
Join West Point Parents Club of Northern California !

We are looking forward to you joining the West Point Parent Club of Northern California. The membership provides great values –
  • WPPCNC Memory Book, which is an invaluable lifetime book that is produced in your Cadets’ Firstie year.
  • Get to be part of the Club Howitzer Ad in your Cadet’s Firstie Year.
  • Class perk, if budget allows, a Flag Flown over the US Capitol in honor of your Cadet’s Graduation.
  • Club exclusive discount arrangement for Graduation Lunch at Thayer Hotel a great pinning for your Cadet to 2nd LT at a beautiful location overlooking the Hudson, with easy access parking.
  • Boodle Box – sent each year to Plebe and Yearling Cadets.
  • Parent support – our WPPCNC primary mission is the support and mentoring of all Cadet Parents from our region. The school is very intense and the routines and traditions beyond your typical elite college. Your Cadet will/has encountered new experiences and grown in ways far differently than their high school peers.  Our club helps support parents with great insight and a connection with West Point to better understand the road they are traveling on.
  • Deb Dalton connects directly to our Club President and gives insights and information to share with our Club Parents
  • Events/Activities throughout the year from June to December. From luncheons/dinner events to Football Game viewing Parties and the “All Service Academies” Dinner TBD, Meet-up lunches and our Annual Picnic! – you’ll not want to miss!
  • and much more

Below are the details about the membership fees.

  • $275 includes Membership and Firstie Memory Book with exclusive Cadet Gifts.
  • $75 membership (does not include Firstie Memory Book/Gifts/in the Club Howitzer Ad).
  • $200 I’ve Paid the $75 and now want to pay for the Firstie Book with exclusive Cadet Gifts.
  • $50 Lifetime Parent membership for after your Cadet Graduates.

Join Now! You can use PayPal or your credit card to join the club. Click on the yellow button if you have a PayPal account. Otherwise click on one of the credit card buttons to pay with credit card.
Remember to enter your Cadet’s Name and Class Year.

Membership Types
Your Cadet's Name and Class Yr
THREE KEY CLUB MEMBERSHIP DRIVE EVENTS (Please check your email for Date/Time/Location TBD):
  • The Founder’s Day Dinner – Event by the West Point Society of Northern CA (WPSONC) for Cadet Candidate and their Parents. It’s Dinner Event and initial introduction to their time at West Point.
  • Almost A Plebe Event – Our Club Event for the incoming Cadets-Almost a Plebe and their Parents.
  • Annual Club Picnic – Our Club Event, the Parents share Food, wonderful conversation and a presentation of what our Club is about, as well as answer any Cadet questions.

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