We graduated 21 in our company, 17 are still with us and 8 were in Park City. That’s pretty good, I think. We hang together by e-mail, but most of that fine attendance can be credited to Howard Stiles, who can be a pretty persuasive cajoler.


Howard, John Guthrie and I are dedicated skiers. Byron Marsh is an occasional skier. Benny Carr and Tim Matthes are cross-country skiers. Al Goodpasture, who usually skies at these get-togethers, has a new titanium knee and therefore decided to restrict his endeavors to cross-country skiing at Park City. No pain, he said. And Rush Yelverton…well, let me tell you about Rush later.


Actually, we expected a few more G1 files to show up, but they had to back out at the last moment because of “pressing and unavoidable commitments.” No names, BUT WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!


Picture 30. On the couch, from left to right: Benny Carr, Howard Stiles, Tim Matthes, Al Goodpasture, Rush Yelverton, and Bush Marsh. In front, John Guthrie and Steve Klein.


Check out Benny’s reindeer sweater. It was, without a doubt, the best skier’s sweater at the entire reunion. And Benny can’t even ski! (At least, not downhill ski.) And he had two other great sweaters with him and wouldn’t tell me where he got any of them. Some friend!


Contrast Benny’s terrific sweater with John Guthrie’s flaming orange Native American flannel shirt. But to John’s credit, he bought a great Norwegian sweater (in earth tones) on the last day at Park City and sort of made up for that flannel shirt. Sort of.




Picture 31. Tim Matthes and Howard Stiles at the welcome party, getting ready to lay serious waste to the buffet table.



                             Picture 32. Tim Matthes, Benny Carr, two reindeer and Al Goodpasture.


·         Base area

·         Welcome party

·         Ski pix

·         Chili party

·         Sleigh ride

·         Rush Yelverton

·         Back to First Page