100th Night
100th Night

This CD is complements of Ed Armstrong who preserved his vinyl copy of the 100th Night music in pristine condition. Click on a song title on the virtual CD to listen to each song. A copy of the program is available in PDF format by clicking here. This is a rather large file (13MB) so you will need a high speed connection to download it.

There is also a copy of The Times Herald from Tuesday, March 14, 1965 edition providing a review of the performance. "[M]ore than 5,000 persons cheered the 69th annual edition...."

CD Cover
Oveture Triumph of the Goats You're Out of Your Gourd Evenings I Get Lonely Scrub Woman's Dance Slats' Bakery Entrance Fugue for Jazzers Why Has the Corps Gone to Hell? Where Were You? Tenths Twilight in Your Eyes Follow Me!