Q16: Are these the goals you want AOG to have for 1997-1999?

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The following are the management goals for the AOG: More than 80% of the respondents said that these were the goals that they wanted the AOG to have for 1997-1999.  Over 11%, or 583 graduates, felt that some changes were needed.  
of Respondents
Total Processed: 5158

A total of 940 graduates entered 1480 comments making recommendations for change and improvements to the AOG goals.  Graduates want goals supporting all graduates rather than one particular group.  They want efforts taken to bind all together through better communications and activities.  Increased efforts to gain public, congressional, and DOD support for West Point, as well as the AOG exercising greater influence on maintaining the highest of standards at USMA were strong points.  Many expressed a desire to see the return of regular commissions for graduates. The responses were categorized as follows. 

General Category
of Comments
Change present goals
Add new goals
Topics for new development
Increased emphasis needed
Observations on funding
Miscellaneous comments
Total comments:
Next Question

The following are the raw comments collected for this survey question.  The numbers serve only to identify the comment for this question and do not serve any other identification purpose:

[001]  1. AOG should be dedicated to representing USMA Graduates.

[002]  The current goals lists lacks a statment expressing a commitment to improving services to graduates, which is an extensive and welcome aspect of the current Exec Dir's stewardship. These should be specifically cited. An additional goal, unstated in this list, is that of providing a link between the graduate and the Corps of Cadets by furthering AOG financial support for cadet activities. I regard this as separate and distinct from WPF and Proj 2002 "monitorship."

[003]  I think AOG should do more in coordinating with the USMA staff to preserve traditions that should be preserved. Over the last few years, I think too many changes have been made capricously in the name of making USMA more like the "real army" which only exists in the minds of the thinker at the time. Cadets aren't privates and shouldn't be thought of that way, nor are they officers or NCOs. They are West Point cadets being trained to be leaders of characters. I don't think you can get there by training them to act like privates, etc. I would be gald to elaborate if you care to discuss this further.

[004]  I'm not sure what the goal of creating an "AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army" means. Assist with what? I hope within the AOG goals there is room for effort to preserve what in my day was called the "Thayer" educational system. Too many of the word of mouth changes I hear about seem to be remaking West Point in the image of a state university. Any outreach programs should be race and gender neutral.

[005]  They seem adequate, but 1,2 and 3 sound like you're not doing that now, when I believe you are. You just want to improve those functions.

[006]  Delete 2, 4, 5, and 7

[007]  Assist USMA graduates who have left active duty in finding employment and in networking.

[008]  The first two are standard, and are unneeded. The rest are very broad and does not tell anyone of the specific parameters you are trying to acheive. Also, goals need to be more focused on better use of donations to some extent. The buying of expensive statues etc. in the face of a budget crunch throughout the gov't is not prudent if the school is being cut dollars.

[009]  3 cheers for #4!!

[010]  (Ref para 3) If possible, could the AOG also look at improved communications with the legislative branch of the federal government?

[011]  Should the AOG be an organizaion that facilitates between the academy and it's graduates - increase awareness of ongoing academy programs, activities and needs; provide an active outreach program to broaden graduate involvement in AOG/Academy forums; develop programs to support the long terms needs of the academy and it;'s graduates.

[012]  These sound like "how do I get more money for the management".

[013]  Please be more specific/quantifiable. How do you intend to measure the progress made towards specific goal? When will you declare achievement of a goal? Again, I would look outside the Academy for what other educational institutions are aiming for, to ensure we have thought of everything and are comparing our performance to the "Best Practices" around. If this has been done then, we can improve our level of confidence that we have an effective AOG.

[014]  Open the books to graduates. Account for the 15% overhead that is currently taken from all checks. Provide details on the management of the endowment, ie rate of return.

[015]  Career transition services.

[016]  1. Instill pride. I do not find this appropriate. I am proud that I am a graduate of USMA, not that I am a member of the AOG. I do not think the AOG can do anything to increase my "pride" in being a USMA grad. 2. Bond of Trust. Since I understand that the AOG management are all USMA grads, I trust them. I just do not know what they actually do. 3. Improve communications: I would like to see an emphasis on communications with GAP - the Great American Public. I think the primary focus of the AOG should be to enhance the image of USMA in the eyes of GAP. The only publicity seems to be negative, we make the papers when there is a scandal of some sort, but do nothing to let people know of the good things that happen at USMA. 4. I do not know what kind of assistance is being contemplated. This should be more specific. 5. Fundraising seems to be appropriate 6. I did not know that there was a problem with the current coordination between these entities. If there is, it should be easily solved and should not require much effort. If it is a significant problem, I would need more information about the problems to determine the source - perhaps the source is the AOG itself. 7. Just like we should take of the troops, we should take care of the AOG employees.

[017]  Add-- 1. Develop a plan to tell the West Point story to the public. Solicit funds to produce and tell this story in multi media formats. 2. Develop a plan to develop better congressional support and interest in West Point. Especially support for fully funding all requirements of USMA.

[018]  Any association of gradutes (from any school) should have as its primary goals the overall success in life of its graduates, the continued prosperity of the instutionion itself, and the individual success of its graduates. These three goals can and should be met in many forms and fashions, but should nontheless remain the focus. Take Harvard as an example. Harvard graduates go out of their way to have active fellowship with one another; the help each other succeed in their careers; and watch very carefully over the school itself. When necessary, the close ranks around the school or each other. That is what an alumni association should do. I am not advocating a return to the "West Point Protective Society" as I've heard the old days of "ring knockers" called. But graduates should not be ashamed either for making special efforts to mentor, advise, and, yes, open doors for fellow graduates. At the same time, we have a duty to watch over the health and welfare of our alma mater.

[019]  Separate the AOG and WPF. Do not understand what #6 means. Do not see a need for #4.

[020]  The frequent solicitation for money is wearing thin because everybody (AAA,AOG, Class Projects etc.) all need funds. There are real problems long term in the Army especially in the benefits arena (medical) that condition what people can support. Not all grads are terribly flush.

[021]  How about mentioning those graduates no longer in the Army?

[022]  1 is lame. Our pride is associated with the institution, not the self-agrandizing, self-sustaining AOG. 2 is arrogantly backwards. The AOG doesn't trust grads - witness the way grads are treated at Herbert Hall. 3 "improve the communication process" is a meaninglessly weak bureaucratic phrase. 4 Promising, but what does it mean? 5 eliminate. I'm sick of the jock focus. 6 meaningless gibberish. 7 not a goal that interests me.

[023]  Build public support for USMA

[024]  Add a goal related to recruiting/admissions support

[025]  Add Assist in building multiple channels of association: ideals, friendships, commercial.

[026]  Lobby to restore federal funding cuts to USMA Provide the Supt with honest, realistic feedback about his fundraising fantasies.

[027]  You have combined goals of the AOG as an organization with the goals for managing the organization staff. I believe these should be separated and graduates should be concerned with the former. While I have no complaint with the goals for managing the staff, I'm ready to entrust those to Jack Hammack and the Board. If you focus on what the AOG should accomplish, I think you should consider a more aggressive advocacy. Specifically, there are PR and lobbying activities that USMA and the Army probably cannot address. I think we can tastefully and positively advance the public's understanding of West Point and that this should be a goal.

[028]  We should add a goal designed around the graduates themselves. If we focus on graduates (ie. help graduates) they in turn will help the AOG accomplish all of its goals.

[029]  I believe emphasis on Athletics is the wrong focus for this time with other more pressing issues at hand such as the need to reinstate the awarding of Regular Commissions.

[030]  Except emphasis on support of Athletic Dept

[031]  With the exception of the goal for graduates, every function is directly related to fundraising or the growth of the AOG organization

[032]  I do not really understand what is meant by goal #1 - "Instill pride in the AOG membership" Pride in what? Is it pride in being a member of the "Long Grey Line", pride in being a member of the AOG, or something else? Goal #2 is much more focused and I do understand and agree with it.

[033]  Recruitment of future cadets is fine, but I object to preferential treatment being giving to anyone.

[034]  The AOG needs to represent the graduates to the USMA administration on those important issues that affect USMA programs and goals, particularily thiose affecting cadet education and training

[035]  See # 15.

[036]  Internet error in script when attempting to view goals.

[037]  Don't like "Y" or "N"-- is #7 a problem? #2 & #5 really need work. #5b is for the birds! #3 also needs a scrubbing.

[038]  Comment: I have trouble seeing that the goals fully support the above mission statement.

[039]  Delete #4 - "Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army."


[041]  Goal 4 and Goal 7 do not look like major goals for an association such as ours.

[042]  I am unccomfortable with the idea of supporting capital prorams.


[044]  more active support for intercollegiate athletics

[045]  OK as far as they go, but see my comments below.

[046]  Define and promote minority representation in the Corps of Cadets for the 21st century.

[047]  I suuport all the goals listed; however, I am most interested in the plans to increase compensation and benefits for AOG employees. Their work is vital, but funds raised in support of West Point should not be routed to pay and benefits. What are the current compensation schedules and where do are these funds procured?

[048]  Goal number 4 is great. The grads need to have a survival kit when they reach active duty. Is there a way we can also add one about helping cadets, while they are still at USMA, to be ready for life after they leave "mother West Point"?

[049]  Add assistance to Admissions, recruiting, and local support of cadet activities while in local Society areas.

[050]  5. Should be eliminated as a primary goal. This is, and should be, a minor function. 6. AAA should be eliminated -- again this should be a relatively minor function rather than a goal. Recommendation: Pick up some of the political-support, strategy and direction thoughts from the Mission statement comments made above.

[051]  Re #4: Does assistance imply aid while still on active duty? There is certainly no need to help those who resign or who are on retired pay.

[052]  More advocacy work to improve the status of West Point, such as working to reinstate Regular commissions for USMA grads, returning to basic academic program, for instance.

[053]  Delete goal which provides funding for USMA operations.

[054]  If graduates are board members of the AOG, and we need to instill trust and confidence, we have lost a big battle. What is an AOG assistance package? I believe there is already plenty of pride that exists in all members of the AOG.

[055]  but, #1 should also include a goal of expanded membership.

[056]  See Purpose Statement above.

[057]  I don't see why pride in AOG membership is a goal; the pride should be in being a USMA graduate. If you (we) accomplish the other goals, then pride would follow.

[058]  Aid and maintain communications between graduates throughout their careers in and out of the Army.

[059]  Improve visitor housing at West Point Prepare for West Point's 200th Anniversary

[060]  Whatever

[061]  Item 1 is a given. Focus should be on pride in and support for USMA not ourselves. Item 3 is too broad.

[062]  delete pride.this will follow naturally after confidenceis established per goal2.

[063]  Need more definition on what the assistance package is for active duty.

[064]  I fully support these goals. However, is there any type of strategy in place that will assist the AOG in achieving these goals? For instance, goal @1 (..pride in the AOG membership) is a good goal, but one that is difficult to measure. How are you going to instill pride? Just a thought. I like the goals; however, am concerned on the how the AOG is going to accomplish them.

[065]  Goal 5. Delete Army Athletic Project. Support of athletics is important but so are other needs. Add. Develop data bases and information on key issues, especially issues of concern to AOG members (such as RA Commissions), which can be accessed by AOG members to determine their personal positions.

[066]  Goal 4. Why does this apply only the Army graduates? I assume the AOG would be willing to assist grads in any service or out. Or do I misunderstand the purpose of an "assistance lpackage"?

[067]  While I support athletics, the goal of USMA is to provide the country with Army officers. We should not be in the business of providing professional football players.

[068]  Not sure what is meant by Goal 4 Goal 5 is strictly short term and too limited

[069]  An effort should be made to make public the success of USMA. This is especially true during a period of prosperity and peace as it will enhance efforts to recruit outstanding people.

[070]  It is time for AOG to actively pursue building a hotel on the Academy grounds which will accomodate classes and their spouses for reunions, football games, etc. It is economical and logical to have such a facility close at hand, as opposed to using buses to move from facilities in New Jersey or up the Hudson. If MacDonalds and Burger Kind can build on bases/posts, why can't Marriott or Holiday Inn or any other large firms build at West Point?

[071]  I think linking Graduates (AOG) and USMA more closely should be the number 1 goal.

[072]  The problem I see in the list of goals is that they are designed to get the AOG going and to be sure graduates have faith in the AOG and can communicate. That seems to be what it should be as a given. See #17 below.

[073]  Corps squad athetics are important, however I believe they should be the same footing as club squad for AOG assistance/funding.

[074]  I'm not sure an employee compensation package should be an overall goal of the organization.

[075]  AOG needs to be a more politically active group to ensure West Point is adequately funded and supported by congress and the administration.

[076]  To assist former graduates as they transition to civilian employment.

[077]  These appear to be fine as long as our reason for having an AOG is not in some sort of jeopardy.

[078]  Generally agree but use only of "Army" tends to leave the Air Force and a few others in a forgotten category.

[079]  Eliminate goal 4

[080]  You've listed a "support package" for graduates wh o ar in the Army. What about graduates who are no longer in the Army?

[081]  1. Assist the supe in finding the right way to go. Do not agree with ALL his proposal. West Point can be ruined by activities such as the firing of Col. Hallums, and concurrence with the provosions of the The National Defense Authorization Act which stopped the granting of regular commissions.

[082]  Consider expanding the goal "Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army" to include assistance for all graduates and spouses (including widows/widowers) where needed.

[083]  regular army commissions

[084]  See note above.

[085]  Work with the current USMA and Army staffs to ensure that the cadet development program remains focused on developing competent leaders capable of performing under stress. During my short service so far, it is clear that new graduates are not hardened by the same level of sustained mental and physical stress that has made the academy experience unique for almost 200 years. While elements of the fourth class system were admittedly not a "positive leadership example" as proponents of the new look program argue, the fourth class system taught us perseverance. People of strong character learn to lead. I argue that this perseverance and ability to peak under stress is the foundation of the character required for leadership. One of my favorite maxims is that making things easy for soldiers is not taking care of soldiers. This applies to cadets particularly. I would offer far more aggressive support to AOG if the organization devoted more effort to influencing the cadet experience accordingly.

[086]  How about weighing in a bit about the academic and leadership programs at the academy instead of always ranking the athletic programs as most important. Even if you protest that you are not emphasizing athletics at the expense of the other facets of academy life, your actions (and these goals) argue differently.

[087]  I see the goals as being very tilted toward what graduates can do for the Academy. I'd like to see a more balanced approach that also addresses what the AOG can/will do dor graduates.

[088]  Unable to see list

[089]  Three additional goals are needed or should replace some of the current goals: 1. Some reference to the focus on the role Society's play within the AOG. 2. Some reference to the focus on the role the Class structure plays within the AOG. 3. Stronger reference to supporting the admission's process.

[090]  4. Develop an AOG assistance package for _graduates_in_the_Army_. First, what about USMA grads in other services (e.g., Air Force). Also, this sounds like the sort of West Point Protective Assn that folks from other commissioning sources gripe about.

[091]  The better communication is good. I probably haven't been reading all the email, newsletter and obviously have not been suscribing to Assembly, but I feel that I don't know exactly what it is the Academy needs for support and how AOG is meeting that need. Obviously, from my visit for my 15th reunion, there is a lot that needs to be done at the Academy.

[092]  I would not state fund raising support, esp support of the Athletic Project nor would I state increasing AOG employees compensation/benefits explicitly -- these are both sensitive issues with many graduates; and I believe will reduce interest in and support for AOG.

[093]  Find out what our MEMBERS want. For far too long, this Assn has had little input from the grads. Now that the grads have a voice, listen. First, focus on the grads, THEN on the institution.

[094]  1--Item 3 "continue to improve-----"I do not believe any communications exists. it is all one way. AOG puts out in the Assembly but does not appear to have a method of input from its members. I recommend an Ombudsman. 2--Item 5. Funding needs a complete overhaul. Far to involved with too many fund raising schemes. See Gen Kutyna White Paper. 3--Item 6. I believe coordination between those 3 is too tight and none exists between AOG and AOG membership.

[095]  There used to be a small number of applicants that AOG sponsored (scholorship) to go to college for a year to prove they could handle college classes. These scholorships went to applicants that the admissions department thought showed a strong desire to become Army Officers, but may not quite meet the acedimic standards. I was one of 25 applicants in 1980 to be offered a scholorship and I believe of the 25, 23 showed up the following year. I believe most of us graduated and I for one am still on active duty. This program enabled me and others to attend USMA where we would not have been able to otherwise. I obviously would like to see this program continued if it has been cancelled.

[096]  ADD Develope and manage the utilization of the graduated body in areas where their specific value can be effeciively focused to the benefit of USMA

[097]  Goal: Continue to develop "job network" for transitioning graduates to the civilian workplace."

[098]  When I think of AOG, I think it should be organized like a corporate board with any USMA grad in a influential position being offered a post. Not sure if this "old boy network" is still kicking. As far as goals... 1. Rather superfluous 2. Goes without saying if deeds are present. 3. Is fine but the AMERICAN PUBLIC is the main focus here. I couldn't believe how many people never heard of West Point when I went back to grad school at Yale and went to get my first outside job. At first I thought it was their ignorance but later this actually was quite embarrassing as it was looked upon like a 2 yr tech school etc. 4. SHOULD BE ONE!!! 5. Fundraising is fine. AOG should reap what it sows. 6. Implied mission 7. If it's required. Not sure how it's organized. should be a high powered board with adequate support staff. May be voluntary at first with stipends later. It should be a board where grads would want to be a member to pursue their own companies interest and look to pick up young grads who may have left the service. This is not POACHING but taking care of our own. ****Insure West Point is placed among the most competitve colleges again in magazines like Barron's etc for admissions. I was really disappointed to see our name pulled away from the Ivy's and stuck in a separate section in the back.

[099]  Seek creative and active ways to maintain a Corps of Cadets which reflects our Army's diversity

[100]  We should mention exploiting new technologies to reach graduates such as the internet and other venues.

[101]  The management goals as stated are similar to those of a political party. They appear to exist simply to preserve the AOG. They should be changed to reflect the purpose of the AOG - improving USMA, not improving the AOG.

[102]  I am concerned that the Goal of finding support for the Army Athletic Program will be limited to ODIA sports and will ignore the Club sports, such as Rugby. I am also concerned that our 2002 Capital Campaign will focus too much on building projects and not enough on cadet programs.

[103]  Keep contact with active units & alumni in active units

[104]  I really don't think 1st goal is that important. How do you plan to measure it?

[105]  Mentoring program for current cadets and graduates.

[106]  See 15.

[107]  A focus on networking - job placement

[108]  Assist graduates in providing direct feedback to the USMA administration to inprove the quality of graduates from the institution - words to that effect

[109]  Drop the emphasis on athletics and focus on academics and cadet activities. AOG should not be sending athletes to prep schools or worrying about sports programs in which USMA can't possibly compete (e.g. hockey, basketball).

[110]  The first listed goal, "1. Instill pride in the AOG membership." is inappropriate and should be deleted.

[111]  Develop a a bond between other Academies' AOGs for fostering common interests and goals that are benificial to all academies.

[112]  What is the Assistance package for graduates in the Army? What is the Army Athletic Project? Does it include the club squad teams?

[113]  1. Have graduates more connected to WP. 2. More focus on the large number of grads in the civilian sector. 3. More support of the local societies. 4. Now that fund raising seems to be the number one job of the Superintendent, provide a better explanation of where the money is going, and why so many things did not seem to be done right the first time. It is hard to give if the money is not being spent wisely.

[114]  Goal 4 (assistance package for graduates in the Army) is narrow and short sighted. Many graduates are no longer on active duty. I find it difficult to feel proud of being a member of an organization such as the AOG (Goal 1), or to trust such an organziation (Goal 2), when that organization ignores me because of my status. My belief is linked to my financial contribution to AOG -- none. I also believe that most AOG trustees, in particular, have categorized all graduates into two groups: (i) those grdaudates who serve 20 years or more and retire and (ii) the rest of the graduates who serve less than 20 years on active duty. If the AOG insists on being an organization only for those who *retire* from active duty (Association of Graduates in the Army), I will continue my financial contribution at its present level.

[115]  My proposed mission statement would yield a completely different set of goals. I would be glad to work with you if the nature and tone of the mission statement were altered first.

[116]  These are fine. Minor point though is that we probably have some graduates in the AF and Navy and Marines.

[117]  See #15 comments

[118]  All of these goals focus on internal administration. There does not seem to be one where the AOG is actually going to DO anything. (Maybe the mission DOES need to be sharpened up).

[119]  see previous comments, what will AOG do for ME? hate to be so selfish, but it is a tough world out there.... and I have to spend my time and money and energy on trying to improve my own life, before I can have the luxury of assisting AOG individually and financially.

[120]  Why is the AOG assistance package limited to graduates in the Army? What about other services? Civilian life?

[121]  Delete compensation package goal. It may be necessary but not part of an organization's goals. AOG should provide service to graduates not just communication. How will service be improved? Most goals are nebulous. Should be objective and measureable.


[123]  AOG is USMA's equivalent to Harvard's, Yale's, etc post graduation networking associations. Their's work extremely well (and are very influential). We would do well to emulate. As a minimum we should be emphasizing the point of facilitating the maintenance of a post graduate community through communication, networking, and communal activities (e.g., Beat Navy road trips, etc)

[124]  Do not understand #4

[125]  Delete # 5 b, Army Athletic Project

[126]  Procure addtional membership benifits such as discounts and exclusive offers for AOG members Expand the networking opportunities for AOG members Rally more active participation. ie have more events

[127]  Suggestion to have the goals more measurable. Establish targets so that the AOG can continuously improve. Goals without measurable targets cannot easily be tracked toward attainment. For example: 1. Instill pride in the AOG membership. Target: Attain a 5% increase in membership per annum. 2. Develop a strong bond of trust and confidence between the AOG membership and the AOG management. Target: Develop a "top 3 problems" list and find a solution within one year.

[128]  Goal 4: Delete "in the Army"

[129]  Better education program to those in Congress. WP should be federally funded for ALL of its needs.

[130]  I am not a member of AOG -- these goals mean nothing to me.

[131]  Am somewhat ambivalent about your management goals. If these are the ones you want, fine. However the first three are curious. #1 should be a given. #2 implies that trust has not been there before. That might be, but it's sad if it was ever the case and has to be so explicitly stated as a goal. #3 speaks of improved communication to a wide variety of audiences from the extended West Point community to the American public. I think these might be too broad. What I found curious though was that commo with USMA was third on the list. Whatever happened to a graduate association's mission to support its alma mater? Can't we state that more explicitly somewhere?

[132]  Resolve the disconnect between the reorganization of the Regular Army commission and the relationship between ROTC and USMA. As a graduate, I bought into the concept of a small cadre from USMA with the bulk of the Reserves from ROTC. With the reorganization, downsizing, etc., this no longer sells well.

[133]  Better PIO to support higher ethics and morals throughout the Army Leadership and the cadet corps.

[134]  AS above lets realize the statistics, over a third of us enter civilial life by the end of the mandatory service period, about 10% are left after 20 years, we desperately need to promote West Pointers for civilian jobs, and very few individuals are doing that. As above the WPSNY for someone in my age group is worthless, thank God I am in my own business, but don't look for them for contacts. However some of my classmates were not so lucky, and received the same zero level of assistance when they needed it most. Did any of you AOG guys hear of downsizing???? Let me assure you its wasn't a weeding out of the weak, it was an accounting exercise to minimize cost. We have good people out there who could not look to their alma matter for needed help.

[135]  Delete those which are or appear to be dedicated to expanding the role of and the compensation for the staff. i.e. #7, Improving the benefit program of the staff, and #5 expanding the fund raising role, and staffing of the AOG. #4 is fine. Should be doing more of this sort of thing. # 1, 2, 3, and 6 are vague and do not lend themselves to measurement. In other words, their achievement or non-achievement are nebulus as to be of little value. They mean, to paraphrase from Alice in Wonderland, "precisely what I think they mean, nothing more and nothing less". An exercise in bureaucratic gobbly goop.

[136]  change #4 to read: Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army and civil life

[137]  Assist career service graduates transition to the civilan market

[138]  1. There should be some mention of support to the local WPPC.

[139]  I am not familiar with the Army Athletic Project. The results of the Navy game suggest a project is needed, but I doubt that fund raising will be the solution.

[140]  #5 is unacceptable. Period.

[141]  The goal to develop a strong link between graduates and cadets does not jump out at me. I don't view the cadets and "the Academy" as the same thing. In 4 years when my Godson graduates, I want him and the academy to have benefitted from the AOG efforts.

[142]  I don't think the pay and compensation of AOG employees is worthy of GOAL status.

[143]  See item 15. The higher goals we all seek are not necessarily served by strong central direction. Members provide their own direction and interests. The AOG should enable us to excel in those varied interests in cooperation with other members. Keep us aware of current Academy issues, and let members contribute optional solutions.

[144]  Add: Help USMA instill in cadets a motivation to serve a full career in the active Army. Motivate younger graduates to become active in local societies.

[145]  There is too much emphasis on the AAA and on the AOG per se--and I go to at least two games a year and have respect for the emplyees of the AOG- butI would like the emphasis to be on cadets and cadet recruiting--I don't need AOG to "instill pride" in me.

[146]  Eliminate goals 1 and 2. I don't think they are a problem. If the AOG has a problem with pride in its membership, then there are bigger issues to deal with. And if there is mistrust, we probably need to reengineer the entire organization.

[147]  Some of the goals, including the first two do not seem consistent with the Purpose Statement. The AOG should not place its needs before the needs of the Academy... 1. Trust in AOG management should not be in this list. Is there a trust issue in this organization? Arent't USMA graduates involved in this organization? 2. Pride in AOG? Pride in the Academy ought to be enough. 3. Of course AOG employees should have excellent compensation and benefits... but these administrative objectives should not be on the operational goals list. *As for goals to recommend to the AOG... I suggest that any goal must flow from the excellent Purpose Statement.

[148]  Undecided

[149]  Enhance the networking capability expand goal # 5 to include civilian duffs too whats with this comp.comp/bennie package? Is mgmt goal #6 an indication of disfunctionality? Mgmt Goal #2 overlaps #6 or vice versa. eliminate overlap

[150]  delete 1 and 2. If anything, they are outcomes of goal 3.

[151]  there is entirely too much emphasis on athletics

[152]  #7 is an internal management goal and should not occupy the overall membership's time. Delete. #5 - Explain the capital campaign and Army Athletic Project

[153]  Needs more analysis! Compared to other alumni associations in SC the USMA's assoc is inactive. I suspect we have well over 800 members and growing! Why cannot we have a more visible impact on and in the community?

[154]  Yes, in general, but I don't think the AOG should be in the coordination game between AAA and USMA; that's a USMA function. It should not be involved with fund raising; that's a WPF mission. The AOG is for graduates and for helping WP.

[155]  The AOG should actively help career movements outside of the active duty part of one's career.

[156]  only 5 and 7 apear meaningful. 7 appears selfserving.

[157]  Delete all except 4 & 5. The others sound like bureaucrat-speak. 7 is exceptionally out of touch with the rest of the world; only a decaying few industries/companies have a defined benefit plan. I would strongly suggest a defined contribution plan; otherwise any remaining support for maintaining the current system will vanish.

[158]  The goal to improve the benefits package for AOG employees seems self-serving. There should be a reasonable program compared to the average in industry.

[159]  Delete: 4, 5 and 7

[160]  These may be the goals, but in real life, they have not been actively followed

[161]  I am somewhat lukewarm on the goals, but I have no great ideas at the present time.

[162]  5b. Disagree with the money grubbing implications of this goal.

[163]  I believe that the current AOG management is focusing far too much attention on Army athletics -- specifically football. The belief is that if our athletic facilities are not competitive with (e.g.) University of Texas, Notre Dame, UNC, etc. then we will not be able to recruit the cream of the crop. I disagree. We need to be recruiting great Americans who are smart, fit, and willing to commit 20 years of their lives to serving their countryas officers in the Army. A $24 million football annex isn't taking many steps in that direction. AOG is a partner in this vector, and I fundamentally disagree with it.

[164]  Need long discussion and analysis before responding to the listed goals.

[165]  Don't quite understand "pride in AOG membership". Is this different and distinct from "graduate' ?

[166]  Admissions work, especially minority.

[167]  Why an AOG assistance package just for those still in the Army? The bulk of my class is no longer on active duty -- why should the majority be cut out? I say all this, of course, not knowing what such a package will be.

[168]  Delete emphasis on fund raising. Make the West Point Fund more of a separate operation and get toe emphasis of the AOG out of fund raising. The current overemphasis on fund raising is unpopular with many graduates.

[169]  More emphasis should be placed on educating the public as to the mission of the USMA.

[170]  Goal #1 is superfluous. Graduates are proud of being graduates. Goals 2,3,6 and 7 relate to improving AOG staff performance of routine adminstrative and communications matters, and comprise internal administrative affairs to be addressed by the AOG staff. They are not suitable "goals" to be pursued by the membership at large, nor are the stuff of a public statement of goals for the membership. They are administrivia. Goal 5 is the only goal likely to be visible to most members, and it manifests itself as incessant pleas for funds, caused by lack of federal funding. Goal 4 is unexplained. See below for suggestions.

[171]  1. I hope members of the LGL already have pride 2. #3 and #6 appear the same 3. #7 may be a goal of employees but it is not one of mine

[172]  All of the goals deal with $$, what goals are there to "furthering the ideals" and traditions?

[173]  seperate AOG and WPF completely

[174]  Improve minority participation through community colleges in the face of declining committment to affirmative action programs by developing a targeted sponsorship program.

[175]  there should be something included about assisting potential cadets/applicants...the best way to promote an institution is to help maintain the standards of its members

[176]  These goals seem OK but, they do not seem to fall under the stated purpose, as stated above, they do have an orrientation on graduates.

[177]  Extend the career/transitory/advisory services for graduates. USMA has no "career services" like most other universities. However, there is definitely a need for such an office for graduates because every one of them will change employment at least once during their working life. Our need for employment assistance is not immediate, as is the case for other universities, but years after graduation. We are weak in that area; AOG has begun to fill the gap, but more needs to be done. I'm not recommending that AOG do this task, but AOG should be leading the charge to get a system set up to do it.

[178]  See my response to #15. Some of the current goals are in this direction, for which I compliment you.

[179]  To reduce fund raising costs from X to Y. Ultimately, the fund raising costs should go to zero in 2010, or some year. AOG should report the progress in reducing fund raising each year. As the AOG endowment grows, then fund raising should drop. My classmates and I are watching for progress in this and AOG must report this to the graduate body. For example: Cost on the dollar for fund raising: CY 96 17.4 cents; CY 97 16.9 cents; CY 98 16.2 cents, etc. If the AOG does not do this, then your long term fund raising will be in jeporday with grads and other friends of USMA.

[180]  They are too bureaucratic. Need some goals with some iron and fire in them. How about starting with: 1. Take aggressive, public and private action to ensure that West Point is perceived to be the finest Military Academy in the World! Lobby and do the things that the active duty people cannot do. 2. Aggressively counsel the Superintendent and the Administration to accomplish #1 by being the voice of the graduates not just the voice of the generals, the rich, and the famous.

[181]  make plebe year hard again.

[182]  There should be one overarching goal. I suggest #6 - or a modification thereof. E.g. Support links between the members of the AOG, West Point, ...

[183]  Delete #7 Good luck on #2

[184]  Focus on returning the military to the Corps of Cadets.

[185]  I am pleased to see the assocation's pledge towards army athletics.

[186]  Again, more effort to include former cadets in Academy affairs. After all, Cow summer washouts like me went through the toughest two years of the program just like the rest of you, and it changed our lives forever -- for better or for worse -- just as much as it changed yours. In a way, we are almost "half-graduates." The least you could do is show a little respect for us and our opinions, instead of treating us as non-existent pariahs, which seems to have been the AOG policy so far. Sorry to give it so hard and straight, but that's the way I've felt all these years.

[187]  #4 is absolutely KEY! And, it must tell us what we can do beyond contributing money.

[188]  Number 4 is key. I would incorporate some kind of emphasis on how the AOG may help transition to the civilian world after the Army.

[189]  Review and recommend actions to maintain the traditions of West Point


[191]  assist graduates in finding positions in the corporate sector

[192]  #5 should have more categories in the Army in government service and in other areas

[193]  One goal says "in the Army." As this questionnaire does not address status of grads serving proudly in the Army Reserve or Guard, AOG appears to be, like AUSA, focused totally on the active component in it's thinking. I had no opportunity in question 5 military/civilian status to indicate that I am an active civilian AND an active Reservist. Short sighted of the AOG to neglect the Army Reserve and Guard as having any status at all in your survey.

[194]  Expand the support for the graduate portion.

[195]  I need clarification of #4 "Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army." Why just the Army? What type of assistance? Would this exclude civilian graduates?

[196]  These are excellent goals for the management team but many are not appropriate goals for the organiztion. I would like to know what the organization plans to do in areas such as supporting the community and our international graduates

[197]  None of the goals speaks to the relationship between graduates and current cadets. I think the goals should reflect establishing some connection beneficial to the Corps of Cadets as they prepare for their careers.

[198]  Goal #: 1. What does this mean? - pride in USMA? - pride in AOG? - AOG staff pride in AOG members? - I suggest that AOG is a means to further the other goals, and not an end in itself. 3. Why coordination with the American public? Doesn't seem to fit. This is a goal for public institutions, not for the AOG unless it is seen as a problem somewhere. 4. What is an AOG "assistance package", and why is it only for USMA graduates in the Army? Perhaps this is a project, not a "goal". 5. What is WPF? (OK, answered in #18)What exactly is the AOG role in assisting other USMA activities? Are these contradictory to the AOG missions?

[199]  The AOG needs to recognize that many of its members were not career military, but entered civilian life early in there career. Too often we feel excluded and/or treated as second class citizens.

[200]  I have a personal project which I'm pursuing through class e-mail comm. I'm not yet ready to conclude how AOG should contribute to the cause I have in mind. I'm not trying to be sinister ,; I just need a little more time to reach my own conclusions. This project has to do with what I believe to be real problems in all armed forces relating to perceptions of women in combat. I'll have some more definitive ideas in a month or so.

[201]  You should also add Developing an AOG assistance package for graduates that are now in the civilian sector.

[202]  financial goals?

[203]  I don't feel qualified to modify goals made by people much more knowledgable and active in the AOG than me. However, you might consider: o you can't measure No.s 1 and 2, something USMA taught us to avoid when setting goals. :-) o I don't know what you mean in 4 by an "assistance package." Since I personnally have never taken advantage of things like AOG job placements help, etc., I would question this goal unless, historically, you have found a sufficiently high number of people use it and therefore the benefits justify the costs.

[204]  Like most of it but question the business of providing a "package" for active duty personnel. What does this mean? Could be taken the wrong way by those who are not graduates. Not sure that the statements concerning the WPF are strong enough. Seems to me that the AOG should be responsible for the WPF. Do not believe the statements as such underscore this responsiblity.

[205]  Delete # 7

[206]  It's not clear what is meant in goal 4. by "an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army".

[207]  Pretty well stated, but add a goal "to separate the AOG from the West Point Fund." Add another: "To work actively with maximum effort to restore RA commissions to graduates at graduation."

[208]  Contribute to the formulation of the future purpose and character of the Academy.

[209]  I'm not sure I understand the purpose of #6 in light of the presence of #3.

[210]  I am glad you are starting to focus on people

[211]  Delete Goal 5 in its entirety. Substitute the goal of assaulting Congress, the Executive Branch and all the Media to gain public support for the Service Academies.

[212]  "Develop a strong bond of trust and confidence between the AOG membership and the AOG management." I was not aware that there is a problem with trust. If there isn't, you might want to change "Develop" to "Maintain." "Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army." Please define what you mean by "assistance package."

[213]  The goals are fine, however, if they are listed in order of importance, I think they are out of order. To me, numbers 3 and 6 should be 1 and 2, as I think they are primary in achieving the mission stated in survey question #15, above.

[214]  I don't like the first goal. Recommend rewording it to something like "Instill a strong sense of identity with the AOG in members and graduates".

[215]  Delete 7 Combine 1,2 & 3

[216]  same goals, just change the priorities

[217]  You mentioned assistance to graduates in the Army. What about graduates not in the military?

[218]  Why limit assistance to graduates in the Army? How about graduates in other services?

[219]  Do noit become a rubber stamp for the USMA administration as it seems to have become in the past few months.

[220]  1. Support core education and and military training programs at USMA everything else is superfilous.

[221]  Again, I'm insufficiently familiar with AOG and its efforts, so, faithfully, have clicked on "Yes" in the absence of any productive suggestions/additions.

[222]  Expand the goal relating to providing assistance to "...Graduates in the Army..." to include drilling and IRR Resrvists, National Guardsmen/women, members of other branches of the military, active and reserve, and those pursuing cvilian careers. (It seems like the only "assistance" offered is for retirees of significant rank [i.e., LTC and higher] once an individual leaves military service. You can bet Cornell and Stanford offer "assistance" to graduates making career/life changes.)

[223]  I don't understand some of the goals and some are internally focused. There is some talk of the customer, but not much. What does goal #1 and #2 mean? Goal #7 is internal. #3, #4 and #6 are good goals.

[224]  Active network/assitance for graduates in civilian life as well as assistance to those in the Army. Job hotline, access to information or thoughts on topics, community support, charitable goals other than USMA, etc.

[225]  In looking at the range of services offered by the AOG, I cannot identify many to the goals; e.g., the travel packages, credit cards. I think it is legitimate for the AOG to offer these services, but they should support some goal. Something like the following: offering high quality services of interest to graduates which represent good values achievable through the buying power of the AOG. Or: Supplement funding of AOG operations through sponsorship of services... .

[226]  Could not view goals document

[227]  Goals are soley management goals; OK for the AOG leadership, but not OK for the organization as a whole which should focus on assisting the individual cadet, potential cadet, and graduates. Only goal 4 addresses this.

[228]  They don't say anything.

[229]  Develop an organization for graduates to help each other in the business world

[230]  Goals 5 and 6 are the most important and are inter related. Helping graduates is a worthy goal. Goal 7 should be deleted and not related to helping USMA. The other goals are eye-wash.

[231]  I think they are fine, except I think Number 2 should be a given, not a goal.

[232]  Should add cooperation with West-Point.ORG to the cooperation goal. Goals are mostly USMA centric rather than grad centric. Gets back to the purpose above.

[233]  1. Develop AOG network into a more active and vocal arm in shaping USMA future

[234]  Why the primacy of athletics?

[235]  The goals sound like they're purpose is to improve AOG's image, vice doing something of substance.

[236]  I think the WPF should also help clubs and academics, instead of just focusing on athletic support

[237]  You need to keep pressure down on 5a and b.

[238]  Something about assistance to the Cadet recruiting process.

[239]  increase the efforts to promote the academy via public relations efforts--the media needs to be courted and more efforts to publicize the usma successes in addition to sports--

[240]  More focus should be made on the AOG memebership, and cultivating a sense of belonging for everyone, not just bif donors. This will greatly enhanced the support members give to USMA. The members and cadets are what's important.

[241]  Number 5. I don't think a goal of the AOG should be arranging gifts. That is a class repsonsibility.


[243]  -Improve the support provided for scheduling reunions. -Improve and expand the mass communications media -Encourage and support exchange of ideas between graduates by establishing a chat room and scheduled electronic meetings with coaches, and the USMA chain of command. -Support resistance to liberalizing the USMA curriculum keeping focus on Military Art and Science.

[244]  Add: "Facilitate means of interaction between professionally employed graduates in order create an effective business network of West Point graduates." Note: this network could incude graduates of oursister academies

[245]  You need another option:"I don't know". (And that's true for many of the questions in the survey: Have you stopped beating your wife? Answer yes or no. What's an assistance package? And do we make too big a deal of the AAA support. (I was not a varsity athlete and I think there's a lot more to USMA than the AAA.) And what's the Athletic Stadium project? Same as Shea Field?

[246]  suggest change "US Army Suggest change "US Army" and "Army" to "US Armed Forces".

[247]  Delete 4 - purpose is not clear Delete 5 - separate from AOG activities Delete 7 - make an in-house AOG management function Add a goal to make better known the purpose of AOG

[248]  It would help to be more specific with goal #3. How do you intend to improve the communication process, and what steps have you taken so far to do this?

[249]  Give graduates regular commissions in Army. Work toward eventual elimination of female cadets. Work toward reducing curriculum to the subjects that are only essential to being an Army leader.

[250]  Exert influence to stop the liberalization of the USMA education program and return to the prime mission of producing military combat leaders.

[251]  I'd recommend the goals be defined more precisely and accompanied by concrete numbers so performance can be objectively measured.

[252]  The AOG should be concerned with the perpetuation of the academy and not just be a rubber stamp for the Supe.

[253]  1. delete. If we don't have pride..... 2. delete. If grads can't trust the AOG..... 4. question/ delete. I need more info. 7.delete. If this is needed, just do it! Rule #1 is get the mission done. Rule #2 is take care of the troops. Mission first, Troops always. The "key" objectives should be #3,5 and 6. Help Support the Academy

[254]  Have not spent time thinking about it, but the goals on the goals page for 97-99 are not very impressive. I cannot see that the aog has set its sights on anything of much importance to the futur e of WP and its role in the nation.

[255]  Clicking on "Goals" didn't work.


[257]  I like all or most; only caution is not to focus too heavily on the AAA thing; we are much more than athletics or a winning football team.

[258]  Please include DCA (Directorate of Cadet Activities) to line 6. Many of the cadets participate in sports and other activities not sponsored by AAA! This is probably MORE important than the AAA sponsored stuff as it does not get the some attention. Thanks.

[259]  career counseling for active duty officers

[260]  Too much emphasis on Army Athletics. Should be more emphasis on academic excellence.

[261]  AOG should encourage USMA to tear down the Thayer Hotel and build in its place an expanded, more modern 4 star hotel, of the quality of a Hyatt or Westin. We all love the Thayer, but it lacks the capacity to satsify the needs of visitors to USMA; especially returning graduates. Try getting a room on a football weekend even one year in advance. It can't be done. My guess is that a Hyatt, Marriot, or Westin would be willing to build and run at their expense a hotel to meet our needs.

[262]  Plan and sponsor travel and entertainment activities for graduates and families

[263]  1. Don't quite understand item 4 and its intent. 2. There is no statement about promoting USMA to eligible young people. This is our future strength especially as the pool of college entrants shrinks and copetition from civil institutions increases

[264]  Believe that AOG must expand and become a broader front for the benefit of all service academies. The time is right now, for the service academies are still admired. A unified coalition of service academies and private military-friendly organizations is needed.

[265]  Are they in order of importance? How bad is the current pride in AOG? Is AOG pride measured by subscriptions and contributions?

[266]  In the communications paragraph, modify to stress 'with the most modern technological means'

[267]  Why is #4 "Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army" only related to those still in the Army?

[268]  These goals are entirely too general and meaningless for the average graduate whose greatest interest is in training leaders for the U.S. Army and DOD. Typically of USMA, these listed goals are so broad and encompassing as to render them insignificant. Need to prioritize, and in this graduate's opinion, need to focus on the U.S. Army's needs, not the AOG's needs.

[269]  Reduce expense ratio. Disclose better break down of specific costs to raise money

[270]  I don't know if it is covered under any of the goals listed, but the Academy, and the military in general, is constantly under "attack" by segments of the political machine in Washington. We should endeavor to be more of an active lobbying presence, to insure the welfare and continuity of the Academy.

[271]  Work to restore Regular Army commission for graduating cadets

[272]  While comprehensive benefits/compensation IS important, my feeling is that it does not necessarily have to be one of the goals of the overall AOG. The focus is narrow -- benefitting only those who work there. The argument that benefitting them benefits all rings hollow to me. Do it -- just don't make it one of the cornerstone goals of the entire Assn.

[273]  The goal that states to assist graduates in the Army should read "in the Armed Forces"??

[274]  Minor comments: Instill pride, develop a bond among AOG members and the Assoc's management indicates there's a problem. A goal should be to foster relationships among association members.

[275]  Raising funds without explaining the focus of where the $$ will be spent is hard to totally agree upon. -- Also seems to be a lot of fuss about reuniting the North and South lately. Seems a dead issue to me. Civil War is over 132 years. If we need a statue of RE Lee lets put it up and stop fussing over a non-issue.


[277]  I think an AOG onbjective should focus on AOG member's contribution to the Public sector. I don't think an AOG assistance package is needed for Active Army AOG members, unless we are describing support of job placement in transition to the private sector.

[278]  Delete #1, 2, 3.

[279]  See response to 15 above.

[280]  See above comments.

[281]  While compensation for employees is important, not sure it should be an over all goal. It seems petty compared to others. Similarly those of us in the service require compnesation, yet it is not one of our stated goals.

[282]  Change #4 to read: Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates.

[283]  Add: 1. Reevaluate and redefine the focus of the AOG's activities to better support the needs of the Graduate Body. 2. Promote better relationships with the Graduate Body through better and more responsive communication. 3.Communicate to the Graduate Body how the AOG benefits each and every Graduate, and how the AOG works in "harmony" with the other associations(WP and AAA) to the betterment of the Graduate Body and the Corps of Cadets.

[284]  Less emphasis on "construction." I work for Penn State University and WP has facilities that most other colleges/universities could only dream of.

[285]  Promote worldwide recognition of the ideals of West Point and dedicate ourselves to a universal cause such as removing land mines.

[286]  The compensation plan should be adequate and reasonable, but not extravagant. I would anticipate that to be the case, but there is need for contiued alertness to control administrative expenses in non-profit organaizations -- to ensure maximum dedication of resources directly to the target program.

[287]  Support for non-atheletic cadet clubs and activities (SCUSA, International Affairs Forum, Chess Club, etc.).

[288]  The goals should be specific. I assume they last for so long because they are rather ambiguous.

[289]  -do not think AOG should be in the job placement business. -think the compensation must equal the quality of the employees. If significantly increasing the compensation package, then use the opportunity to attract a higher quality of employee (ie, bring the quality to West Point, not just retain retirees available in the area). -segregate all fund raising operations into WPF and put a firewall between other agencies, except for info flow within AOG/WPF. Coordinate all fund raising with class fund raising so classes are not given a double wammy in the same week or month.

[290]  Perhaps more career transition assistance

[291]  1. Assist in providing opportunities for alumni to support the USMA as they are able, e.g. through recruiting, admissions, public affairs, fundraising. 2. Work to increase areas of cooperation between alumni organizations of the service academies.

[292]  Compensation packages for employees? Is everyone a volunteer at this time?

[293]  Forget this broad cliche usage; what are you going to do that is measurable? Only number 7. is a real goal.

[294]  What does 'Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army' exactly mean??? You should include an improved 'jobs file', and/or improved dissemination of networking opportunities (especially beyond JMO)

[295]  Goals as listed are OK. I suggest including a goal along the lines of seeking ways to help the AOG be more in a service/servant role to the local organizations. It has been a number of years since I've been the president of a local society. AOG support has come a long way since then. It is always useful to ask this question, however: "Are the AOG programs in place there primarily to provide means for local societies to serve the needs of the AOG, or do the AOG programs and practices support the needs of the local societies?"

[296]  No opinion.

[297]  It doesn't seem that the goals relate to the mission statement especially the AOG employees compesation/benifit package.

[298]  However, if these goals are in any order, I don't think instilling pride is number one. These goals should be reordered.

[299]  I would propose that the AOG develop an interface with the legislature, similar to the AUSA and other lobby groups. The purpose would be to make the voice of the academy heard in the Congress. With fewer and fewer veterans serving in our government it is imperative that we be heard in government.

[300]  Should delete numbers 1 & 2 as they aren't objectively measurable. There is no way to quantify success or failure.

[301]  Order should be more like 3, 2, 1. And if there is a problem with the communications with USMA, then that should be the first priority. How many AOG employees are there? And what do they do?

[302]  The goals are fine, but how do you define success in each area?

[303]  Promote West Point to the American public (the target audience is the American Taxpayer/voter) Focus fund raising marketing schemes on the graduates who make real money (non-active duty)

[304]  Perhaps you could amplify goal number 3 with a comment about promoting the value of military service to the country.

[305]  I question items (4 & 7), am opposed to items (5 & 6). I think the lines of demarcation among AOG, USMA, and AAA should be sharply defined. From all I've seen recently these lines have been totally blurred if not eliminated.

[306]  I question the support to AAA, and specifically the "Army Athletic Project." Also, I question what compensation and benefits are currently provided to AOG employees. As a manager in a corporate environment, I look at the front of assembly and see 'overhead' with the large number of 'Gift Officers.' My reasons for supporting the Association are for the Academy, not to take care of the AOG staff. I agree with the mission to 'promote the welfare of the Academy'. I disagree with promoting the welfare of the "AOG Staff."

[307]  The goals are pretty obscure (other than the last one which I don't believe should be listed as an explicit AOG goal [i.e., the comp package should be handled as an action, not a organizational goal]). How about some REAL goals? What about improving communication with graduates including establishing formal Internet/e-mail contact with as many grads as possible? What specific improved support will be provided to graduates as a goal this year?

[308]  Change #4 to be more inclusive by deleting "in the Army".

[309]  Delete emphasis on Army athletics facilities

[310]  But, I don't understand why there has to be a goal of trusting the AOG staff. Why wouldn't we?

[311]  Can not view Goals

[312]  I am not entirely happy with the expansion of the WPF.

[313]  See below

[314]  Suggest opening membership to AOG to all former cadets who were honorably discharged but did not complete a full semester. This would add to membership rolls and help former cadets in their trying to maintain the strong affection for the Academy.

[315]  I don't understand what you mean by an "AOG assistance package" for graduates in the Army. Could you please clarify? Also, 5(b) is directed at soliciting gifts particularly for the Army Athletic Project. Although I fully support that goal, what are the non-athletic projects that are being supported by the AOG? Specifically, does the AOG raise money to endow chairs now that there are civilian professors (like Mike Bowers is trying to do), or does the AOG raise money for Academic Enrichment Projects with the various departments? Finally, with regard to Goal 3, I think the AOG should also improve communications between USMA/AOG/Congressional staff on behalf of the admissions process. I am sure that this is already being done, but I think that the AOG should take an active role and have as a stated goal the advancement of USMA through ensuring that qualified candidates apply and attend the Academy.

[316]  The AOG should provide services to those who are not active or retirees. Job hunting and networking are serious issues for younger, non-active duty graduates, as well as for recent retirees.

[317]  I disagree with the emphasis in goal 5b on athletics and disagree with goal 7 in its entirety. Goal 7 is a management function and should not be a goal of the AOG which includes all members. The intent of goal 4 is not clear. What is the purpose of the assistance package? Why is it only for "graduates in the Army"? What about graduates who have left the Army or who have retired? What about graduates who went to other services?

[318]  Ther first three are very "touchy-feely" but don't have any meaning to me. Numbers 4, and 6 sound good, but what are you really talking about? What is it's impact? Number 7? Please. How is a package for AOG employees a matter for the consideration of the entire orgainization. The directors should take care of their employees. Period. Do not try and pass that off as an official goal.

[319]  Make AOG a relevant organization to newer graduates.

[320]  Unable to open window showing those goals. However, I was able to print a hard copy. I would ask how these goals relate to Chairman's current exercise to obtain recommended objectives for 1998 from Classes? Can I relate my response to his request for objectives to these goals? Goal number 7 assumes that the current staff is appropriate for the mission. Another goal should be an unbiased assessment of the size, make-up and, compensation structure. Add a goal for improvement of financial reporting (see 17 below).

[321]  Your first goal should be to provide support to USMA.

[322]  OK, but see 15 above

[323]  I am opposed to fund raising by and for the Academy. I am opposed to any further expansion of facilities. I believe that West Point should "lay low" and concentrate on producing leaders and quit trying to keep up with the Jones and quit being all things to all people. Characater is what West Point is all about and it doesn't need underground tunnels to pistol ranges to develop character. The place is too big and is an inviting target to those who would do away with it.

[324]  More communication between Grads. We need to build a stronger grad network.

[325]  1) Serve as a link between graduates (sort of like a Harvard Club)

[326]  The Goals are a bit ingrown. There might be something about support for the U.S. Army, the U.S. Military or perhaps the United States of America.

[327]  Please expand on #4,5,7. 4- What is the intent of the AOG assistance packet? 5- Let AAA push the athletic side; there are plenty of capital improvements that need to be made in areeas affecting the mental and daily quality of life side of USMA. 6- What is the current package? Why is it in need of development (because no package exists?)?

[328]  I believe that they are acceptable, but would ask that AOG consider the following: - AOG should exist for the reasons listed above, but AOG should also exist as a resource for Graduates. Few of us can make a lifelong career of the Army. We retire after we have done our duty fully, but that is not always after the 40 or 30 or 20 years we may wish to serve. There is recent trend to remove graduates from the Army by to early outs, early retirements, etc. This is leaving a large number of graduates who, having done their duty fully, are not allowed to continue to serve. This is an unfortunate consequence of the reduced budgets of recent years. I have had to make the transition from Army Officer to Civilian Professional and found that the prevailing arrogant attitude of serving officers (many of them grads) towards that transition was an unfortunate leadership flaw. We may support our school, but we fail at supporting our own when they perform that forward passage of lines into civilian life. We, the graduates of USMA, hold the key to making the transition easier through simple networking. That in turn will make USMA stronger by showing our graduates as a success story in and out of uniform. Service to the nation does not end when the uniform is taken off. I realize that the Corps' mission can not (and should not) pander to the civilian sector. I also realize that we all must leave the service sooner or later.

[329]  I cannot answer this question since I am not using a computer with browser software and become disconnected from the entire survey if I click the "Goals" cue, which I did the first time I went through the questions using my WebTV.

[330]  Quit dunning me for $$$

[331]  Assist USMA in restoring the regular commission wherever possible.

[332]  But need to add something about AOG management serving the AOG membership so that they as a body can fulfill the purpose of the Association.

[333]  The goals seem alright, but are fuzzy as to how we'll know when they're achieved. While I occasionally contribute, I'm also involved in a number of other things that also also ask for contributions but are more precise as to what will be achieved through the contributions. I think we have a proclivity to set goals that are too broad and expensive (1966 was trying to endow an academic chair while many of us were still paying mortgages and sustaining children in school). Also, I tend to question the emphasis on AAA - I'd be interested in supporting (in a modest way compared to others) something that emphasized West Point's history, or contributions to the Nation. As I write this, some ideas start to form about West Point on-line (using the impressive Web capabilities you've developed) for the general public - particulary high-schoolers who are in the process of making career decisions. Please understand that I'm not complaining - you're doing a great job! I think there may be other things to do.

[334]  They do not appear to relate to me. They do appear to relate to fund raising.

[335]  I believe Academy graduates have God-given abilities and training which our country desperately needs if we as a nation are to come out of our downward spiral. The AOG needs a goal to promote graduates' volunteering in organizations which promote and carry out the values and ideals which made our country grea. It's a terrible waste of talent for us to retire to the golf course when our country needs us so desperately.

[336]  It is intresting to me to see a set of goals that focus on building confidence between the Board and its constituants!! One would think this is a given after so many years in existence.

[337]  Physical Plant Public Relations

[338]  Add goal reflected AOG assistance to USMA in academic areas as well as athletics.

[339]  Goals 1 and 2 improperly put a priority on the AOG, not on USMA or USMA graduates. Goal 7 is self-serving. Goal 4 is ambiguous. Goals 3 & 6 are either redundant or overlapping. In short, if these are the goals of AOG, it doesn't serve me.

[340]  Delete goals mentioning the AAA in particular. What is the assistance package?

[341]  Develop stronger ties with graduates who are no longer on active duty.

[342]  * Develop a consensus among AOG members about what projects or areas we should focus on for gift-giving, given the goals of the AOG and its membership. * Develop a better flow of information about transitioning to civil life (like it or not, a lot of USMA grads are leaving the service. To maximize the potential they have as individuals and a future donors to USMA, we should have available the information necessary for them to find the best employment possible. ( As an MBA student, I DO NOT think that going to a JMO placement service is a very good option! But when I got out, that was the only option anyone seemed to want to talk about...)

[343]  -instill pride? If they don't have it, the AOG isn't going to give it to them.

[344]  Goals associated with improving graaduates participation in fund raisers

[345]  ADD; Commission cadet graduates as Lts, Regular Army.

[346]  Change Goal #7: Develop a competitive compensation package.(comprehensive implies costly) Also Goal #4 requires more explanation.

[347]  #2 is a worthy goal as it does not exist #3 is what you should already be expert at; #4 is a great expander -- actually the only point that matters to me #5 is what you do way too much inclusive the AAA part of #6 #1is irrelevant; pride should be associated w/ the institution and its cadets not AOG #6,7 have no value

[348]  First goal should be to represent the alumni and not the supe and the administration when differences arise, e.g. RA commissioning policy and law

[349]  5. b) I don't like the focus of soliciting gifts "particularly those dedicated to the Army Athletic Program." I think that the varsity Athletic Program recieves undo attention at the expense of other activities.

[350]  2.TRUST should be an attribute/value we currently share 4. should not be limited, but should be for all graduates 5.a) should be "Support" instead of "Monitor" b) reference to Army Athletic Project should not be specified here

[351]  no time to check another site, plus complete this survey

[352]  These goals relate to the AOG. I am not really as much interested in the AOG as I am in USMA. Some of the goals of AOG should relate to USMA. One goal could be: Refute and rebut inaccurate statements about USMA in the media and in academic circles. Another could be: Build a larger constituency in the Army for USMA. A third could be to lobby (sic!) for more funds for USMA...if the AOG is allowed to do that. There is no reason to have an AOG except to help USMA survive and prosper.

[353]  Post service employment search support for officers who are retiring , or who wish to change employment.

[354]  Address the support of graduates who are no longer in the Army.

[355]  I am very much turned off by virtually all of the stated goals. The primary goal of the AOG staff should be to improve and extend the VALUE of AOG membership to the graduate. You've forgotten why you're there.

[356]  Delete #4. We got what we need at the Academy.

[357]  For 1997 to 1999, the goals, as listed, are just fine.

[358]  Fund raising. Career services for those leaving military need major development.

[359]  Add - To work closer with local societies to assist in obtaining the goals of ACOG

[360]  gain - a little heavy for an E-mail response. I think the goals should be those that: 1. Promote applications for enrollment 2. Help graduates. 3. Improve school facilities - (when the govt does not or cannot. 4. Improve the AOG organization through upgrading compensation, training, recruitment of skilled people, etc. These may look a lot like your stuff.

[361]  Add somewhere: Conduct a professional market research project to determine the needs of the AOG target market. Also get professional help on how to better market current services.

[362]  specific methods to increase communication with AOG members

[363]  Add to line 4: ... for graduates in the Army and in civilian life.

[364]  Goals 1,2,3,6,7 are very broad for a mature organization and already shoud have been achieved in broad form. Need to develop more specific goals that can create necessary incremental improvements

[365]  I would eliminate "particularly those directed to the Army Athletic Project" in 5b. The AOG is often thought of as a booster club for jocks. The focus should be much wider.

[366]  More benefits/services for all grads (regardless of service ) for civ employment

[367]  We have a new Chairman...these are his stated goals. I would hope that it would include fostering closer working relationships with the so-called Military Alliance,,,TROA, AUSA, etc. In addition, we must find ways to get more grads to subsribe to the Assembly, get on E-Mail, join and participate with their WPS & Class organizations!!!

[368]  #4. Delete the phrase "...in the Army." #6. I have no basis for an opinion on this one. #7. This appears to be too self-serving, and should be deleted.

[369]  I think AOG should focus on two things 1. providing a information to the alumni on how the corp of cadets (not the Sup and AOG) can best be served by graduates and then providing a conduit for those funds/assistance (have we ever asked the cadets what assistance they would like from alumn?) 2. Provide a source of alumni support and assistance. Having been involed in classgiving for 4 years, and listening to my classmates, I believe that AOG comes across as self-serving. Building Herbert hall for themselves and not the Alumn and at the expense of supporting the corp-of-cadets.

[370]  It is important that the AOG be a mutually supportive organization of Graduates, throughout all walks of life. (Most of us are no longer Active Duty, Retired, Reserve, etc.) Single-minded focus on obtaining money from grad's to support the academy alienates many. It is certainly primary, but we are an "Association of Graduates" as well as a USMA Support resource.

[371]  The goals are good "management goals," but they don't address the issues that the Academy is facing within American society. We cannot assume that the Academy will be around forever just because it has been for nearly 200 years. We must continue to actively support it, particularly with Congress and the nation that elects Congress.

[372]  I thik that the AOG should be involved in someway doing some P.R. for the military academy. With fewer and fewer people serving on active duty, somebody out there needs to be keeping the public informed about the contributions of USMA graduates, particulalry if USMA's mission is to provide leaders of character who serve the nation.

[373]  Goals should be added to show how we are accomplishing the mission of furthering ideals and promoting welfare of USMA. Not sure what they should be, but a suggestion is to provide a goal to strengthen the Cadet/Graduates tie to Country as a servant. Current goals are fine to strengthen the Association

[374]  More specific goals that support membership. Specific legislative goals regarding the continuation and promotion of the Academy. The AOG is the right organization to do this. If they do not support these goals, who will?

[375]  No is not accurate. I would like to see more emphasis on how USMA contributes to the Army.

[376]  Put some backbone in the institution and get away from political correctness.

[377]  Does not address supporting the Corps, such as awards, sponsorships, etc.

[378]  Support in finding qualified candidates for admission

[379]  Focus on bringing together a more integrated network to help fellow graduates as they look for new jobs after transitioning out of active Army service or changing jobs as their civilian careers evolve. A much stronger network needs to be developed where graduates can go to get assistance and help in this highly volatile employment environment that we all face in the future.

[380]  a complete AOG packet for grads not in the ARMY.

[381]  Include developing a closer tie to the business comunity

[382]  We don't need the AOG to develop pride. I don't know what an assistance package for active Army officers is? Why so much emphasis on jocks?

[383]  The goals specifically mention graduates in the Army, but say nothing about those outside of it. I don't know this to be the case, but I suspect that graduates in the civilian work force have the greater ability to donate money to AOG.

[384]  These could be adequate if you have acceptable Measurements of Effectiveness. How do you propose to accurately measure success or failure?

[385]  Goals 1, 2, 3, 5(a) and 6 appear vague and non-measurable. How will anyone know when they have been accomplished? I am really less concerned with AAA than with other extra-curriculars (obviously, I wasn't(am not a jock) Different goals Identify reasons why some graduates drop out of sight after graduation. Develop a program to assist graduates transitioning from military to civilian service.

[386]  Goals three should be foremost.

[387]  Impliment a voluntary data base as above described for the mutual benefit of all AOG members.

[388]  recruit top notch athletes

[389]  Agree with developing an assistance package for grads in the Army, PROVIDED that "the Army" includes the reserve components. There is an ever-increasing number of grads in the USAR and ARNG.

[390]  Most of the goals do not seem to have a logical method of measurement (ex. "instill pride"). It seems like they should be re-written so the success can be measured.

[391]  too much emphasis on athletics. Unclear success criteria. employee benefits improvements is usually not a goal.

[392]  Put AOG members in touch with other USMA graduates in their geographic area; provide professional contacts within the AOG for AOG members (e.g., provide a data base of AOG members with similar or compatible professional interests or needs).

[393]  Unsure, as link failed to function on my PC.

[394]  Need to talk about things we actually do, rather than improving communications and relations. Meaningful projects will achieve these results.

[395]  Proposed Goal 1 raises the question "Pride in what?" Proposed Goal 3 is too broad--changes focus from Association of Graduates to Association of the Army. Proposed Goal 4 appears to change us to the fund raising arm of the AAA.

[396]  SEE #15

[397]  See 15 above. Also, the AOG should discourage local societies from promoting civilian career enhancement. Once you could go to the NY chapter meetings and it was tightly focused on USMA needs. Now it is focused on personal career enhancement. There is a need to help graduates who leave the service find civilian employment, but this should not be a primary focus of these organizations.

[398]  The AOG's gaols associated with WP and the membership and those of the AOG staff do not belong in the same management list! One of the more obvious disconnects between AOG members and the AOG is that the AOG is so internally focused.

[399]  Goals #1, #2, and (especially) #4 are unclear: What are the problems being addressed? I would also add goals related to the following problems: 1. Unlike USMA's civilian "competitors" (e.g., the Ivy League), USMA doesn't (can't?) directly address civilian career development. Yet the majority of grads enter civilian careers at a young age, and virtually all by middle age. AOG needs to address overall career issues, not just those associated with Army careers. 2. The Army and the country suffer as a result of the weak relationship between grads and the USAR. AOG should study the relationship between its constituents and the Army Reserve: what percentage enter drilling reserve status, barriers to doing so, etc. Where appropriate, AOG should foster the relationship--a reserve section in Assembly, etc.

[400]  Acknowledging goal 3, continued emphasis on the values(concrete and intangible)added to the American society by the USMA must be a significant goal of the AOG.

[401]  Career transition assistance should be a primary objective of the organization.

[402]  Don't believe the compensation of Employees is appropriate for an annual goal.Board ought to be able to handle that.

[403]  Goals #1, #2, and (especially) #4 are unclear: What are the problems being addressed? I would also add goals related to the following problems: 1. Unlike USMA's civilian "competitors" (e.g., the Ivy League), USMA doesn't (can't?) directly address civilian career development. Yet the majority of grads enter civilian careers at a young age, and virtually all by middle age. AOG needs to address overall career issues, not just those associated with Army careers. 2. The Army and the country suffer as a result of the weak relationship between grads and the USAR. AOG should study the relationship between its constituents and the Army Reserve: what percentage enter drilling reserve status, barriers to doing so, etc. Where appropriate, AOG should foster the relationship--a reserve section in Assembly, etc.

[404]  Encourage participation in reunions and other special events.

[405]  BUT........ what OBJECTIVES have we set to achieve these GOALS? Sounds like there are too many GOALS anyway.

[406]  What about the graduates that are not in the military or retired from the military?

[407]  #3 is particularly good.

[408]  The specific focus on the 'athletic project' ("Assist the WPF in soliciting 2002 gifts, particularly those directed to the Army Athletic Project.") is excessive. I've read the explanations in Assembly and can't find a compelling reason for this kind of focus. I'd like to see it deleted.

[409]  Why is goal 2 needed? Goal 7 is questionable, appears to be self serving and may explain why goal 2 is needed.

[410]  AOG employee benefits/compensation is an implied goal or any organization, and should not be confused with the organizational goals.

[411]  They appear focused on housekeeping and not accomplishments. They need to be supportive of the Purpose Statement given in block 16

[412]  Yes, but: Very general, not measurable, and generally require more time than specified to achieve. What specifically are you going to accomplish. I won't be able to tell if you are successful; how will you know? What is in it for me? Like most graduates, I am no longer in the Military, but want to ensure the Academy is successful. I usually donate to AOG or USMA, but I don't even know where the money goes. I stopped getting the Assembly, because I found, other than the general state of the Academy, it had little information I was interested in.

[413]  no 1 is too tough to measure to be viable. goal regarding member services is too vague. missing a goal regarding promotion of academy image and support to recruiting

[414]  There are graduates in other services! Can't you rephrase your AOG services tosupport those graduates still in military service and eliminate the Army only phraseology.

[415]  I don't remember a lot of emphasis being placed on AOG while I was a cadet. This may have changed, but if not, I would encourage AOG to develop a more identifiable program for introducing cadets to the purposes and benefits of the AOG.

[416]  The goals don't seem nested with the mission statement. They don't seem to fully support furthering the ideals and welfare of USMA.

[417]  I agree with all the goals except number 7. Items 1-6 are in accordance with the "Outreach" function which is inherent in the association's purpose. Item 7 is a "housekeeping" function, albeit something your employees consider important, but one which I do not believe belongs in your goals for the association. That should be listed on somebody's support form as an objective, not a goal.

[418]  Improve Assembly

[419]  What other goals have been actively and/or seriously considered?

[420]  The goals are fine insofar as they go. One additional goal should be to facilitate communication between the graduates and the current administration (Supe, Com, Dean, etc). In particular, I was struck by the Superintendents recent letter in "The Assembly" complaining about the graduates' views on women at USMA. His summarization of their complaints, listed as the "Four F's", trivializes a serious issue. I would have been personally insulted if I had made any arguments to him personally on the subject. He is left with two problems which neither he nor others can explain. First, someone (not the current Supe) changed the USMA mission. The change is serious and significant. While it enables USMA to admit, educate and train some very capable young ladies, it robs the Academy of its previous mission to train officers for the combat arms. How does it then differ from ROTC and other less expensive alternatives? In a time of belt tightening for the Armed Forces, he'd better think about that unless he wants to be known as the last Supe. Second, there are separate standards for men and women. This is a fact of life whether it is stated or unstated. Presidents and Congress cannot issue directives and legislation which modify Nature as it unfolds. The Supe is in the embarassing position of being unable to explain why it was so important for everyone to matricuate equally before whereas it is somehow unimportant now. It is not enough to mention that the women have outstanding academic and leadership records. No one challenges that. Their presence in an institution which heretofore trained leaders for the combat arms is a puzzling question for which he has provided no answer. Nor do I believe he can provide an answer. The fact is that I wouldn't want his job for anything. I think he is trapped in a time period where he can do little else but carry on with the orders to integrate women into the program with as little damage to USMA as possible. What I object to is his trivialization of the arguments of the "old grads" reducing serious arguments to slogans. As he deals with this political issue, he should remember some sage political advice. That advice is, "don't lose your political base." When all is said and done, most politicians in this current environment will opt for expediency. If the Supe has to rally some support from the "old grads", imagine how willing those he insulted will be to rally for any cause. I think the Supe's remarks which were insulting were avoidable with better communications. I can understand his frustration with a very difficult situation, but don't insult your friends.

[421]  Not sure what WPF is.

[422]  ADD; Commission cadet graduates as Lts., Regular Army.

[423]  Develop an AOG assistance package for those graduates who leave the service. See 15above.

[424]  Develop an active political organization (PAC) which supports those candidates for national office who will work for the preservation and continuation of our national academies. I am very concerned that there are a number of elected officials (including the current President and Vice-President) who have an agenda to dilute or eliminate these necessary foundations for our national defense. We were warned about this by GEN MacArthur in 1962.

[425]  Goal 5 could be worded a little more crisply.

[426]  Many goals are not measureable. How can you determine if you have "instilled pride" or "monitored". Please add metrics for measuring success. The attainment of a goal is GO/NO GO.

[427]  Delete: 4. Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army. How about other graduates?

[428]  Promote a full career for USMA graduates. Too many, in my opinion, seek the education as stepping stone to other professional interests. Too many young grads, particularly the females, serve minimum time and are out.

[429]  Further the career/networking opportunities for grads. If the AOG does not do anything for its members, many in the civilian side will tire of simply being hit up during fundraisers. The reasons for keeping up with AOG activities now are for personal friendships and professional networking.

[430]  see 15 above.

[431]  Provide a historical basis, either written or verbal, to cadets about the importance of having and using good and positive moral traits. These traits are essential in order to maintain an effective fighting force and to ultimately support a civilization that is constructive and fruitful.

[432]  AOG Assiatance package for all graduates not just those still in the Army. A West Point graduate's wealth of knowledge, experience and character is not contirubuted to the nation by military service alone. AOG should be focused on graduates, not family, US Army, or American Public. Graduates can carry the message to the family, US Army, or American Public.

[433]  We need more emphasis on the American Public. They are mentioned in the 3d goal; and then only as one of 6 entities between which greater communcations are necessary. The truth is that we need to continuously enhance the reputation of USMA with the American public. USMA is among the greatest institutions in our country but we apparently have no mechanism in place to counter the corrosive treatment the media and others give all institutions in our land. AOG may be the right organization to address this issue, unless it's already a USMA mission. If it is a USMA mission, we need to help them out because it takes everyone's efforts to do the job well.

[434]  Let's focus a little less on supporting sports, and but more effort in to supporting cadet educational and moral development programs.

[435]  I have insufficient information to make a recommended list, however I can agree that the stated goals are generally acceptable. I don't know much about goals #4 and #5, so I'm not sure of how appropriate they are.

[436]  Deemphasize fund raising and add a goal to minimize the number of full time AOG employees. The AOG is not an industry.

[437]  Address the problem of Regular Army commissions for graduates.

[438]  Without further explanation, I don't see "instill pride" as a legitimate goal. Pride is a result of achievement. Perhaps there is a broader context that I am missing that might be included.

[439]  The goal statement does not speak strongly enough to the AOG serving to lobby Congress on behalf of USMA.

[440]  Goals 1,2,3,4,6 and 7 are acceptable as goals with goals being defined as general open-ended achievements to be accomplished in the next five or more years. To get these accomplished you need to develop specific four part objective statements that contain something to be measured,a scale on which to measure it,what constitutes success on the scale and the time-frame in which it is to be accomplished. Unless yearly specific four-part objective statements are defined and an action plan made as to how these will get done and evaluation and control metrics are designed to track each objective, it is questionable whether anything will be accomplished by these general open ended goals. Goal 5 and b. I would take out as the primary purpose(back to the mission of the AOG) is to support graduate members and not to fund raise. That is the mission of the West Point Fund not the AOG. They may be under one roof but the AOG and WPF have different purposes. I recommend the WPF and AOG be kept separate and that fund raising be left by charter and mission to the WPF. The AOG needs to serve and support members and not be involved in the auxilliary fund raising for USMA. I would recommend adding the following goals: 1. To support class organizations. 2. To support the West Point Societies. 3. To support parent Clubs 4. To support the Society recruiting efforts of Societies for qualified candidates with regard to leadership, academics and athletics. 5. To develop a relational database of information on members that will serve both the AOG and the WPF for demographic and other types of segmentation for AOG research, marketing and fund raising purposes. 6. To continue to develop and support the career development/position availability/position availibility efforts that are currently being lead by the Societies with sponsorship of the AOG

[441]  I do not believe it emphasizes the importance of the link to the local societies. It should be cooperative and NOT a controlling one. I also believe that the AOG should play a stronger role in helping the new graduates be successful in the military or commercial world. Perhaps more network support similar to what we now have via the webpages.

[442]  Delete the last one. Although management should work on those issues, it is overstated to be a goal of the Association as a whole. It makes it sound like the Association exists to take care of itself, which is definitely not true.

[443]  Fundraising goals.

[444]  Seek to make USMA more self-sufficient (and less reliant on public financing) by increasing private funding.

[445]  Adjust them to add specifics. 1. I don't think you need to instill pride in any of us, perhaps this goal should be oriented towards: ... developing an AOG that each graduate (former cadet and dependeants, etc) would take the effort to join and routinely support. 2. I have not seen nor heard of a lack of faith or trust in the AOG. Perhaps this would be better worded to place the emphasis on... an active (two way) give and take between the AOG and ts members. Other than $$ what can the members be asked to do, what can societies and classes be asked to accomplis and how can this be tracked. 3. The goal of improving communications is open ended, it should have some attainable tasks included (like the 4th goal about developing a package for grads in the Army. Through surveys, assignment of projects and quarterly/semi-annual/ annual reports of the progress, etc. 6. Specifics.

[446]  Don't understand the Army Athletic Project. Does this duplicate/support the AAA? If so, why? Let the AAA handle the athletic subsidization

[447]  Drop goal 7.

[448]  Appears to be greater emphasis on athletics and I think #5 and #6 should have broader emphasis, i.e. focus on academics and military.

[449]  Delete Goal 1 "Instill pride, etc." Pride comes with West Point and one's perception of it. One either has it or does not. Nothing AOG can do about that. Second goal is, perhaps, an issue that needs resolution. I don't know what goes on between AOG membership and management, but there's lots to the perception that all's not well between them. Maybe AOG staff have been there too long? Some believe that current members (?) have lost touch with AOG membership. One particular AOG member sure has if reports I've heard are correct.

[450]  So, so. I'd rather see academic, writ broadly, goals precede athletic ones.

[451]  A lot of stuff about Army Athletics, but I did not see anything about supporting the need to bring the Mission of West Point back into focus; i.e., to provide the Battle Captains for our nation's Army!!!

[452]  Didn't feel like opening another window.

[453]  Too much focus on AOG members communications with AOG management. Should place the focus on enhancing communications throughout the membership. In other words, more focus on horizontal rather than vertical communications.

[454]  Delete 1,2,7

[455]  To increase the competitive advantages of West Point as a undergraduate option to qualifed candidates who would contribute leaders of character to the Army.

[456]  I feel the athletic goal is superficial and the resources could be better used to work for the more serious aspects of the academy's purposes.

[457]  Again, tough to really add or subtract when I really do not understand the mission of the AOG.

[458]  Your management goals seem to be "heavy" on serving the "AOG". In today's emphasis on "right-sizing" I would expect to see a very lean AOG organization. My perception of the AOG is that you are not.

[459]  Other than goal number 7, you literally can't tell an objective observer whether you have reached your goals. How about actually committing to numbers, like they do in the real world? How will you measure "improved coordination?"

[460]  Goals did not come up - an under construction icon appeared

[461]  Service to graduates should be an improvement goal as well as communications

[462]  Prior cadets separated due to certain circumstances (not disciplinary or honor code related), especially after their cow year should feel more welcome.

[463]  See above

[464]  Appears to be too many goals to achieve focus and mastery.

[465]  Don't neglect that the AOG has a responsibility to maintain ties with graduates who have served or are now serving in the other services ie. USAF USN

[466]  All seven proposed targets should be deleted, because progress toward reaching them cannot be measured. Six specific management courses of action should be substituted as follows: (1) Increase actions binding Graduates together in support of the highest ideals of Duty, Honor, Country; (2) improve preservation and publication of USMA history with the records of Graduate accomplishment; (3) initiate and sponsor improved activities to protect the traditions and development of the Academy; (4) increase programs to provide Graduates means for coummunication and participation; (5) step up action to further the highest standards at the Military Academy; and (6) initiate and iprove actions which encourage top qualified aspirants to the Profession of Arms to qualify for the Corps and as officers in the Regular Army.

[467]  Keep graduates informed of major issues facing USMA

[468]  - I would be interested to hear the details on the goal of establishing an assistance package for graduates in the Army. What exactly does that mean? I just left active duty and in 5 years, I can honestly say that I never ran into the storied "West Point Protective Society." Nonetheless, I took an awful lot of flak from peers and superiors about this mythic entity. Depending on the form of this assistance package and how it is carried out, it may foster ill will. - I received a lot of help from the AOG as I was leaving the service. Many of the contacts I was put in touch with helped me along in the transition. I was surprised there was no specific mention of an assistance program for graduates who are making the transition to the civilian world. That is a trying time and with the network of alumin societies already set up, it would be easy to formalize something.

[469]  Goal 2 is particularly valuable to me. This survey is the first time that AOG has solicited any opinion from me in the many years I have subscribed to Assembly.

[470]  Move USMA back toward producing Army Officers that can lead.

[471]  Obtain full financia support for USMA from Congress, DOD and DOA

[472]  Nothing is presented when I click on "goals."

[473]  The first three are inseparable

[474]  The goals might be more effective and measurable if they weren't quite so vague.

[475]  While supporting athletics is important, USMA appears to searching for a viable mission for the 21st Century. I would like to see a greater commitment to the military instruction of cadets. the word-of-mouth that I receive indicates that the military instruction is considered secondary to that of academics and athletics.

[476]  These goals are too fluffy to provide any measure of success for AOG. Objectively where are we at and where to we want to go? Management 101

[477]  They all sound like nice internal administrative goals. Judging from the tone of the West Point Forum, there ought to be something about the fixing West Point.

[478]  I have little or no basis for an opinion on these - are there some really imaginative and wonderful things that could be done?

[479]  How will you quantify goals 1 & 2. I do not dispute their importance, but I challenge your or my ability to critically assess AOG's success with respect to these goals in 2000.

[480]  I think you guys should automate the ability of the grads to use the Register data. This ought to be a goal...ie, produce a CD Rom of the information and make it usable in an Access or some other common database engine.

[481]  #7 - Compensation/benefit package? I haven't seen any commercial companies have that as a goal. I know AOG is developing, but that seems to be an administrative requirement, not an organizational goal.

[482]  Server unable to retreive goals

[483]  Need AOG assistance package for ALL grads, not just those in the Army.

[484]  The need for communications with the American Public warrants a separate goal of its own, rather than buried in another as it currently is shown. As the division between the military and the public grows, it is important to tell the Academy's story and to educate the public on the continuing Nation's continuing need for dedicated professinal USMA graduates.

[485]  Delete AOG compensation/benefiot pkg for employees...that a business by product and not a core function relevent to most graduates.

[486]  The communication portion should be ranked first. With little communication to grads around the globe and the difficulty in getting together, the communication will lead to the pride.

[487]  I am not especially keen about AOG getting closer to AAA and pushing for donations to benefit AAA. See Goals #5 & 6. Army Athletic Project??

[488]  Promote the Army and USMA among legislatures.

[489]  See mission statement - break down into implied tasks

[490]  I do not understand goal 4. What kind of assistance? I would strongly urge the AOG to become THE NETWORK HUB for placement of graduates in industry after leaving the Army. There are many of us in positions who are looking for graduates as prospective employees, especially in leadership and management roles.

[491]  There should be a goal to actively communicate with Congress to increase funding to the Academys. This should be done in a joint effort with the USAFA and USNA. Get backing from other influential organizations such as AARP.

[492]  Do not believe that the coordination with AAA for Athletic facilities should be in the realm of the AOG. Also, while compensation packages are important for organizations to find good quality people, AOG is an organization aimed at providing support to the academy and it's graduates, not to the AOG employees.

[493]  career development/job placement ... see #17 below

[494]  Add a goal that clearly outlines an expansion in the programs/assistance available to those graduuates that have been out of the military for some time.

[495]  Many of the goals are internally focused (such as developing a compensation package for AOG employees) I do not dispute the need for this activity but I believe that goals for AOG should be directed toward achievements that serve its "customers", i.e., the grads rather than on those items that may be necessary to function as an organization. I do think that the assistance package (although I am not sure what it is) is probably an appropriate goal. Other goals might to be: 1. Provide increased assistance to local societies 2. Improving graduate job placement activities 3. Providing the Assembly on the internet. I'd also suggest that goals include measures of what constitutes success or accomplishment. Ususally these include timetables or specific, objective, measurable achievements, i.e., Grad assistance program established by 1/1/99. The goals seem to be more goals for AOG's Management than for the AOG itself.

[496]  Assist graduates currently in the military (active and reserve components) in their career development. (We seem to have become embarrassed/afraid of what used to be referred to as the West Point Protective Association)

[497]  It seems to me you have mixed internal and external goals. They ought to be separated.

[498]  You can not close down the Proposed Mangement Goals--software needs work.

[499]  ...refelecting what I said in #17.

[500]  The focus of the graduate assistant package should be career transition.

[501]  How about "build an organization that better reflects the beliefs of the membership, and better coordinates their efforts to forward the goals of the academy.

[502]  For as long as the AOG has been around, shouldn't these ahve been figured out long ago? If not, has there been a significant change to the program to make now an appropriate time to reorganize? I feel like you want me to give you money to figure out how to do your job.

[503]  Re Goal #3: AOG seems to reflect being a one way conduit for Army policy "of the moment", not necessarily what may be the best long-term interest of the Academy. AOG should not only help inform the public on behalf of USMA/USA, it should also provide sympathetic, informed criticism back to the Army on matters affecting USMA. Communication, as a goal, is a two-way street.

[504]  In fact, the management goals support my earlier statement about the Association's Purpose Statement, so jazz up the purpose statement.

[505]  There never seems to be a mention of grads who went to Air Force, or the few who went to Marines.

[506]  Not sure

[507]  Need to not jump on "Army sports" bandwagon. We are not a Michigan or Florida State or Duke. We need to emphasize West Point's core competency, which is not sports. Look at what grads are doing on active duty, in the reserve, in the federal govt. The average good recruit is not going to be a great collegiate athlete, much less a pro athlete, but are budding leaders. Leadership for our country, esp in the military but also in other govt agencies, is what we must emphasize.

[508]  Add- Support and maintain the ideals of the AOG membership and communicate these to the USMA. (see notes above as to society pressure on the ideals of the USMA and thus the AOG should not support all the changes or the people involved in those changes and should find ways to communicate this to its members.)

[509]  Seems to be a lot of attention on the AOG staff and its management vice AOG purpose and attainment of objectives that accomplish that purpose.

[510]  I don't understand the need for an "assistance package" for those on active duty. If the purposeof the AOG is to support the academy, the services provided by the AOG should not extend preferentially to various groups of graduates. The services of the assocaition should be focused on the cadet and those who serve at the academy.

[511]  It isn't clear what Goal #4 refers to. I suppose it isn't meant for me. I would point out that there are graduates in the other services, as well.

[512]  The AOG should stop fund raising for sports and should disassociate with the AAA.

[513]  Support for rescinding the "Sam Nunn Disaster". (As a n area coordinator I have already seen hints of recognition that lack of a regular army commission dilutes dedication to USMA)

[514]  regular vs reserve status of grads...... not understood & potential implications for the academy

[515]  A primary goal should be working to preserve and enhance WP's traditional role of supplying top-quality officers to the Army. - It should be noted that of the seven goals listed, only three (4,5,7) actually have an end product; the other four (1,2,3,6) are all aimed at improving or creating what are deemed to be favorable conditions, presumably with the idea that these will assist in actually doing something. Of the first three, #7 is actually a "condition-improver," in that it is presumably designed to make the AOG more effective in actually doing something. So, we are left with only two "product" items. Significantly, one of these is fund-raising.

[516]  transition assistance from active duty to civilian

[517]  Develop a strategy to enlist AOG members in a campaign to thwart the efforts of those in our government (President and members of Congress) who would erode the institution and that for which it stands.

[518]  I don not want all listed goals, but pose no objection.

[519]  The focus of the AOG should not be extended to Army Athletic programs

[520]  Although support to AAA and the athletic program is implied in any alumni organization, I think it is too openly stated. It should not be stated more strongly than any of the other areas of support.

[521]  Keep graduates informed on issues on which graduates can be of help.

[522]  Benefits are a condition of employment and negotiation, not a goal of membership or AOG outreach. Delete it from the list, it is housekeeping.

[523]  MY COMMENTS ARE IN CAPS: 1. Instill pride in the AOG membership (TOO SOFT OF A GOAL. NEED MORE DEFINITIVE GOALS TO RALLY THE ORGANIZATION AROUND). 2. Develop a strong bond of trust and confidence between the AOG membership and the AOG management. (AGAIN, TOO SOFT) 3. Continue to improve the communication process between the AOG staff, AOG membership, the extended West Point family, USMA, the U.S. Army, and the American public. (GOOD) 4. Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army. (VERY GOOD. THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF GOAL THE ORGANIZATION SHOULD HAVE. ) 5. (a) Monitor the expansion of the WPF and the development of the 2002 capital campaign. (b) Assist the WPF in soliciting 2002 gifts, particularly those directed to the Army Athletic Project. (OK) 6. Improve the coordination between USMA/AAA/AOG. (OK) 7. Develop a comprehensive compensation/benefit package for AOG employees. (OK)

[524]  Not sure what #4 means. What is an assistance package? Why only assistance packages for graduates in the Army? Seems that the majority of graduates are not in the Army.

[525]  More information to members of West Point Societies via the www.

[526]  Ref the last goal- who is going to determine the criteria for what a compensation employee package is? Is this one in there due to turnover of employees or what- it just doesn't seem to fit in with the rest.

[527]  Add: Provide each graduate hard statistical information on West Point's annual costs, retention in the Army, etc. in order to explain to non West Point graduates that West Point is still a valuable source of officers.

[528]  I assume these management goals are for internal AOG staff application. This isn't clear. In addition there does not seem to be correlation between the management goals and the AOG "Purpose". If these goals are to improve AOG staff operations, this probably should be an internal document. If not, the goals should be directed toward accomplishing the Purpose statement: "...furthering ideals and promoting welfare of USMA..." What is the AOG assistance package (Goal 4)?

[529]  career advice, specifically for retirees who have a tougher time finding new careers. Junior Officers can use one of the many placement firms in existence so they are taken care of. Resume writing and networking advice is sorely needed as well as interviewing skills. An improved network for those retirees to tap into is necessary as well(coaches, mentors).

[530]  These are good goals to have but have proven to be very difficult to attain. There does not seem to be the open communication from the AOG to the membership. By far the most communication that I receive is for solicitation for contributions as well as Assembly and Register order forms. From some participation in the WP Society, there does not seem to be a feeling that the people at AOG understand the needs and concerns of those graduates "in the field". I do not have any direct experience in that establishment of trust and communication for the first reason stated above.

[531]  could not open the document

[532]  Improve the understanding by the American Public and Congress of West Point's mission and the West Point experience in producing officers and leaders.

[533]  1. Not required. 2. What casued the relationship to become so bad that it is the No.2 mission for 1998? Maybe the AOG staff needs to reasses itself to see what it's problem has been. 3.- 4.More clearly define what this is. Is this a package so that programs can be more easilly handled by newly electe Local presidents? 5. Why do we need a capital improvement program when that is congress's responsibility.? 6. - 7. Are there so many employees that this needs to be one of the main goals with which the association's directors must rassle. Why not: Assure that congress funds 90% of the capital improivements which the Army Chief of staff presents to congress. Raise the number of qualified applicants from current level by 15% through grass roots recruiting efforts sponsored by the AOG. Provide for the support of graduates who separate from active duty in attaining meaningful after active duty employment.

[534]  The goals list is pretty good - clear, specific, and actionable.

[535]  BEAT NAVY

[536]  should also provide a comprehensive transition assistance program for graduates seeking civilian employment. (Currently, the majority of graduates use the standard "headhunters" that stalk us the day we graduate). This program should be developed and advertised to ensure that our graduates are aware of all options when they make this critical decision.

[537]  In a quick reading of the goals, they do not — for the most part— strike me as supportive of the AOG Mission. Which, for example, have anything to do with promoting the ideals of the academy? I have to assume the members of the AOG are pleased to be members — but my pride is in being a graduate. How about a goal that says we will work to help instill national pride in the academy?

[538]  These goals are "fuzzies." I am not a Harvard MBA graduate, but I think they teach you at any college of business what a "fuzzy" is: A statement that is "general, vague, indistinct, ambiguous, or not verifiable....It could be satisfied by an enormous variety of end conditions. It does not specify action very clearly....An effective goal statement is not fuzzy. It leaves no uncertainty about the desired end conditions. It enables the person who must achieve it to compare various possible actions and to select those which will bring it about. The following characteristics identify an effective goal statement: Specific...Payoff-oriented... Intrinsically rewarding...Realistic...Observable..." See "Successful Management by Objectives" by Karl Albrecht, New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1978, Chapter 6, p. 72-89.

[539]  Emphasis is needed on Goal 4--Support for graduates still in the Army. Too much AOG help seems directed at those who've left active duty.

[540]  1 through 3 look good. I am unsure of the details on items 4 through 7 and would need more information to say they reflect goals I want for the AOG.

[541]  Ensuring that USMA maintains the continuity of ideals and standards that were set by previous generations. To be an active voice in setting the policies, goals, and standards at the USMA.

[542]  #2 is very very scary...Why shouldn't I have confidence in you. Confidence comes from actions and if you truly inspire and meet your mission --we will judge you on your merit. #7 I'm unaware of the number of employees, salaries, background & the type of compensation now.

[543]  I don't know enough about AOG mgt issues to make a worthwhile statement

[544]  First 3 goals are fine.

[545]  The only goal I see, in a quick look, that focuses on the purpose statement is that of raising money and something about graduates on active duty. While I don't have problems with these or the other goal statements per se, it does not seem that the goals reflect a focus on the AOG purpose statement. Taken as a whole, the goals seems to reflect and operational rather than a strategic focus. Also, I find that goals that say "continue to improve" have little value since there is no good metric to measure success. In sum, I think you need to review the goals and be more definitive. Demand that the goals link directly to the purpose statement and be MEASUREABLE. As an example, a goal might be to have 90 percent of all living graduates electronically linked to the AOG through class listservs and current West Point general information distributed through this network. The goal is measureable and serves the Long Gray Line (which means you really need my addition above).

[546]  Based upon my limited knowledge, the seem reasonable.

[547]  Delete goal 7. Add: Support efforts to include retired military under the category of persons eligible for the medical care provided to other government employees.

[548]  AOG will better represent the views of graduates in the policies adopted at West Point.

[549]  promote career and networking assistance to civilian graduates

[550]  Add: Support for RA commissions for graduates.

[551]  Recommend that the goals be more measureable. Goals like "Instill pride in membership" are meaningless.

[552]  Work more closely in support of each class activities such as reunions.

[553]  Elicit interest and encourage membership from graduates who have not previously joined AOG or participated in alumnae affairs.

[554]  Ithink there is too much emphasis on fund raising. Many of us have other worthy charities of even higher priority than the AOG.

[555]  Only goals 4,5, and the last goal about benefits seem to be specific and actionable - the others are either inwardly focussed or too nebulous What are you specifically going to do to improve communication and coordination, etc? How will you measure your success or progress?

[556]  make #3 the #1 priority

[557]  None to be added

[558]  See 15. Also disagree with "graduate assistance package for those in the Army." What is that? AOG should NEVER sponsor programs that favor any sub-group within it--in this case, grads still serving. Civilian grads continue to feel like second-class citizens, and this needs to be changed. I also don't think Athletics should receive such AOG emphasis. USMA is about warfighting, not ball tossing. And again, why discriminate against non-athletic programs?

[559]  Define the relationship between the AOG and the Superintendant more clearly. This particular issue seems to have been the source of unnecessary heat and light in my class (1958) and vagueness on this one point may lead to further miusunderstandings.

[560]  Comment: How do these goals relate to the AOG Purpose Statement?

[561]  1-5 are ok. 6, I'm not that interested in the relationship with AAA and AOG. 7 should be deleted - does not serve the membership at large. Where is the focus on admissions and pounding the pavememt to get the best candidates who then become the graduates and leaders of tomorrow??

[562]  Add: Increase information available to the graduate

[563]  I think to No. 6 the following should be added "and USMA Alumni."

[564]  I, probably like many disgruntled grads, am being turned off by the increasingly "politically correctness" of USMA.

[565]  publish a consolidated list of all USMA/AOG/ AAA Web Sites/Phone numbers, etc.

[566]  Goal #1 is ambiguous, doesn't say much (other suggestions will be processed through class leadership response).

[567]  To accomplish these goals, a better job must be done in locating graduates and establishing communication in their current location.

[568]  1. Add the RA commission issue to the list

[569]  I don't know enough about what the AOG is doing to have an opinion about this year's goals.

[570]  Improve the network of graduates in the civilian sector and those soon to be

[571]  I'd like to know what the performance metrics for goals 1 and 2 are...

[572]  See General Kutnya's letter on fund raising. It makes a lot of sense to me.

[573]  If I turned in goals like this for three years in my company, I'd be run out on a rail. Nothing in there is measureable, there are no time elements/milestones. How do you know when the goals are achieved (metrics) and by when they will be accomplished (milestones/commitment). Numbers 1-6 are all admirable and I feel generally correct for the AOG to be doing. Number 7 has nothing to do with the purpose of the AOG. Its an internal administration point and should be removed. I'd like to see some focus on graduates NOT in the Army. There are more of us outside the service than inside. This is particularly important when you're trying to raise money. The post service grads have access to more sources of funding than the active duty guys do. Use the resources. Target a 100% increase in non personal contributions or something. Think big. The money is out there in corporate funding and foundations.

[574]  Develop an AOG assistance program for graduates working in civilian professions.

[575]  Assist graduates no longer serving on active duty

[576]  Goal 1: I would think the target would be strengthening pride in people's association with West Point rather than in the AOG in an of itself. Goal 4: I don't know what issues this is intended to be addressing and what this entails exactly, so I don't have an opinion. Goal 6: I think this is a good one. Particularly in the area of athletics, I would be more inclined to attend Army sports in my local area if I had easy access to better information on where/when they were being held. I think more could be done to provide this information as part of the overall communications process. Goal 7: This may be an important thing to do for the employees (again I don't know what the underlying issues are), but it doesn't seem to me to be appropriate to include it in this list - just do it.

[577]  Maximize the investment earnings while prudently preserving capital and liquidity.

[578]  Delete: Instill pride in AOG membership. That seems to be a product of the success of USMA rather than anything the AOG can do. Questionable: AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army? Not sure what is referred to here; if it is assisting grads in remaining in the Service, then OK.

[579]  Leverage the AOG network which is in the civilian sector, job recruiting, networking for jobs and in general hiring AOG personnel.

[580]  #7 is an internal goal that does not need to be communicated externally

[581]  Less fund raising

[582]  The list is OK by me

[583]  All seem reasonable but I am not certain if I understand goal 1. Is it pride in being a dues paying member of AOG or is it pride in being able to be a member since I am a graduate? If it is in being a dues paying member, the issue our society is addressing is what value does AOG provide to the members. The pride would just be an outgrowth of the value of being a member in a dynamic organization.

[584]  I am not comfortable with the AOG becoming a "Big Bucks" soliciter. As more and more $s are sought and collected MONEY will take over the purpose of the Association.

[585]  Delete West Point Fund fundraising.

[586]  Improve the image of the current USMA. Many in civilian life look upon it as merely a college or university supported by the tax payer.

[587]  Goals 1,2,3,7 seem intended to strengthen the AOG - presumably to more capably further the ideals and promote the welfare of USMA. What is item 4? Job assistance? Casualty assistance? Both? More? Item 5 refers to funds; 5b and 6 focus on athletics. I hope the emphasis on athletics is balanced with other activities (albeit less visible) which are elements of the ideals of West Point.

[588]  Form tighter bonds with each respective class.

[589]  ADD: As financial resources for direct military training of all cadets are reduced, provide funding to augment current congressional appropriations for realistic military training in the field with active duty units of all cadets.

[590]  However, goal #5 relating to WPF and what it proposes to do needs to be clarified.

[591]  I believe we have mixed goals and tasks: 1, 2/3, and 6 are goals and are acceptable 4 and 6 are tasks As regards 5 I do not know what WPF is; nor have I studied the capital campaign in enough detail. I believe this task could be stated better.

[592]  Does AOG want to look outside of direct WP needs to "further the ideals" of WP? For example, does AOG want to manage something like a multi-class gift, donation, endowment, etc. of some non-USMA connected cause, project, etc? Something like Carnegie did for libraries, do we want to fund hospitals, labs, sports facilites, or whatever, in impoverished/lower income/needy communities? Just a thought...I mean we're searching for new ways to spend money on an institution that is in (if nothing else) relatively great shape.

[593]  why is aog instead of the school the focus why do athlethics hold such a central place isn't there something bigger we're missing in these goals? the aog is an arm of the school, not something we take pride is as a single entitty.

[594]  establish benchmarks to measure progress, otherwise how will you know when AOG is successful?

[595]  --what are the issue the Assoc shoudl take on with the Army, the services, etc. We have a VOICE. Whay do we go along with the BS that the Army leadership hads tolerated for so long that is destroyibng our Army. We should be POLITCALLY ACTIVE on hot political issue conceringn our nation's defense and especially the Army--else we don't count for much.

[596]  Add - Increase to reclamation of lost grads.

[597]  3. delete all after AOG membership. 5. delete

[598]  Excellent goals!!!

[599]  The first two goals seem to assume that they can be done separately from doing a good job being responsive to the needs of the graduates. They make it sound like a PR campaign is coming. To me that would cover up, or attempt to cover up, what must be problems. They make it sound as though we'll pat ourselves on the back in public until we believe what we're saying and maybe someone else will too.

[600]  Assist graduates in the transition from active duty service to civilian life.

[601]  #4 Should be expanded. That often sneered at, denied to exist, ad hoc organization (West Point Protective Association) must truly be developed, strengthened and exploited to assist graduates entering the civilian work force. While I am secure in my professional career, there are many I am sure that face uncertainity as they transition from military to civilian environs. Those of us that have made the transition and are in a position to provide a boost, should. I am aware that there are efforts and endeavors along these lines; however, I do not feel that the network is underdeveloped at best.

[602]  see memo from James G. Schleck USMA 91

[603]  But -- I think the major challenge for all of us is to ensure that the values and the institution survive.

[604]  Establish valuable services for graduates that are in the civilian world already

[605]  Sustain the principles of duty, honor, country in its graduates. Provide a forum to communicate the principles of duty, honor, country

[606]  The only goal worthwhile is to reinstate the USMA to the position it had 25 years ago and that won't be done by propaganda and self congratulations... it'll be done by reinstating a system that is tough, focused (army career) and self-consistent (one set of standards for all cadets). Let's get plebe year back.

[607]  Again the focus needs to be on the support of the graduate. If we are this focused on the survivial of the institution then we are in big trouble. Why call this the Association of Graduates when there is no mention of services for graduates? Also what about the thousands who get out of the military? In fact at some point all grads get out! What does the AOG do for this? My opinion is that if an 18 year old knows they want a career in the miliary, USMA is without a doubt a great place. Otherwise they should look elsewhere. My analogy of a pointer who gets out is like an athlete who is recruited by a school then gets hurt - he will be largely ignored for the rest of his career.

[608]  goals are too self-serving

[609]  Would like elaboration on all goals.

[610]  There was nothing alluding to recruiting the most qualified candidates for admission to USMA.

[611]  Since almost 30% OF TODAY'S CORPS are minority groups, I believe the AOG should support with $ the work I describe above that I do.

[612]  All are okay except 1 and 2... delete

[613]  Open AOG membership to all former cadets.

[614]  Need to think this over and not while online. I think the goal presented are reasonable, but am not that well up to speed on the environment in which the AOG must operate to provide an informed response.

[615]  See item above. AOG should not ignore graduaates retired or separated and in civilian life. There are probably as many or more of those and I would be interested in seeing how the active vs inactive financial support compares.

[616]  I could not open the "goals" document

[617]  I think there is too much emphasis on supporting corps squad athletics and not enough emphasis on encouraging graduates to serve a full military career. Less than 30% of the class of 1985 is still serving only 12.5 years after graduation.

[618]  I think we need to be more explicit in the AOG role in guiding West Point and its staff and faculty. They are admittedly government employees and all that, but they need to consider the general views of grads. We need to do more than keep communication open. Our organization needs to be willing to tell them where they are off of the track and push them back on if needed. My perception is that the AOG has long been merely an advocate of the Supe's policies and a great gift shop. We need to be more than a mouthpiece. Perhaps my perceptions are incomplete, but I am concerned. Two cases in point are the absolutely terrible handling of the BS&L leadership disaster and what I feel was inappropriate conduct by USMA staff during the build up to this year's Navy game. Our organizaion ought not be mute in these areas.

[619]  I couldn't get to the goals page.

[620]  Several not specific enough, would need to see the supporting objectives.

[621]  4 & 5 are questionable. 4 in it's intirety. 5 in its proposed support for the athletic program. Quite frankly, I would expect the AOG management to be a very small organization. The purpose statement says most of what needs to be said. Let the members do the work. AOG management should stay lean and friendly.

[622]  I have found that a goal must be measurable to be effective. Each of your goals is subjective in nature. How will the management team or the members at large know if the team has had successful performance in the attainment of any of these goals?

[623]  delete 1

[624]  Focus on the value of a job network for the vast majority of graduates who are now civilians.

[625]  You people act like a bunch of "Clinton" politicians, trying to eliminate tradition. You seem to be setting up a wall of BS to hide behind, while West Point and the Army become weaker and weaker.

[626]  Bring regular commisions back. The AOG President's position on that would never win any battles!

[627]  Eliminate the phrase "particularly those directed to the Army Athletic Project" in 5.b. This is too narrowly focused IMHO. Add a goal to solicit Supe/COM/Dean participation in the wp-forum on an ongoing basis, as appropriate, to make the forum a better vehicle for Graduates in our Purpose of "furthering the ideals" ... of USMA.

[628]  what about grads outside of the Army?

[629]  See item 14, above. You address the issue of communications; but you need to emphasize getting the word to us as to what is going on and getting the word to the authorities as to how we feel about it.

[630]  Same as in #15. Work to make active, open networking a greater part of graduates' lives.

[631]  Delete 4. On 5. delete reference to Army Athletic Project. Delete 7.

[632]  Coordinate extensively with local societies and parents clubs to ensure a common focus of efforts in support of the Academy.

[633]  1. Re-establish Army Football to National Preeminence; i.e. Top 20 National Ranking and contender for National Title. Same for Basketball, Hockey and Lacross.

[634]  Most of these so-called goals are basic management considerations that should be the purview of the AOG without any required input from the membership. The #3 "goal" leaves me cold. Who died and left the AOG in charge of "coordinating" these lofty principles? If the AOG is in charge of improving communications between the USMA and the US Army, we're in deep trouble. #4 doesn't discriminate between newly-commissioned graduates and those who are looking toward retirement and employment in the civilian sector.\ #6 scares me. WHY would the AOG like to become embroiled in the USMA-AAA mess? As long as the AAA exists and USMA plays football, there will be a double standard for football athletes and the rest of the Corps. Scandals *will* continue to occur, and events have clearly proven that even coaches of the stature of Red Blaik cannot stop the cheating. Why should the AOG overtly condone and weigh in on this issue?

[635]  Goal 7 is undoubtedly important to AOG employees, but it is entirely different from the other listed goals.

[636]  Complete reporting of funds raised and for what easier communications with grads--which you are working on.

[637]  Start an information network from the Commandant's office to the AOG to the grads for opinion solicitation while the Com's office is developing Academy policy. Atleast we get a voice.

[638]  Separate the WPF from the AOG

[639]  Goals 1 and 2 seem superfluous to me. They are stating what ought to be self-evident truths. Goal 4: I don't know what the "AOG Assistance Package" is, but should it not be available to graduates in other services?

[640]  Somehow 'instill pride' is not a goal for AOG. Pride is there. Probably this should just be dropped.

[641]  Harvard-Yale-Princeton Clubs located in major metropolitan areas provide posh meeting areas, dining, and in some cases lodging for Ivy League graduates. Possibly AOG in conjunction with the other service academy alumni organizations could establish posh club facilities in major metropolitan areas. This would definitely instill pride in AOG membership. Why does AOG need to provide assistance packages for graduates in the Army? What services does AOG intend to provide? Please explain what a comprehensive compensation/benefit program for AOG employees entails.

[642]  Improve communications by Internet among graduates. Give more accurate information on matters (eg Hallums, Graduate Commissioning, changes in cadet activities, regulations) which affect USMA, rather than cause this to be published in Wall Street Journal, and other publications, or by individual graduates on the Internet.

[643]  Item 4 should be higher and there should be a goal to improve the lot of graduates as a subset.

[644]  As an AOG member, I am unsure how your goals relate to me.

[645]  How will you know when you reach a goal?

[646]  Not enough information to determine if all the goals are valid. They surely are not equal goals. Some of the stated goals should be secondary administrative goals.

[647]  Devellop an AOG assistance package for Academy Graduates at all phases of their carrer with input an articles from other successful transitioned graduates.

[648]  - Increase the membership of graduates in local West Point societies. Increase AOG support of local West Point socieities. Note: Change "between" to "among" in #3 & #6.

[649]  What about increasing support by new members. Many grads are not members and do not support. Increase communication between all affected parties.

[650]  Goals 4&7 are the only ones AOG will know if they accomplished them or not.The other goals can not be quantified or measured and therefore are not really true goals. At the end of 1998 goals 1,2,3.5&6 can all be judged "done" and it is just a judgement call. How does anyone accomplish a"monitor","improve", or"assist" goal in a meaningful way?

[651]  ADD a goal of working with the admissions office to provide info and assistance to individual USMA graduates about how they, as individuals, can assist with recruiting USMA candidates.

[652]  Appears to be a bunch of nebulous words.

[653]  See response to question 15.

[654]  3. Improve not only the communications, but the marketing of USMA to the American public.

[655]  work with USNA/USAFA graduate associations to further mutual objectives

[656]  No one really pays attention to these

[657]  Work to further develop alumni networks for careers after serving the Army.

[658]  Goal #4 is too narrow. There are graduates who have left the Army (or other Service) and entered the private sector, as well as those who have retired from active duty and embarked upon a second career. The AOG does too little to help/support them. It's a one way street -- donate/support the AOG and its programs; where's the support for these people? I suspect they number far more than the active duty graduates.

[659]  See block 30

[660]  While the athletic project is worthwhile, it is not the reason for USMA and should NOT be our number one project. Let's do something for all cadets--not just Corps Squad programs.

[661]  These are primarily process goals, not outcome goals. The one outcome goals has to do with support of the 2002 fundraising. I think the goals should focus on what the efforts will mean for cadets at USMA and their preparation for Army service.

[662]  The goals lack a means to gauge the degree of accomplishment. More specific goals are required for a establishing the actions necessary to achieve the goals.

[663]  Return the granting of RA commissions upon graduation.

[664]  With the exception of the WPF. I don't know why but I have always had a problem with fund raising by WP. WP is publicly funded because, so far, this country has felt it serves a purpose. WP's public funding is a measure of the value assigned by society and perhaps should be minimally subsidized by private funding. Maybe WP should not want to be like other "schools." Many writers have referred to WP as a "monastery" and the Spartan image has some appeal.

[665]  - Assist the membership in ways that encourages participation and accomplishment of the goals above.

[666]  Goal 7 concerning AOG employees is an internal goal, while the first six concern the purpose of the AOG. Consider deleting or wording it to make it less mercenary.

[667]  I think some more focus/attention should be given to improving career networking and development for graduates.

[668]  pretty good goals but I think that I would order them differently. #1, for instance, is pretty innocuous and doesn't do much being listed first. #2 or #3 would be much stronger listed up front.

[669]  Be more specific as to the methods AOG intends to follow to achieve these goals. Vague goals are open to many broad and, often, conflicting interpretations.

[670]  Delete from 5 (b), "particularly those directed to the Army Athletic Project".

[671]  Only assistance to graduates in the army is mentioned what about those in civilian jobs?

[672]  Why so much focus on the AAA?

[673]  AOG is in a unique position to help USMA define it's ideals, establish it's goals and priorities and to develop an academic and military curriculum suitable for developing our nations leaders. AOG needs to do more in generating discussion and consolidating these points into the academies decision making process.

[674]  Do a beter job in facilitating class reunions and class cohession building activities.

[675]  Goal number 4 should be explained in better detail. What is an AOG assistance packet for graduates in the Army?

[676]  1. Not just pride in AOG membership, but reasons for grads to want to be a part of the AOG.

[677]  I don't know why there is special focus on AAA. I believe that atheletics are important for cadet development, but it is important to develop all cadets - not just atheletic team memebers. Why not fund the intramural program as well, providing equipment and other assistance?

[678]  AOG could probably be of more benefit in recruiting than is currently perceived

[679]  The goal, "To instill pride etc.", considering what institution you are the AOG for, is that really necessary to be listed as a goal. I would think that all graduates would have a great deal of pride in both where they went to school and what they accomplished for their nation. Just a comment.

[680]  Question: How many employees are there in AOG. Creating a "comprehensive compensation/benefit package" could be quite costly? I don't want to see the AOG become an end instead of a means. What are the salaries being paid to the employees?


[682]  I'd like to see some AOG emphasis on improving the perception of West Point within the Army and within the Nation. I'm tired of how often the academy comes under fire in Congress -- who lobbies for West Point (besides the Supt)? I'd like to see AOG devote resources to improving the West Point image. i.e. I'd like AOG to transition some of its "internal" focus (supporting USMA activities) to an "external" focus -- improving the image of the academy to others.

[683]  AOG assistance should not be limited to grads in the Army.

[684]  Encourage the return of West Point to an all-male institute and suggest that DA develop a separate and equivalent school for women who would not (repeat "not") be graduated into the combat arms.

[685]  These are OK but not really performance oriented - they look and feel good, but what is really being accomplished and for whom - the AOG exists to serve its members, not the AOG hierarchy

[686]  Do not support a primary objective toward the athletic program - emphasis to me should be on ethics, academics and leadership. (I know some will argue that athletics will be a subset of leadership but I do not believe it should be emphsized.)

[687]  Diversify AOG Leadership (Age, Race, etc.) Resulting in a mix of AOG Hierarchy consistent with the Graduate Population

[688]  Goal 1 - instill pride; a waste of time. Grads that belong to AOG have pride in USMA and AOG. If they don't have it now, they never will, and AOG can't "instill" it. A small number. Don't waste time and energy on them.

[689]  those goals are fine for guiding the management of the association administration, but they speak more to strengthening the ties to AOG, rather than furthering the ideals of the academy and promoting the welfare of the academy

[690]  Not sure how these goals relate to the purpose of furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of West Point. Is the support of the WPF supposed to answer the welfare question -- if so, why the focus on athletics? Not sure at all how a compensation package for AOG supports the ideals of West Point.

[691]  Other Goals: Should be something about assisting graduates with career changes/transition both from the Army and from civilian careers

[692]  Your lists seems to be very vague on issues reaching into the future. Suggest you drill a bit more to get better clarity and specificity.

[693]  Include a proactive statement regarding how AOG is going to communicate with and influence Executive and Legislative elements.

[694]  Support Cadet activities Support USMA in financial soundness and in potentially political process?

[695]  Investigate ways to ensure the continuation of USMA in the face of military cutbacks.

[696]  Lobby for more construction and repair dollars from Congress.

[697]  It is interesting that few of the goals identified support the "Purpose" just identified. I would think that the AOG would want to increase membership, develop new programs to support purpose, better serve graduates. Also suggest goals be measurable in some concrete way: raise $10M for the 2002 campaign, or the like.

[698]  The AOC should have a broader range of goals if in fact we believe in the mission above. Additionally, the goals should be measurable with a definitive time set for achievement (stuff we learned a long time ago....) It appears to me that Cohen (and his successors) and Congress will have greater impact on both constituencies as time passes. Once we better define our goals, should we work with the constituency leadership to work out roles and responsibilities (OP Plan). Something to consider: Can we lobby? Should we? As a group, remember we compete for leadership talent with other top-flight universities. We have to remember we are a much smaller force than a Michigan, which graduates as many people in one year as we have living grads (34,000). Additionally, with many of our grads in the Army, they are not in a position to make a significant financial contribution. (Read, we cannot fund West Point the way other universities use their alumni; we have to rely on continued strong governmnetal support.) Bottom line, I see the AOG as the leadership that must maintain the OP Plan to serve our constituencies wisely; we cannot overpower our competitors.

[699]  Develop assistance programs for graduates outside the Army

[700]  These goals seem to fall into three categories: 1--Too narrow/irrelevant to most members (i.e. the employee compensation plan) 2--Pure fluff (i.e. instilling pride) 3--Minor steps toward achieving the stated purpose If the Academy is to retain its reputation (and existence), the AOG needs to wade into the fray in some substantive manner to further the ideals that the purpose statement mentions. The stated goals just don't move me.

[701]  Promote the unity/cohesion of the Long Grey Line

[702]  Numbers 2 and 7 do not seem to support AOG's purpose statement. While these may be things AOG needs to do internally to survive, I don't believe they belong in the overall Management Goals.

[703]  Could not connect to URL using the hyperlink.

[704]  What are the targets/quantifiable results? How measured and what is the end result?

[705]  Add: 1. "Reduce overhead costs and pass through 98% of gifts and grants to the end user at USMA." 2. "Focus the Association of Graduates on furthering the goals of the academy through emphasizing the contributions of graduates (especially those in uniform) to this country. Networking and civilian employment (while important) should be subordinated to encouraging graduates to commit to selfless service in the army."

[706]  Not qualified to answer.

[707]  Include a measurable objective where possible.

[708]  Your main objectives seem to be to raise money and help grads who are getting out of the Army. Better to concentrate on toughening up entry requirements, academic and physical standards, and emphasizing a commitment to a full career in the Army.

[709]  There should be some specific goals that support your vision, ie. how do you plan to further the ideals and welfare of USMA this year? Maybe some fund raising goals, specific program awareness levels, specific level of graduate responses, etc.

[710]  I like the goals you have, but I think you should either add a goal or modify #3 to specifically address communication through electronic means such as e-mail and the internet.

[711]  Goals cover what I am interested in, however, I do wonder why in 5b there is particular emphasis on the Army Athletic Project. Am I supposed to know what that is? Has it been discussed in an Assembly article?

[712]  Numbers one and two are awfully "fluffy." Just do them without further talk.

[713]  The wording for goal #1 is a bit interesting. I am not sure it is necessary to "instill" pride in any graduate. If the goal is to develop confidence and trust in the AOG organization, that is one thing. The "pride" was instilled by USMA, and does not necessarily source from being a member of AOG. Just a thought.

[714]  as stated previous question

[715]  Of the seven goals, none are specificall focused on the purpose statement listed above. The first four and most of the rest are aimed at enhancing the AOG itself. What are the goals to achieve the purpose statement???

[716]  What do these goals have to do with the AOG's stated purpose?

[717]  A. Goals 1, 2, 3, 7 are OK. B. Goal 4: meaning is unclear. C. Goal 5(b): Why "particularly AAP"? Reason is unclear. D. Goal 6: Need for this Goal is unclear. NOTE: If AOG published a set of OBJECTIVES under each Goal, then the reason & meaning for each may become clearer.

[718]  We are not doing anything for the Academy, only ourselves. We need to do more for the cadets.

[719]  Of the goals listed, I think the one that is most needed is to ensure that the American public remains linked to the Army and the entire U.S. military establishment. This doesn't necessarily mean bigger military budgets but spending smarter.

[720]  facilitating and communicating the need for recruiting those cadet candidates committed to selfless leadership and service

[721]  Add 1)To become an effective voice in influencing the future direction of the Academy, its programs, and its organization and procedures. Explain 1)Rationale for proposed goals and measurables to be achieved.

[722]  although listed last I am leery of the "benefits" part for AOG "employees." Is this the office workers or the management types? How much of my contributed $$ would go to paying the salary and benefits of my old classmates and fellow alumni who are now working for AOG. What is their salary--what are those benefits?? As an Army officer I do not make a lot of money so I am sensitive to exactly where my small contributions would go. My salary is a matter of public record. If you're going to ask for my money than I want to know what are the salaries of the management folks at AOG, and how much of my contribution (in terms of %) would go towards paying those salaries. I have to tell you I would be reluctant, IN THE EXTREME, to contribute money to AOG if I found out that a sizable portion of my contribution would be going towards salary, and that the salaries of the folks up there were greater than mine as a regular "due course" kind of joe working out in the field.

[723]  Delete #1.

[724]  See the points above in the purpose section. In general, I think the AOG should be more involved in helping educate the nation, and Congress, about why it needs an academy.

[725]  Reword #4. Unclear about "in the Army." Why does an AOG memb need an assistance package? What is an assistance pkg? Info about AOG? Info about retirement? Food stamps? You have "improve" a lot of processes (commo, coord) but little of substance to me as a member (other than the asst pkg). How about "improving our services to the membership"?

[726]  See my comments below.

[727]  Really need to focus on increasing support from graduates of the AOG. As a major academic high visibility institution, I am told we don't get a lot of support from our graduates (in comparison to comparable Ivy league schools). Probably need to start educating the cadets earlier about AOG and not after they graduate.

[728]  I dont know what 4 means. In what way does the AOG intend to assist Active Army grads to do what? 3 is too broad and fuzzy to be useful, and enhancing communication between the Army and the public is clearly out of AOG scope. If the intent is to be an effective advocate for the historic ideals and the current and future welfare of USMA in all legitimate forums (Army, Defense, Congress, press, public perception, etc.) then state that clearly. 1 is suspect and likely to lead to misguided expenditures of money that should be spent on legitimate goals. It is the continued excellence of USMA that instills pride in AOG members; AOG should be a voice (informal, perhaps, but hopefully respected) for continued high standards in all the academy's endeavors, and should be a steadying sail in political turbulence. There is a disturbing element of faddism in these goals taken as a whole. I would hope that the AOG will give thought to goals more directly focused on the purpose articulated earlier.

[729]  Too general and "politically correct."

[730]  See above.

[731]  Too much focus on itself.

[732]  stress number 6, and let number 5 bse incorporated into one of the other.

[733]  include more on needs of all grads

[734]  I don't like to se the Supe out in public asking for financial support. His only request should be made to the DoD. AOG should be the fund raiser appealing to grads et al, not the Supe

[735]  Actually they're pretty good, but in a list order tends to be seen as priority. Therefore, you should move item 3 up to the top and 4 to just below it. Further, perhaps you could add: "Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates LEAVING the Army"

[736]  If you wish to accomplish #s 1, 2, and 3 I recommend you adopt some specific, tangible, hard goals for the next few years, not this vague, soft, generic "fluff" that you might see on an old OER support form! Why not make the RA commission issue a goal for the next few years? If all that the Chairman said in the Assembly is true, then a long-range campaign to have Congress re-evaluate the issue would be a specific goal that would address the AOG members concerns. I'm sure there are other measurable and meaningful goals that the AOG is receiving graduate feedback on that could be added to this list.

[737]  If you focus on all the others you'll not need to worry about #2,it will take care of itself. Recommend deletion of #2 ,and focus resources on doing other tasks.

[738]  Support critical research projects in engineering departments (solid engineering departments make USMA very competitive with other institutions of learning)

[739]  1. What benefits do AOG employees now? 2. What are thye considered civilians or are they government employees?

[740]  AOG should be very much concerned with the ways that graduates interact with public institutions to the credit of the Academy and greater fulfillment of the graduates.

[741]  Why is #4 limited to graduates in the Army? Why not just assistance to graduates?

[742]  The first goal is silly.

[743]  (see above list in Purpose)

[744]  unable to retrieve goals

[745]  delete: last one--should be understood management goal add: Develop a strong program to generate new members, retain current members, and reacquire previous members.

[746]  See above.


[748]  Genreally, these are on track; do suggest refining the wording and extent; maybe the leadership would want to establish phases, milestanes, periodic change, etc

[749]  Several of the goals were self (AOG) serving and not related to "The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of USMA " Desire specific goals on furthering the ideals of USMA.

[750]  There are still a few of us around who served in the Air Force. We are loyal graduates, but that loyalty is tested when we are made to feel outsiders. Your goals need some refining if you don't want to create that impression

[751]  Don't know -- server would not respond.

[752]  Emphasize community relations between public and USMA. Goal #3 wrt community relations, trying to get the best students and leaders (and athletes) to attend USMA

[753]  Reduce the management overhead of the AOG and WPF, realizing that this may be inconsistent with increasing AOG employee benefits, this should take precedence. At 10% overhead, we are too fat!!

[754]  Delete the AOG benefits package. Most of AOG employees are retured military

[755]  First 3 goals (pride, trust, confidence, improved communications) are on the mark. #4, Assistance Package, needs definition before I can vote. #5, West Point Fund, needs to be high on the list altho I don't know what the "Army Athletic Project" means. #6, coordination between... sounds like an elaboration of #3, improved communication. While I don't dispute the importance of #7, benefits package for AOG employees, in my mind that should be and unstated requirement to attract talanted folks but not elevated the status of an Association Goal.

[756]  consider ways to help graduates, not just USMA, or the current administrations goals, or the football team.

[757]  under #4 add, "and to graduates entering or having entered civilian life".

[758]  Need to do a better job informing AOG members what the Army will fund through Appropriated Funds, and why it is important that we contribute to AOG for other requirements.

[759]  Create a "Transitioning to Civilian Life?" packet for those officers being asked to leave the service. This should include "meat" behind the packet, i.e. names of graduates who would be willing to help transition (counsel, advise, hire!) these fine young men.

[760]  I'm probably in the minority, but raising money for a federally funded school seems wrong to me. I give about 10% of my gross income away every year (and I'm still in the Army, so I'm definitely not a rich guy who can throw away extra money). But I have a hard time with the idea of either: 1. Giving even more of my money to a place that shouldn't need donations, or 2. Staying at 10% and taking from what I consider more worthy charities to give to a place that shouldn't need donations (robbing from Peter to pay Sylvanus).

[761]  As a serving senior officer, I can't emphasize the importance of Goal #4 in encouraging our young, junior graduates to remain in the service. Too many recent graduates view AOG and links to USMA an exclusive civilian job connection. AOG needs to do a better job at finding ways to support and encourage younger grads to remain on active duty following their service obligation. This starts with guys like me working hard to coach and mentor young officers on the importance and rewards of continued active duty service.

[762]  The improved communications process should accomplish some end. How are you going to know if you achieved the goal.

[763]  I guess I would like to see some detail -- like how will the AOG increase pride, improve communications, etc.

[764]  Please see answer to #15. I think the AOG should better reflect the opinions of the graduates as to Academy policy.

[765]  Again, communicate the further need for a Military Academy. Continue to improve the AOG assistance package for graduates leaving the military or who are already in the civilian sector (e.g. job assistance)

[766]  1. Become more representative of the views of the graduates rather than those of the Academy leadership. 2. Develop a lobbying effort with Congress on behalf of the Academy.

[767]  I'm frankly not all that keyed to AOG itself... I enjoy the Assembly, and the basic things that I assume AOG does to help USMA classes keep ties with classmates and with the Academy itself. I have felt it should be in the "background" and somewhat invisible .... now for major fundraising, I would expect the AOG to be much more active in that arena .... don't know if this helps, but thought I would simply give you the input.

[768]  I would like to see an added goal of raising awareness (since the recent communications in the "Assembly" suggest no hope for restoring Regular Army commissions for Cadets) among the American public of the injustice in not awarding deserving cadets (be they USMA or ROTC) a Regular Army commission.

[769]  Educate the Congress about U.S.M.A. and its contributions and needs.

[770]  Goal #3 is critical because in the past, the various arms of the AOG (Fund raising, class support etc) have not known what each other was doing and have not leveraged their combined resources. Goal#4 I need clarity on what this means

[771]  I don't think the primary focus should be toward a rapport with the graduates and the AOG. You guys should be part of us. I may be naive but I would trust any of my classmates with the matters that you deal in. I have trusted them with my life at times... I think the goals should be more objective related and speak to specific numbers or qualitative ideas.

[772]  See note in #15 above. Other Service organizations such as TROA and ROA do perform this function very well. If there is a legal reason that the AOG cannot act as a lobby, some other way must be found.

[773]  Ref goal #1: The major goal should be to instill pride in alma mater vice AOG membership.

[774]  Others are okay, but goal one is useless. I don't need someone to help me develop pride in AOG.

[775]  Community Service for all USMA students and AOG

[776]  tabulate & distribute a detailed report on how funds in the WPF are used

[777]  Execute on a bi-annual basis a Class feedback to determine class desires for leadership or reelection issues.

[778]  Why are needs of graduates (civil) not addressed? The AOG should state plainly that they exist to assist graduates and their goals should reflect such.

[779]  Does not mention support to current cadet or recruiting efforts

[780]  Yes and no. I would like to see AOG place more emphasis on our athletic and academic programs as these are the most talked about items and largest single visibility point for our institution.

[781]  Expand on the assistance package for AOG graduates. What exactly is meant by this? This package should help graduates understand the true dynamics of everyday life in the Army. (The personnel system, the OER, assignments etc.)

[782]  I tried 3 times to get the goals on the screen and had to start the survey over each time because my computer wouldn't bring them up.

[783]  As part of the communication goals should include a focus on electronic (Internet) methods. Specifically a dynamite homepage and network that the public can see to learn about West Point and a union and/or links between all of the organizations you mention in the goals.

[784]  Be careful not to become too focused on Army Athletics. Let us consider the many other aspects cadet life/development.

[785]  I believe AOG should also develop programs to better assist graduate who are no longer in the Army. We are working to be leader in our communities and professions; consequently, AOG should recognize and assist those efforts.

[786]  Coordinate #3 and #6 with regard to continuation, communication/coordination Re #4 - Define Assistance Package Re #5 - More focus here - ROI must be enhanced to gain support Re #7 - Where's the focus here? AOG membership of staff?

[787]  Not only promote pride in memebership, but promote memebership. Determine what Grads want or need (like through this survey) and find ways to involve them. I think many of us do not mind helping the academy and grads out, but many times it becomes too complicated or costly (in time and money).. I was a memeber of the Rhode Island Society a few years ago and found it easy to help out and to partake in activities. I have not found the same to be true here in Florida. I have three small childern. I can not afford expensive Founder's Day diner, afford the time to drive an hour to a event. or afford contributions to the United Way, chruch, the AOG, and everyone else. I hear most from the AOG regarding me providing money to the academy. At this time the AOG is just another not-for-profit charitable organization asking for money serveral times per year.

[788]  Take a stronger position and play a more active (effective) role in: 1. Provide education, guidance and leadership to AOG membership in contacting members of congress to influence their positions/votes on military/army/academy related legilation; 2. influencing DoD to restore or provide the benefits and services promised in the past to active duty personnel for their retirementt, yet now not provided. (e.g., a) TARGETING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FOR CONSTITUIENT LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGNS, b) better notifying AOG members of pending legislation, c) tutoring in how constituents can best influence congressional actions)

[789]  1 and 2 wiil follow if rest accomplished

[790]  USMA and consequently the AOG must become more relevant to the Army

[791]  I think they are on the money. I particularly like the first goal of instilling pride in the AOG. If the graduates feel prideful of the Academy they are more likely to contribute time and money to the various programs the AOG sponsors. I also believe this to be especially true with younger grads. It seems as if a grad's pride increases the longer he/she has been out of the Academy. Why that is I'm not sure. And I think communication with graduates is important. Making use of the internet and all the information age technologies will definitely enhance and improve this communication.

[792]  In general, it is my view that the AOG should see its role as one that extends beyond that of a traditional graduates association to the core values of the officer corps. While this may create a roles problem with the DA staff and'or others, I feel that West Point and its graduates should see themselves as representatives of the highest principles of military professionalism and service to country. West Point is not, has never been and should never be, viewed as simply another great educational institution.

[793]  I'm becoming much more interested in career transition assistance. The Atlanta Society does an excellent job. CAN AOG PUT the Service Academy Business Resource Directory on-line and update it more frequently than annually?

[794]  Yes, they are fine. The priority of the AOG should be to recruit new members, and ACTIVELY lobby for the preservation of those values cherished by former graduates and desperately needed by future ones. As a graduate, I strongly feel that West Point is too caught up in the "touchy-Feely" 1990s, and that we have forgotten that our purpose is to create a professional officer corps to serve our nation, both in the active army and outside of it. You can serve in many ways, and the civilian world needs good soldiers too.

[795]  Improve feedback to all stakeholders on suggestions and questions.

[796]  The purpose statement of AOG includes "...furthering the ideals..." of the Academy. The goals do little of that. I would like AOG to take a broad view of that phrase and consider taking an active role in helping USMA graduates and USMA as an institution deal with extending the concepts of honesty and goal acheivement into the youth sector of our society. This is the basic thrust of Colin Powell's effort. We could as an example, take some leadership role in advocacy of a healthy life style, including the spectrum of physical fitness activity. The goal for AOG would be to improve USMA's contribution to our society by seeking meaningful participation in programs which contribute to the fiber of the nation's youth. Said another way, I think that for such a capable group as USMA grads, it is a mockery to spend our money and time on such items as class gifts and second-guessing the latest Supe's decisions when there is so much that needs to be done in our country to survive.

[797]  Work to restore regular commissions - Add

[798]  Need Metrics for these goals. Goal seven appears self serving and makes additional fund raising plans appear questionable.

[799]  I do not see any involvement of the AOG with the administration of USMA. It appears the goals only focus on the alumni for alumni purposes. I do not know if the charter of the AOG allows for being a vehicle for the "DOGs" to provide serious input into the administration, or if it is even desirable ("back when I was a plebe.."). It is good that the welfare of the AOG staff is being considered a goal of the organization.

[800]  Represent old grad views to current USMA leadership.

[801]  Did not work--could not open.

[802]  change the goal for assistance packages to simply "graduates." not "graduates in the Army."

[803]  Which of the stated goals covers the concept of mentoring, networking, etc, not only in the Army but also in civilian life? Other big-name, prestigious institutions (graduates) make no bones about helping/favoring their brother/sister alumni. I think we can be more aggressive here.

[804]  These goals are focused on AOG instead of the USMA. They should be completely rewritten, to focus on strengthening public and political support for USMA.


[806]  see # 16

[807]  Better football recruiting

[808]  Insilling pride should not be the first goal. Promoting the interest of USMA and its AOG members should be a more primary goal.

[809]  What about improve and support the Academy financially where funding come short?

[810]  #3: Why would the AOG be concerned with the American public? Isn't that for the Army to do? #5: Too much emphasis on fund raising. Instead of gifts, we now have "expected $$ support." [Have more, but GOALS WINDOW won't reopen.]

[811]  ?

[812]  There is no way to measure progress on these goals. Take action to improve the former high standards of the academy. Take actions to solicit top candidates who want to become professional soldiers

[813]  Delete: Develop an AOG assistance package for graduates in the Army

[814]  Delete #'s 1 & 4

[815]  Again, I'd like to see more focus on projecting AOG activities outside the organization. The present goals, with the exception of perhaps one or two, are strictly internally oriented. I would eliminate number 1-- we should not have to promote pride of membership as fellow graduates. If this is an issue, it goes well beyond the AOG! I suspect that the the association could spend its time better elsewhere.

[816]  Recruiting Fund Raising Career Opportunities Career Mentoring all might be mentioned more specifically

[817]  Goals would not display thus no comment

[818]  Not sure what is intended by goals 1 & 2, i.e. the "pride, trust and confidence" goals. Seems to imply there is some type of problem there. I'm not aware of what problems are being addressed there. May want to be more specific. West Point Org is doing much to assist in the communications area. Allows grads to stay much better informed without having to rely on a quarterly publication that is dated when received.

[819]  Nothing addresses promoting USMA to new cadet candidates. What is done to support admissions.

[820]  I would ask that you be cautious about getting the AOG entangled in the fund raising issues that seem to be getting contentious.

[821]  These goals are good, but may be short on metrics - units of measurement to determine success.

[822]  I disagree with the strong focus on athletics. The AAA should be more than capable of advancing those issues without too much help from AOG. I would like to see greater emphasis on expansion of clubs and academic related extracurricular activities.

[823]  Ensure USMA military programs and facilities are adequately funded and supported

[824]  Clicked on the goals and they did not appear; your server might not be working well..

[825]  DELETE GOAL #5. The AOG is devoting too much of its efforts to fund raising. For example, there are goals to fund structures that should be taken care of by appropriated funds.

[826]  Add: Provide a support means for those USMA grads in business to help with more extensive networking/job search needs. This should not be limited to sections, but throughout all sections/classes. EX: The extensive & strong network/means of BONDING established by Texas A&M grads - a VERY strong association noted, which is not left to an outside resource.

[827]  Disagree that fund work should be specifically for the Athletic Project, think it should be for USMA at large

[828]  Explore the genesis and the realities of the possible gap that has developed between the retired Army AOG members and the AOG members who did not remain on active duty beyond their minimal period of service.

[829]  There is too much emphasis on athletics by the AOG. I find it very unsettling that the lion's share of construction money budgeted to the Academy is going for a new gymnasium, while graduates are being asked to contribute to what I consider more pressing needs. For that reason, I cannot support the AOG's entire fund raising program.

[830]  I like it that you are trying to develop a stronger bond between AOG and members...most correspondence I get from AOG are requests for money or offers of services. AOG is becoming more like a telemarketer than an association of grads.

[831]  Can you quantify some of these? Why is the AOG so committed to athletics? Don't lose focus on the "Student" of "student athlete".

[832]  Delete AAA and Athletic Project(is that another word for Sky box?)Were never going to be Nebraska,at least I hope not,so let's try to keep our perspective;beating Ivy League teams is about where I think we should be.So what if there's no big clamor to sit in the Supe's box with the ceo of Textron et al.We should concentrate on being America's team,not Corporate America's team!

[833]  Keeing abreast of, and informing graduates of issues that are relevant to the survival and future relevance of USMA, and the USMA educational experience.

[834]  Actively participate in trying to re-establish Regular Army Commision upon graduation. Attempt to influence the academy to return to more emphasis on the military

[835]  I believe that the AOG should also strive to represent the concerns of West Point Graduates to members of Congress and the President.

[836]  Build comraderie across USMA classes not just within classes. Make networking as easy as possible. Open up the AOG governance process to new people and ideas. Make members feel welcome when they visit West Point.

[837]  You cite only graduates in the Army; West Point graduates are in other services, especially Air Force - suggest change the goal wording so its clear all graduates are included, not just those in the Army.

[838]  1. Keep the grads informed on legislation that may affect the academy. Also the legislators that are pro-USMA and those that are not.

[839]  Make the facilities more accessible to Alumni during reunions.

[840]  support the needs of graduates that are directly related to USMA.

[841]  Delete Goal 5(b).

[842]  Worthy goals but not MY goals. Initiate discussion on combat arms and assignments. Initiate discussion on women at West Point. Lead the charge on restoring RA commissions.

[843]  I like these goals, with the exception that the first two seem fairly useless.

[844]  I'm not sure if this jeopardizes AOG's tax status, but I don't believe West Point is being effectively marketed to key constituencies (ie Congress, the electorate, etc.). AOG could be more of a grass roots marketing machine for West Point.

[845]  Goals seem unimportant and irrevelant to the purpose of creating leaders for a Nation.

[846]  I'd rather comment on the goals presented: #3 is good and should be emphasized #5 is innapropriate The rest don't mean much

[847]  TAKE APPRO ACTIONS TO ESTABLISH EFFCTIVE COORD W/DA/ DOD to promote the mission (s) of USMA within and w/o the ARMY. We need funding and active support in the total Army and the USA.

[848]  They sound like "feel good" goals. Personally, I don't have pride in being an AOG member, I have pride in being a West Point graduate! Being associated with that tradition is what the AOG should be fostering and promoting.

[849]  Unable to download GOALS I am not sure if I would change somthing I do not fully understand

[850]  Again, I believe that AOG must make a greater effort to promoting the welfare of its graduates for the reasons mentioned above.

[851]  I feel that membership should be limited to graduates. Major efforts should be made to ensure financial parity among the academies, then use fund raising to suppliment proven needs not elligible for federal funding.

[852]  I would like to see the AOG support efforts to improve the health benefits of retired graduates. We were promised free health care for me and my wife for life. Currently it is costing me $2,500 per year and medicare doesn't allow many test and procedures.

[853]  Could not get display.

[854]  Have not given it sufficient thought. Nothing wrong with these probably....but simply not enough time to give this the attention it deserves.

[855]  All are adequate and the list comprehensive

[856]  I am not for the AOG taking over funding which should be the province of the U.S. Army or govt funding.

[857]  No Comment - not enough information on which to make an informed response.

[858]  very ambitious - if accomplish all that, I certainly will be better informed and feel more closely connected than in the past

[859]  I don't understand the intent/need for #4

[860]  (First)1. Continue strengthening the process for advocating improvements in West Point ideals, methods, and establishment.

[861]  Much emphasis is on athletics which is ok but don't forget that the bulk of cadets are not intercollegiate atheletes. We need to also build the academic and character part of the equationb also.

[862]  Add: Support efforts to motivate USMA grads to complete a full career in a military service. Delete: 4 Do not believe AOG should facilitate or support civilian job searches for serving graduates

[863]  Stop the Academy from its drift to becoming more and more like a civilian university with a neat ROTC program.

[864]  Re goals 5 & 6: USMA is more than athletics and the AAA. The AOG ought to give more recognition that has been its wont to donors that support the Library, the dean, and extracurricular activites other than athletics.

[865]  More specific career and job help for graduates

[866]  Promote greater linkage between graduates through the internet.

[867]  have not thought much about this subject

[868]  To act as an impetus to USMA administration to maintain the ideals and standards of the Corps and the Academy; To provide support for recruiting and admission of motivated candidates, regardless of athletic skill, test scores, or race; to assist graduates in their career development, both civilian and military; to be the conscience of the Academy in an increasingly hostile environment.

[869]  delete fundraising

[870]  Don't understand why "Instill pride in the membership" is the numbe one goal. Is there a problem? If everything else is done, that will take care of itself. Sometimes it seems that AOG has lost its focus and has become just a fund-raising machine. Goals appear to reflect that impression. Particularly like the cooperation with AAA goal.

[871]  Enhance the image of the USMA on a national basis with the intention of improving the general public's knowledge of the important role played by the Academy

[872]  I am struggling to provide more solid feedback, but I none of the goals really resonate with me. I read them all and said to myself "yeah, I guess they are fine" I wish I would have come away with something more concrete, relevent and inspiring.

[873]  1. You have the instill pride, but should also include develop ways to increase membership. The problem probably is not with the current members, but those who are not members yet. Develop a way to get them on line and in the game. 4. It appears if it is focused for officers transitioning from the Army. Make 2 packages one for those getting out, and one for those staying in. On the one for those staying in give a # to call for advice career progression kind of like a hard to get branch manager should be doing. Example - Light versus heavy, div vs nondiv, the goods and bad of each, where the path will take you, the benefits of each primary staff job what you want and don't want for each branch... All that would be part of the packet for those staying in. They provide the focus of the long term what they want and you provide the specifics o how to get there. Realize this is down to the nitty gritty almost on details, but provide a packet for each type of grad in or out. Increase pride by being the place to go for all grads.

[874]  Goals should be more specific with measurements

[875]  Need specifiv goals in furtherance of purpose statement which is OK as broad guidance but NOT the measureable, time limited specific goals.

[876]  Generally too self-serving to AOG staff and West Point facility

[877]  Work with USMA classes to repeal the policy on RA commissions for USMA graduates

[878]  Would like to see a goal added that focuses on getting members more involved in the Academy, activities, etc - Somthing that is specifically focused.

[879]  Work for the reinstatement of RA commissions upon graduation. Establish a public information campaign to engender public regard for USMA

[880]  Add: 1. Publish an updated edition of the Service Academy Business Resource Directory. 2. Produce a support package available to all USMA graduates to assist in the transition from active duty army life to civilian status and aid in a job search effort.

[881]  Eliminate reference to the AAA and Army athletics; the goals should be oriented towards the graduates and let the USMA worry about athletics

[882]  -no opinion

[883]  My (new) browser (Explorer 4) isn't linking to the goals. I assume goals are fine.

[884]  I think it important to add a very emphatic goal to develop greater understanding of the value of USMA to the general public and to engender support from a population consisting of fewer and fewer people with service experience.

[885]  Could not anser as I could not get new window

[886]  Provide comprehensive support to graduates and former cadets to enable them to provide a lifetime of meaningful support to our nation

[887]  1. I do not think a goal should be building confidence in the AOG leadership; if the leadership fulfills the goals of the organization, the confidence of the members will follow. Improving communications between the leadership and the members is probably more appropriate. 2. Why focus on members on Active Duty? Why not reservists? Why not those in civil life who serve our country in other ways? Having said that, when I was on active duty, I never felt being a USMA grad was a help; rather it was more of a liability, because I saw both with myself and other grads that we were selected for the thankless challenging jobs because of our sense of duty and education.

[888]  Provide a mechanism to assist grads with job searches, insurance needs of various kinds, financial opportunities, business networking, seminars and various other tools to help the grad improve his or her status in life. All of this can be connected to WP's well being as to benefit the grads is also to benefit WP.

[889]  I currently am gathering comments from key members of my class in response to the Chairman's request. Any answer here would be premature.

[890]  Where are the goals that support graduates?????????

[891]  Goal # 2 is a good goal but it can only be achieved when the AOG reveals to its membership all that the AOG is involved with. Secrets should not be kept within the AOG management. Trustees should not be nominated and elected behind closed doors. Get rid of the "Good old boys" club and open up the process to all members of the association. The same people serve as trustees over and over and over. The board needs new blood with new ideas. Be honest with the membership - if the AOG is involved with litigation, the membership should know about it. If the AOG has misused donor funds, let the members know. Be above board, even if it may hurt the AOG image. Honestly with the membership will create trust, not secrecy.

[892]  Many of these seven management goals are too general to convey what the AOG management aspires to accomplish during 1997-99.

[893]  1. There appears to be a very real political/congressional threat to the survival of the military academies as institutions. Even if the threat is specious defending the academies' existence seems to occupy an inordinate amount of effort and resources. Should the AOG, in a more coordinated way, exert the political influence of its members regarding issues of concern to the institutions? 2.This is an association of graduates. Seems a dimension of the mission should be to further the interests of the graduates. We seem to amply cover the furtherance of the interests of the AOG as an organization and the academy as an institution. Goal 4 only tangentially refers to AOG doing anything for members. I am not demeaning current member services (trips, credit cards, gifts, communications, etc.) 3. Should AOG actively search foor and promote ways to increase retention of its graduates in military service?

[894]  Please consider adding: "Actively solicit support for the AOG from graduates and former cadets of USMA..."

[895]  Monetary and society support of cadet club activites (not just AAA)

[896]  Goals commensurate with improving graduate relationships and communications

[897]  Include support for graduates in civilian life

[898]  1. I would like AOG to work with all staff and faculty. Staff and faculty (civ or military) who should be brought into AOG. 2. The compensation package is a minor goal that should not part of the managment goals. It is an admin task that needs to be accomplished but to list it as a major goal gives the appearance that AOG is similar to the CEO bureucrates who are rewarding themselves with huge compensation packages without performance.

[899]  Never could get the "Goals" list to show up.

[900]  Never could get the "Goals" list to show up.

[901]  These goals seem to support the AOG staff more than the members and the academy

[902]  Browser (internet explorer 4.01) would not display the goals...

[903]  I am glad there was a reference to meeting the needs of graduates.

[904]  These goals seem self-serving. It makes AOG sound like just any collages alumni association.

[905]  How do you measure 1 and 2?

[906]  Uphold the ideals of AOG members and former graduates through constant communication with grads, Academy administration and Congress.

[907]  Put some "management style" teeth in these goals: examples: 1) increase membership to ____% 2) increase WPF to ____%

[908]  Work to repeal the odious law denying regular commissions to graduates. Also show some independence from the DA and USMA party line.

[909]  Focus more effort on communicating with our nations political leadership to bolster the security and prosperity of the academy

[910]  I don't care about the AOG, per se. The AOG should exist to help graduates, USMA, and help attract continually better young men and women to attend West Point. All other goals are administrative in nature and should be subservient to the above.

[911]  AOG should primarily be oriented toward graduates in general and not be diverted to athletic support,which is the proper role of the AAA and local societies.

[912]  These are fairly broad and not very specific--which(specificity)is the benefit of goals--they must be measurable-and frankly I do not believe these are unless you count a yes or no as measuring.If this were my organizations goals I would give myself a D but more likely an F. Also, see my earlier comments re: the AOG

[913]  Please see my concerns at response 15, and see if you can work these into the goals. Please do not assume that truth, morality and honesty is a "given." It is not. As a good example, a West Point graduate accepted the appointment as drug czar from a man whose white house aides "dissed" him when he was in uniform at the white house. Forgive and forget is OK in personal relations, when the transgressor makes a mistake, or begs forgiveness. In this case, for a West Point graduate to take such an assignment from a man not known for honor or truthfulness is a major disappointment for me, and perhaps for some others as well.

[914]  Strengthen the opportunities for academic excellence with world class libraries,laboratories and outside prominent lectures. Too much on sports today.

[915]  1. Develop greater communication between AOG and the local WP Societies. 2. Continue to provide networking resources for Graduates leaving active service.

[916]  In addition to goal No. 4, actively assist members who have retired or separated from the service by providing an assistance package (e.g., list of Societies and points of contact; maintain database of graduates willing to act as mentors, networking points of contact, industry specialists, etc.; organize job fairs).

[917]  Continue support of career transition assistance (army to civilian world). The drawdown continues in spite of what we hear from our senior army leadership.

[918]  1. AOG should be more active in ensuring that the congress and the executive branch continue funding and supporting USMA. With the not so slow deteriation of our Active Army funding and hence readiness, we can assume that USMA will eventually be caught up in this trend. AOG needs to ensure our graduates become vocal to their representatives.

[919]  a. Greatly improve AOG communications with class organizations, particularly the 5 year reunion classes. b. Assist Reunion classes in the planning and execution of reunions. c. Aggressive campaign to provide Cadets a Regular Army commission upon graduation. d. Tend more to the AOG Membership, and less to "the Establishment." e. The AOG should not be a "captive" of West Point, but a vocal supporter, but when necessary, a severe critic. Note: Other than Goals 2 and 7, the rest are timid and "process" oriented, rather than service oriented.

[920]  a. Greatly improve AOG communications with class organizations, particularly the 5 year reunion classes. b. Assist Reunion classes in the planning and execution of reunions. c. Aggressive campaign to provide Cadets a Regular Army commission upon graduation. d. Tend more to the AOG Membership, and less to "the Establishment." e. The AOG should not be a "captive" of West Point, but a vocal supporter, but when necessary, a severe critic. Note: Other than Goals 2 and 7, the rest are timid and "process" oriented, rather than service oriented.

[921]  delete goals 4 (AOG package) & 7 (compensation). Modify goal 5 to read "emphasize the promotion of successful financial programs" and have items a and b as specific objectives.

[922]  Reduce AOG staffing to the bare minimum

[923]  Not sure I agree with this: (a) Monitor the expansion of the WPF and the development of the 2002 capital campaign. (b) Assist the WPF in soliciting 2002 gifts, particularly those directed to the Army Athletic Project Why can the USAF and USNA gain public funds for athletic facilities, but USMA cannot? I do not appreciate the AOG soliciting me for funds.

[924]  Goals should specify programs and detailed descriptions of areas AOG is to place its emphasis The main goals should be to "assit in formulation and planning of 2002 celebration with the goal of enhancing public awareness of US<A's past and future contributions to America."

[925]  reduce concentration on athletics support academic/professional dimensions of USMA Worry about lobbying to save USMA during 21st Century

[926]  Emphasize Goal 2 and delete Goal 7.

[927]  Strengthen local chapters

[928]  Somehow the message has to get to the Congress supporting the Academy. With the staedy decline in membership with prior military service, the support for the academies continues to erode. Specifically, the message I get from the hill is that the other two services do a remarkably better job at supporting themselves ang garnering resources than the Army in general, and the academy in particular. We should harness our ability to assist the academy and the Army in continuing to be allocated the funding support necessary for a robust and continuing program.necessary to

[929]  Eliminate 4,5,6,7. Seek ways to retain graduates for full Army careers.

[930]  AOG should develop a capability to give graduates views on mission related issues

[931]  Although the AOG is helping graduates leaving the Army transition to civilian life, I think you should more clearly specify this than "provide assistance package" to grads.

[932]  #4 delete "in the Army"--this implies that AOG is only for active duty army grads #7 Delete entirely--Management should continually review benefit/comp package to ensure fairness. Not suitable as a period goal.

[933]  Goals are focused inwardly to fix a perceived problem within AOG. They do not, in many instances, support the AOG purpose.

[934]  ADD: Continue to provide support and nurturing to local West Point Societies. Continue to provide Membership with assistance for professional development and career transitions (i.e., placement services) [Note: point here is to increase the relative importance of the function within the AOG by including as goal]

[935]  The goals are fine as stated....BUT see Item 14.

[936]  1. Review and revise Mission to increase the focus on Graduates 2.Separate AOG from WP Fund

[937]  I didn't realize 1 & 2 were problems; goals 3 & 4 & 7 sound especially interesting. How about providing "support" to specific cadet clubs like speakers, networking?

[938]  The goals are fine. I've already give my view on AOG - grad relationship. I've already commented on goals 2 and 3. Hopefully the AOG will meet these goals. From my perspective, work is needed.

[939]  Too internally focused Should be doing everything to inform public on accomplishments of West Pointers for bicentennial Should be engaged with congress Should be formally conveying graduates views on standards at West Point Should be supporting graduate needs

[940]  Empasize #3 as mentioned above w/ mentoring of new cadets and young officers.

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