50th Reunion
Supplemental Website ( from www.usma1969.org ) -- Updated 6/7/2019 -- "Control F" to search

   AOG Class of 1969 Gift Fund        Reunion Song?

Reunion Committee   Reunion Reps:  Regt & Co    Company/Special Events   Visit USMA   Transportation Coord   Lost & Found

Bob Harper Photos      B Arnold & the Traitors

            Reunion Schedule       Click for Primary Reunion Website

Friday [Saturday] - Wednesday
(dates set up same as AOG Prime Reunion Website)

Contact Ed Quinn, Chair, at 703-403-9091 or edmathdude@aol.com    

Main Hotel:  Westchester Marriott, 670 White Plains Rd, Tarrytown, NY 10591  914 631-2200  855 616-3437  Website
NB:  Easily remembered way to get to all Reunion information:  start at www.usma1969.org and click on 50th Reunion! 

Reunion Correspondence


From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 1:07 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Contact List

Dear Classmates -

Attached is the contact roster containing name, cadet company, phone number, and email for those who registered for the reunion.  It is password-protected. I will send the password in a separate email [contact Ed if not received], along with instructions on how to remove the password once you have downloaded. Phone numbers and email addresses will change over time, but there is no plan to monitor and update, neither with changes to the current list nor addition of classmates who did not register for the reunion.

For those who ordered additional coins: the coins are ordered and should be sent to me in the next two weeks.  They are $6 each.  Postage for those receiving one or two will be about $4,  with additional postage for additional coins.  I will send emails to those who ordered once I have them.  In the meantime, those who ordered coins and who have not sent me their mailing address please do that now.

For those who requested hats: Teresa Gibney at the AOG Gift Shop will have a list of those who ordered and the number ordered.  I will send an email to those who ordered when they are available for purchase. They will be mailed to you. I do not need your mailing address.

Here are some reunion numbers:

Classmates and ex-cadets registered - 437

Class widows/NOK registered - 27

Total registrations including guests - 895

Monday dinner dance - 817

Tuesday banquet - 743




From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2019 8:15 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: cg91d@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [distro1969] Hat and Coin Reminder

Dear Classmates -

This is a follow-up regarding ordering reunion coins and class reunion hats.  It will also discuss ordering B Arnold t-shirts and passing along a Don Randolph request for videos of the band at their reunion performance, so please read the entire email.

Hats and Coins

This is a last call for ordering additional hats and coins.  Bob Yaap will be placing an order Monday for additional coins and he will coordinate with the AOG Gift Shop in ordering hats.  If you would like to have additional hats or coins please respond with which item and the number requested.


Here is the list of those who asked for additional coins.  If I missed your response please re-send it. I will be mailing the coins so please respond with your mailing address.  When the coins are ordered I will send an email to those who ordered with the price and at that time will give you my mailing address so you can send a check.  I will give you the cost of the coins and you can include the postage in your check, so please check the package for the postage amount - because of the different numbers in the orders I cannot give a fixed price for mailing. The coins will take 2-3 weeks to produce and ship.

Stewart - 2
Steve Davis - 2
Chuck Anderson - 4
Calvert - 6
Sharphorn - 10
Robert Jones - 5


The AOG will order additional hats and will be provided a list of those who have responded to the two emails so the hats will be reserved for them. Extras will be on sale on the AOG website.  Here is the list of those who have asked for hats.  If I missed your email please re-send.

Raymond - 2
Dick Wallace - 2
Bob Wells - 5
Steve Davis - 2
Ken Johnson - 2
Haydon - 1
Anthony - 2
Doyle - 4

B Arnold T-Shirts

Chris and Joetta Sautter are handling shipping of t-shirts.  The cost, which includes shipping, is $25 for one and $35 for two. Add $10 for each additional t-shirt. You can mail a check to Chris to:

Fred C. Sautter
1256 Heather Way
Estill Springs, TN 37330

Include the sizes you would like; M, L, XL, 2XL.  Mediums are running low so include a back-up size if you are ordering a medium.  If you need to call Chris to discuss the order you can reach him at 256-684-2032. 

B Arnold Videos

Don Randolph has asked me to ask classmates to send their videos for compilation.  The Big G, Denis Gulakowski, has agreed to collect them.  Please send your phone videos to Denis at:


Jack Nesbitt downloaded to YouTube a video taken at the band's reunion performance.  You will definitely recognize the song. The link is:


Once I have the final numbers from AOG I will send a short email recapping the number of registrations and the number attending some of the events.



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 10:05 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Closeout

Dear Classmates -

Before we put a bow on the reunion there are a few things to take care of. 

We've had requests for additional hats and reunion coins. If you would like additional items please reply to me indicating which item and the quantity you would like. We need to have orders for at least 24 hats and 25 coins before they can be produced. The estimate for the hat is $15-20  including shipping. The estimate for the reunion coin is $9-11. I will compile the requests and Bob Yaap will coordinate with the coin producer and the AOG for the hats. Please respond by 7 June. 

Bob Harper has put his reunion photos on line. You can find them at:


If you have photos you'd like to share please contact Bob and he will arrange to upload them. His email is:


If you would like additional Memorial Books you can order additional copies at:


Or, email Vic Losure at:


Or, call 860-583-3600

Orders for the second printing will be collected until 15 July. 

Regarding the DVD you received at registration, you need to view the files on a PC in order to open the pictures. Use the cross-reference matrix to find pictures of a particular event. This is not a video DVD so a DVD player will be of no use. Most of the pictures on display in the hospitality room are on the DVD. 

Once the AOG has completed the closeout of the reunion and is available to send me the required info I will be able to send a roster of those attending the reunion. It will be a password-protected Excel spreadsheet with a second email containing the password.



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 3:01 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] 50th Reunion Wrap-Up

Dear Classmates -
I want to express what a joy it was to lead a wonderful team of classmates who strove to make our 50th as meaningful as we could. I know that you know we have many gifted classmates. Many of them worked very hard to make this reunion a success.
Mike Brennan was the interface with the hotel and worked tirelessly to plan the meal and cocktail schedule and to vary the various menus to avoid repetition. He arranged beverages for the hospitality room, continuously coordinated with our event manager at the Marriott as it became apparent our numbers were going to stress the available space, and met every challenge he faced.  I think he did a great job.
Denny Helsel was the first volunteer. He wanted to do the golf event from Day 1, probably so he could avoid being asked to do something that was less fun. He and the guys had a great time on Sunday. He chose a local course to avoid the travel time to the West Point course since he knew we would all be facing that trip on both Monday and Tuesday. Prizes were awarded and he actually left the scoresheets on display, which I thought was against the code. I'm sure Denny will be able to scale up from 36 golfers to the 675 he'll be herding at the 55th.
The first phase of our memorial program was the Widow's Breakfast on Monday morning. The AOG coordinated the event at the West Point Club and it was a wonderful gathering - a chance for widows and families, as well as classmates, to connect with one another and to reminisce. Bruce Wheeler and his outreach team did a great job in maintaining  contact with our class widows - about 25 attended the reunion and most were at the breakfast. 
The breakfast connected beautifully with the cemetery visit, meticulously arranged by Doug Aykroyd, who put his heart into this next part of our memorial effort. He checked every detail of the cemetery map to ensure that the location of every classmate's grave was accurate. He prepared bus commander packets that included briefings so all of us were aware that our classmates' graves were  marked for identification. We ensured there were no events prior to the visit so there was no chance of preemption as unfortunately occurred at the 45th.
Classmates Ray Dupere and Geoff Moran, assisted by Class Widow Reverend Katheryn King, designed and executed a moving Memorial Service. Unfortunately, Ray suffered a very serious bicycling accident and could not attend, but he left his imprint on the service that was executed with great passion and reverence. Jim Hillebrand face-timed the service with Ray so he was in effect there with us. Having a classmate's widow at the pulpit was very special. And many class widows and relatives participated in the reading of the names of our deceased classmates. Having company readers allowed many classmates to participate. This was only made possible by the coordinated efforts of our four Regimental leads, working with 32 company reps, and Bruce Wheeler's leadership of the Widows Outreach Team. The service was enhanced by Vic Smith's moving trumpet rendition of "Il Silenzo" to begin the service and his beautiful playing of Taps that concluded the reading of names.  I heard numerous comments about how the reading of "God of the Living" was particularly appropriate for us. It was poignantly read by Jim Russell. Katheryn's account of what turned her to the ministry after Pick's death was impactful. And Geoff's Memorial Meditation was quite moving.  This Memorial Service was the most meaningful time of the reunion for me.
Bob Yaap ran with the memorabilia effort from the moment I asked him to take on this very important role. He quickly found classmates with experience in this area (Jim Blake, Ed Mayer, and Mike Healy) and made great selections for both pre-ordered and on-site items. His design of the reunion coin was yet another facet of  memorializing our deceased classmates. The lower half of the reverse, depicting the Old Cadet Chapel and gravestones, and the inscription "Be Thou at Peace" says it all.
Bob St Onge provided the capstone of the memorial program. He has worked painstakingly to ensure every classmate's Memorial Article is submitted for publication in TAPS Magazine. Capitalizing on this multi-year effort he coordinated with a publisher to produce a book with a Memorial Article for every deceased classmate, including those who died as cadets.  He told me every classmate would be in the book regardless of date of death and he delivered on that promise when he delayed production and worked with classmates to include a Memorial Article for Bill Damon, who died on May 1. It is a remarkable volume.
B Arnold's performance was one for the ages. The planning began many moons ago with the support of Tom Mahany arranging all the equipment that would be needed for a professional performance. Mike Nardotti was part of a troika with Mike Brennan and our event manager to figure out how to seat everyone while giving the band the space they needed. We ended up with over 800 people at dinner on Monday night. With that number of people one Regiment had to move to a second ballroom.  I thank them all for their understanding. The band had 12 members. Led by Don Randolph, he had the usual classmate suspects; Bob Behncke, Bob Dickerson, Chris Sautter, and Pete Dencker. He flew in two guitarists from California and arranged for 5 USMA band members, including a very talented soloist. It was amazing. Hopefully you all got your t-shirts. They are still available.

Continuing with the music theme our class DJ, Denis Gulakowski (the Big G), put on two back-to-the-future performances at our lunch in Ike Hall and and at our Farewell Breakfast on Wednesday. He had previously asked for dedications. He's a great showman and puts a lot into preparation .

Not unlike military operations, we had a very dedicated support staff.

Bill Johnsmeyer was there from the beginning as our financial and contract specialist. He reviewed hotel contracts that resulted in many changes that would keep us out of financial difficulties and developed budget spreadsheets that were used as comparisons with those of the AOG to ensure nothing was missed.

Bill Bahr managed our Supplemental Reunion Website. He kept a running description of company events to keep all informed. We had 23. He maintained a chronological listing of all Reunion communications. He developed a transportation spreadsheet to aid classmates in arranging rides to the hotel from carious airports. The website is a treasure trove of information.

We need to thank Bob Harper for his constant presence with cameras hanging all over him. He will make his pictures available to the class and will provide instructions on how to upload your pictures.

Our Regimental Reps were invaluable in passing information and in recruiting a company rep for all 32 companies - a number of companies had two reps.  Please thank Doug Madigan, Dan Cox, Tom Piazze, and Tom Smith for their effort over an extended period of time.  Our company reps were key in bringing the class to the reunion, and many of them were also readers during the Memorial Service.  Bruce Wheeler's Widow Outreach Team worked very hard in maintaining contact with our class widows and next of kin.  Please than Brian Owens, Eric Robyn, Ted Poucher, and Chuck Anstrom.  Assisting were Sally Robyn, Suzanne Rice, and Dottie Rountree.

I need to also include the AOG as part of the support structure. Lexie Davis led an outstanding AOG team and helped our reunion group and the class in many ways; negotiating bus contracts, managing online registration, printing a number of items in very large quantities, assembling reunion packets, staffing events, and overall execution of the reunion.  Consider printing, just a small part of their support; cemetery maps, banquet program, Memorial Service program and Roll Call, and the schedule booklet at registration. Her team also conducted a pre-reunion survey that aided us in our planning. Lexie and Mike Brennan coordinated continuously with our Marriott Event Manager, Mike Valle, who tirelessly worked to make our reunion a success. One of my goals from the onset was to have a paperless reunion. We accomplished that, and it would not have been possible without AOG support. You should have received today an AOG invitation to link to a post-Reunion Survey.
We still have a few things to do. We will be posting a reunion contact spreadsheet listing all those who registered for the reunion. It will provide name, company, phone number, and email address. There are many ways to provide the spreadsheet. My first choice initially was to post it as a link from the Supplemental Website in an unprotected format. Anybody could get to the website if they knew the web address and then could link to it. I'm now leaning to a password-protected spreadsheet that I would send via the AOG distribution list, with the password provided in a separate email. This is by no means strong protection but it is better than a wide open link. It is a simple matter for the user to remove the password from the Excel spreadsheet once it's been opened with the password. It won't be compiled for a few weeks. There is no plan to maintain the accuracy of the spreadsheet  over time.
We will have a drawing for the Ireland trip offered by Mike Healy. I will have a complete list of all registrations next week and we'll figure out how to have a random drawing with witnesses watching me pull my name out of a hat.

And finally, I need to recognize the most important support person of all, my wife Sherri. She was an amazing ambassador as we welcomed our arriving classmates in the lobby of the hotel from Thursday through Sunday.

This was an amazing experience for me and I take great pride in being a member of The Best Of The Line.  The baton is passed to Denny Helsel.

Ed Quinn


From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org 
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969 <distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org> 
Date: May 21, 2019 at 6:05 AM 
Subject: [distro1969] A Few Final Notes 

Parade Uniform
Dark blazer
Khaki pants
Shirt and tie(West Point tie if you have one)
Class reunion hat
Ireland Trip Drawing
USMA '69 50 Year Reunion Ireland Tour Prize  -  Provided by Mike Healy
A complimentary one week Ireland RnR land tour package trip for two on one of the Ireland RnR active tours scheduled in May, June, August, or September 2020.  In the event that the winners cannot travel to Ireland, the prize may only be transferred to another USMA 1969 classmate.  Random drawing limited to reunion attendees. Winner TBD. 
Bob Harper Pictures - Bob asked me to post this:
I will be documenting as much of the Reunion as I am physically capable.  Afterwards, I will post my photographs on an online site that I will share.  You will be able to view and download your own digital files.
If any of are photographing as well and wish to place your photos on the share site, please contact me for instructions.

I am not planning on any formal portraits, but I have a few pieces of gear to allow for that if anyone wants that done.
Enjoy our last full day. 


From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969 <distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org>
Date: May 19, 2019 at 7:41 PM
Subject: [distro1969] Mid-Reunion Update

You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you graduated in this class year. To update your address, email address or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, class year and new information to address@wpaog.org.
Just a few things.

  1. It's going to be warm on Monday. Consider business casual to be collared shirt and slacks. Sport jacket not required. Buses loading at rear near where registration was conducted.
  1. We have a hospitality room at the Marriott. Lobby elevator to 2nd floor. First rooms to the left. Lots of pictures and memorabilia. Refrigerator stocked with water and soft drinks.
  1. B Arnold t-shirts will be on sale at the band performance on Monday night for $20. Net proceeds go to the class account.
  1. A viewing room has been set up at the Marriott near the business center adjacent to the lobby. CDs of the West Point Story are available. Sunday only.



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969 <distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org>
Cc: cg91d@sbcglobal.net
Date: May 17, 2019 at 1:14 PM
Subject: [distro1969] Pre-Registration Events

We have 6 events occurring prior to Sunday registration. 

1 and 2. Bus trips to NYC on Saturday and Sunday. The AOG will have a rep at the Marriott that will provide bus commanders with lists and phone numbers of participants. There are no tickets. Departure times are on the schedule posted on the AOG Reunion Website. Another reminder that people who are dropped off at the 9/11 Memorial need to get to the pick-up point at Bryant Park. There are early and late returns on both days. Maps will be provided to all that include bus commanders� phone numbers should there be issues while in the city. 

3 and 4. Early and late buses to FDR Museum and home on Sunday. The AOG will have a rep that will provide rosters to bus commanders. There are no bus tickets. Bus commanders will pick up FDR tickets upon arrival and disburse to participants. Return will be immediately following the home tour for each group. Departure times are on the AOG Reunion Website. 

5 and 6. Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast. The AOG Reps will issue Reunion badges prior to the meals to those attending these meals. Badges indicate what registrants have signed up for. There are no tickets. Attendees will still need to check in at registration in order to pick up memorabilia. 

Final note. We have decided to have everyone in the main ballroom for Tuesday�s Banquet. It may be a little tight but we wanted the class to be together for this final dinner. We will have about 730 people in the ballroom. We will have to use two ballrooms for band night on Monday. With 800 people and space needed for the band and dance floor Two ballrooms is a must. 

Hope that clarifies how things will be handled prior to registration. 

Call me if you have a question. 



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 11:08 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] The Lull Before the Storm

You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you graduated in this class year.  To update your address, email address or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, class year and new information to address@wpaog.org.

Sherri and I checked in yesterday and it’s very peaceful.

I’ve been involved with a number of large conferences and there are always two long poles in the tent; hotel registration and conference registration.

We are fortunate in that classmates and families are arriving at the Marriott over a 4-day period; about 25 Thursday, 90 more Friday, 125 more Saturday, and 90 more Sunday. These spread out arrivals should hopefully minimize delays at check-in. There should be no delays at the three overflow hotels.

Registration can pose a delay issue. The first registration is 4:30-7:30 on Sunday at the Marriott. To allow more time for registration before the buffet dinner, we have a small change to the Op Order. The bars will open at 6 as scheduled but the buffet dinner will be served from 6:30-8:15, which is 30 minutes later than scheduled. I would ask for two things:

1) Be patient. There will be four people registering classmates and class widows and they have done this before. They will work as efficiently as possible. A fifth person will resolve any issues or changes.

2) Many classmates have company events away from the hotel on Sunday evening.  Please allow them to register first. Those of you having the buffet dinner in the hotel ballroom and those whose company events are in the hotel please hang back. Cooperate and Graduate.




From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 4:15 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Final Coordination (maybe almost final)

Dear Classmates -

Only a few days to go. Before I provide some final coordination notes I want to give you a feel for the size of this great 50th Reunion. We have about 435 classmates and ex-cadets and 25 Class Widows or next-of-kin registered. We may still get walk-ins when official registration opens Sunday.  We currently have a total of 888 registered and guests. We have 802 signed up for dinner on band night (Monday). This is a good time to ask for patience while buses load and unload as many hundreds of people are being transported and to do your best to meet loading times for the buses.  Following is a set of notes in no particular order.

Overall Philosophy

Take advantage of this golden opportunity to reconnect with the class. The reunion will be what you make it. The trips to New York City on Saturday and Sunday, the FDR Museum and Library on Sunday, the Culinary Institute of America on Monday, your self-guided local sightseeing, and golf on Sunday, are there to enhance the reunion, not be the end-all. 

Memorial Service

The Memorial Service will be a special event. Unfortunately, one of our pastors - Ray Dupere - had a serious bicycling accident and suffered injuries which required hospitalization. He will be recovering over an extended period and will be unable to attend. Pastor Geoff Moran will preside over the service ably assisted by Reverend Katheryn King, widow of Pick King.  The names of our deceased will be read in company order by Company Reps who are honored to play a role. Many of the names will be read by Class Widows or next-of-kin. Those participating, including spouses of Company Reps, will board the first two buses upon leaving the Alumni Lunch to allow them to freely move to the front of the Cadet Chapel. Please board other buses. 

FDR Museum and Library

We have two departure times for this trip. Early departure, enabling earlier return, is for those who have company events Sunday evening. Details for both departures and returns are on the schedule posted on the AOG Reunion Website. 

NYC Trip

We have trips on both Saturday and Sunday with early and late returns both days. Bus Commanders will assist. Caution - those being dropped off near the 9/11 Memorial will need to get to the pick-up point near Bryant Park for the return trip. 


Denny Helsel has coordinated with golfers regarding tee times. 

Local Sightseeing

Information regarding the Kykuit Estate (Rockefeller Mansion), the Lyndhurst Mansion, and Washington Irving’s Sleepy Hollow was recently sent to the entire class. 

Room Reservations

The hotels have a 72-hour cancellation policy. If you need to adjust your reservation please do it now. 

Widows Breakfast 

Early buses will transport those who signed up to the West Point Club for this special event. Mike McGovern is Bus Commander of the bus that will transport those in attendance to the cemetery to join the class afterward.

Shuttle Bus

While classmates go to our class meetings and listen to AOG updates after lunch on Monday, a shuttle bus will pick up guests on a hop-on hop-off route around post. Pick-up will be behind Ike Hall. The stops are indicated on the schedule posted on the AOG Reunion Website. 

Special TV Show Viewing

The West Point Story DVD set will be available for viewing on Sunday in one of the Tarrytown rooms. The DVD and TV will be there all day and after dinner.

Class DJ

The Big G, Denis Gulakowski, will entertain us at  lunch at Ike Hall on Monday and at the farewell breakfast on Wednesday.

Memorabilia Room

Our memorabilia room will be available beginning Saturday afternoon.  We will have many pictures of past reunions and mini-reunions and various personal items.  Please contribute and make sure your name is on your items.  Most of the pictures are a subset of the 3500 pictures our classmates sent to Phil Clark for compilation.  Those pictures have been compiled on a DVD that you will receive with your memorabilia items.  This DVD is just a storage medium - since it is a set of digital images they can be managed on a PC but a DVD player will only show the file structure but not the pictures. 

Alumni Review

The schedule provides the timing for this event.  The suggested uniform is blue or black blazer, khaki pants, collared shirt and tie (West Point tie if you have one), and the hat you receive with your memorabilia items. A weather decision will be made before departure time from the hotels.  The 10-day forecast has been changing each day - right now it indicates partly sunny with temperatures in the mid-70s. 


Registration times are highlighted in blue on the reunion schedule.  The first scheduled registration time is 4:30 PM Sunday. You will receive your badge, lanyard, and memorabilia items at the first registration table.  Then you will pick up your pre-ordered items nearby.  Class widows and their children or relatives representing our deceased classmate will have blue-bordered badges. 

Monday and Tuesday Dinner Seating

Seating will be by company for Monday and Tuesday dinners.  Since numbers never work perfectly we will have battalion overflow tables, where overflows from four companies in the same battalion will merge. We have 802 on Monday and 736 on Tuesday.  These numbers are too large to fit into the Marriott Grand Ballroom. Therefore, we expect at least four companies each night will have dinner in the adjacent Tarrytown Ballroom.  We will have a blind drawing once we have looked at the numbers per company and we have a good idea as to how many people will need to be in the second ballroom. I realize this is not an ideal situation but it is the reality of a very large reunion.

Class Aides

We have four class aides, led by Major Kendrick Vaughn.  We also have CPT Jae Kim, CPT Robert Meland, and 1LT Brittney Johnson. They will support us in many ways, but they will not serve as personal assistants, purchase and transport alcoholic beverages, or transport reunion attendees to or from airports or hotels. They have been invited to our dinners, as have their spouses.  Please make them feel at home with our class.

Reunion-Related Links

Last month you received a reunion update that included a number of links to various reunion-related sites. I’m pasting those links below for your reference during the reunion. 

AOG Reunion Website:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969Reunion

Supplemental Website:  http://www.west-point.org/class/usma1969/50thReunion.htm

Company Events (link from supplemental website):  http://www.west-point.org/class/usma1969/company.htm

Schedule (living document) (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9480

Reunion Committee (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9548

Restaurants (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9484

Company and Regimental Reps (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9547

Reunion Details (link from reunion website)(has many links that are extremely helpful): https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9791

Culinary Institute of America:  https://www.ciachef.edu/visiting-cia/

FDR Museum and Library (Sunday bus trip - on registration site):  https://fdrlibrary.org/

Kykuit (Rockefeller Mansion)(Local sightseeing; on registration site; self tour):  https://hudsonvalley.org/historic-sites/kykuit-the-rockefeller-estate/

Lyndhurst Mansion (Local sightseeing - on registration site):  http://lyndhurst.org/


I'm looking forward to a great reunion



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 8:27 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Local Sightseeing

Dear Classmates -

This email is intended for those opting for local sightseeing on Saturday and Sunday.

Within this email are a number of links and attachments for three local venues: Lyndhurst Mansion, Kykuit Estate (Rockefeller Mansion), and Washington Irving’s Sleepy Hollow. You may have other places in mind. Because all three places are within 11 minutes of our hotels, and because your options are so varied,  it is best that visits occur individually by car as was indicated at the time of your registration.

All three venues offer tours at various times at different costs. You can pre-order the tours on line by linking to the websites indicated in this email. You can drive directly to the Lyndhurst Mansion and Washington Irving’ Sunnyside. For a Kykuit tour you will pick up a shuttle bus at Philsburg Manor House.  Instructions are at the website.

For carpooling purpose lists of classmates opting for local sightseeing each day are attached.
Kykuit Website: 

Kykuit location: https://maps.google.com/?daddr=Kykuit,%20the%20Rockefeller%20Estate,%20North%20Broadway,%20Sleepy%20Hollow,%20NY&saddr=Westchester%20Marriott,%20White%20Plains%20Road,%20Tarrytown,%20NY&dirflg=d&ftid=0x89c29533b971f1dd:0xf3d0065502661887;0x89c2eaa46c9ca6e9:0x9b333ef31d3bb01

Lyndhurst location:  https://goo.gl/maps/bxFE5wRCMbRXJkjR9

Washington Irving’s Sleepy Hollow Website:  https://hudsonvalley.org/historic-sites/washington-irvings-sunnyside/#.XNHJM1T_RJY.mailto

Washington Irving’s Sleepy Hollow location:  https://goo.gl/maps/SEv5npAHuHtxiyrn8



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 7:51 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] FDR Museum and Library


Dear Classmates -

This email concerns those of you taking the bus trip to the FDR Museum and Library on Sunday.  In the next day or so I will be sending websites and maps to three nearby historic sites for those driving cars for local sightseeing on Saturday and Sunday.  All three are within 11 minutes from the hotel. Rosters of classmates opting for local sightseeing on each day will be included to assist in carpooling.

For Sunday's bus trip I am adjusting the times of departure from the Marriott and the return from Hyde Park. A high percentage of travelers have company parties on Sunday night.  The departure from the hotel will be 30 minutes earlier, departing at 9:30 am.  Please start boarding  15 minutes prior.  The departure from Hyde Park is moved up one hour, departing at 3:00 pm. That should leave plenty of time for the visit and will get you back in time to get ready for the various company parties.

The FDR Presidential Library and Museum and the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt (operated by the National Park Service) offer a $20.00 joint admission ticket. The Home tour is guided by a park ranger and the Library tour is self guided.

The website for the FDR Museum and Library is:  https://fdrlibrary.org

You can grab a bite while visiting at Uncle Sam's Canteen, an on-site cafe.  I recommend rotating through in small groups - we will have two buses. 




From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 12:52 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: cg91d@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Update-30 April-Errata

Dear Classmates -

I needed to get this out before registration closes on May 5.  In my last update I indicated classmates could register by phone after that date.  That is incorrect.

Registration will not be done over the phone after that date.  After May 5, the AOG will handle any late registrations at the first reunion check-in on Sunday, May 19.  Anyone planning to attend or who needs to make a change to their registration should take care of it before May 5.  Likewise, if anyone needs to cancel the reunion or an event, that should also be done before May 5.  For cancellations, the best course of action is to email the cancellation (that way the AOG will have it in written form) to alumni-events@wpaog.org

Secondly, several of our astute classmates noted that in my last update I did not include khaki pants in the uniform description for Tuesday.  That was not a change to the uniform - I just forgot to include it.  So yes, the uniform does include khaki pants.  As I told one of our classmates in my reply to him, I thought every 72-year-old man had at least two pair of khaki pants. You have two weeks to let them out an inch or two or get a new pair.

I've had a few responses regarding bringing memorabilia to the hospitality room.  I do encourage you to bring stuff.

We are still looking for a few people/couples to man a table for a little while on Saturday at the Marriott just to say hi to incoming classmates.

Feel free to call with any questions or concerns. We are now over 400 registrations.  I'm hoping for more than 420 by May 5.  If you have to cancel your Marriott reservation, please call me and we will swap another classmate into your reservation.  Our event manager cannot help with this any longer since we are past our block closing date, which was April 26. If you cancel directly the reservation will be lost and will impact our percentage of fill requirement.

Please load up your smart phones with the web addresses of the AOG Reunion Website and our Supplemental Website [Supplemental simply www.usma1969.org].  You can easily get to the reunion schedule, locations and times of company events, airport transportation coordination, attire suggestions (Details Document, Section 4) [https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9791] , and many  reunion activities.

Finally, I told one of our classmates that I would mention that there are at least 8 cases of measles in Westchester County, most from the same family and all involving unvaccinated children.  The risk is considered to be low. You can get more details on line.





From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2019 12:15 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Update- 28 April

Dear Classmates -


You will shortly receive an email from the AOG reminding you that registration closes on May 5.  After that registration can only be done by phone.  We currently have 22 class widows or relatives attending, and we expect 400-420 classmates by the close of registration. 


As a reminder, those seeking transportation from one of the airports can send their arrival day, time, airport, name, telephone number, and email address to Bill Bahr who will post it on the Supplemental Website he is managing (wbahr@ibexsystems.com).  Those offering rides can send the same info with a note that you can pick up classmates.  There is also a departure section for getting to the airports on Wednesday.
http://www.west-point.org/class/usma1969/PDF/Transportation%20Coordination.pdf ]


For spouses and guests, we will have a hop on, get off shuttle running during the class meetings after lunch on Monday.  Pickup will be behind Ike Hall.  Stops will include Trophy Point, the library, Herbert Hall (Alumni Center) that includes a gift shop, and the Visitors Center off post, that includes the museum and a gift shop. Guests can enter the library and gym if they are wearing their name tags. Those taking advantage of this should definitely go to the library and get to the Haig room level (5 I think) and step out on the patio for a breathtaking view of the Academy.

Hospitality Suite

We will have a hospitality suite stocked with sodas and water thanks to the efforts of Mike Brennan. It will also contain a subset of pictures classmates sent to Phil Clark.  But not all of them.  We received about 3500 pictures, so only some will be printed and on display.  However, all registrants will receive a DVD in the memorabilia bag you will receive that contains all the pictures.  You will have to dig them out by first opening the Read Me First folder.  You will see a short Word document with a brief explanation and a spreadsheet that cross-references events depicted in the pictures and the classmate folder that contains the pictures for that event.  Phil Clark painstakingly prepared that cross-reference table.  This is a non-video DVD that you will need to see and manage on a PC, not a DVD player.  If you can't figure it out borrow a neighbor's 7-year-old for assistance.

The hospitality room will be mostly a memorabilia room.  If you have things you'd like to put on display please bring them and we will do our best to show them.  Please ensure your name is added to the item.  Hopefully those driving can bring some stuff.  I will bring the following, so you can leave the following items home:

All 4 Howitzers
West Point - Two Centuries of Honor and Tradition
The Long Gray Line - Atkinson
A Civil War - Army vs Navy - Feinstein
West Point - The Life of a Cadet - 1966
West Point - The First 200 Years
West Point Leadership - Profiles of Courage

I may or not be able to find Bugle Notes and a Register of Graduates for one of the years.

The West Point Story

A reminder that we will have a DVD and TV set up in the Tarrytown Room on Sunday for viewing episodes of The West Point Story.

Friday Night and Saturday Arrivals

A note about your registration confirmation with the list of things you chose.  At the top of the email there is a note to the effect that registration is from 8:00 to 11:00 on Saturday.  That is an artifact of the software - the AOG registration table will not open until Sunday.  We will have people to say hello and there will be rosters for those that are going to NYC on Saturday. In that regard, we are still looking for a few volunteers to welcome classmates on Saturday.  Thanks to those who have said they would help.

Alumni Review

A reminder that the uniform for the Alumni Review on Tuesday is dark blazer, collared shirt, tie (preferably West Point tie if you have one), and the hat you will receive in your memorabilia bag.

Memorial Service

Our memorial Service on Tuesday will be a special event.  We will have three pastors conducting the service: our classmates Ray Dupere and Geoff Moran, and we are honored to have Reverend Kathryn King, widow of Pick King, also leading us.  The names will be read in company order by company reps, and we will have a number of our classmates' names read by their widows, children, or other family members.

Our DJ

We will have the opportunity to go back in time musically, as our former KDET DJ, The Big G, (Denis Gulakowski, B-3), will be playing music and making commentary during our class luncheon at Ike's Cafe on Monday and the Wednesday breakfast buffet. Any of you who may have a request for particular songs that have special meaning from our time at school, your time on active duty, or your post-military career, are welcome to send them to G at hawkeye15@earthlink.net between now and 11 May. Please include your name, the name of the person to whom you’d like to dedicate it (if it’s a dedication), the artist (if different singers/groups recorded it) , the year (if you know it) and the special meaning it has for you. Depending on the number of takers, G will play as many of those songs as possible, sometime during those occasions.

The Band

Don Randolph has a special Monday night planned and promises that B. Arnold and the Traitors will put on their best performance ever.  Not only will he have our classmate band members returning as usual, he will have additional members he has worked with coming in from California and is bringing in heavy hitters from the West point Band, including an amazing vocalist. 


Primary Reunion Website: www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion
Supplemental Website: www.west-point.org/class/usma1969  
[or simply the hopefully easily remembered www.usma1969.org ]

I'm sure other things will pop up so you can expect a few more updates before the reunion.   

See you in a few weeks.





Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 3:17 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion - Registration Reminder - 1 Week Left to Register


Reunion registration closes at 10:00pm on Sunday, May 5, 2019 for our 55th Reunion.  Reunion information is on our reunion webpage:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion.

Our 50th Reunion will take place at West Point May 18-22, 2019.  Please read the reunion schedule and details before filling out the registration form. They contain important information about the reunion to include registration information and the cancellation policy.  Click on "register" at the top of the page or on step number 2 to register and pay for individual reunion activities online with a credit card.  When you have successfully registered, you will get an email confirmation of your purchase within seconds.

A list of reunion attendees who have registered for the reunion is also available on the reunion website.  This list is updated approximately every business day morning and shows just the main registrant, not guests.  All reunion registrants will receive an email with the final reunion details and important "Know Before You Go" information the week of May 5.

Again, please register for the reunion as soon as possible, but not later than Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 10:00 pm, and be sure to periodically check the website for updated 50th Reunion information.   

If you have reunion questions and/or need assistance registering for the reunion, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events Team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion!

Best of the Line,

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2019 9:43 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: cg91d@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Update 21 April

Dear Classmates -

A reminder that registration closes on 5 May.  I urge you to register as soon as you can - we're getting an interim report on Wednesday and those numbers will help us in our planning for meals and bus requirements.

On Monday we will have a pick-up drop-off shuttle service for guests while classmates are at the Supe and AOG briefings and class meeting.  Pick-up will be at the rear of Ike Hall.  Stops will include Trophy Point, the library, Herbert Hall, and the Visitors Center.  Rendezvous will be back at Ike Hall to catch the return buses.

Please visit the AOG Reunion Website and our class Supplemental Website.  Here's what you will find at the AOG Website (https://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion):

Hotel info
Reunion Details Document
Registration link
Attendee list
Restaurant info
Regimental & Company Reps
Reunion Committee

And at the Supplemental Website (http://www.west-point.org/class/usma1969/50thReunion.htm) managed by Bill Bahr:

Company events
Transportation coordination
Chronological compilation of all reunion correspondence.  Especially note the 31 March update which contains links to various local venues and many other useful links.
Lost and Found link (should anyone lose something at the reunion)

Regarding transportation coordination, currently there are only a few entries.  If you are arriving at a local airport and will not have a rental car please get your info posted and you might find a ride.  There is also a Wednesday departure section at the site.

Be sure to read the Reunion Details document.  The entering West Point section is important, and if you have not yet registered please read Sections 21 and 22 before you register.

Those on NYC buses that are exiting at the 9/11 Memorial should plan their visit.  The 9/11 Memorial Website allows scheduling a museum visit at a defined time and tickets can be purchased on line.  A 9/11 Memorial App can be downloaded on either Android or Apple devices that will assist you in optimizing your visit.  The first virtual tour on this app is a 40 minute narration by Robert De Niro that is well done. 

After review of the interim report next week a future update will explain what you can expect when you arrive.  The AOG support begins Sunday, but the AOG will have a presence on Saturday and will have rosters of those on the NYC buses on Saturday. We will have a welcome table on Saturday and if any classmates or significant others would like to assist with that please send a note.  AOG registration will begin on Sunday and reunion memorabilia that all will receive will be picked up at registration, as well as name tags that will indicate selected meals.

Once we see the rosters of those going to NYC on Saturday and Sunday, and the FDR Museum and Library on Sunday, we will coordinate with classmates who will be bus commanders for those trips. 

 See you in four weeks.

Ed Quinn
edmathdude@aol.com     703-403-9091



Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 12:41 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update - Registration Reminder - 2 Weeks Left to Register


Reunion registration closes at 10:00pm on Sunday, May 5, 2019 for our 50th Reunion.  Reunion information is on our reunion webpage:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion.

Our 50th Reunion will take place at West Point Saturday, May 18 -Wednesday, May 22, 2019.  Please read the reunion schedule and details before filling out the registration form.  They contain important information about the reunion to include registration information and the cancellation policy.  Click on "register" at the top of the page or on step number 2 to register and pay for individual reunion activities online with a credit card.  When you have successfully registered, you will get an email confirmation of your purchase within seconds.

A list of reunion attendees who have registered for the reunion is also available on the reunion website.  This list is updated approximately every business day morning and shows just the main registrant, not guests.  All reunion registrants will receive an email with the final reunion details and important "Know Before You Go" information the week of May 5.

Our room blocks at the backup hotels close today. If you need a reservation please make one. After today your reservation will be at the prevailing rate.

Again, please register for the reunion as soon as possible, but not later than Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 10:00 pm, and be sure to periodically check the website for updated 50th Reunion information.   

If you have reunion questions and/or need assistance registering for the reunion, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events Team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion!

Best of the Line,

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 10:01 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Culinary Institute of America Tour and Lunch

Dear Classmates -

Sorry for a note so soon after my last update but I need to send a quick note regarding the Culinary Institute of America tour and lunch which will occur Monday, 20 May.  I need to get the count to the institute this coming Monday.  Therefore, if a spouse or guest is interested I need to know by Sunday night.  We have a limit of 50.  We have 30 so far. I sent that group some info yesterday that I will include here to help you decide.

The trip will be by rental cars - I think we'll have enough.  Each car will have printed google map directions and most occupants will have smart phones with google maps.  The tour starts at 1015, so the caravan will probably leave the hotel about 0830.  Lunch is from 1130-1300.  Return will probably be by 1500.  Since we have more than 20 (right now about 30 and there will be more), the menu will be the same for everyone; a first course, main course, and dessert.  I'm not sure how we will decide on the menu - more on that later.  Whatever we end up with I'm sure will be very good. Those participating will miss the activities at West Point that day.

The cost is $6 for the tour and approximately $48 for lunch, which includes tax and gratuity.

Other Items

Bill Bahr has established a link to a transportation spreadsheet from our Supplemental Website.  My last update described its purpose and the information you need to send him if you are looking to share costs from the airport or are seeking a ride with a classmate with a rental car.  He has added a section for departures from the hotel on Wednesday.  Information needs to be sent to Bill by 10 May.  He will not be updating during the reunion. See

As you are aware we are having a Widows Gathering on Monday morning.  The intent is for a group of widows and family members to spend some peaceful time together at the West Point Club prior to the cemetery visit.  I expect Bruce Wheeler and his widow coordinator regimental reps may want to attend, one of our pastors, Ray Dupere, will attend as will Bob St. Onge, who has devoted much time and effort in assembling the Memorial Book you will all receive with your memorabilia bag on Sunday. Other classmates who may be especially close to a classmate's widow may be interested in attending.  There is an entry on the registration page for those wishing to attend.  This is not intended to be a class breakfast - there is a breakfast at the hotel that morning.

After you register if you would like to change anything you may call the AOG office and they will take care of adjustments to your itinerary and make appropriate adjustments to the costs. (845-446-1649)

Phil Clark just sent a very detailed explanation of the pre-reunion bike trip via our class distribution list., the one managed by Hugh Donohue.  Most of you should have received it.  If you didn't, and would like info, please send Phil a note at phil.clark.28017@gmail.com

See you soon.




From: Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 2:53 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update -- One Month Left to register


If you haven't already, please register for our reunion!  Our 50th Reunion will take place at West Point Saturday, May 18 through Wednesday, May 22, 2019.  Please read the reunion details before filling out the registration form.  They contain important information about the reunion to include registration information and the cancellation policy.  For step by step instructions on how to fill out the online registration form, see 21. Register (How To and Important Dates) on pages 8-9 of the details.  The latest agenda and details are all on our reunion webpage at the top under the date.  Please register for the reunion online with a credit card at https://www.westpointaog.org/1969Reunion and select 'Register' at the top of the page or on step number 2.

If you have not yet made your hotel reservation, please do so!  Our reunion headquarters hotel, the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, NY, is sold out.  Additional rooms are available in the surrounding area.  Information on how to reserve a room in one of our blocks is also on the reunion website.  

A list of reunion attendees who have registered for the reunion is also available on the reunion website.  This list is updated approximately every business day morning and shows just the main registrant, not guests.  

Please register for the reunion by Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 10:00 pm EST and be sure to periodically check the website for updated 50th Reunion information.   

See you this Spring at West Point!

Best of the Line,

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair


From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2019 6:15 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: slenker@aol.com; cg91d@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Update March 31


Dear Classmates,

You may want to place this email in your saved mail file, or you can create a reunion folder and put it there. I am listing below links to many Reunion related activities. Most of you will have smart phones and this will be a handy reference for you both before and during the reunion. Of course the links will only work on a device or PC.  And it will only be helpful if you can find it on your phone.

Registration is well underway. Names and Companies are updated daily. I want to remind you of a few things that are not on the registration link.

Please contact me if your family members are interested in a tour and lunch at the Culinary Institute of America at Hyde Park on Monday. We have had a number of classmates indicating interest in spouse and family attendance and we should have enough rental cars for carpooling. Family members will miss Monday events at West Point.

Please send an email to Bill Slenker if you are interested in playing tennis on Sunday at the state-of-the-art indoor tennis facility at West Point.  billslenker@gmail.com

We have arranged for a large TV to show episodes of the West Point Story on Sunday afternoon and after dinner on Sunday. Bring some libations from the bar and complain about how the Corps has.

We're looking at options for either a guided tour of West Point or a drop-off get-on shuttle for family members on Monday afternoon while the guys are having the AOG update and class meeting after lunch. More to come on that.

A reminder that at registration you have an opportunity to describe dietary restrictions.

There is still availability at the Marriott on Friday and Saturday nights.

Please read the Reunion Details document. There is a link at our reunion website and also below.

Again, you may want to place this email in your saved mail file, or you can create a reunion folder and put it there. I am listing below links to many Reunion related activities. Most of you will have smart phones and this will be a handy reference for you.

AOG Reunion Website:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969Reunion

Supplemental Website:  http://www.west-point.org/class/usma1969/50thReunion.htm

Company Events (link from supplemental website):  http://www.west-point.org/class/usma1969/company.htm

Registration (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969ReunionRegistration

Schedule (living document) (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9480

Reunion Committee (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9548

Restaurants (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9484

Company and Regimental Reps (link from reunion website):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9547

 Reunion Details (link from reunion website)(has many links that are extremely helpful):  https://www.westpointaog.org/document.doc?id=9791

 Culinary Institute of America:  https://www.ciachef.edu/visiting-cia/

 FDR Museum and Library (Sunday bus trip - on registration site):  https://fdrlibrary.org/

Kykuit (Rockefeller Mansion)(Local sightseeing - on registration site):  https://hudsonvalley.org/historic-sites/kykuit-the-rockefeller-estate/

 Lyndhurst Mansion (Local sightseeing - on registration site):  http://lyndhurst.org/

See you all in about six weeks.

Ed Quinn

edmathdude@aol.com   703-403-9091



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 2:15 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: Fwd: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update -- Reunion Registration Open

Dear Classmates -

A quick follow-up for those about to register. 

Please read the Reunion Details document before you register as suggested in the AOG release email. A link was provided. The entire document has important information, but #21 and #22 are particularly important for registration. You will find it much easier to navigate registration if you read those sections first. 

You do not have to stop at every event. Page past the ones that don't interest you or those that occur before your arrival. Save after each event. 

You can reply to the AOG for help as indicated in the release email, or email or text me and I will try to help if you're having  difficulty. 




From: WPAOG Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 1:06 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update -- Reunion Registration Open


Our 50th reunion will take place at West Point on Saturday, May 18 through Wednesday, May 22, 2019.  Please register for the reunion online with a credit card at https://www.westpointaog.org/1969Reunion and select "Register" at the top.  Please read the reunion details before filling out the registration form.  They contain important information about the reunion to include registration information and the cancellation policy.  The details and latest schedule are all on our reunion webpage at the top under the date.  

If you have not yet made your hotel reservation, please do so!  Our reunion headquarters hotel is the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, NY, however, it is sold out.  We have additional rooms blocked at hotels in the surrounding area.  Information on how to reserve a room in our blocks is also on the reunion website.  

Please register for the reunion by Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 10:00 pm EST and be sure to periodically check the website for updated 50th Reunion information.   

If you have reunion questions, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

See you this Spring at West Point!

Best of the Line,

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2019 11:10 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: cg91d@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [distro1969] Registration

Dear Classmates -

 There is a glitch in the registration software that has caused a delay. We hope it will be ready Tuesday. At the time of registration a Reunion Details document will be posted. It contains 24 sections that should answer most questions you may have. It will include the menus for all meals, attire guidelines, and many other important items. Should registration get delayed beyond Tuesday I will send the Reunion Details document via email, and it will be posted on the AOG reunion website as well. 

When you do register, here is a list of registration items you will see that involve a cost except for local sightseeing.


Local sightseeing - details to be    determined once numbers are known
New York City bus - early or late return
Buffet Dinner


Local sightseeing - details to be    determined once numbers are known
New York City bus - early or late return
FDR Museum and Library - roundtrip bus
Buffet Dinner
See below for Tennis ***


Widows Gathering (no cost for widows and next of kin)
Roundtrip buses to West Point
Lunch at Ike Hall
Dinner Dance - Buffet
See below for Culinary visit.  ***


Roundtrip buses to West Point
Alumni Lunch in Mess Hall
Dinner Banquet - Plated 


Farewell Brunch
There will be a few things that could happen, based on interest, that will not be on the registration form.



Bill Slenker has reserved court time Sunday at the indoor tennis facility at West Point. If you are interested, please send an
email to Bill at billslenker@gmail.com and he will coordinate the activity if there is sufficient interest.

Culinary Institute

We have made a reservation for a tour and lunch at the Culinary Institute at Hyde Park.  Tours are not provided on weekends so this will happen on Monday with departure from the Marriott and is intended for classmates' guests. There is no bus for this trip - we will coordinate travel by attendees' rental cars if there is sufficient interest. Those opting to visit will not be going to West Point Monday and will miss Monday's events (cemetery visit, Widows Gathering, Ike Hall lunch, Supe and AOG briefings, and class meeting). Please reply via email if interested.





From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2019 4:27 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Update


Dear Classmates -

Registration will occur next week. I will send another note when it is open. I just did a fake registration in what could be called a beta test. There were a few wrinkles that are being corrected. When you register you will provide information for yourself, including your email address and phone number, and then one-by-one for those accompanying you. The registration fee will be applied to you, and there is a nominal registration fee for the rest of your party to cover name tags and lanyards. The registration fee is waived for class widows. Then meals and events will appear chronologically where you will indicate which of your party will participate. After each event you will save and then move on to the next event. I think it is user friendly once you get used to saving after each event. At checkout you will pay by credit card and you will receive a confirmation email.  

We are in the final stages of preparations and your classmates are doing a great job.

Bill Johnsmeyer is conducting a final review of the budget.

Mike Brennan has done yeoman's work in coordinating meals at the hotel and in compiling the restaurant lists that were useful in planning company events.  

The final item of memorabilia, the Reunion Coin, has been designed and Bob Yaap is in final coordination with the manufacturer. His memorabilia team has done a wonderful job.

Doug Aykroyd has put a lot of thought into the cemetery visit. Our classmates' graves will be identified and you will get a cemetery map noting their locations. 

Denny Helsel will make a final visit to the golf course next month and has grouped the 36 golfers into foursomes. The list is attached. If interested and not on the list please contact Denny.

Don Randolph wants this to be B. Arnold and the Traitors best performance ever. He is bringing some musicians with him and the band will be supplemented by a few USMA band members. Tom Mahany and Mike Nardotti have arranged for all the equipment the band will need and have done the coordination with our hotel event manager  for rehearsal and performance space. If you have a chance please thank the band members - they don't get to do most of the reunion stuff because of the preparations required.

Ray Dupere and Geoff Moran, along with Kathryn King, are ready to help us memorialize our classmates who have joined The Long Gray Line at our Memorial Service on Tuesday afternoon.

Bill Bahr has done a great job in maintaining our Supplemental Website. He has posted all of the reunion emails and he has added a listing of company events - we have 14 thus far.

Bruce Wheeler and his regimental reps have put a lot of effort in keeping our class widows in the loop. We're expecting about 20 class widows and a special event for them is scheduled Monday morning at the West Point Club. An early bus will transport them and then they will join the class for the cemetery visit. Their name tags will have a distinctive blue border so please seek them out and make them feel welcome.  

Our regimental and company reps have been continuously informing our classmates of reunion activities and have helped find "lost classmates."

Bob St Onge is reviewing the final draft of the Memorial Book that will contain Memorial Articles for all of our deceased classmates, including those who have recently passed. I think this will be a treasured item and will be included among the memorabilia items that all will receive.

KC Brown has been collating all of the descriptions and after-action summaries of the 50-Year Affiliation Program that will capture the history of our relationship with the Class of 2019. At a future date he will provide details about the final product.

John McBeth and Phil Clark are proceeding with planning for the pre-reunion bike ride from Syracuse to West Point. Please contact them if interested. 

I want to end with a list of links that you may want to keep handy.

AOG Reunion Website. It includes hotel info, schedule, restaurant lists, company and Regimental reps, reunion committee, and will include a registrants list updated daily during the registration process.


Supplemental Website. Contains chronological listing of reunion emails and a link to company events. 


Direct link to company events (a link from the supplemental website). 


Airport and travel information.


On behalf of the entire reunion committee.


Ed Quinn



From: WPAOG Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2019 9:00 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update -- Last day to order Class Gear



A final reminder that today is the deadline to order West Point and Class gear.  Details and online ordering can be found on our class reunion website:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion.  Items are not available to ship or for pick-up until the reunion, so you will receive your order at the reunion. Whether you are coming to the reunion or not, everyone will have to select a Shipping Address and a Billing Address before proceeding to the Checkout screen.  To pick up your items at the reunion, select "In-Store PickUp ($0.00)" from the shipping option drop down menu on the checkout page.  Memorabilia pick-up times and locations will be listed on the final reunion agenda posted on the reunion website and handed out at reunion check-in.  If you are not attending the reunion, select "UPS Ground" from the shipping option drop down menu on the checkout page, and your order will be mailed to you after the reunion.  Items will not mail until the week after the reunion.  All graduates will receive one gray class hat, one Travel Tumbler with a lid and one clear stadium tote with their reunion registration.  All reunions sales are final.  If there are questions on sizes or for assistance with your Class gear order, please contact the WPAOG Gift Shop directly, 1.800.426.4725.

There are two changes to the items offered for pre-sale. The 1969 Men's Genre Polo will have "50th Reunion" added to the shirt and the coaster set will indicate 50th Reunion.

If you have reunion questions, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events Team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you this Spring!

Best of the Line, 

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 1:53 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Fwd: Memorabilia Update and Company Events

Dear Classmates -

Bob Yaap has coordinated with the AOG Gift Shop and although we are a few short of the minimum 60 for two of the items (regular camp shirt and Hawaiian camp shirt) we are proceeding with production of all items so there will be no cancellations. The extra items will be available for purchase at the reunion and beyond, through August.

The memorabilia link is scheduled to close on March 8, but our gift shop liaison indicated it would remain up through the weekend. So there is still time to get your orders in.

Regimental reps have coordinated with your company reps and asked them to send company event info to Bill Bahr who has done a great job of creating a link from our Supplemental Website that displays these events. The link will be continuously updated. The direct link to the list is


See you in May.

Ed Quinn



From: WPAOG Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 10:20 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update - DEADLINE EXTENSION to order Class Gear



Our deadline to order West Point and class gear has been extended to Friday, March 8th. Details and online ordering can be found on our class reunion website:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion.  Items are not available to ship or for pick-up until the reunion, so you will receive your order at the reunion. Whether you are coming to the reunion or not, everyone will have to select a Shipping Address and a Billing Address before proceeding to the Checkout screen.  To pick up your items at the reunion, select "In-Store PickUp ($0.00)" from the shipping option drop down menu on the checkout page.  Memorabilia pick-up times and locations will be listed on the final reunion agenda posted on the reunion website and handed out at reunion check-in.  If you are not attending the reunion, select "UPS Ground" from the shipping option drop down menu on the checkout page, and your order will be mailed to you after the reunion.  Items will not mail until the week after the reunion.  All graduates will receive one gray class hat, one Travel Tumbler with a lid and one clear stadium tote with their reunion registration.  Only order these items if you would like additional quantities.  All reunions sales are final.  If there are questions on sizes or for assistance with your Class gear order, please contact the WPAOG Gift Shop directly, 1.800.426.4725.

There are two changes to the items offered for pre-sale. The 1969 Men's Genre Polo will have "50th Reunion" added to the shirt  and the coaster set will indicate 50th Reunion.

As a reminder, our 50th reunion will take place at West Point on May 18-22, 2019. The reunion committee continues to firm up all of the reunion activities and pricing.  A working schedule can be found on our reunion website, and we expect to open online reunion registration by the end of March. I'll send an email with these updates but check the website often for additional reunion information.  

If you have not yet made your hotel reservation, please do so! Our class reunion headquarters hotel, the Westchester Marriott, is sold out on Sunday and Monday.  Additional rooms are available in the surrounding area.  Information on the overflow room blocks, including a link(s) to online reservations, is on our reunion website as well.

If you have reunion questions, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events Team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you this spring!

Best of the Line, 

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair

In 2019, the West Point Association of Graduates will turn 150 years old! In celebration of this milestone event, WPAOG will be conducting a "virtual birthday toast" via Facebook on May 22, the anniversary of our founding date in 1869. All alumni and members of the West Point community are encouraged to record live videos of themselves toasting and wishing "Happy Birthday" WPAOG and upload them to the exclusive event page. To coincide with the virtual toast on May 22, we will also be collecting videos in advance to be featured in a WPAOG-produced video which will be released on the day of the event. If you wish to be featured in the video, please click here for more information.




From: Sent for [edmathdude@aol.com] by [usma1969] [mailto:edmathdude_at_aol_dot_com@west-point.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 8:48 PM
To: Class of 1969
Subject: usma1969: Reunion Memorabilia

I'm sending this over our class email list. I am having difficulty sending via the AOG distribution list. Sorry if you are getting emails from both lists. 

Dear Classmates -

This is a reminder that 1 March is the last date to order memorabilia. Also, I want to highlight several changes. The Genre Men's Polo will be embroidered with "50th Reunion" and the coasters will also indicate "50th Reunion."  If you have ordered these and do not want our reunion indicated you can contact the gift shop and have them deleted from your order. 

Registration is around the corner. Experience has shown that occasionally classmates who have reserved rooms even if undecided about attending decide at registration that they cannot attend. If you have reserved a room at the Westchester Marriott and must cancel please let the reunion committee take care of that for you. That way we can ensure that the room remains with the class and someone could swap from a backup hotel to the Marriott. Just send an email to me and we will cancel the room and send the cancellation confirmation number to you. 

I'm pasting below an excerpt from the AOG Gift Shop explaining our ordering status. 

See you in May. 

Ed Quinn

Here is where we stand as ordering winds down.

We have met the minimum required quantity on the following items:
Polo Shirt (Men/Women/Tall combined)
Old School PT Shirt
Puffer Vests & Jackets (Men/Women combined)
Infinity Scarf
Class Tie
Stemless Wine Glass
Coaster Set
Class Hat *
Clear Tote Bag *
Travel Mug *

*Denotes meeting minimum as a registration item.

We have not met the minimum required on the following:
Woven Camp Shirt (Solid) – need 27 more sold
Jackets (Men/Women combined) – need 17 more sold
Hawaiian Camp Shirt – need 31 more sold

Therefore, a message should be sent to all classmates that if they have purchased a polo shirt or a set of coasters, the art will be different.  They must contact the store this week if they wish to cancel their order for either or both of those items, keeping in mind that all reunion orders are Final Sale, and will not be available for return at the reunion.




From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 8:43 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Interest in Attending the Graduation of the Class of 2019
Importance: High


***You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you are affiliated with this Class year.  To update your address, email address, or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, Class year, and new information to address@wpaog.org.***


The WPAOG has received a few queries over the past two weeks from classmates interested in attending the Graduation Ceremonies for the Class of 2019.  These will take place on Saturday morning, 25 May.  Reminder that this is a full three days AFTER the conclusion of our 50th Reunion activities, which end with a farewell brunch on Wednesday, 22 May.

 Graduation attendees are asked to be seated at Michie Stadium by 0830 on Graduation Day.  Since the President is this year’s graduation speaker,  that timeline will likely be advanced to meet Secret Service security screening requirements.    The First Class marches in at 0i900 and the ceremony begins at 1000. 

 That said, if you are interested in attending this year’s  graduation ceremonies, please let me know via email at brownkc@cox.net.  I will work with Cathy Kilner at the WPAOG Alumni Support office to obtain as many tickets as possible for the 50 Year Affiliation Class beyond those offered our WPAOG Advisory Board Members.  The number tickets the 50 Year Affiliation Class receives is usually capped at ten.  We will assign these on a first come-first served basis according to the DTGs of the email responses we receive.

 Please let me know your druthers as soon as possible, but not later than Founders Day, March 16th.    


Best, KC




From: Mike McGovern and Wayne Murphy [mailto:classgiving@wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2019 8:51 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Class Gift Fund Decision


Gentlemen and our Ladies

Thank you all so much for the great response to our survey/vote on what to do with our additional gift funds.  We had 50% of classmates and 74% of campaign donors respond.  

You voted to reinforce our 50th gift endowments (43%), hold and look to new needs (46%), and contribute to AOG on its 150th anniversary (11%).  The class officers and gift committee decided to follow your preferences.

We have in hand slightly over $500K and will add more when all pledges are completed and our earnings are posted.  The committee decided to allocate $500K at this time as follows:

-    Add $225K to our 50th gift to reinforce our endowments.  
-    Hold $225K in our gift fund for future approved needs.
-    Make a $50K gift to AOG LGL endowment on its 150th anniversary.

In May at our reunion we will present two checks.  The first will be for our 50th Reunion gift of $2.225M to enhance the endowments for the Class Chair for Officership and for the Cyber Research Center Cadet Scholarships.  The second will be to AOG on its 150th anniversary for a gift of $50K.

We expect our class gift fund to grow well beyond that $225K we are holding back for the future – with current excess, outstanding pledges fulfilled, added gifts, and investment earnings.  We, as a class, will entertain new needs in the future as they become clear.  There are some very worthy projects on the horizon.

The class officers and gift committee look forward to celebrating our brotherhood and life-long friendships in May.  Once again you have validated our motto:

Gift Committee and Class Officers




From: WPAOG Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 11:33 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update – One Week Left to order Class Gear



A reminder that Friday, March 1, 2019 is the deadline to order West Point and Class gear.  Details and online ordering can be found on our class reunion website:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion.  Items are not available to ship or for pick-up until the reunion, so you will receive your order at the reunion. Whether you are coming to the reunion or not, everyone will have to select a Shipping Address and a Billing Address before proceeding to the Checkout screen.  To pick up your items at the reunion, select “In-Store PickUp ($0.00)” from the shipping option drop down menu on the checkout page.  Memorabilia pick-up times and locations will be listed on the final reunion agenda posted on the reunion website and handed out at reunion check-in.  If you are not attending the reunion, select “UPS Ground” from the shipping option drop down menu on the checkout page, and your order will be mailed to you after the reunion.  Items will not mail until the week after the reunion.  All graduates will receive one gray class hat, one Travel Tumbler with a lid and one clear stadium tote with their reunion registration.  Only order these items if you would like additional quantities.  All reunions sales are final.  If there are questions on sizes or for assistance with your Class gear order, please contact the WPAOG Gift Shop directly, 1.800.426.4725.

There is one change to the items offered for pre-sale. The 1969 Men's Genre Polo will have "50th Reunion" added to the shirt.

As a reminder, our 50th reunion will take place at West Point on May 18-22, 2019. The reunion committee continues to firm up all of the reunion activities and pricing.  A working schedule can be found on our reunion website, and we expect to open online reunion registration by the end of March. I’ll send an email with these updates but check the website often for additional reunion information.  

If you have not yet made your hotel reservation, please do so! Our class reunion headquarters hotel, the Westchester Marriott, is sold out on Sunday and Monday.  Additional rooms are available in the surrounding area.  Information on the overflow room blocks, including a link(s) to online reservations, is on our reunion website as well.

If you have reunion questions, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events Team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you this spring!

Best of the Line, 

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair



From: WPAOG Alumni Events [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 10:03 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion Update – Two Weeks Left to order Class Gear


Class of 1969,

A reminder that Friday, March 1, 2019 is the deadline to order West Point and Class gear.  Details and online ordering can be found on our class reunion website under step number 3:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion.   You will receive your items at the reunion (May 18-22).  For those who will not attend the reunion, orders will be mailed after the reunion.  

As a reminder, our 50th reunion will take place at West Point on May 18-22, 2019. The reunion committee continues to firm up all of the reunion activities and pricing. A working agenda can be found on our reunion website, and we expect to open online reunion registration by the end of March. I’ll send an email with these updates but check the website often for additional reunion information. 

If you have not yet made your hotel reservation, please do so! Our class reunion headquarters hotel, the Westchester Marriott, is sold out on Sunday and Monday.  Additional rooms are available in the surrounding area.  Information on the overflow room blocks, including a link(s) to online reservations, is on our reunion website as well.

If you have reunion questions, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events team:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you this spring!

Best of the Line, 

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair

In 2019, the West Point Association of Graduates will turn 150 years old! In celebration of this milestone event, WPAOG will be conducting a “virtual birthday toast” via Facebook on May 22, the anniversary of our founding date in 1869. All alumni and members of the West Point community are encouraged to record live videos of themselves toasting and wishing “Happy Birthday” WPAOG and upload them to the exclusive event page. To coincide with the virtual toast on May 22, we will also be collecting videos in advance to be featured in a WPAOG-produced video which will be released on the day of the event. If you wish to be featured in the video, please click here for more information.



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2019 4:14 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion News - Memorabilia

 Dear Classmates - 
IMPORTANT (resent 2/12/2019 via usma1919@west-point.org)!

The pre-order memorabilia items are now available for purchase.  Thanks go to Bob Yaap, honcho of the memorabilia team that includes Jim Blake, Ed Mayer, and Mike Healy.

Three items on the memorabilia list are also included as memorabilia items you will receive at the reunion, so only order those if you want extras.  They are the travel tumbler, 1969 hat, and clear stadium tote bag. The item descriptions are attached to this email for viewing purposes, but all ordering will be done on line.  You are encouraged to purchase the West Point tie that you can wear at the Alumni Review as we stand on The Plain as the Corps marches by on Tuesday morning. We are asking classmates to wear blue or black blazers with khaki pants for that event and the tie will work nicely.  We need to have at least 60 orders for the tie to be produced.  The Hawaiian shirt you will see on the item sheet also requires 60 orders.  The ordering link will be closed down on 1 March. 


The AOG Gift Shop coordinator has posted instructions on line.  I'm including them here as well to speed up the ordering process.


A direct link to the ordering site:

 There is also a link to the ordering site from our AOG Reunion Website.  The discussion is just below the links to our three backup hotels.

 Ed Quinn


From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 6:27 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Correction

Classmates -

I did not mean there were other classes celebrating their 50th Reunion. The classes of 1959 and 1964 are celebrating 5-year reunions and only two morning services can be accommodated at the Cadet Chapel. The Class of 1944 will have their service at Holy Trinity.

Also, the Memorial Service will be Tuesday afternoon.

If I note other errors I'll save them for my next update.



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 5:08 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: Dano
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Update

Dear Classmates

 This reunion update covers a lot of odds and ends.

 I’m sure you are wondering about registration.  I’ve mentioned in previous updates that registration will be on-line in mid-March.  Our target date is 19 March.  At that time you will select the meals and trips that interest you.  There will be an opportunity on the registration form to indicate dietary restrictions. Over the reunion weekend trips that require buses will have a cost.  They include buses to NYC on Saturday and Sunday and travel to the FDR Museum and Library which could be on either or both days depending on interest.  The buses to NYC will have drop-offs at Bryant Park (near the theater district) and near the 9/11 Memorial.  More info regarding NYC will be in future updates. The reunion committee is working with the AOG support team to determine the registration fee, which will cover, among other things, memorabilia, the Memorial Book that Bob St. Onge is honchoing, and band costs.  The registration fee will be paid for at registration.

Due to the number of classes having their 50th Reunion on the same weekend we have swapped the Memorial Service and cemetery visit.  The cemetery visit is now Monday morning.  There will be an early bus that will transport class widows and families to a private gathering at the West Point Club (previously the Officers’ Club).  At its conclusion that group will join the class at the cemetery.  The Memorial Service will be Tuesday morning.  We will be honored to have three class pastors conduct the service; Ray Dupere, Geoff Moran, and Kathryn King (widow of Pick King). These changes are reflected in the schedule posted at our AOG Reunion Website -westpointaog.org/1969reunion 

For those wishing to extend their stay at the front end of the reunion there is availability at our reunion rate on both Friday and Saturday at the Marriott.  Regarding rooms, those of you who have reservations at the Marriott and must cancel them, please let me know and we will work with our event manager to arrange for a classmate to take your place and have your credit card info removed.

We had 345 replies to the reunion survey, which is about 75% of our expected classmates and widows.  I think that’s pretty good.  It gave us a good indication of interest in various activities. I sent emails to all but a few of those with suggestions or comments and I will get to the others shortly.  We sent the info from those with disability comments to Geoff Prosch.  We asked Geoff and Kappy to be our devil’s advocate regarding disability issues.  Geoff reviewed the 4-day agenda and followed up by walking where we will walk on his visit to West Point last week.  He met with the AOG following his trek and has drafted his recommendations which I will review with him next week. 

In the past a roster of attendees has been prepared in hard copy.  The AOG will post a roster of attendees on our reunion website after registration, but it will not contain contact info. We will create a roster in the form of a sortable spreadsheet.  It will include name, phone number, email address, state, cadet company, and spouse’s name.  We intend to password-protect the spreadsheet and post it on our Supplemental Website (www.usma1969.org).  Since it will contain personal data, if you would like to opt out please let Bill Bahr know at wbahr@ibexsystems.com  If you do not contact Bill I will take this as an okay. The roster will be initially for those attending the reunion and can be expanded to include others after the reunion when a volunteer steps up to manage the process.

The AOG, in coordination with the reunion committee, will add a Reunion Guide to our reunion website well in advance of the reunion.  It will include information about dress for various events, visitor entry to West Point, handicapped information, wheelchair rental information, and much more.  To see an example you can visit the 1973 45th Reunion Website (westpointaog.org/1973reunion) using the Details link. Keep in mind it is an example and ours will be tailored to our specific reunion.

In my last weekly telecon with the AOG I learned that we will share lunch at Ike Hall on Monday with members of the class of 1944, who will be celebrating their 75th Reunion. As of today they have 22 living members and their attendees, which can only be a few, will be about 97 years old. It will be an honor to share a meal with them. 

We will be coordinating with our event manager at the Marriott to have a location with a large screen TV with room to sit and hoist a few while watching episodes of The West Point Story, the 1956-57 40-episode series depicting life at West Point. Included among the many stars that made appearances are Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn, and Leonard Nimoy. Stewart Bornhoft, with a gang of supporters that I think were paid endorsers, made a case for this and we will do our best.

Although we will get a 20% reduction off Marriott published rates for meals, the dinners at the Marriott will be expensive.  Mike Brennan is working with our event manager to work the menus and the prices for each meal but I wanted to alert you now that the dinners will be pricey.

A have a few reminders from previous updates.  Please contact John McBeth (njmcbeth@yahoo.com) or Phil Clark (phil.clark.28017@gmail.com) if you are interested in the pre-reunion bike ride from Syracuse to West Point. If interested in golf, which will be on Sunday at a local course, please mail the attached golf registration form, with payment, to Denny Helsel.  His address is on the form.

Call or write if you have any questions or concerns.  If you would like to know if any of your companymates plan to attend, go to the company rep spreadsheet on the reunion website and contact your company rep. I urge you to always keep in mind that the reunion is an opportunity to get together with classmates, exchange and exaggerate stories, and to relax over a libation with classmates you have not seen in years.  You do not have to feel an obligation to do local sightseeing, or bus to the city.  Chilling is an acceptable activity for old farts.

 Ed Quinn




From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:21 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: Dano; Sylvia Anshus
Subject: [distro1969] 50th Reunion Update

Dear Classmates -

Just a quick update on attendance and the pre-reunion survey.

Based on updates from our four Regimental reps, working with their company reps, I think classmate attendance will be about 425. Including class widows we will approach 445. A number of classmates have booked multiple rooms indicating additional family members so total attendance could push 850-900 people.

The pre-reunion survey will be pulled from the reunion website on 17 December so we can review the data and begin final planning. It is important that you complete the survey. About 300 classmates have done the survey so a number of you are in late ranks. Please help us out and take care of it.

The pre-reunion survey can be found in the "Get Involved" section of the reunion website at:


See you in May.

Ed Quinn
50th Reunion Chair


From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2018 8:50 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] West Point Post Access for those Without DOD ID Cards


Ed Quinn has asked me to resend information pertaining to the  Grad Pass which allows USMA graduates who are no longer DOD ID holders to access the post with ease.

Here’s the deal:  thanks to petitions by Todd Browne, the WPAOG President, USMA has established a program whereby USMA grads who are not DOD ID holders can register for what’s known as a  Grad Pass, permitting access to the post through the DOD lanes, which means your vehicle will not be subject search everytime you drive onto West Point.

Grad Pass instructions follow: Those without military ID  or CAC cards should apply in advance for the Grad Pass, if not already in possession of one.  This ID card entitles the bearer to access the post in the DOD-ID lanes and avoid having his car inspected.   NLT one week prior to your intended arrival,fFill out and submit the Grad Pass application https://www.westpointaog.org/westpointaccessform which goes directly to USMA Emergency Services.  Once at West Point, pull into the lot by the Visitor’s Center and enter the door facing the parking lot (where the main entrance to the visitor’s center and the ODIA gift shop used to be).   Inside once your identity has been verified, you’ll have your photo taken and be issued a special CAC-like card marked GRAD.  Grad Pass validity is for one year. There is a special line for Grads which speeds up the issuance process.

Those wishing  to visit West Point independently in conjunction with our reunion should apply for the Grad Pass one week ahead of their planned visit dates.    You will not need the Grad Pass when riding the reunion busses. 

Unfortunately, this privilege extends only to graduates.  USMA has yet to extend the Grad Pass  privilege to class widows lacking DOD identification .

Once again, if you are retired military or a DOD Civilian with a CAC-card you do not need to apply for the Grad Pass.  Your military ID card provides you access to West Point and all other US military installations.

Meanwhile, here’s to another big win over Navy on Saturday.


Best, KC



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2018 1:04 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: Dano; Sylvia Anshus
Subject: [distro1969] Fwd: Update

Dear Classmates –

I want to bring you up to date on a few things.  But first, PLEASE COMPLETE THE REUNION SURVEY.

The AOG Reunion Website can be found at:


The Reunion Survey is in the “Get Involved” section.  We need all classmates and class widows to complete this survey so we can properly plan for bus trips to NYC, visits to local venues, and golf. Please do it now if you have yet to complete it.  In this section you can also link to our Class Notes, commendably compiled for the last 49 and a butt years by Bob Kimmitt.  Class notes from 2011 onward are archived there.  You will need to log in using your AOG login info to see the notes. 

We have a few additions.  On the Info page of the website, in the “See Also” section, we have added two items; the Regimental and Company Reps spreadsheet, and the 1969 Reunion Committee spreadsheet.  Contact info for the reps and reunion committee members is included.

We also have a Supplemental Reunion Website managed by Bill Bahr.  Bill has compiled all the reunion notes and updates chronologically. The email dated October 1 has links to many of the venues on our radar and will help you plan your stay.  He also has posted the Regimental and Company Reps and Reunion Committee spreadsheets.  The Supplemental Reunion Website address is:

www.usma1969.org    Once there, note the 50th Reunion link just below our class crest.  There are many interesting links at the website. Thanks Bill.

A few reminders:

1. Those interested in the pre-reunion bike trip from Syracuse to West Point please get in touch with John McBeth or Phil Clark: njmcbeth@yahoo.com, phil.clark.28017@gmail.com

2. Those with pictures relating to any of our 5-year reunions or mini-reunions please send them to Phil Clark.  Please identify the event and classmates.  Group shots do not need classmate identification.  Send digital photos when possible.  We have received thousands of photos and it will help our triage if identification is provided.  Phil can scan hard copies and return the originals.  Phil’s snail mail address is 47 Celt Rd #1001, Stanardsville, VA  22973. Those interested in helping organize the photos or helping design the displays of this reunion history please get in touch with me. 

The reunion survey requests input regarding a tour and lunch at the Culinary Institute in Hyde Park on Tuesday, which was aimed at families of classmates.  Some classmates might be interested in visiting the Culinary Institute for lunch or dinner on Saturday or Sunday.  There are no tours of the institute on weekends.  We probably would not have enough people interested to make a bus economical, but if you are interested in visiting the institute please let me know via return email and we can link you with other interested classmates and you can make your own arrangements to visit.  You may want to schedule a tour on Wednesday after our farewell brunch.

The survey left off a potential tennis event at the indoor facility at West Point.  The options would be to play for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday, with some kind of a lunch included at the courts, or on Monday for families while classmates are at the Supe’s briefing and class business meeting.  Please send me an email if you are interested.  This will depend on facility availability.

Bob St. Onge is doing great work in compiling previous TAPS Memorial Articles, coordinating the preparation of articles for recently deceased classmates, and making arrangements with our publisher to ensure your copy of our special Memorial Volume, published by us and containing only our classmates’ Memorial Articles, is waiting for you at the reunion.  Our class widows will receive copies.  Classmates not in attendance will have an opportunity to purchase what will be a cherished history of those of us who have joined the Long Gray Line. 

Those interested in golf please see the attached registration sheet from Denny Helsel.  He asks that you fill out the form and mail it back to him with a check.  His mailing address is on the form. Denny can be reached at helsed@chowan.edu or 252-862-5275.

All of the hotels have similar rules regarding cancellation of reservations.  Reservations can be cancelled without penalty outside a 48-hour period prior to the first day of the reservation.  Inside that window cancellations will result in a charge for the first day of the reservation. Please keep that in mind, especially if you have made reservations in more than one hotel for whatever reason.

Attendance is looking good.  The Marriott sold out in a short period of time. Our first two backup hotels (Sheraton and Springhill Suites) have booked more than half of our reservation block.  The Courtyard Marriott is also taking reservations.  I am awaiting updated spreadsheets from our four regimental reps who are compiling inputs from their company reps.  By 13 December I will have a good estimate of those who have already booked rooms or are expecting to attend but have not yet made room reservations.  At the moment my estimate is 425 classmates and class widows. Room reservations indicate that a number of classmates and class widows will have family members with them.

The Marriott still has availability in our reservation block on Friday and Saturday nights, so if you are arriving Saturday or Sunday and wish to extend your stay at the front end you can do that at the reunion rate.

Some have asked questions about what to wear.  We will include a suggested dress guide well in advance of the reunion. I will mention now that for the Alumni Review Tuesday morning the dress will be dark blazer (blue or black), dress shirt, and tie (West Point tie if you have one). We will be on the parade field en masse, just a few feet from the Corps as it passes in review of the Distinguished Graduates and our class.  Please do not leave shoes, alarm clocks, or other paraphernalia on the parade field. That was a joke but now I wish I had not mentioned it. 

That’s it for now.  Feel free to contact me or anyone on the reunion committee.  We want to make this a reunion to remember.

Ed Quinn

50th Reunion Chair



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 3:10 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: Ed Quinn; Dano; Sylvia Anshus
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Update

***You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you are affiliated with this Class year.  To update your address, email address, or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, Class year, and new information to address@wpaog.org.***

Dear Classmates -

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

Welcome to a reunion update. Please read the entire note. At the end is a request to go to our reunion website and complete a reunion survey. It is very important to our planning. A reunion like this does not happen by itself - we need your help to make it as wonderful as we can. 

We have some additions to the reunion website. We have added a third backup hotel, the Courtyard Marriott, which is on the same road as our other three hotels. You will see it listed along with the others on the Info page. The phone number and group description for making reservations are listed. We will add a reservation link after the Thanksgiving holiday. We lined up another hotel since we are expecting a big crowd. The Marriott block of 325 rooms sold out of Sunday and Monday rooms in the late evening or early the next morning the day reservations opened.  The Sheraton and Springhill Suites are starting to fill - we have 60 rooms at each. We have about 350 classmates and class widows with rooms so far. There are still about 90 classmates who indicated they would attend in earlier polls who have not yet booked rooms, and I'm sure there are a number of classmates who did not previously respond who will attend - we already have 55 in that category. I think we will have 400-450 classmates and class widows. It will greatly please me if we have to open a fifth hotel. 

For those looking for restaurant info for yourself or a company dinner, Mike Brennan put together a great restaurant summary. It consists of a notes page and a spreadsheet with three tabs.  It has contact info for restaurants, restaurants in hotels, and those places with party areas. When in the hotel section of the reunion website, page down to the "See Also" section and you will see the two restaurant entries. Well done Mike. 

We are looking for a few company reps for the 2nd Regiment - the other three are complete. Once we have them all we will post all 32 plus Regimental reps on the reunion website. Dan Cox only has to Shanghai a few more. 

Do not forget about the pre-reunion bike ride  being organized by John McBeth and Phil Clark. Contact one of them for details. 

I will keep reminding everyone to dig through pictures from previous reunions and mini-reunions and send them to Phil Clark. 

There have been reports of Reunion emails being found in spam and junk folders. This most likely has something to do with security settings in your email account. It would be a good idea to check those folders fairly often moving forward and if you check now and find Reunion emails there a review of those settings or contacting your email provider may be in order. 

The Reunion Survey

Please go to the reunion website and page to the bottom of the Info section and you will see the Get Involved box. Click on Pre-Reunion Survey. 

Please complete the survey. It will take a few minutes but it is critical to our planning. The results of this survey will determine if we have critical masses for our optional trips to NYC, the Roosevelt Library and Museum, and local venues.  I was the test case and it only took me 4 minutes. If you do it now it will be done. 

The reunion website link is


Looking forward to a great reunion. Feel free to contact me at any time. 

Ed Quinn



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 6:38 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] Marriott Rooms

You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you graduated in this class year.  To update your address, email address or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, class year and new information to address@wpaog.org.

Dear Classmates -

Sorry to send a note so quickly after the earlier note today.

I was alerted by a classmate that he tried to book a room after Sunday and Monday were maxed out.

He opted to use Marriott points outside of our block of rooms and was able to book from Friday through Wednesday for 100,000 points. It was 100,000 points for four nights with the fifth night for no additional points.

Something to think about for those of you with points in the bank.



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 2:02 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: Lexie Davis
Subject: [distro1969] Backup Hotels

***You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you are affiliated with this Class year.  To update your address, email address, or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, Class year, and new information to address@wpaog.org.***

Dear Classmates -

The response for our 50th Reunion has been impressive. Sunday and Monday night reservations at the Marriott have maxed out our reservation block, which was 325 rooms. 

Anticipating this likely possibility we have two backup hotels, the Springhill Suites Tarrytown and the Sheraton Tarrytown, both  less than one mile from the Marriott. We have the same Reunion rate at both hotels. 

The links below will take you directly to our reunion registration site at each hotel. 

Shortly we will post on our reunion website a comprehensive spreadsheet of dining options put together by Mike Brennan. It will include POCs and phone numbers for restaurants and hotels that have restaurants. It will indicate those establishments with private rooms and should assist those companies looking for venues for company parties.  

Please keep in mind the bike road trip from Syracuse to West Point. Contact John McBeth or Phil Clark for info. 

In a previous reunion note I asked classmates to help out with a photo collection effort. We're looking for photos related to previous reunions or mini-reunions. Please send photos to Phil Clark. His contact info and mailing address were in a  recent reunion note. If sending pictures electronically please indicate the event in the filename. If sending hard copy please note the details on the back of the picture. 

I look forward to seeing you all in May. 

Ed Quinn
50th Reunion Chair


Springhill Suites Link to 1969 Reunion

Book your group rate for USMA Class of 1969 Reunion

Sheraton Link to 1969 Reunion


Sent from my iPhone



From: alumni-events@wpaog.org> [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org>]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 8:47 AM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion – Make your hotel reservation!

Dear Classmates,

The Westchester Marriott is now ready to receive your reservations! Please see our reunion website for information on how to make your reservation:  https://www.westpointaog.org/1969Reunion.

As a reminder, our 50th reunion will take place at West Point May 17-22, 2019.  The reunion committee continues to firm up all of the reunion activities.  A working schedule can be found on our reunion website.  The committee is also working on selecting class gear which should be available for purchase early 2019.  Online reunion registration with payment by credit card will be posted on the reunion webpage mid-March 2019. I’ll send emails with reunion updates, but check the website often for additional reunion information.

If you have reunion questions, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion!

Best of the Line, 

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair


From: alumni-events@wpaog.org> [mailto:alumni-events@wpaog.org>]
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 3:02 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] USMA 1969 - 50th Reunion – Hotel Information


Dear Classmates, 

As a reminder, please save the date for our 50th reunion which will take place at West Point May 17-22, 2019.  Information on our 50th Reunion can be found on our reunion webpage:  http://www.westpointaog.org/1969reunion. Please bookmark this address for future reunion information.

Our headquarters hotel is the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, New York.  The hotel will start accepting reservations this Friday, November 9 at 10:30am.    Please see our reunion website for information on how to make your reservation at that time.

The reunion committee continues to firm up all of the reunion activities. A working schedule can be found on our reunion website. The committee is also working on selecting class gear which should be available for purchase early 2019.  Online reunion registration with payment by credit card will be posted on the reunion webpage mid-March 2019. I’ll send emails with reunion updates, but check the website often for additional reunion information.

If you have reunion questions, please contact the WPAOG Alumni Events team and reference our reunion:  alumni-events@wpaog.org or 845.446.1649.

Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion!

Best of the Line, 

Ed Quinn
Reunion Chair



From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 7:00 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Cc: Dano; Ed Quinn
Subject: [distro1969] Reunion Info

Dear Classmates -
This is a follow-up to my recent mini-note about the room reservation block, which will open the week of 9 November.  It will be announced by an email from the AOG. I wanted to again mention that we have fewer rooms on Friday, May 17 than for the remainder of the reunion dates, and that there will be no Saturday morning breakfast as part of the reunion.
In that email I indicated there were a few items I would discuss.  The first is a 6-day bike trip being planned by John McBeth and Phil Clark.  It is a six-day (May 10-16) 285 mile bike ride from Syracuse to West Point that leads directly to the reunion. An attachment to this email describes details about the journey.  John's email address is provided and you can call him to indicate your interest or ask questions.  To quote the note,
"Spouses/others who want to accompany the event but don't plan to ride are very welcome!  This promises to be a convivial gathering of classmates as much as a bike ride, with lots of time to socialize and tour around, and options to ride or just relax and enjoy good company."  So please consider being part of this great opportunity.

The other item I wanted to discuss is a "Trip down memory lane."  A great way to page through our history is through our reunions and mini-reunions.  We plan to have a pictorial journey highlighting those events.  But to do that we need pictures.  Phil Clark has agreed to be a repository for what I hope is a deluge of pictures.  He will accept electronic submissions, but if you have old-style real pictures please send them to him.  He will digitize them and send the originals back to you.  We will ask our regimental and company reps to follow up in this effort that will enhance our reunion experience.  Please take a few minutes to dig through your stuff and help us out.  It will probably be less painful if you ask your spouse/significant other to do the dirty work since you probably won't be able to find the pictures.  Here is Phil Clark's contact info:

 phil_clark_28017 at gmail dot com

street address: 47 Celt Road #1001
                         Stanardsville, VA 22973

Here is an approximate timeline leading to the reunion:

Week of 9 November: room block release
Late Jan/early Feb: on-line listing of planned events where you will indicate interest.  Not a commitment. It will be for our planning for meals and side trips.
March: On-line registration. Pay registration fee and for meals and side trips.  Indicate if you are a widow or next of kin.  Indicate any children/guests.  Indicate dietary restrictions.  Indicate mobility issues.
Below is a list of what we think are the reunion and mini-reunion chairs, but there may be some errors.  Please take a look and send any corrections that you notice.  Hopefully the chairs will be a good source of pictures for the trip down memory lane.

5-Yr Reunions

10th reunion:  Bob St  Onge
15th reu
nion: Casey Brower
20th reunion:  Kip Nygren, Casey Brower, Bill          Johnsmeyer, Jim Blake
25th Reunion:  Same as the 20th
30th Reunion:  Dick Jarman, Jim Blake, Bill    Johnsmeyer, Fritz Lash
35th Reunion:  Tom Piazze, KC Brown, Bill Johnsmeyer, Jim Blake, Fritz Lash
40th Reunion:  KC Brown, Bill Johnsmeyer, Jim Moeller, Jim Blake, Fritz Lash
45th Reunion:  Doug Fizgetald et al (incl Bill Johnsmeyer and Fritz Lash)
50th Reunion:  Ed Quinn (incl Denny
Helsel,Mike  Nardotti, Tom Mahany, Mike Brennan, Fritz  Lash, Bob Yaap, Bob Harper, Bruce Wheeler, Mike Colacicco, Bill Johnsmeyer, Doug Aykroyd, Ray Dupere, Denis Gulakowski, Bill Bahr, others)

Mini Reunions

2005: Lake Tahoe - Dick Simmons, Gene Murphy, Bob Yaap
2006: Alaska Cruise - KC Brown and Jim Blake
2007: Wisconsin Dells - Mark Kannenberg
2008: Baltic Cruise - KC Brown
2009: Bye-year. No mini-reunion due to 40th at West Point
2010: Las Vegas - Hank Osterhoudt, Jack Nesbitt, Barney Wintermute
2011: Three Continents Cruise - KC Brown
2012: Ireland - Doug Fitzgerald, Mike Healy, Geoff Prosch
2013: Colorado Springs - Jack Gloriod, John Peters, Lindy Blackburn, Guy Nanney, Bruce Schultz, Wally Ballenberger
2014: Bye-year. No mini-reunion due to 45th at West Point
2015:  NYC followed by Marchback with '18:  Doug Fitzgerald, Doug Freeley, KC Brown, Geoff
2016: Danube Cruise - Dave Wallestad
2017:  Jan - Galapagos - Doug Fitzgerald and Ralph Crosby; Aug - WP for 2018 Affirmation:  KC Brown
2018   Duoro River Cruise - Dave Wallestad

Looking forward to a fantastic experience. 

Ed Quinn

Biking pdf attachment


From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 1:02 PM
To: Distribution List for USMA 1969
Subject: [distro1969] 50th Reunion Mini Update

You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you graduated in this class year. To update your address, email address or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, class year and new information to address@wpaog.org.
In about a week I'll be sending info about a few things being planned for the reunion:

Bike ride organized by John McBeth and Phil Clark.

Stroll down memory lane using the 5-year reunions and our many mini-reunions as our guide.

But I'm getting a lot of questions about release of our block of rooms so I wanted to get out a quick note on that subject. As I mentioned in a previous update the AOG has a timeline for their support. Consider this a heads up that the AOG will send an email to the class during the week ending 9 November alerting all to the release date, which will be a date NLT the 9th. I will try to give you another alert before that.

I also wanted to remind the class that we don't have as many rooms on Friday night as we have Sat-Tue nights. Additionally, in a change to previous announcements, we will not have breakfast on Saturday morning. We will have a full breakfast on Sunday, continental breakfasts on Monday and Tuesday, and a farewell brunch on Wednesday.

If you elect to arrive Saturday you will be able to enjoy the side trips we are planning as I outlined in my previous update.

Making your reservation on line is the most efficient way. A link will be provided. You can also do it the old fashioned way. An 800 number directly to Marriott's reservation center will be provided, along with our group code.

Ed Quinn





On October 1, 2018 at 4:03 pm Ed Quinn wrote:


Dear Classmates: 


Less than 8 months away.  This update should give you enough information to make an informed decision about your arrival date at our 50th Reunion.


Please electronically file this where you can find it or print and put into an old-school file folder where you can find it.(OR BOTH) Make sure your spouse/significant other has a copy.


First, some timing information.  We are being supported by the AOG for the reunion, so we will follow their timeline. The hotel block will open for reservations at the end of October or early November.  You will get an alert note at least a week before that.  Of course at this point we do not know how many will attend.  We sent two emails to the entire class asking for a “best guess” regarding attendance and probable arrival date.  The emails went to over 650 classmates.  We received responses from about 400 so there may be a large group of attendees who have not responded who plan to attend.  We’ll get a better estimate once reservations open. Registration will occur in the late March timeframe. That is when the registration fee will be paid and sign-ups for events will occur.


Our primary hotel, the Westchester Marriott, is the largest conference hotel in the region, and has hosted many 50thReunions.  I spent two days at the hotel observing the Class of 1968 50th Reunion this past May, and the hotel did a great job handling a large group, about the same size as ours. But it cannot reserve enough rooms for the numbers we are expecting (approximately 375-425 classmates). We have two other hotels with a smaller number of blocked rooms, the Sheraton Tarrytown and Springhill Suites by Marriott. All lie within about ½ mile from each other.  You can view the hotel websites at these addresses:








A major comment in the past has been that classmates want more time with classmates.  We recognize that, but we are offering options over the weekend that are just that – optional.  Some of you may just want to hang out and reminisce.  But some, who may not have the opportunity to visit New York very often, may want to take the opportunity to visit the city or local venues.


Saturday and Sunday are focused at the hotel.  For previous 50threunions the hotel had seen little interest in Friday night reservations so our allocation was initially limited. We have since raised the number of blocked rooms for Friday night but we may still have an issue on Friday night. For this reason we have structured similar side trips for both days, with golf on Sunday, so if you wish to save the expense of a night at the hotel, and the associated meals, arriving Saturday will allow you to experience those events of interest to you.  Following is a day-by-day rundown of what you can expect at the reunion.


Saturday:  [18 May 2019]


Continental breakfast


Bus trip to NYC.  Drop-off and pick-up.  Drop-off point at the 9/11 Memorial. https://www.911memorial.org/ There is a train station in Tarrytown so you may want to take a train trip to Manhattan. The cost of the bus will be pro-rated.


Bus trip to the FDR Library and Museum in Hyde Park.  (https://fdrlibrary.org) The FDR Library is one of only 14 presidential libraries. There is an entrance fee. The cost of the bus will be pro-rated. Lunch will be included and will have a separate cost. Fritz and Margo Lash performed the recon.


Visit to Kykuit, the Rockefeller Estate: https://hudsonvalley.org/historic-sites/kykuit-the-rockefeller-estate/

The estate was home to four generations of Rockefellers.  There is an entrance fee. This is a local venue (Sleepy Hollow) best arrived at by car to avoid the expense of a bus. Tours can be arranged based on interest.


Visit to the Lyndhurst Mansion: http://lyndhurst.org

This is a local venue (Tarrytown) best done by car. It is a Gothic Revival mansion and has an entrance fee. Tours can be arranged based on interest.


Dinner at the hotel. Cash bars set up prior to dinner.


Sunday:   [19 May 2019]


Full breakfast


Bus trip to NYC.  Drop-off and pick-up.  Drop-off point at the 9/11 Memorial.  https://www.911memorial.org/ Sunday’s trip to NYC will have a late return option for those wishing to spend extra time in NY, or perhaps see a Broadway matinee.  There is a train station in Tarrytown so you may want to take a train trip to Manhattan. The cost of the bus will be pro-rated.


Bus trip to the FDR Library and Museum in Hyde Park.  (https://fdrlibrary.org) The FDR Library is one of only 14 presidential libraries. There is an entrance fee. The cost of the bus will be pro-rated. Lunch will be included and will have a separate cost. Fritz and Margo Lash performed the recon.


Visit to Kykuit, the Rockefeller Estate: https://hudsonvalley.org/historic-sites/kykuit-the-rockefeller-estate/

The estate was home to four generations of Rockefellers.  There is an entrance fee. This is a local venue (Sleepy Hollow) best arrived at by car to avoid the expense of a bus. Tours can be arranged based on interest.


Visit to Lyndhurst Mansion: http://lyndhurst.org

This is a local venue (Tarrytown) best done by car. It is a Gothic Revival mansion and has an entrance fee. Tours can be arranged based on interest.


Golf.  Hudson Hills Golf Course (https://www.hudsonhillsgolf.com).  This is a local course not far from the hotel.

Denny Helsel is coordinating golf (helsed@chowan.edu) Golfers can give Denny a call with questions (252-862-5275).


Memorabilia pick-up. Bob Yaap is coordinating memorabilia. Included will be the Special Class Memorial Volume that Bob St Onge is arranging, which will contain the TAPS Memorial Articles of all of our deceased classmates.  For those whose articles have not yet been published Bob is diligently working with classmates to ensure the articles will be drafted in time for inclusion in this volume, in the same format as the others.  Bob and individual authors deserve great credit for the inclusion of 31 of our classmates’ Memorial Articles in the most recent edition of TAPS.  Bob is also arranging for a second printing that classmates not in attendance can order.  The volume is included as part of the registration fee.

Dinner at the hotel. Cash bars set up prior to dinner.Outdoor patio with bar open before dinner.


Monday:   [20 May 2019]


Continental breakfast. Buses to West Point.


Morning Memorial Service at the Cadet Chapel. Classmate pastors Ray Dupere and Geoff Moran lead us. The names of our deceased classmates will be read.


Lunch at Eisenhower Hall.  Class DJ, the Big G (Denis Gulakowski), entertains.


Special catered gathering of Class Widows and families. Bruce Wheeler, with the assistance of Dottie Rountree, Suzanne Rice, and four Regimental reps are coordinating the Widows and Next of Kin Program.


Academy and AOG briefing at Ike Hall


Class business meeting at Ike Hall


Afternoon tour of West Point for families while classmates attend AOG briefing and class meeting.  Mike Colacicco is arranging.


Buses return to hotels.


Dinner at the hotel.  Our class band, B. Arnold and the Traitors, ably led by Don Randolph, perform in the Grand Ballroom after dinner. Mike Nardotti and Tom Mahany are coordinating band logistics. Cash bars set up one hour before dinner, including outdoor patio.


Tuesday:   [21 May 2019]


Continental breakfast.  6 am weather call for Alumni Exercises. Buses to West Point.


Based on interest, since it will necessitate missing West Point events, a trip to the Culinary Institute at Hyde Park for family members. Both a tour of the institute and a lunch prepared by master chefs and students will be included. Bus cost will be pro-rated.  Lunch has a cost.



Alumni Exercises and Cadet Review.


Class Photo in reviewing stand.


Alumni Luncheon in Cadet Mess Hall.  At past reunions we have had many complaints about lunch in the mess hall.  Fortunately, this is different.  Lunch is in honor of those acknowledged as Distinguished Graduates and is well done.  The lunch at the Class of ’68 reunion (honoring, among others, our very own Scott Wallace) was a turkey dinner that was excellent.


Class visit to West Point Cemetery. Doug Aykroyd is coordinating. We did not do this at the 45th Reunion because of the over-run of the Supe’s briefing.  We will not miss this one.


Tour of West Point for families.  Mike Colacicco is arranging.


Buses return to hotels.


Class banquet at hotel’s Grand Ballroom.  Cash bars open one hour before dinner. Outdoor patio with bar is open.


Wednesday:  [22 May 2019]


Farewell brunch in Grand Ballroom.


A few thoughts.


Some companies may want to have get-togethers.  Dinners at local restaurants are good options.  Mike Brennan, our classmate and point man for hotel events, is putting together a listing of suitable local restaurants. 


The local venues (Kykuit, Lyndhurst) are best done individually by hooking up with people with cars.  They are beautiful mansions with surrounding gardens and are minutes from the hotel.  They will be on the registration form so we can gauge interest and perhaps arrange for group tours.  Buses are logistically not necessary. Events requiring buses will happen if there is sufficient interest.


Some may find that repeated dinners at the hotel get old.  Linking up with classmates with cars to visit local restaurants for dinner is a good option, and as mentioned above company dinners can help vary the routine.  It is recommended that all try to attend Monday and Tuesday dinners.  Monday we will have our world-renowned band, and Tuesday is our class banquet. We have breakfasts for each of five mornings.  Again, to change the routine, there are local diners available and the hotel has a fine restaurant, including breakfast.


A possible event not mentioned because of its tentative nature is a tennis get-together at the state-of-the-art indoor tennis facility at West Point.  Bill Slenker is looking into this.


Ray Dupere is checking into having a non-denominational church service Sunday morning at the hotel.


Bob Harper will again provide his professional photographic services.


Bill Bahr had created a reunion page that will be populated with more info as we proceed. You can view previous notes to the class at:




Please note that some things described in an earlier note may be amended by subsequent notes as things start to shape up. We will be posting a list of Frequently Asked Questions on this site.

The AOG will be populating our 1969 Reunion Website as the agenda firms up. The link is:




K.C. Brown is assembling a compilation of all of the Affiliation Program activities and events he and his team have participated in with the Class of 2019.  You will be impressed by the breadth of this program and the dedication required seeing it to its conclusion.  Upcoming notes will explain the format and how we will receive it. 


We have sent regimental email lists, sorted by company, to four regimental reps.  Each company has a rep that is now in the process of finding lost classmates, and encouraging companymates to keep in touch with the AOG to ensure current contact info.


We hope to see you at the reunion.


Ed Quinn and his posse







On May 7, 2018, at 12:43 AM, Ed Quinn <edmathdude@aol.com> wrote:

Dear Classmates -

I have a few edits due to grandkids-induced lack of sleep.

The leader of our outreach is Bruce Wheeler.

The email address of Ray Dupere was mistyped on the attachment. His correct email address is dupere@juno.com. His cell number is 860-992-4111.
When you reply please include Denny Helsel. He is cc'd on this email. I will pass to Denny the replies of those who have responded.

Thanks for being classmates and I look forward to seeing you at the reunion. My next update will include insight gained on my G-2 mission at the 1968 reunion. As a heads up this year registration and payment for events will be done on line. Those of you who prefer to deal via snail mail will have that option.

Ed Quinn


#2    5/6/17

Dear Classmates –

I’ve recently finished reaching out with individual emails to about 650 of our classmates. I’m following up with letters and phone calls to those for whom we lack email addresses.
In my emails I asked each of you to reply with your intentions regarding the reunion; do you plan to attend and what is your likely day of arrival. I’ve heard from about 45%. I would appreciate a reply from those who have not yet responded. Please keep in mind this is not a commitment, merely a statement of intentions at this point in time. It will assist us in our planning.

Before I let you know what is going on regarding reunion planning I want to discuss something one of our classmates is doing that I think will inspire each of you. Ray Dupere, one of our pastors who along with Geoff Moran will lead our Memorial Service at the Cadet Chapel, has felt a call to go on a spiritual journey this July. Ray has planned an itinerary, which you can see in the attachment to this email, which will take him to each of the grave sites of those of our classmates who died in Vietnam, or as a result of wounds received in Vietnam. His journey will take him to MI, IN, IA, MN, MT, AZ, TX, MS, WV, and VA. He will not visit the graves of those interred at West Point – we will all visit those graves at the reunion. He will conduct a service at each grave site and is contacting classmates in the vicinity of the graves to join him in the service. There may be some of you who were particularly close to one of our deceased classmates who would like to attend the graveside service even if travel is involved. I suggest that anyone with an interest in being there with Ray contact him directly to let him know. That way he can alert you should deviations to his planned itinerary be necessary. His contact info is included in the attachment. His last stop will be Arlington National Cemetery at 1000 on 30 July, where he will conduct a service in honor of Hank Schroeder. I would hope that many of our classmates living in the greater DC area will attend that service, and then join us in a reception at Ft. Myer as we celebrate the lives of those great classmates and where Ray can describe his journey.

I’d like to bring you up to date on our reunion planning. Here are some of the members of the reunion team:

Denny Helsel is vice-chair and all-around plugger of holes. He is currently rounding up company reps to assist with coordination. He is also arranging golf and will be visiting a local golf course that is our likely venue. He is striving to have golf within 20 minutes of the hotel. Golfers feel free to contact Denny.

Fritz Lash will be providing local coordination with West Point and will be visiting likely side trip venues to make sure they are worthy of your time.

Mike Colacicco will be planning a tour of West Point for spouses and family members on either Monday or Tuesday, or both, while we are doing West Point things.

Bob Yaap is leading the effort in arranging memorabilia.

Bruce Wheelock, with help from Dottie Rountree and Suzanne Rice, is coordinating our outreach to widows and friends of the class.

K.C. Brown is heading into his last year of dedicated leadership of our 50-year Affiliation effort with the Class of 2019.

Ray Dupere and Geoff Moran will lead us in the Memorial Service in the Cadet Chapel.

Bob St. Onge is leading the effort to compile all of the AOG Taps Memorial Articles into a volume that we will publish and have available at the reunion.

Doug Aykroyd is arranging our visit to the West Point Cemetery where many of our classmates are buried.

Mike Brennan will handle coordination of meals at the hotel, to include the class banquet.

Bill Slenker is looking into the possibility of reserving time for a tennis mixer at the state-of-the-art indoor tennis facility at West Point. Depending on availability this could be over the opening weekend where all could take advantage, or it could be during one of our West Point days where most likely spouses and guests could take advantage of the opportunity. This is probably a longshot but Bill will give it a try.

Don Randolph will be leading B. Arnold and the Traitors once again at our banquet. The band’s performance at the 45th was absolutely fabulous and I know they will be great. Providing support will be Mike Nardotti and Tom Mahany.

The Big G, Denis Gulakowski, will once again be our DJ at several events.

Bob Harper will be providing his professional photography services as he did at the 45th Reunion. Those of you who have the Legacy Book, look inside the cover and observe Bob’s work. Enough said.

Bill Johnsmeyer is providing financial review, contract review, and institutional memory.

Bill Bahr is our communications lead. He’ll be loading reunion information on our class web page. We are currently compiling a list of FAQs that will aid you in planning for the reunion that will be posted on the class page. My next group email will provide details about linking to this page through our AOG Class of 69 page.

I will be conducting reconnaissance in about two weeks by spending two days as a casual observer at the Class of 1968 50th reunion that is at the same hotel as ours. This will give me an opportunity to look at how the hotel handles a large group, and will give me a chance to again meet with our reunion coordinator.

I’m including below the information you received with my earlier email in case it has been misplaced. Please take a look and please respond at your earliest convenience if you haven’t already. I look forward to seeing you at what will be a great reunion.

Ed Quinn

We’re getting closer to our 50th Reunion – we recently passed 500th night. As the Reunion Chair I thought this would be a good time to send a reminder and try to get a feel for our likely attendance. My goal is 400 or more classmates, and I sincerely feel we will exceed that number.

In March I sent a “Save the Date” email to our class mailing list. Hopefully you received that note and put it into a 50th Reunion File where you can also file future updates (like this email).

Note: At the end of this email are two questions important to our planning.

Here’s a brief summary of how the reunion will likely shake out:

Friday through Sunday (May 17-19) will be centered at the hotel. Some of the side trips/excursions that will be considered include:
• NYC trip (drop-off, later pickup)
• NYC trip (event driven, such as Museum of Modern Art, visit to the 9/11 Museum)
• Golf (multiple days)
• Culinary Institute of America tour and lunch
• Kykuit Estate (Rockefeller Mansion)
• Lyndhurst Mansion and Performing Arts Center (may include a performance if one is scheduled)

Monday and Tuesday (May 20-21) will be West Point days. We will have a Memorial Service as we always do, and we will visit the West Point Cemetery that is the final resting place of many of our classmates, a visit we had to scrub at our 45th when the Supe’s briefing went overtime. There will be an obligatory AOG update and a Class Meeting. Weather permitting, the Alumni Review honoring our class and that year’s Distinguished Grads will be on Tuesday. Our banquet, with entertainment provided by our very own B. Arnold and the Traitors, will be Sunday or Monday evening.

Wednesday (May 22) will be a farewell brunch.

Our reunion hotel is the Westchester Marriott. You can take a look by visiting:

We’ve locked in a rate of $169, and we will have plenty of meeting space for company gatherings. We’ve reserved blocks of rooms for the reunion but I’d like to make sure we have adequately planned for the size of our group while we have time to adjust the room reservation numbers. I expect the block of rooms to become available for reservations in the October 2018 time frame. We have a liaison with our class widows and we will strive to have many of them at the reunion.

It will be extremely helpful to me if you briefly respond to this email with your current plans. A response to two questions is what I need at this time:
1. Do you plan to attend the reunion?
2. What is your likely day of arrival?

When you reply please include Dennis Helsel as he will be helping me keep track of responses. His email address is helsed@chowan.edu

I welcome any thoughts and suggestions. You can include those thoughts in your reply to this email or in a later email or phone call. In closing I want to say how very proud I am to be your reunion chair and I pledge to do everything I can to make this event worthy of our great class.

Ed Quinn

703-403-9091 (C)
703-490-4920 (H)



"From: distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org [mailto:distro1969@lyrisappmail.wpaog.org] 
 Friday, March 17, 2017 5:16 PM
 Distribution List for USMA 1969
 [distro1969] Save the Date - 50th Reunion (May 17-22 2019)


***You have received this West Point Class email because your information on file with the WPAOG indicates that you are affiliated with this Class year.  To update your address, email address, or other contact information, please forward this message with your name, Class year, and new information to address@wpaog.org.***

Dear classmates -  

As the reunion chair for our 50th I wanted to get this Save the Date note to the class more than two years before the reunion so you can arrange everything else in your life in order to be there.

So as not to rehash all the info in the attached letter, please read it, print it out, and start your
 Class of 1969 50th Reunion folder right now.

I hope many aspects of our initial plans will resonate with you and I look forward to seeing all of you at the reunion.

You can reach me at any time with suggestions or offers to volunteer.

Thanks for your support.

Ed Quinn
50th Reunion Chair






Dear Classmates –

As the chair of our 50th West Point Reunion I want to get the ball rolling with this “Save the Date” note that includes a brief rundown of my preliminary thoughts on this grand opportunity to celebrate our history.  So mark your calendars now for the period May 17-22 2019.  I have read every biographical entry in our Legacy Book that in itself demonstrates the enormous capabilities of our classmates.  I am humbled to represent such an honorable and accomplished group of men.  Assisted by many classmates I will do everything I can to deliver the reunion you deserve.

We will begin our festivities on Friday, May 17.  We have a contract with the Westchester Marriott, in Tarrytown, NY a beautiful conference hotel just over the Tappan Zee Bridge.  We have reserved blocks of rooms on each of the nights May 17-21 with a guaranteed rate of $169.  They will start taking advance registrations about six months prior to the reunion and updates from the reunion committee will keep you informed about the release date for the rooms.  You can visit the hotel website at


Sherri and I toured the hotel, stayed overnight, had two meals in the hotel restaurant, and we were impressed.  The ballroom can seat 800 people and my goal is to fill it.  There are numerous conference rooms reserved for us.  The hotel has everything we need to have a memorable reunion, including a beautiful outdoor terrace where we can exaggerate our exploits over appropriate libations.  I am visiting the hotel once again in conjunction with our March 30 Leader Challenge that is ably coordinated by Mike Colacicco.

I have talked to many classmates and spouses, and to several class widows to gain a broad perspective of what our reunion should look like and I have reviewed the itineraries of five recent 50th reunion classes.  I will be seeking more suggestions as we move forward.  Our reunion will be a combination of traditional reunion activities plus tailored excursions and side trips with the goal of providing a reunion to remember. The Big G is back as our DJ, and B Arnold will again provide an amazing musical experience, as those at our 45th can attest.  Bob Harper is on board to provide his professional photographic expertise.  Please take another look at the inside cover of the Legacy Book – enough said about Bob’s incredible talents.

Monday and Tuesday (May 20-21) will be West Point days.  We will have a Memorial Service as we always do, and we will definitely visit the West Point Cemetery that is the final resting place of many of our classmates, which we had to scrub at our 45th when the Supe’s briefing went overtime. There will be an obligatory AOG update and a Class Meeting.  Weather permitting, the Alumni Review honoring our class and that year’s Distinguished Grads will be on Tuesday.  

Friday through Sunday (May 17-19) will be centered at the hotel.  Some of the side trips/excursions that will be considered include:

·         NYC trip (drop-off, later pickup)

·         NYC trip (event driven, such as Museum of Modern Art, visit to the 9/11 Museum)

·         Golf (multiple days)

·         Culinary Institute of America tour

·         Kykuit Estate (Rockefeller Mansion)

·         Lyndhurst Mansion and Performing Arts Center (may include a performance if one is scheduled)


We will avoid o-dark-thirty starts as best we can.

Of course there will be catered meals and evening gatherings: an Ice Breaker reception over the weekend and a banquet on Tuesday night. The hotel has the space to separate the band/dancing from the banquet area which worked very well at the 45th.  Our plan is to offer full breakfasts each day, with variety from day to day, that will encourage classmates to attend breakfast and use this time as an opportunity to leisurely visit and reminisce.  The reunion committee will work with the hotel to provide the best meal experiences possible.  Some meals will be provided at West Point due to our Monday-Tuesday schedule.   I know many of us were disappointed with the meal in the Cadet Mess at our 45th Reunion.  It is still a tradition at 50th reunions and we will have conversations with the AOG about this issue. 

Finally, I would like, at what is likely the last big reunion, to recognize many of our classmates for their dedicated service to the class and to the Academy.  I will be soliciting suggestions from our class through a small coordinating group.  In essence this will be taking a walk down memory lane.  We have many classmates whose leadership and example have inspired us all.  A partial list might include:

·         Class Officers

·               Class Scribe

·               Reunion Chairs

·               Financial Team

·               Gift Committee

·               Mini-Reunion Sponsors

·               Legacy Book Team

·               50th Affiliation Program Team

·              AOG Officers

·               Class Photographer

·               Musicians and DJ

·               TAPS Memorial Article Team

·               Communications Mainstays (forums, class net)


And there are others.  The risk is that we will miss a few, but I think it is a risk worth taking. 

I hope all of you will plan to attend our 50th Reunion.  In the coming months we will be reaching out for your thoughts.  For now, mark our 50th on your calendars as a “must do” and if you would like to discuss any aspect of the reunion, or would like to help with the reunion, please get in touch:

edmathdude@aol.com     Yes, I was a Math P


I look forward to hearing from you, seeing you at class gatherings, and hoisting one with you at our
May 2019 celebration.

Ed Quinn

P.S. In case you have a short memory, the reunion dates are May 17-22 2019.


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