Military Academy Liaison Officers (MALOs) Southeast Texas

USMA Admission Participants


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Candidate Interviews

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Every candidate for admission must be interviewed by a Houston area Military Academy Liaison Officer (MALO). These interviews are conducted in the Houston area beginning in September through March. For the most part MALOs are geographically assigned to high schools near their home and are responsible for interviewing candidates from their assigned schools. The list of high school assignments for MALOs is shown on the home page of this web site under the "Documentation" section marked "School Assignments" and includes the name and e-mail of the MALO assigned to your high school. As a candidate you probably will be contacted by your assigned MALO, but in any event please feel free to contact your assigned MALO in order to set up an interview or at any time you have any questions or need assistance throughout the entire admissions process. The interviews can be conducted at times and locations as agreed between MALOs and candidates and often last from 15 to 45 minutes.

The purpose of the interview is twofold-to assist you as a candidate in the admissions process and answer any questions you may have and to evaluate you as a candidate for admission to West Point. We are especially interested in insuring that a candidate understands the purpose of the United States Military Academy, is familiar with the academic program, knows of the service obligation after graduation, is familiar with the Cadet Honor Code and System and knows of the Cadet Leadership Development System, with particular emphasis on the stresses of the first year and Cadet Basic Training which is often call Beast Barracks. Since the admissions office has your file that documents your academics and other records or achievement, MALOs are especially interested in determining the subjective and intangible qualities that you posses (i.e., those that are not readily apparent from your application) that make YOU a promising candidates for becoming a West Point Cadet and receiving a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. The interview report submitted by your MALO is a part of your admissions file and is submitted to the Admissions Committee.




Summer Leaders Seminar Nominations Nomination Forms Interview
Physical Aptitude Exam Medical Exam School Assignments Educators




Updated:  07/16/2006