
DISCLAIMER:  This private organization is a non-federal entity organized by parents of Cadets at the United States Military Academy.  It is not an official activity of the United States Military Academy.  It is not endorsed, recommended, or favored by the United States government.  The views expressed by this organization do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense.

Jan 22 2012 Club Meeting Minutes

West Point Parent’s Club of Illinois

General Membership Meeting   January 22, 2012


Welcome & Call to Order: Co-President Dan Jostes called the general meeting to order at 2:20pm at the Community Career Center of Naperville, IL. Pledge of Allegiance by attendees.

Secretary: Minutes from 11/5/11 previously distributed, minutes stand as written. Treasurer: Eric Gibson stated that Leo Delaney has resigned and passed Treasurer information to him. Eric Gibson is acting Treasurer but Marilyn McClenathan will be taking over as Treasurer effective now.

Membership: Tamara Reichert said nametags are on counter for those who have not yet picked theirs up. Cathy Jostes stated we currently have 96 family members.

Plebe Parent Coordinator: Laurie McDevitt gave welcome to new plebe parents at their first boodle event. Announced her resignation and will speak to anyone interested in the position.

Website: Paul Fischl said website is based on West Point template, no sign on needed to access the website. If there are any updates for the email list submit the information to him. Question asked if spam is possible from the list serve but Paul stated any spam is deleted.

AAB: Kathy and Joe Altonji not present. Heather St. Amour who did ticket sales stated we had about 290 Army guests. Cathy Jostes asked if anyone had comments regarding the AAB and Tia Alexander said she loved the 2 room set up. Denise Gibson mentioned need for volunteers to help USCGA and USMMA run the event next year.

Alumni Rep – Cate Rupprecht said at Nov. meeting alumni discussed getting together 3 times next year. First event is dinner on 2/25 at Angelo’s in Elmhurst. Hope to hold one in May, will give feedback to board. Dan Jostes asked if they would continue as Alumni Rep for next year. They will if no one else is interested in taking position, Kevin Rupprecht suggested offering to the 6 firstie families first. The Alumni events cost nothing for the club.

Vice-President: Denise Gibson said wine sale successful and we plan to continue next year. We are considering a photo and name contest next year. Check emails and website for information. Club is always looking for new fundraisers so if anyone has ideas contact the Vice-Presidents.

President: Dan Jostes said board is exploring raising membership dues due to rising costs. More information about where our money goes will be presented shortly. Discussed stipend for officers attending events at West Point as representatives of our club. Cathy Jostes has an installation guide of where firsties will be assigned; she will email out to the group. It was asked that she put our firsties post information on the website once they know where they are going.

Dan Jostes mentioned several websites for active duty members and visiting information: www.militaryonesource.mil and morale/welfare/recreation www.armymwr.com. USPS priority boxes now offer discount shipping to APO/CPO addresses. Marianne Calhoun states there is a USO office at Navy Pier.

Cathy Jostes said WP Mom’s Bake is a group of volunteer moms who bake for any soldier serving. Email went out to members already and to volunteer contact the group; they have 145 bakers.

OSOT Program: Club member Aleida volunteers for OSOT and gave overview of program and items needed for our soldiers. They have 2 warehouse and cost to mail is $25 per box. www.osot.org for more information.

West Point Parent’s Club of Illinois

General Membership Meeting January 22, 2012 Pg 1 of 2

New Business:

Dan Jostes reviewed open positions for 2012-2013 including new ones. Calendar year for board is March to March. Fiscal year is January to December.

Officers for 2012-2013: Co-Presidents – Eric & Denise Gibson; Treasurer – Marilyn McClenathan; Secretary – Julie Coley; Membership –Tamara Reichert; Website – Paul Fischl

Chair positions filled for 2012-2013: Membership Directory – Tia Alexander

Positions to fill: Vice President; Co-Treasurer(younger class parent to help with treasurer and then take over position); PPC; Plebe Handbook (need to update current information) ; Hail & Farewell (celebration for 2012 firsties); Newsletter; Graphic Artist (help create yearbook ad to save us $50 in fees); Club Photographer; Location Coordinator (find locations for meetings, would use Eric’s scatter plot of members); Class Reps (participate with executive board and communicate with your cadet’s class parents); AAB volunteer and Field Force Liaison.

Eric Gibson stated board has done meetings via conference calls this past year and expect to continue for next year.

Bridget Epp gave a thank you to CCC of Naperville for donating the space today. One of the volunteers there who made it possible, is the wife of a WP grad, Benny White.

Kevin Rupprecht corrected that he did not donate the boxes for today’s boodle party; it was a friend’s business who did so.

Cathy Jostes explained how boodle box distribution would work. Once box is full you are welcome to take your cadets. If anyone can take extra boxes to ship please let Cathy Jostes know.

Upcoming Events: Next meeting will be on 2/26/12 after our club tour of Fisher House/VA Hospital at 1pm. Question was asked if we could visit with any of the soldiers while we were touring and Cathy Jostes will follow up for us. An email outlining the event will be coming shortly.

Meeting adjourned 3:10pm.