Please Join Us
Dear Parents:
Greetings and congratulations! Your cadet candidate’s acceptance to West Point, one of our nation’s premiere educational and leadership institutions, is a proud accomplishment for not only your son or daughter but the entire family! Our West Point Parents Club of Oregon and SW Washington is here to support all of you throughout your son or daughter’s 47-month journey at their beautiful and historic Rockbound Highland Home in West Point, New York.
Our Parent Club is here to answer your questions and concerns as you navigate this new life as an Academy Family so that you are best able to support your son or daughter as they strive to meet the many challenges ahead. You’ll find many sources of information via our well-appointed Parent Club website.
Our foremost reason for existence is to support each other and our cadets. Our Oregon and SW WA Parent Club meets monthly via an accessible/remote format and at least three times each year at various locations throughout the state at our Jan/Feb Care Package (Boodle Box) Packing Party, attendance at the West Point Society of OR Founder’s Day event in meeting the new Cadet Candidates & families and strengthening our partnership with our local Alumni, summer picnic, hikes at varied locales, Cadet Candidate Sendoff Social, Fall Social, Tailgate onsite at West Point, ARMY-NAVY local Watch Party, and multiple All Academy Events including Alumni from all 5 Service Academies at the Summer All Academy Picnic, Fall All Academy Social and the biennial All Service Academies Ball as well as fundraisers including the annual Oregon Ironman Volunteer Team. Our cadets are supported by our Club with Boodle (Care Package) Boxes, Birthday Cards/gift cards, graduation/commissioning gifts, and so many other countless methods. We also seek to keep our members informed via email and our social media page(s) in recognizing significant milestones at the Academy.
Currently, our Club Dues are set at $50 per year, $200.00 per family for four years of membership which allows your cadet to receive an annual birthday gift and card as well as a large USPS Goodie/Boodle box, a wonderful keepsake engraved gift upon graduation/commissioning and so much more (hence the price of membership pales in comparison to the benefits for your cadet and family). To join, simply complete the application for membership. Please contact us at any time if you have questions or concerns that need a seasoned parent’s perspective.
Again, congratulations to you and your son or daughter. All the best to all of you in the weeks ahead as you each prepare for the journey to come. Let us know if we can help you at any time.
West Point Parents Club of Oregon & SW Washington