19 October 2024

Fellow Graduates, Cadets, and Friends of West Point,
You are cordially invited to join the West Point Society of Paris (WPSP) for our annual Fall Luncheon in honor of the West Point Cadets who are in France for their Fall Semester Abroad. These Cadets will be the guests of the Society. We look forward to welcoming alumni, family, friends, and other service colleagues who will be in Paris to join us and take advantage of this opportunity to meet the Cadets. We hope you can join us and enjoy the fellowship of the West Point community in France that has become a hallmark of the WPSP Fall Luncheon.

PLEASE – RSVP BY 20 SEPTEMBER 2024 to: secretarywpsparis@gmail.com

USMA graduates please include Class Year, Commissioning Branch, and Rank, if applicable. All guests please include with your response your First Name, Last Name, Grade (if appropriate), Nationality, and your Date and Place of Birth.

Date – Saturday, 19 October 2024

Time – 1200 to 1430

Location – École Militaire, 1 Place Joffre 75007 Paris. Metro Station École Militaire, Ligne 8. Pedestrian entry/security check is at Place de l’École Militaire, and our luncheon dining room is the “Espace Alexandrine.” NOTE: IMPORTANT ACCESS CONTROL INFORMATION FOR THE ÉCOLE MILITAIRE FOLLOWS AT THE END OF THIS INVITATION.

Dress – Coat and tie for the gentlemen and equivalent for the ladies. Cadets: White over Grey or India (changing facility available at the venue).

Luncheon Program – Cocktail reception followed by lunch

Reception: Aperitif kir blanc et softs
Entree: Vert près et légumes croquant printanier
Plat: Ravioles de poireaux curry doux, julienne potagère bouillon de légumes
Dessert: Carpaccio ananas goutte de mangues et copeaux coco Wines: Vin Rouge Madrian et Vin Blanc Alsace Pinot Gris

Cost: West Point Society of Paris members and guests – €45 per person
Non-Society members and their guests – €50 per person
Cadets – No charge – Cadets are guests of the Society

Payment Due Date – NLT 20 SEPTEMBER 2024

Please send an email to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com requesting the necessary information for payment by one of the following methods:
i) By PayPal
ii) By Check
iii) By IBAN

The Board of the West Point Society of Paris looks forward to welcoming the Cadets and all who are able to join us at the École Militaire on 19 October.

Kevin Griffith, ‘82
President, West Point Society of Paris

Admission to the École Militaire

The École Militaire has automated their entry protocol with a QR Code system. Upon receipt of your positive Luncheon RSVP, the WPSP will send you the URL of the website where you will need to provide your personal information in order to get an entry code (QR Code) for each person in your party. This QR code is required for each person to obtain access to the École Militaire. This website is in French, but easy to use. The WSPS will assist you if needed in filling out the online form. A direct sign-in to this website by you is required to obtain your QR Code and must be completed NLT 15 October 2024.

  • Passports are required for entrance to the École Militaire.
  • No POVs are allowed in the compound.

Founders’ Day Dinner 2024

2024 Founders’ Day Dinner will be held at
The École Militaire, “Espace Alexandrine”
1 Place Joffre, 75007 Paris
on Saturday, 30 March 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

We are delighted to announce that our Guest Speaker this year is the Dean of the Academic Board, USMA
Brigadier General Shane Reeves, Class of 1996

PLEASE — RSVP BY 10 MARCH 2024 to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com

1900 – 1945: Benny Havens Hour (Apéritif Kir)
1945 – 2000: Take Seats and Welcome Remarks
2000 – 2005: Toasts
2005 – 2015: West Point Society Annual Meeting
2015 – Until: Dinner with Speeches between / during courses
a. Oldest Grad
b. Youngest Grad
c. Guest Speaker – BG Shane Reeves

Entrée – Croustillant cèleri rave vanille, langoustine et râpé de citron vert
Plat – Canard en deux cuissons, sablé petits pois menthe fanes de légumes
Dessert – Le carrément chocolat amande Vins – Blanc: Alsace Pinôt Gris and Rouge: Bordeaux, Beau Mayne

(Vegetarian or Vegan menu available upon request with RSVP)

1) Attire: Coat and tie for gentlemen, equivalent for ladies, Class A ASU,
Cadets Uniform India.
We encourage retired military officers in civilian dress to wear their
miniature awards and decorations.
2) Cost:
a) €70 for members of the Society and their guests
b) €75 for non-members and their guests
c) Along with your RSVP you may join the Society now for €50 annual dues
and take advantage of the Members Discount. Existing Members are
encouraged to pay their annual dues as well.
3) We are expecting several Cadets from the Semester Abroad Program
as well as visiting Trip Sections from West Point. Cadets are the guests of the Society at our Founders Day Dinner.

Dates to remember:
a) RSVP – NLT 10 March 2024
by email to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com – (USMA graduates and
military officers please include Rank and USMA Class). Please include the
nationality as well as place and date of birth for all attendees with your
RSVP. This is needed for access control at the École Militaire.
b) Payment Due Date – NLT 10 March 2024 – No reservation is final
without payment. Cadets do not pay as they are guests of the West Point Society of Paris at this event.
Please send an email to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com requesting the necessary information for payment by one of the following methods:
i) By PayPal
ii) By Check
iii) By IBAN
c) Photo ID (Passport is preferred) is required for entry.
d) Automobiles are not permitted into the École Militaire

The École Militaire has automated its entry control system. Upon our receipt of your positive Founders Day Dinner RSVP, the Society will send you the address of the École Militaire’s security website. You will be asked to provide your personal information in order to get your entry code (QR Code). You will need this QR code to obtain access to the École Militaire site in Paris. This website is in French, and the Society will provide information in English to aid you in filling out the online form if needed. A direct sign-in is required to obtain your QR Code and must be completed NLT 27 March 2024.

We all look forward to seeing you on 30 March at the École Militaire in Paris!

Army – Navy Watch Party in Paris – 9 Dec 2023

Attention all Army and Navy football fans as well as all who love American Football!

As in previous years, the West Point Society of Paris invites all Army – Navy Game enthusiasts from all U.S. service academies to assemble for “The Game.”   We’ll meet on the 9th of December at “The Moose” bar in Paris, 6th Arrondissement https://www.mooseparis.com/fr/ to root for the Brave Old Army Team (or even for our martial maritime brethren from that school on the banks of the Severn in Maryland, if you are so inclined).  It would even be nice to have the odd stray Zoomie in the mix as well.

All the Army faithful in attendance are expected to wear or bring some type of  “Go Army-Beat Navy” clothing or paraphernalia.  Come on –  there’s got to be at least an old grey sweater or some interesting artifact in your “professional archives.”   For the West Point Old Grads, maybe there’s even a bit of your cadet uniform issue that still more or less fits like it used to!  Wear it if you dare!  We anticipate a good showing from the USMA cadets who have been in France this semester and are traveling back to the Academy on Sunday.  It’ll be great to have them with us!

Navy fans are most welcome!  The street address for the Moose pub is 16 Rue des Quatre-Vents, 75006 Paris.   But, I must warn you:  “The Moose” pub is quite a distance from Annapolis and could potentially involve a substantial land navigational challenge to some of our colleagues from the military nautical cohort.  After all, we understand that you are used to traveling in straight lines across the world’s oceans and seas and may find the streets of the 6th Arrondissement quite different.  Feel free to use the GPS program of your choice or print out the map available on “The Moose” pub site to help guide your way.

As I mentioned, we heartily welcome our maritime brethren, even if we all know that Army will come out on top in the end.  The West Point grads, cadets, and supporters will be easily identified by their classic and distinctive Black/Gold/Grey themed attire.   Therefore we do kindly ask that all the former Midshipmen, Admirals, and all in between please identify themselves with some distinctive type of jaunty nautical-themed attire….maybe a Popeye style bibbed shirt or one of those little round white hats….something like that.  And, please be financially prepared as we will expect a generous round of adult beverages at the end to celebrate the West Point victory.  

Game time is at 2100. (I don’t know how many Bells that is on a ship, but I’m sure the Navy guys/gals can figure that out).  Please come to the pub early if you can.  The seating in the pub is not reserved and is driven by customer numbers.  Help stake out some tables and order generously from the bar and food menu.   This establishment even offers that pinnacle of Canadian cuisine –  “poutine.”  I guess French fries with gravy served in a Canadian pub in Paris can count as “international cuisine.”  Our venue reconnaissance confirms that the pub proprietor is especially fond of thirsty and hungry patrons.

Although we can’t make a 100% guarantee that “The Moose” will be able to project the game on all their screens, in all previous years they’ve been able to take care of us very well while they welcomed those ever-mounting bar tabs that inevitably accompany a spirited group of real fans of American college football.  A good crowd of supporters will help tilt the pub’s screen distribution in our favor.  The competition for screens from other programs in the bar could include some of those other somewhat bizarre sporting events such as darts, cricket, that silly kind of “football” where they don’t let you use your hands, curling, or other miscellaneous assorted weird stuff like that.  Customer numbers will carry the day for all of us!



Fellow Graduates, Cadets, and Friends of West Point,

You are cordially invited to join the West Point Society of Paris (WPSP) for our annual Fall Luncheon in honor of the West Point Cadets who are in France for their Fall Semester Abroad. There are twelve Cadets here this Fall who will be the guests of the Society. We look forward to welcoming alumni, family, friends, and other service colleagues who will be in Paris to join us and take advantage of this opportunity to meet the Cadets. We hope you can join us and enjoy the fellowship of the West Point community in France that has become a hallmark of the WPSP Fall Luncheon.

PLEASE – RSVP BY 15 SEPTEMBER 2023 to: secretarywpsparis@gmail.com

USMA graduates please include Class Year, Commissioning Branch, and Rank, if applicable. All guests please include with your response your First Name, Last Name, Grade (if appropriate), Nationality, and your Date and Place of Birth.

Date – Saturday, 21 October 2023

Time – 1200 to 1430

Location – École Militaire, 1 Place Joffre 75007 Paris. Metro Station École Militaire, Ligne 8. Pedestrian entry/security check is at Place de l’École Militaire, and our luncheon dining room is the “Espace Alexandrine.” NOTE: IMPORTANT ACCESS CONTROL INFORMATION FOR THE ÉCOLE MILITAIRE FOLLOWS AT THE END OF THIS INVITATION.

Dress – Coat and tie for the gentlemen and equivalent for the ladies. Cadets: White over Grey (changing facility available at the venue).

Luncheon Program – Cocktail reception followed by lunch buffet

Reception: Apéritif Kir

Buffet Menu: Buffet Campagnard

Wines: Vin Rouge Madrian et Vin Blanc Alsace Pinot Gris

Cost: West Point Society of Paris members and guests – €45 per person
Non-Society members and their guests – €50 per person
Cadets – No charge – Cadets are guests of the Society
Payment Due Date – NLT 15 SEPTEMBER 2023

To receive payment information (IBAN, PayPal account, postal address, etc) please send an email to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com

The Board of the West Point Society of Paris looks forward to welcoming the Cadets and all who are able to join us at the École Militaire on 21 October.

Kevin Griffith, ‘82
President, West Point Society of Paris

Admission to the École Militaire

The École Militaire has automated their entry protocol with a QR Code system. Upon receipt of your positive Luncheon RSVP, the WPSP will send you the URL of the website where you will need to provide your personal information in order to get your entry code (QR Code). This QR code is required to obtain access to the École Militaire. This website is in French, but easy to use. The WSPS will assist you if needed in filling out the online form. A direct sign-in to this website by you is required to obtain your QR Code and must be completed NLT 18 October 2023.

  • Passports are required for entrance to the École Militaire.
  • No POVs are allowed in the compound.

Founders’ Day Dinner 2023

2023 Founders’ Day Dinner will be held at
The École Militaire, “Espace Alexandrine”
1 Place Joffre, 75007 Paris
on Saturday, 11 March 2023, at 7:00 p.m.

We are delighted to announce that our Guest Speaker this year is
the USMA Vice Dean of Operations
Colonel Krista L. Watts, Class of 1996

PLEASE — RSVP BY 9 FEBRUARY 2023 to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com

1900 – 1945: Benny Havens Hour (Apéritif Kir)
1945 – 2000: Take Seats and Welcome Remarks
2000 – 2005: Toasts
2005 – 2015: West Point Society Annual Meeting
2015 – Until: Dinner with Speeches between / during courses
a. Oldest Grad
b. Youngest Grad
c. Guest Speaker – Colonel Krista Watts

Entrée – Crabe en chemise de céleri rave, crème de wasabi
Plat – Noix de veau snacké, ravioles frits de poireaux au curry et patates douces
à la tonka
Dessert – Tartelette sablée mascarpone vanille et éclats de nougatine
Vins – Blanc: Alsace Pino gris and Rouge: Bordeaux, Beau Mayn

(Vegetarian or Vegan menu available upon request with RSVP)

1) Attire: Coat and tie for gentlemen, equivalent for ladies, Class A ASU, Cadets White Over Grey. We encourage retired military officers in civilian dress to wear their miniature awards and decorations.
2) Cost:
a) €55 for members of the Society and their guests
b) €60 for non-members and their guests
c) You may join the Society now for €50 annual dues and take advantage of
the Members Discount. Existing Members are encouraged to pay their
annual dues as well.
3) We are expecting 15 Cadets from the Semester Abroad Program and the French Department Trip Section. Cadets are the guests of the Society at our Founders Day Dinner.

Dates to remember:
a) RSVP – NLT 9 February 2023
by email to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com – (USMA graduates and military officers please include Rank and USMA Class). Please include the nationality as well as place and date of birth for all attendees with your RSVP. This is needed for access control at the École Militaire.
b) Payment Due Date – NLT 9 February 2023
Please send an email to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com requesting the necessary information for payment by one of the following methods:
i) By PayPal
ii) By Check
iii) By IBAN
c) Photo ID (Passport is preferred) is required for entry.
d) Automobiles are not permitted into the École Militaire

The École Militaire has automated its entry control system. Upon our receipt of your positive Founders Day Dinner RSVP, the Society will send you the address of the École Militaire’s security website. You will be asked to provide your personal information in order to get your entry code (QR Code). You will need this QR code to obtain access to the École Militaire site in Paris. This website is in French, and the Society will provide information in English to aid you in filling out the online form if needed. A direct sign-in is required to obtain your QR Code and must be completed NLT 3 March 2023.

Share This Invitation
We ask that you please share this invitation with other Graduates and potentially interested attendees you may know through your professional and social networks. We also extend a warm invitation to other Service Academy Graduates as well as US and French Military Officers with their guest(s). Please invite them on behalf of the Society to join us.

Society Officer Installation

The Society will be installing the current slate of Society officers at this Founders Day dinner to include the President, two Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary. Additional opportunities for membership and service exist in the Society. The Society encourages all Graduates and Friends of West Point living in France or Europe to join the Society, participate in the Society’s events, and serve as Board Members. Please note your interest on your RSVP. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at secretarywpsparis@gmail.com.

We all look forward to seeing you on 11 March at the École Militaire in Paris!

Army Navy Watch Party in Paris at The Moose Sports Pub

Attention all Army and Navy football fans as well as all who love American Football!

As in previous years, Army – Navy Game enthusiasts are encouraged to assemble on the 10th of December at the Moose Bar in Paris, 6th Arrondissement https://www.mooseparis.com/fr/ to root for the Brave Old Army Team (or even root for those “Other Folks”, if you are so inclined).  

Although it’s a long way from Annapolis and involves a potentially significant land navigation challenge, Navy fans are most welcome.  We heartily welcome our maritime brethren, even if we all know that Army will come out on top in the end.  However, we do kindly ask that all the Navy fans identify themselves with some distinctive type of jaunty nautical-themed attire….maybe a Popeye style bibbed shirt or one of those little round white hats….something like that.  And, we will expect a generous round of adult beverages at the end to celebrate the West Point victory.  

Address for The Moose sports pub: 16 Rue des Quatre-Vents, 75006 Paris

Game time is at 2100. (I don’t know how many Bells that is on a ship, but I’m sure the Navy guys/gals can figure that out).  We recommend that you get there early, stake out some tables, and get a bite to eat and drink (all with some measure of moderation).   Our venue reconnaissance confirms that The Moose proprietor is especially fond of thirsty and hungry patrons.

Although we can’t make a 100% guarantee that the establishment will be able to project the game on all of their screens, in all previous years they’ve been able to do so while they welcomed the ever-mounting bar tabs that inevitably accompany a spirited group of real football fans.  A good crowd of supporters will help tilt the game selection in our favor in case of other conflicting bizarre sporting events such as darts, cricket, that silly kind of “football” where they don’t let you use hands, curling, and assorted weird stuff like that! Please pass this information along to anyone who may be interested in joining the party!

Save the Date: Luncheon 22 Oct 2022

Dear Fellow Graduates, Cadets, and Friends of West Point,
The West Point Society of Paris will host our annual Autumn Luncheon at the Ecole Militaire in Paris on Saturday, 22 October 2022. This luncheon is in honor of the Cadets who are in France on the Semester Abroad Program. 

Save the date, now!

The Society will send out invitations in the near future with more details and to request your RSVP.  Please join us in this beautiful venue to welcome our Cadets! Feel free to circulate this notice around to anyone in your personal or professional networks who may be interested in attending.

Best regards to all!


Fellow Graduates, Cadets, and Friends of West Point,

The Board of Directors of the West Point Society of Paris invites you to join us for our 2022 Founders Day Dinner

We are delighted to announce that our Guest Speaker this year is the former Commanding General, US Army Europe and Pershing Chair at the Center for European Policy Analysis,

Lieutenant General (ret.) Benjamin Hodges, Class of 1980.

Our 2022 Founders Day Dinner will be held at
The École Militaire, “Espace Duverney”
1 Place Joffre, 75007 Paris
on Saturday, 12 March 2022, at 7:00 p.m.

PLEASE – RSVP BY 1 MARCH 2022 to: secretarywpsparis@gmail.com

1900 – 1945: Benny Havens Hour (Apéritif Kir)
1945 – 2000: Take Seats and Welcome Remarks
2000 – 2005: Toasts
2005 – 2015: WPSP Annual Meeting
2015 – Until: Dinner with Speeches between / during courses
a. Oldest Grad
b. Youngest Grad
c. Guest Speaker – Lieutenant General (ret.) Benjamin Hodges
Entrée – Tarte fine de rouget, caponata de légumes et coulis d’aubergine
Plat – Magret de canard, sauce miel et gingembre, embeurrée de choux et carotte fane
Assiette de fromages affinés
Dessert – Dôme stracciatella, sablé aux noisettes et mendiant aux fruits secs
Vins – Blanc: Riesling Alsace
Rouge: Bordeaux Cotes de Bourg
(Vegetarian or Vegan menu available upon request with RSVP)

1) Attire: Coat and tie for gentlemen, equivalent for ladies, Class A ASU, Cadets White Over Grey or coat and tie.
2) Cost:
a) €55 for members of the WPSP and their guests
b) €60 for non-members and their guests
c) You may join the Society now for €50 annual dues and take advantage of the Members Discount. Existing Members are encouraged to pay their annual dues as well.
3) We are expecting eight Cadets from the Semester Abroad Program. Cadets are the guests of the WPSP.

4) Dates to remember:
a) RSVP – NLT 1 March 2022 by email to secretarywpsparis@gmail.com – (USMA graduates and military officers please include Rank and USMA Class). Please include the nationality as well as place and date of birth for all attendees with your RSVP. This is needed for access control at the Ecole Militaire.
b) Payment Due Date – NLT 1 March 2022
i) By PayPal
ii) By Check
iii) By IBAN

Contact us by email, (secretarywpsparis@gmail.com) for PayPal, check mailing address, and IBAN information.

c) Photo ID (Passport is preferred) is required for entry
d) Automobiles are not permitted into the École Militaire

The École Militaire has automated its entry control system. Upon our receipt of your positive Founders Day Dinner RSVP, the WPSP will send you the URL of the Ecole Militaire’s security website. You will be asked to provide your personal information in order to get your entry code (QR Code). You will need this QR code to obtain access to the École Militaire site in Paris. This website is in French, and the WPSP will provide information in English to aid you in filling out the online form if needed. A direct sign-in is required to obtain your QR Code and must be completed NLT 5 March 2020.

France’s Vaccine Pass / “Pass Vaccinal” (or the equivalent from another EU country) is required for entrance to all public gatherings in France. This includes private dining venues such as the École Militaire. The Pass Vaccinal is a scannable QR code that is accessed either via a mobile phone app or printed on paper. The Pass Vaccinal contains proof of full vaccination against Covid-19. The Pass Vaccinal is required for entry into the École Militaire compound.

We ask that you please share this invitation with other Graduates and potentially interested attendees you may know through your professional and social networks. We also extend a warm invitation to other Service Academy Graduates as well as US and French Military Officers with their guest(s). Please invite them on behalf of the WPSP to join us.

WPSP Officer Installation

The WPSP will be installing the current slate of Society officers at this Founders Day dinner to include the President, two Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary. Additional opportunities for membership and service exist in the Society. The WPSP encourages all Graduates and Friends of West Point living in France or Europe generally to join the WPSP and participate in the Society’s events and serve as Board Members. Please note your interest on your RSVP.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at secretarywpsparis@gmail.com.
We all look forward to seeing you on 12 March at the École Militaire in Paris!

Come Watch the Army – Navy Game on 11 Dec in Paris

Attention all Army and Navy football fans as well as all who love American Football!

As in previous years, Army – Navy game enthusiasts are encouraged to assemble on the 11th of December at the Moose Bar in Paris, 6th arrondissement https://www.mooseparis.com/fr/ to root for the Brave Old Army Team. Navy fans are welcome, even if we all know that Army will come out on top in the end.

Address: 16 Rue des Quatre-Vents, 75006 Paris

Game time is at 9PM. We recommend that you get there early, stake out some tables, and get a bite to eat and drink (all with moderation).

Although, we can’t make a 100% guarantee that the establishment will be able to project the game on their screens, in all previous years they’ve been able to do so. A good crowd of supporters will help tilt the game selection in our favor in case of other conflicting sporting events such as darts, cricket, curling…