
South African tours with Pete Grimm
West Point Band (Spotify [free] signup required for full music)
Glee Club Videos:
Mansions of the Lord
Til the Last Shot's Fired
USMA Band's YouTubes:
"West Point On the March"
1963 (E-book)
AOG Class
Websites - Click on underlined class
numbers -
West-Point.org Class Websites
Our 1919 Affiliation Class?
iSABRD (internet Service Academy Business
Resource Directory)
1969, a very good year? Ah, yes, I remember it well!
Wiki Overview
Billboard Top Hits
Music Hits (YouTube)
100 Greatest Songs "Summer
of '69" (69' - the best year of our lives?)
Nostalgia Machine
100 Hot Singles of 1969
A tribute to the USMA Class of 1969: "West
Point -- The Hard and Harder Right"
"I'm Mister Gung Ho,
I get a dress-off wherever I go!
I shine my B-plate up, write my classmate up!
I go to chapel TWICE on Sunday!
I believe in the Haze, before I go to bed I say 'The Days!'
My tac thinks I'm strac 'cause by girlfriend's a WAC
I'm at West Point, I'm Mr. Gung Ho!"
(as remembered by Jerry Morelock, USMA '69)
www.westpoint.edu, www. usma.edu, www.west-point.org, www.westpointaog.org, www.aogusma.org, www.aafes.com, www.cadetstuff.org, www.usmilitaryabout.com, www.goarmysports.com, www.academyphoto.com, www.usaa.com, www.penfed.org.
As well as the Parent Club of Illinois' website, www.west-point.org/parent/wppc-illinois/joomla , and the many links it offers (eg, www.usma.edu, aka www.usma.army.mil), you are encouraged to visit www.west-point.org, the entry- way to a number of helpful services, to include Plebe-Net (join at www.west-point.org/parent/plebe-net) and Parent Forum (www.west-point.org/parent/parent-forum), and a sponsored site put together by cadets themselves: www.westpointcadets.org. For a link to USMA's "Undergraduate Journal of Social Sciences," click here www.soshjournal.org. For quick questions and answers, check out www.west-point.org/parent/wpp-net/faq and www.west-point.org/parent/plebe-net/links.htm. www.west-point.org/academy/malo-wa/inspirations/buglenotes.html and www.combat.ws/S4/MILTERMS/WP0SLANG.HTM have very nice collections of plebe knowledge.
For www.usma.edu, the "Search/Reference" section is a very useful tool. Go there and you will also find the Academy's master calendar (www.dean.usma.edu/sebpublic/mastercalendar) to discover march days and other events. Under another section, "Agencies," click on "USCC Commandant's Corner" for contacts at the Directorate of Cadet Activities. Please realize that many USCC (things pertaining to the Corps, and specifically training of the Corps) are not listed on the calendar. Also, the reference to WPS is "West Point School," the elementary school on post ─ NOT the Academy. The following allows access to the Cadet Library: http://www.library.usma.edu/index.cfm?TabID=6&LinkCategoryID=49 Also check out http://www.militarynewcomers.com/WESTPOINT/resources/yp_01.html for their Yellow Pages. For a link to valuable Parent Club information, you can also check out www.usma.edu/publicaffairs/club.htm. A digital collection from the Academy's Library is located at: http://digital-library.usma.edu/collections/. The local Association of Graduates (AOG) society can be found at www.aogusma.org/soc/chicago. Parent resources, as recommended by the AOG, can be found at www.aogusma.org/wpf/parents-fund/resource.htm. Also at: http://www.west-point.org/parent/plebe-net/links.htm Alumni support information can be found at www.westpointaog.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=2705 . Vietnam Wall roster of Academy graduates: www.academybiznet.org/VietnamMemorial.html. USMA class mottos & graduation history. USMA Company names and mascots.
Click here for Academy's founding document. Please use the following site to obtain multiple reproductions of this document (especially for Founders Day place mats): www.westpointgiftstore.com Why was gray chosen for the cadet uniforms? www.bahrnoproducts.com/PDF/GrayUniform1a.pdf , www.bahrnoproducts.com/PDF/GrayUniform2a.pdf , www.bahrnoproducts.com/PDF/GrayUniform3a.pdf , and www.bahrnoproducts.com/PDF/CadetGrayfor3Sep2009.pdf . Academy fight songs: www.bahrnoproducts.com/Bean%20Navy.htm
Academy Library: http://www.usma.edu/library/SitePages/Home.aspx Digital Collections: http://digital-library.usma.edu/cdm/
Pritzker Military Library: http://www.pritzkermilitarylibrary.org/home/default.aspx
West Point Engineer Plebe Parent Handbook
West Point lore Why West Point Has Gray Uniforms
The following sites relate to Academy sports: www.goarmysports.com, www.armysports.com, and www.armyrfc.com (rugby).
The following
sites include Academy-related gift items:
www.skyviewpictures.com/skyviewstore/products.php?catid=9&category=West%20Point .
When buying books and other items through Amazon.com, shop here and give one of
the Academy's support organizations a credit at no cost to you:
However, once you start jumping around the
gradstore site, the commission structure breaks.
Aerial photos of West Point
Flowers at West Point
The following site pays tribute to West Point's Hard and Harder Right: http://www.west-point.org/users/usma1969/28260/
West Point magazine article: "From Washington to Palmer: 'The Story of Leaders of Character'" Alternate View
"Leader of Character" exhibit at the Museum and Education Center at Mount Vernon
"Good moral character is the first essential in a man." -- George Washington
For art, check this out. Music with Internet Explorer.
The following
sites link to numerous other sites providing military information:
www.army.mil, and
www.army.mil/soldiers, and
www.vfw.org. Military items can be found
www.uscavstore.com, and
The Military Channel videos can be found at
http://military.discover.com. Link
to B2B service academy graduate networking service:
www.combat.ws/S4/MILTERMS/INDEX.HTM has a very nice glossary of military
terms. Casual web-searches on
appropriate keywords will lead you to still more official and interesting sites,
the one video (click here) where Clint Eastwood branches
Signal Corps!!
Catch all the episodes: "West Point: The Television Series"
Here's an overview of the first season.
When ordering, don't forget, first click
to support west-point.org, then search using keywords
"West Point Television Series"
Personal Web Page Development Help
Changing your email address?
To update your address, email address, or
other contact information, please send a
message with your name, class year and information (designated "new" and old")
Or, go to
and log-in (if you're not logged in, be sure to have your log-in information
handy). If you haven't yet registered, select the "New User" link to begin
the process. Then hover
your mouse pointer over "Old Grads," then move to and click on "Update Your
where you can change your email address (and more).
Scroll down to the "EMAIL
AND PHONES" section and update your email address.
You can elect to to make
any or all information private.
Be sure to click the "Update" button at the end of the form when you are done.
Also notify your
List/Forum (Hugh Donohue) and 4um (Bill Bahr) moderators.
Don't get lost!!
Please remember: This website, the West-Point.org class website,
can be reached at
www.usma1969.org or by searching for "West Point 69" or "USMA 1969" or by
the Official Class Website (AOG) and clicking on "External Site."
The Class Official Website can be reached at
N.B. Full access to the linked AOG website requires a log-in.
Registration can be obtained by
clicking here. Those graduates without
access to the AOG or needing log-in assistance should email redsash@wpaog.org.
One can also go to change/update contact information:
Updating/changing an AOG email address will not automatically change a west-point.org
address. For that, you will need to contact a moderator (Bahr or Donahue).
Disclaimer: Any views expressed on this website are unofficial and not to be considered as the official views of the the Class of 1969, the West Point Association of Graduates, or the U.S. Military Academy. The information provided on this webpage and related site pages is to be used for informational purposes only. While the website's authors have tried to provide accurate information, there may be inadvertent technical inaccuracies and typographical errors for which we apologize. The site's authors and the Class of 1969 expressly disclaim all liability for the use or interpretation by others of information contained in this site or hyperlinked sites that are not maintained by the Class of 1969, the content for which this site's authors, the Class of 1969, the West Point Association of Graduates, and West Point cannot be responsible. The appearance of hyperlinks to and/or from external sites does not constitute our endorsement. Click here for terms of use when visiting linked West Point Association of Graduates (AOG) webpages. Any legal issues or propriety concerns you might have with this website or linked sites, please click here and bring them to the immediate attention of the Webmaster. Thank you!