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The Official Newsletter of the West Point Parents Club of Mississippi
Volume 2003 • Issue 1 January / February
••• Editorial •••


Some Thoughts by Milton Waldoff, President

New or Prospective Cadet and Parent Link

Editorial by Douglas Belk, Ph.D., Webmaster & President-elect

Guest Author (Jere Forbus' moving article"Upon Fields of Friendly Strife ..." about the state of Army football)

Cadet Perspective (Interesting indeed!)

Cadet Features (Birthdays, Recognitions, etc.)

Special Points of Interest


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Douglas Belk, Ph.D., Editor & Publisher

It has been one rough row to hoe these past few months. I look for no sympathy, but rather to let you all know that I can empathize with anyone who has ever had to deal with the death of their parents, grandparents, or any other close loved one. If nothing else, always be sure to tell the ones you love the most that you do love them as often as you can. One day which most least expect it, or even expect it, that opportunity can slip away.

I'm glad to be back doing what I love doing for the West Point Parents Club: putting together a newsletter, looking at all the wonderful stories that come our way, having a display of great contributions, and finally putting it out for all the world to see. While I am not at 100% on the newsletter side, I'll eventually come around and attempt to get more publications out on a more frequent basis.

This edition should reach a number of potential recruits for the military academies. We wouldn't be at all disappointed if you are indeed a potential recruit reading this, and choose West Point! We are only just a bit biased in that direction. We have sons and daughters who attend the United States Military Academy at West Point, and are quite proud of their accomplishments. Regardless of the military academy you may choose or not, we wish for you the best in your endeavors. We know your family and friends will be as proud of you as we are of ours.

If you've read President Milton Waldoff's message before now, you'll know where this part of my message is leading: our new, online, web-based newsletter. If not, follow me, please. While I do enjoy very much putting my hands on a paper copy of something I can take around with me to show all my friends, there is a time when we all have to take a good, hard look at our club's funds - or a lack of them - and seek an alternative.

Our alternative? This web-based newsletter. Our paper copy of the newsletter, depending on its length (12 pages) and the number of copies run (about 150) cost an average of $300 to print. Stamps were over $50. Setting up the newsletter to print (typesetting), delivering it to the printer, waiting for the copies, getting them back, folding them, and delivering them to mail took about 20 hours. This doesn't even include the time it takes to get the articles in, edit them, and post them to the draft newsletter. Milton was able to get sponsors for our last two newsletters and they helped tremendously in allowing us to get a first class newsletter to our readers, However, like all else, businesses are being a bit tighter on their contributory funds due to the economy.

Our bank account, not in excess of $350, simply could not take another hit with the quality of newsletter that we were used to producing. Further, we have other cadets birthday cakes to purchase as we promised we would do at our past annual meeting in June. And, you'll notice that I have injected at least one fundraising opportunity on the right-hand side of this newsletter. It is a link to and usually, on a rotating basis, goes directly to books about West Point. For every purchase at that site, but 'jumping' from our site, the WPPC-MS will get a small percentage in a quarterly check. It won't be much, but every little bit helps. Please do shop at from our page as you get the opportunity to do so.

I've also created two advertising blocks (upper right) and bottom of the newsletter for advertisers to sponsor ads in our web-based newsletter. The ads will sell for $250 per issue for the upper right one, $175 per issue for the bottom one, and will appear on every page of our web-based newsletter for that issue. If you know of anyone who would like to sponsor a newsletter issue for us, please have them click on the link in the now-blank spaces to inquire about such a possibility. I was not in favor of doing such in a nonprofit newsletter, but with our funds in need of replenishing for upcoming events, it was the best we could determine as yet another way to help our the WPPC-MS.

I do hope you enjoy this new newsletter format. There is a Miscellany link that will explain a couple of neat web browser tricks for viewing and printing your issues, if you so choose. So, yes, you should still be able to show off your cadet or event involving your cadet to your friends and family! Enjoy!


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