Q15: Does this statement provide Graduates and the Association with sufficient focus?

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The Purpose Statement of an organization should focus its available resources in a finite direction toward stated goals and objectives. The current AOG Purpose Statement is, While over 77% of respondents were happy with the current focus of the AOG mission statement, almost 1 in 5 believe the mission statement can be improved.
of Respondents
Total Processed: 5158
A total of 1096 comments were submitted by 1001 graduates who recommended change and improvement to the AOG Purpose Statement.  Over half indicated "representing graduates" should be included in the statement.  The current statment is vague and should include specifics such as Duty, Honor, Country as well as service to the Armed Forces and the Nation.  Respondents did not like the use of the word, "welfare" and suggest perhaps substituting something to better correlate with the Supe's mission statement.  Promoting public understanding and preserving the USMA standards and Traditions were also concerns of respondents that should be incorporated.  These responses could generally be divided into the following three categories.
General Category Number
of Comments
Poor focus
New points for inclusion
Observations pertaining to AOG goals
Total comments:
Within these three categories, the following subcategories were defined:
General Comment
of Comments
Poor focus:
Too broad & vague to focus goals
Word "welfare" not appropriate
New points for inclusion:
Add "to represent graduates"
Define a definition of "ideals"
Add "service to Army and nation"
Observations pertaining to AOG goals: 
Preserve standards and traditions
Promote cadet well-being
Public knowledge of USMA
Fund solicitor
Graduate communications
AOG relationship with USMA staff
Venting from grads
Next Question
The following are the raw comments collected for this survey question.  The numbers serve only to identify the comment for this question and do not serve any other identification purpose:

[001]  1. AOG should be dedicated to representing USMA Graduates.

[002]  seems vague --

[003]  ", while serving also to meet the needs of graduates for information about classmates, other graduates, the Corps of Cadets and the Academy."

[004]  Ironically it says nothing about the grads which leaves the AOG management, most who directly retire from the military to work for the AOG, to act as if they are still in the military and as so responsive to the Sup! They are not an honest buffer between the Academy/Sup and the graduates which is why I think grads are so unsupportive of AGO.

[005]  The primary goal should be maintaining ties among, and serving the needs of, the graduates of West Point.

[006]  I think additional focus is warrented for the welfare of the *graduates* that make up the association.

[007]  Seems that as an association of graduates the idea of fellowship among this group should be included. Not sure what words you'd want to use, but fellowship, comradery, pulling the graduate community together, ect should be part of a graduate associations goals.

[008]  Maintaining and facilitating contact with alumni Job assistance upon trasition

[009]  I a primary function of AOG now is to provide serives and assistance to graduates. This is different from the two tenets of the current purpose, and I think it should be included in the purpose.

[010]  add: to the US Army and the Nation

[011]  If promoting the welfare of the US Military Academy includes promoting the welfare of the graduates, then the statement is ok as is. However, the institution is more than the gray granite walls of West Point - it includes the entire Long Gray Line. The focus should be on the people, rather than the institution.

[012]  Yes to furthering to ideals of the Academy, and the welfare of the USMA, but what about it's Gaduates? How about promoting the welfare of the Grads, both active Military and Civilian. What more can we do to make an officer's or former officer's quality of life, or career improve. Closer association among grads seems to be part of the solution. Also, how does the above Purpose Statement compare to a high-quality civilian school? Can we learn anything from them?

[013]  Mention strengthen the bonds among graduates. Provide a forum for graduates to support the Academy's goals. Provide important information to graduates.

[014]  Is the AOG a tool of West Point or its Graduates

[015]  Some indication of what these ideals are, or a reference to where they are expressed (such as the Mission that I remember being memorized - 'The mission of the United States Military Academy is to instruct and train...'

[016]  communication misison fund-raising mission

[017]  In my opinion the purpose statement should read, " the associaton shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy, and its graduates."

[018]  Attention should be paid in the mission to assist graduates thruout their lives and careers.

[019]  by continuing comunication with the classes.

[020]  I do not know what the AOG actually does or how it interprets its "purpose statement". The only thing I know for certain is that I can contact it to buy memorabilia from the gift shop. I know nothing about who makes up the AOG board, how they are selected or what they actually do.

[021]  The word "welfare" has a negative connotation, despite its noble purpose.

[022]  You seem to have become a collection agency. Most of the communciations that I receive from the AOG has to do with fund raising rather than information about what is going on at the Academy. If that's part of your mission it should be clearly spelled out in your mission statment. I don't agree with that being your function but that is what it appears to be!

[023]  As written, it is too vague and can mean anything to whoever wants to use it -- make it more specific -- what does "promoting the welfare" mean?

[024]  add to end of sentence. "and its ultimate objective to train defenders of the Nation and the Constitution of the United States of America."

[025]  I see no evidence of either clause in execution. All you do is solicit money for jocks and to sustain yourselves.

[026]  I am confused as to the meaning of "Purpose", "Goal", "Objective" and "Mission". I'd like the definitions of all before completing this and the following Q. For example, USMA itself had both a mission and a purpose. I understand and hope that the present Supe is eliminating "purpose" and redefining the "Mission". Do we in the AOG use "Purpose" instead of "Mission"?

[027]  I don't see where the AOG takes a strong stand in support of people and/or actions that are threatened by those who do not place the Academy above self. For example, The Col. James Hallums case.

[028]  It should mention something about furthering the welfare of the graduates!

[029]  . . . welfare of the cadets and staff of . . .

[030]  I believe the AOG should reflect the wishes of its members. For instance, it is my understanding that the "Official" position of the AOG on the Regular Commission Problem is one of "Hands Off", "Don't do Anything." In my view, that position will lead to the demise of USMA. The Jack Hallums incident was another case of AOG timidity. I believe most of my Clasmates feel that Hallums was screwed, and the Supe did a poor job of handling the entire incident. The Supe now has a good sounding board with the advent of e-mail, and he should start listening!

[031]  1) Perhaps we should strengthen our resolve and not only "promote" but "provide" 2) We should also promote or provide for the welfare of graduates of USMA.

[032]  The goals should not be able to shift with the wind of political correctness. The AOG should represent the graduates of USMA and not be an extension of the current Supe.

[033]  Make it active. The AOG shall dedicate its engergy and resources to furhtering the ideals and promoting the welfare of the USMA.

[034]  I don't think the focus should be on "the academy". Rather it should be focused on ensuring the cadets are getting what is needed to help them achieve the academy goals. As written, we could do lots of things to improve the welfare of the academy, but might not do a single thing to improve the product -- namely the graduates and cadets.

[035]  The actual function of the AOG, as I see it, is as a fundraiser for usma Supes. I get a fund raising letter or tour package almost every other week. Rarely does a document come from AOG that does not ask for a donation, a trust set up, etc.

[036]  What are the ideals? Sounds a little too etherial. How about supporting and furthering the careers of graduates while supporting the mission of USMA and promoting its welfare.

[037]  Brevity is the soul of wit _ this is a fine statement

[038]  Greatest focus should be adherence to our oath to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This oath appears to be overlooked in the globalist policies supported by the association and senior officers.

[039]  Providing services to graduates

[040]  It is certainly a catch-all! And it sounds like a State Welfare Program!

[041]  Provide: 1. preservation of USMA. 2. preservation of the "old corps" standards and traditions.

[042]  It is a good vision but needs more specifics in the form of goals and objectives

[043]  support to/of graduates

[044]  welfare of cadets and graduates of etc

[045]  The purpose statement is fine, however, I would suggest a direct reference to supporting graduates (being the Association of Graduates).

[046]  I'd like to see phrasing that emphasizes service to USMA graduates.

[047]  ...and it's graduates...

[048]  Our era of unprecedented moral decline leads me to believe that the mission should focus on "preserving" as well as "furthering" the ideals of USMA.

[049]  It's good to focus Aog activities on the Academy, as opposed to the Army, the Dod, the Country. The others have their own constituencies, which include us, inter alia.

[050]  and to assist fellow graduates in need.

[051]  I would not want to delineate the mission any further as to do so would constrain possible avenues of thought and action.

[052]  Include "duty, honor, country" as ideals, and promoting cadets and graduates along with USMA.

[053]  delete "furthering the ideals amd promoting"

[054]  Support and representation of the AOG membership itself, and the strategic direction of the Academy should be stated in some manner as being the primary focus of the mission statement.

[055]  Need "ideals" and "welfare" defined. You seem to be assuming that we know what you mean when you use these terms. We, all of us, might entertain totally distinct perceptions of these terms.

[056]  There seems to be little focus beyond rubber stamping the current initiatives that the acting SUPE, COM and DEAN have on the agenda. I would like to see an AOG that exists to help support each other and foster common bonds.

[057]  "welfare" seems a bit weak; need to be more specific; i.e., insure the perpetual financiial security of, continued National suppot of, etc.

[058]  The Association shall be dedicated to providing the means and resources by which USMA graduates may continue to serve their country, the USMA and their fellow graduates.

[059]  How about adding " and its graduates." to the end? I.E., not just the institution, but the people.

[060]  Reference to people, e.g., "cadets and graduates," does not appear in the purpose statement.

[061]  Need to add points on what Association does for graduates.

[062]  Unfortunately, "Ideals and welfare" of USMA may not be universally sufficient to potential donors. For bricks and mortar projects, Grads should be able to know what they are donating for. In any case, always explain that Congress does/will not support the projects AOG is supporting.

[063]  Whatever

[064]  AOG should also help grads

[065]  "Ideals" ultimately means actions taken by people. Maybe the "support of people whose actions embody the ideals" of the USMA could be included.

[066]  Ideals should be stated so that people not associated with WP will be made aware of the standards you live and strive for.

[067]  ,,,ideals of the Long Gray Line and promoting.....

[068]  Insuring that our Congress does not dimiish the role of the Academy and its serving gaduates

[069]  "...furthering the ideals..." is vague. What ideals are you referring to? Answering that question would provide better focus to the association and to its graduates.

[070]  1.Delete "...dedicated". One can be "dedicated" and yet do nothing. Use "shall further the ideals". 2. change to: "....welfare of the United States Military Academy, its cadets, and its graduates, both active and retired." Present version absent "people factor".

[071]  Reflecting views of the graduates of USMA and communicating such views

[072]  Furthering communications with and success of graduates

[073]  Should also be concerned with the welfare and providing an on-going link to the graduates themselves Acknowledge that some graduates are/were Air Force officers (active and retired), so they should not be excluded in whatever language is used.

[074]  It should focus more narrowly toward goals and objectives that specifically promote welfare and further ideals of USMA.

[075]  I suggest adding "and its' gradutes"

[076]  Believe the statement should read: "The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals and promoting AND SUPPORTING the welfare of the United States Military Academy." Reason: to clearly stipulate the overall support that can and should be provided by the AOG.

[077]  With my concerns in the previous note, I think that the very ideals of USMA are at stake. Furthering connotes a state of permanence and the furthering given that permanence. I believe ideals are priceless. Perhaps 'proof of ideals' should somehow precede furthering, because there are apparently those decision makers who do not appreciate the very existence of the Academy.

[078]  The Association IS dedicated to PROMOTE AND EXEMPLIFY the ideals of the United States Military Academy AND THE NATION IT SERVES.

[079]  Maintaining ties among graduates. Supporting classes and societies. Whole thing is now not useful as a guide to AOG leadership.

[080]  "..and its graduates."

[081]  I think there ought to be some mention of supporting and promoting the welfare of the graduates of USMA as well.

[082]  1. It should be responsible for maintaining the customs and history of USMA rather than justifying change. Those who have been in battle realize the importance of these customs. Liberalizing is of no value.

[083]  "....and graduates." should be added

[084]  Suggest the addition of the phrase "and its graduates". This phrase expands the mission to include furthering the ideals, and promoting the welfare of AOG members. I believe that this additional focus is needed. I also believe that some current AOG activities would be precluded under the current mission statement.

[085]  Selecting canidates who understand their obligation to the Academy and to their country.

[086]  It's lacking in focus, but more than makes up for that by being flexible. More focused purpose statements would soon be out of date.

[087]  Providing service/information to graduates

[088]  What the AOG does for graduates.

[089]  The AOG should also focus on "and providing support for its graduates around the world."

[090]  Not sure, current mission seems too broad.

[091]  Facilitate communications among grads, provide an input channel for grads to Academy leadership, provide forums for discussions critical to broad spectrums of grads: healthcare, jobs for riffed JMOs. Generally furthering the interests of GRADS.

[092]  Too broad and vague without knowing what the ideals of the academy are today. I know what I believe they should be. Again, AOG appears to be a mouthpiece for current Academy policies rather than a voice of graduates. It is ASSOCIATION OF GRADUATES.


[094]  Try the standard who, what, when, where, and why formula. You've got the Who and What but the other three are missing. Be specific and cite examples.

[095]  "....and its' graduates." should be added to the end.

[096]  ...and also maintaining a healthy supportive external nework. I think if you do this right, money and support will follow. Don't do it right and the first purpose may not be executed well.

[097]  We should also help in shaping where West Point should be heading in the 21st Century

[098]  The Purpose Statement does not appear to encompass the activities that the AOG is pursuing in support of active duty and civilian graduates.

[099]  To broad. A purpose statement should say something that is tangible.

[100]  1. Needs to address the Army and its goals and ideas; 2. Needs to address graduate services and the role in providing a continuing connection between the Academy and its classes.

[101]  I feel that the purpose should state WHO the AOG supports, to be sure that the AOG or its members or classes or chapters do not think they run USMA

[102]  support graduates of USMA.

[103]  Too vague. This could incorporate anything. If can incorporate anything, why have a purpose statement in the first place? Narrow the focus.

[104]  It is focused entirely on the Academy. Perhaps the Association should also consider serving graduates. I think that is probably the disconnect with some of those who have left the service and the Academy is no longer central to their lives.

[105]  It is a little too broad - difficult to pin down what areas of "welfare" the AOG is targeting. Maybe this Purpose statement is acceptable, if refined by a yearly set of objectives...

[106]  not only the welfare of the Academy,BUT also the welfare of it's graduates.

[107]  While I agree that we should collectively work toward the stated goal, I think there is also a function of the Assoc to maintain linkages between and among graduates, which has inherent value distinct from our continued support to the institution.

[108]  "...and its graduates."

[109]  To what end is the Association dedicated to?

[110]  There should be mention of focus on the graduates of the Academy--being an information source to them.

[111]  Support (to include financial) of the institution and its programs.

[112]  AOG is a money generating apparatus by default.

[113]  The primary focus of the statement is "the Academy", and rightfully so. But, the AOG is an association of "graduates". The graduates are also of concern, and a "mission" of the association. I am only suggesting that the continued education of the graduates (concerning the Academy) is essential to the cohesiveness of the AOG.

[114]  With the work AOG now performs in assisting graduates in transition to the commercial sector from active duty, you may want to add the phrase: "...welfare of the United States Military Academy AND ITS GRADUATES."

[115]  There is no target audience. Is the target aurdience graduates (doubtful)? Future cadets (possible)? More widesrpread? I find that question unanswered.

[116]  Delete welfare. It sounds like an animal humane society.

[117]  "promoting the welfare of ..." is unclear. Normally, you promote the welfare of people, not institutions. Furthermore, a purpose statement should indicate action, and using "dedicated to" as the principal verb in the statement does not accomplish this. More importantly, does AOG just exist to support the Academy, or the nation and communities as well? I would be much more active if the local chapter united graduates in service to the community, and in so doing would reflect credit on the academy. A stronger, less self-serving statement would be, "The Association shall unite graduates of USMA in lifelong dedication to the Corps and to Duty, Honor, and Country."

[118]  It is not exciting and not specific. Need to rethink this generality of a Purpose statement. I say this even though I agree with what it says.

[119]  Promote contact between members of graduating classes

[120]  Promoting welfare of Grads should be included

[121]  To foster communication between graduates of the United States Military Academy.

[122]  Do not use the word welfare.

[123]  Need a vision statement as to what the AOG should strive to be

[124]  Add " and its graduates".

[125]  I think the statement should include something about maintaining the bond between USMA and its graduates.

[126]  If you want more involvement from people like me who are now contributing in the civilian world, then consider modifying the purpose to include furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of USMA "AND its graduates around the world." I surely understand the focus on USMA, but (right or wrong) I feel like the academy will always be "ok. " However, the majority of graduates are now civilians and are attempting to make the business world more professional and ethical and thereby improve our society. It seems as if the AOG is only concerned with the hallowed grounds at West Point, which in the grand scheme have little impact on me and my efforts to make a contribution as a civilian.

[127]  There are probably more retired Grads than active Grads, so the AOG might acknowledge its service to graduates no longer in the Service, as well as to supporting the ideals of USMA.

[128]  And to serve as a network form which all graduates can pull from

[129]  The Association should promote a strong network for graduates, both military and civilian, in order to create a conduit for achieving the purpose above.

[130]  "and it Graduates."

[131]  In addition to: Provide a conduit from WP to graduates Promoting WP ideals from WP to the Army and civilian graduates.

[132]  This is only a very high level commanders intent (not a mission statement). To provide "finite direction" I would modify it to be more like a mission statement with clear and actionable terminology. A key point I would include in this mission statement would be something around connectivity and communication: "To provide a conduit for the interconnectivity and networking opportunities essential to continued promotion of Academy ideals and values in military and civilian society". Just a thought

[133]  The current statement may not be broad enough. Today the AOG dedicates a great amount of time and effort supporting its members, but that is not mentioned in its purpose statement.

[134]  if anything, focus is too narrow and ignores facilitating networking among grads to further the lessons and ideals learned at the Academy throughout the Army and the nation.

[135]  The AOG fosters communication between a unique group of American citizens accross the globe. The leveraging of that in the 21st century may not be adequately addressed under "furthering the ideals" section of the curent objective.

[136]  better link previous grads to new grads -

[137]  The statement is very vague. Who will "further the ideals and promote the welfare"... grads, the AOG staff? What is the overarching goal? Shouldn't that be in the statement?

[138]  Include "Graduates" as either proponents or recipients.

[139]  Graduates are not mentioned in the purpose statment. There should be some reference to what the association is supposed to do for graduates.

[140]  Words to the effect of helping graduates "network" with other graduates, especially those on Active Duty networking with graduates in the business sector,

[141]  What do you mean by promoting the welfare?

[142]  Add something about "the welfare of the United States MIlitary Academy, and its graduates" (this would also mean the family of graduates"

[143]  It is to general and depends on whose opinion is counted as what consititues "...furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare..." of the Academy.

[144]  What are "the ideals?" Why must we promote the welfare of the Academy? Should this not be something to the effect of promoting the welfare of the 'people' with the academy?

[145]  The assistance of graduates (job search, networking, information dissemination) is not referenced in the mission statement. While I agree with the current statement, I feel the statement should reflect how the Association of Graduates furthers graduates as well.

[146]  The statement is too broad and generic as to provide no focus whatsoever. While I don't have the definitive answer to what should take its place, something that more closely parallels the Academy mission, tied to service to the nation, is a good place to start.

[147]  Independent of the Supt and his staff

[148]  Furthing the ideals should include promoting hiring of grads into higher level more influential positions so that they may lead by example. West Point more than any other college appears to have a real problem with anything other than a good luck wish. The WPSNY networking meetings are at such a low level its pitiful, and I stopped dropping by two years ago.

[149]  Too Vague

[150]  Need to do a better job of presenting contributions of graduates to the nation and selling the benefits of maintaining the Academy as a premier national institution.

[151]  Remove the portion that sounds self serving i.e. "promoting the welfare of the USMA" to something that stresses serving the Nation and the Army by furthering the ideals and supporting USMA etc..

[152]  Assistance to graduates

[153]  Keeping Alumni informed on major trends at USMA and serve as the voice of the alumni in presenting views on controversial issues.

[154]  promoting the well being of graduates

[155]  Needs to emphasize continuing and promoting "Duty, Honor, Country."

[156]  What the desired end state is or should be.

[157]  What is meant by welfare of the Academy?

[158]  AOG should serve as a lifetime resource for USMA graduates (and graduates only) for professional (military and civilian) enrichment and social networking..

[159]  Not if "welfare of" means fund raising and trying to make West Point just like and other run of the mill College or University.

[160]  Who is the customer? The Grads. I see no mention of them. I am uncomfortable with the "promoting the welfare" clause, as opinions among grads vary considerably about what constitutes the welfare of the Academy. In particular, I do not want the AOG speaking on behalf of us about ANY political matters including federal funding levels for USMA.

[161]  The AOG and Academy are best embodied in the contributions members make daily -- help members network among themselves in "natural" small groups to achieve the Academy's "life Mission". The reputation of the Academy will prosper as a result. The AOG will be valued for what it enables not what it controls.

[162]  Recommend that "furthering ideals" specify targets, eg. to encourage grads to live up to the ideals, promote ideals to the nation.

[163]  however, you should add after USMA ... and the extended West Point Family (from Goals).

[164]  Besides support for the Academy, the Association should also provide support to alumni.

[165]  This is an excellent statement. But "ideals" seems fuzzy, because it means different things to individuals. I would substitute "Mission" for "ideals." The mission statement, once it is finished, will lead towards a clear purpose.

[166]  Keep the Long Gray Line intact. Install pride and support from grads.

[167]  As an organization of and for grads, we better have some purpose for ourselves

[168]  What about supporting graduates in their several situations?

[169]  to maintain an on-going connection between graduates and the Academy, and vice versa.

[170]  Welfare is a passive word and makes me think of a new social progam. Replace "welfare" with wording similar to "continued success and future strength"

[171]  Use active verb and add a modifier(s) e.g. The Assoc, dedicated to furthering the ideals & promoting the welfare of the USMA, strengthens bonds between the AOG & USMA and provides services to the members.

[172]  This statement is too vague, does not focus the organization on what it should be doing and does not allow anyone to judge progress. I believe the association should promote comraderie amongst and further the interests of its graduates, while promoting the ideals of the Academy.

[173]  Global motherhood. OK for long term, but laks short term emphasis. Hard to get emotional about. Example from a local company's division that was in financial trouble. "Renew the Lease" Posed on the Building Entry, this was something everyone could understand and support.

[174]  should probably be more explicit about the support of the alumni vs the institution

[175]  How are the ideals of usma determined? What broad methods /measures will be used to guide the association in achieving its purpose?

[176]  I would add the phrase, "in its support of duty, honor, country." The term "ideals" seems a bit vague to me.

[177]  Yes, but: The Association is a dedicated active link between the graduates and West Point which furthers the Military Academy's ideals and promotes its welfare.

[178]  Which ideals?---What is the welfare of USMA?

[179]  Should have a "why" or "so-what" statement in there.

[180]  And it's graduates

[181]  Support to graduates and serve as a focus of alumni activities.

[182]  The AOG belongs to and serves the Graduates

[183]  Need long discussion and analysis to respond.

[184]  Considering the services that AOG is providing, I feel that the phrase "and its graduates" should be added after Academy. After all, the programs listed at Question 19 do not promote the welfare of the Academy; they promot the welfare of its graduates.

[185]  Should elaborate on "the ideals".

[186]  ongoing support for graduates

[187]  It should focus on how we further the ideals and promote. Volunteer? Support of USMA training? Financial?

[188]  The name of the organization is Association of Graduates. Accordingly, the focus of the organization should be the graduates and other members. Of course that group of people ought to be centered around USMA and the two objectives set forth above, but the centyral focus needs to be the people.

[189]  we should not further ideals; rather we should preserve ideals which garnered the Academy the reputation it has (had). Old Corps. If a kid wants to go to a progressive school, let him go to a liberal puke college. If he wants to become a man in short order, ready to accept challenges in the Army, then West Point should be the clear decision.

[190]  Furthering contacts among graduates.

[191]  Should also include providing services to graduates themselves.

[192]  Reference to grads - i.e. furthering communication between grads, and/or improving graduate relations with each other and with the academy

[193]  "The Association shall be dedicatd to furthering the ideals of 'Duty, Honor, Country', and promoting the welfare of the United States Miltary Academy, it's Cadets and graduates.

[194]  which ideals? How to promote? Based on what input?

[195]  add ideals "and traditions," and promoting

[196]  omits any references to the graduates

[197]  Isn't this subject under study now? I have already submitted suggestions to the appropriate class offices. However, I would add to the mission a statement to the effect " ..to increase the participation and knowledge of all graduates in West Point affairs via all communication possibilities, especially e-mail.."

[198]  Service to graduates should be included. Contacts, gift shop, reunion arrangements, Assembly, information exchange...

[199]  append the words "and its graduates." There should be an emphasis on the people that isn't in the existing mission statement.

[200]  The current statement implies the main, if not only, purpose of the AOG is to further the welfare of the Academy itself as an institution. What about the people who go there? Some focus should be on the students who are in attendance, as well as recruiting others to become cadets, but it seems a good deal more could be done to serve as an effective "alumni" resource. The recent efforts of AOG to help the increasing numbers of graduates who are becoming civilians (whether they wanted to or not, thanks to the Exec. and Legislative branches of our government) or who need an alumni organization to help them in the civilian world should be amplified. I have found through personal experience that the USNA alumni association is much better prepared to assist their graduates with preparation for a civilian career, whether by choice or necessity. AOG is getting better, but with downsizing a fact of life for both the military and the civilian world now, a lot of us USMA grads could use some effective networking tools and mechanisms via our "alumni" organization. COL Roseborough has done a good job of improving this area, but more needs to be done. USMA's mission does not prepare grads or help when they leave uniform because you do not have to interview for a military job, you do not have to prepare a resume, etc.

[201]  Given the Chairman's letter in the Jan/Feb 98 issue of Assembly, is the West Point Fund a part of AOG or a separate organization? It seems that the Chairman has made this point with the structure in his letter. Add "fund raising" to mission or create a mission for WP Fund. It just seems strange that the development portion of AOG does not seem to be a part of AOG. I asked some of my classmates and they wondered about this as well.

[202]  add after USMA: "...and its graduates." AOG needs to help its graduates much as the Texas Aggie group does.

[203]  Doesn't the AOG also promote the welfare of USMA graduates? If not, then why all the graduate services, if so, then perhaps that should be added to the mission statement (see 20 below).

[204]  The statement shoud include promoting the welfare of academy graduates if this is a graduates association.

[205]  I believe the purpose statement should include wording about providing graduates information and resources in order to maintain contact with the Academy.

[206]  Support for graduates.

[207]  I think this provides marginally sufficient focus. What needs to be clarified is how. Most graduates think the AOG exists to collect money. It goes beyond that and AOG needs to sell itself as an organization doing more for the Academy than simply collecting money.

[208]  A portion of the mission statement, should comment on the fact of what West Point produces each year: Leaders of Character who serve the nation.

[209]  We must also promote the welfare and interests of our association members.

[210]  -Assiting graduates -Providing a communication medium for graduates

[211]  ...maintaining the traditions...

[212]  Use better (more concrete) terms than "ideals" and "welfare". State, in simple terms, which ideals and what welfare we as an organization will focus our work. I would recommend instead of ideals, we use terms like scholarship and citizenship. I don't really have a better term off the top of my head for welfare, but I would want to capture the fact that we are trying to keep the academy financially and politically solvent.

[213]  #1 should be USMA #2 should be establish "support network" for USMA graduates in mnany areas

[214]  The statement says nothing about supporting the needs of the graduated Cadets, which seems to be one of its main purposes.

[215]  The mission should include furthering the welfare and fraternity of USMA graduates. Don't just focus on USMA, but focus on graduates, too.

[216]  I would like something in there about futher helping graduates as well as the current cadets

[217]  The assoaciation of graduates should also have a support function for the academy's graduates. The above implies that the services that AOG provides are only fund raisers for the primary goal not services for the graduates for their own sake. AOG needs to also represent the graduates views. For example the AOG needs to actively communicate its views to the Academy's leadership--does AOG agree with critical letter in this week's Army Times?

[218]  What ideals - Duty, Honor, Country? What does AOG do for the graduates?

[219]  ad, "and its graduates" to the end of the statement

[220]  The AOG provides tools and support for graduates in career transition and the purpose statement does not mention improving the welfare of graduates. I feel that something should be added to show that the AOG also provides services to graduates and former cadets along with furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of USMA itself.

[221]  should also specifically address maintaining contacts and communications between graduates.

[222]  Without knowing exactly what the ideals of the USMA are, I'm not sure that the AOG should have that as its purpose. A more definitive statement would seem appropriate. "Promoting the welfare.." is also fairly fuzzy, and the term "welfare" needs to be replaced with more specific wording. Not trying to be overly critical, but the statement appears antiquated. I get the general idea of the purpose, but perhaps it is time to get more focus?

[223]  The AOG should also promote the welfare of the alumni as well as USMA.

[224]  Our country

[225]  There is no mention of supporting USMA graduates. The AOG does provide many gradauate services and this should also be an important part of its Mission.

[226]  Could be more specific. (note: if this is covered later in the "goals" portion, disregard)

[227]  Mostly, I think it ought to end with "... and our country." However, maybe also add "..., her graduates, and the United States of America." Nit: you could probably shorten "furthering .. and promoting .." to simply "promoting the ideals and welfare...".

[228]  Add "...and its graduates." to the end of the mission statement.

[229]  Delete the statement as written and substitute the following: "The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals of the United States Military Academy, to drawing Graduates together in support of the concepts of Duty, Honor, Country, to preserving the records of Graduates in the service of the nation, to promoting means of communication between Graduates, and to providing the primary link between Graduates and the United States Military Academy.

[230]  Too vague. Specific objectives are more to the point.

[231]  I would add: "...and its graduates." People get together for people's sake. There is no greater joy than to help people or know there is someone you can turn to when you need help. Focusing only on the Academy stands to alienates those who are not in sync with the current political use of that institution.

[232]  I would prefer my contributions to AOG go to people not things. The mission should focus on the people in and from the institution, not the institution itself. I feel I contribute to a construction fund.

[233]  Delete "promoting the welfare" Add: Lobby Congress and the media to support the Service Acadamies as precious assets that need to be supported in the best interests of the Nation. other suitable words are acceptable. The last thing I want to see is that the Aog takes on the mission of propping up the instituition on its own.

[234]  Expand to include service to nation and to graduates. May be included in "ideals" but worth mentioning specifically.

[235]  Think the AOG should also focus on assisting graduates.

[236]  The statement says nothing about doing anything for graduates.

[237]  Restoring the core values that made the Academy and its Graduates stand out.

[238]  The Association shall be dedicated to developing its ability to furthering .....

[239]  I don't know enough to presume to add points. The existing Purpose Statement seems to lack specificity re. "welfare." But maybe that isn't such a bad thing.

[240]  No emphasis on tieing graduates together

[241]  and its graduates.

[242]  Probably need to define purpose, mission, goals, and objectives in order to get valid responses; however, I believe more focus is needed regarding support of academic activities, athletics, cadet activities, etc, etc.

[243]  Maybe "Ideals of its graduates. " Too many new Supes come in with their own set of "ideals" that maybe don't "jive" with the history of the Academy. Maybe the AOG can keep pressure on Supes to keep West Point from becoming just another school.

[244]  Add " and its graduates"

[245]  Provide graduates with updated information about USMA and a means of communicating with other graduates.

[246]  in consonance with the the ideals of duty, honor and country

[247]  More detail. The above is a motherhood statement.

[248]  AOG is a graduate association. Grads should be the first focus and then supporting USMA. Support grads should not just be implied.

[249]  Probably a few words about support of recruiting

[250]  Tough question. No idea really how to answer this one.

[251]  too broad but perhaps it is better left that way

[252]  Sorry, your "No" button would not erase.

[253]  What about the AOG membership. Take care of the people and they will support USMA!!

[254]  Ensuring continuance of thr quality of the Long Gray Line. What is "promoting the welfare"? I would dleete that portion. Furthering the ideals is good.

[255]  Some words in broad statement that include support of graduates, narrowed if thta is thought to be necessary. Some words in succeeding clarification that narrows how AOG does that -- furthering and promoting -- like fund drives, soliciting volunteers, sponsoring, etc. So that we can picture what appropriate activities might be.

[256]  Welfare of its graduates.

[257]  Foster, maintain, and support the continued relationships among members of the long grey line.

[258]  Assistance to the graduates

[259]  I think the AOG should, in addition to the above mission statement, assist in the promotion of its graduates, i.e., job placement and networking. I believe it does these things, but should focus on it more. We are are strong group and should "flex" more or our muscle.

[260]  "The...ideals of the United States Military Academy, supporting the needs of the Academy, and enhancing the bonds that form the fabric of the Long Grey Line."

[261]  I'm not sure where the ideals are to be "furthered" - within the Corps, within American society or where? Likewise, how does the AOG "promote the welfare of the Academy"? - by building buildings, giving money to cadets, lobbying Congress, what? The statement is neither focused nor clear.

[262]  ... and the United States of America.

[263]  It is too vague. I would support a mission statement that truly gives direction and purpose.

[264]  Some added focus on graduates

[265]  Ideals should be spelled out more.

[266]  It needs to define ideals and welfare in more finite terms. Those are lofty and not concrete enough to provide a unified focus...ie too open for multiple intepretations.

[267]  What actions need to be taken on the "outside" ? contact with congress members? Issue support ? Make a list in priority order at the academy / cadet level and communicate it.

[268]  The association should also be concerned with the mission of USMA, and make comment(take issue) if it does not feel that the mission is being properly accomplished. It should not be a green stamp for everything going on at West Point.

[269]  1 Need greater emphasis on educating the public re West Point 2 Also need to specifically mention recruiting of qualified candidates for admission

[270]  Too much like motherhood. The academy needs pro-active support of its existence.

[271]  its graduates and former cadets.

[272]  As a global statement it is ok, but I would like to see specific and detailed "program" goals with milestones and quantified objectives. There must be some way to measure the achievement of the goals of the AOG so we know if we are on course or not.

[273]  More direct focus for 1. The Academy and its programs and 2. Programs for communication and service to graduates, such as job search, etc.

[274]  and the welfare of the graduates.

[275]  Too vague -- doesn't focus on anything.

[276]  Is the purpose really to promote the welfare of USMA, or of it's graduates? There is certainly a difference and stating it would narrow our focus.

[277]  '......and its graduates." Comment: AOG sponsorship of cruises for graduates is great and is an excellent example of "promoting the welfare of graduates". As graduates we hold "ideals" which we believe are important if the welfare of the Academy is to be assured.

[278]  and it's graduates.

[279]  Promoting the ideals of USMA to the public at every opportunity possible. In a nation that asks of each institution, "what have you done for me lately?", it is important to remind the public of the importance of the ideals and the academy. This can be done in many different ways but it is important that a constant presence be established.

[280]  and it's graduates.

[281]  I thought the Association was also supposed to help alumni. If this is true, it should be part of the mission statement. If it is not true, it should be.

[282]  Reference should be made to the graduates of USMA

[283]  1. supporting and encouraging candidacy of highly qualified individuals 2. supporting continued excellence in the overall education experience provided by the Academy 3. provision of services of benefit to graduates

[284]  add and communicate contiuously the State of the Academy to graduates.

[285]  Service to graduates, which the AOG currently provides in many ways, is not articulated explicitly.

[286]  helping its graduates with future service in the military / civilian life.

[287]  after "ideals" add: "of, assisting in the mision of,

[288]  Ideals should be enumerated: -Duty -Honor -Country Otherwise someone can interpret their own ideals as those of the Academy (perhaps some religious or "moral" ideals)

[289]  The 'shall be' should be changed to 'is' - the association is dedicated.... And somewhere, the statement should mention the graduates.

[290]  I find I don't agree with the amount of $$ that are spent on monuments etc around campus when funds are being cut, enrollment decreased ,etc. We'll have a museum without cadets if this continues.

[291]  Graduates

[292]  Should mention supporting cadets and graduates, especially active duty, whether or not they are AOG members.

[293]  1. Encourage graduates to demonstrate and continue the DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY heritage of service they were taught. 2. Support active duty military and US Gov't civilians in accomplishing the legitimate purposes of the United States.

[294]  fostering communication among graduates and supporters of USMA

[295]  The whole purpose of the academy is service to our country - NOT TO THE ACADEMY!!! DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY - not Duty Honor, Academy. I whole heartedly disagree with the current mission and AOG purpose statement. I recommend the AOG mission and purpose to be "to unite the graduates of the United States Military Academy to the common purpose of continuing and furthering the ideals of West Point in all aspects of thier lives and society". This includes uniting to uphold West Points ideals and Honor Code (a cadet does not lie cheat or steal or tollerate anyone who does). It is each graduates DUTY to help overcome a corrupt, socialistis, dishonest government.

[296]  There should be some mention of "graduates", maybe at the end of the statement.

[297]  "welfare" sounds out of place, almost like an unenployment program. Possible substitutes are well-being, effectiveness, or success.

[298]  add at the end of the statement "in development of superior career military leaders.

[299]  What's in it for grads?

[300]  "furthering the ideals" is far too vague. The AOG should serve as a central rallying point for graduates; a means for uniting graduates for the purpose of continuous improvement to the Academy and its operations

[301]  By all means the statement should includethe words... "and its Graduates". The AOG's primary focus should be on "promoting the welfare" of the Graduate Body of the USMA.

[302]  could be expanded with a simple ending. . . "in its mission to - - - - - - - - -etc."

[303]  and Graduates.

[304]  I believe that the statement should remain as is with the following addition: "and the American way of life shared with our neighbors throughout the world" to broaden the scope.

[305]  I think it should read: The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals of the United States Military Academy and promoting the welfare of it's Graduates.

[306]  The goals and ideals of USMA should stand alone. Promote understanding of the goals and ideals of USMA might be better terminology. I just get the feeling right now that we would accept change and compromise in order to insure survival. This must not be allowed to happen because the USMA ideals transcend time.

[307]  It needs to be broad, but the devil is in the details ... and in the perception of emphasis among a number of competing sub-elements.

[308]  add: "and its alumni".

[309]  The AOG should state specifically that it is in the fund raising business to support the focus (whatever that may be). The current focus is extremely broad and probably is confusing to AOG members who regularly see requests for funds.

[310]  Simply a syntax change: "The Association of Graduates is dedicated to promoting the welfare and furthering the ideals of the United States Military Academy through a focused effort by graduates on the behalf of all members of the AOG."

[311]  -statement needs clarity and specificity. -recommend it be dissected the way the Supe redid the USMA Mission Statement. -must be a beacon for grads to rally around and stay deeply involved and in touch with their class and their association. -should include those ex-cadets that want to stay in touch with their class.

[312]  The statement is too broad and vague. How does AOG further the ideals? Does it give classes, speeches, ??? What is defined as "the welfare of the USMA"? Cadets? Physical plant? Instructors?

[313]  This purpose seems to leave out a major segment of what the AOG does and that is to support its alumni. Perhaps that comes in as 'furthering the ideals' but that is not clear at all. I suggest that the purpose be tied to the academy mission statement. At the time I was a cadet the mission statement, as I recall it, was, "To prepare Army officers for a lifetime of service to the Nation." Perhaps the AOG purpose should be: "To support the United States Military Academy in preparing military officers for and its alumni in providing a lifetime of service to the Nation." The wording is not clean but it links the AOG with the USMA mission and ties the AOG to support of alumni as they pursue their own lifetime of service. Since the USMA mission statement changes the purpose of the AOG may need to change but lifetime support of alumni needs to be pretty clear.

[314]  "furthering the ideals of USMA:" ...sounds like we have a Big Brother program to take young junior and high school boys and girls under our wings to instill Duty, Honor, and Country in them.... "promoting the welfare of USMA:" ...sounds like we are ringing bells on street corners to collect money to give to USMA for some reason.... Need something specific, or eliminate the "Purpose Statement" as it serves no purpose. Go straight to the list of "What AOG is gonna do this year."


[316]  The association will further the ideals and mission of the United States Military Academy by promoting and supporting alumni and other groups of like-minded people and by coordinating compatible special projects and fund-raising activities.

[317]  rather vague is it not???

[318]  We, graduates, should always relate our duty to the Unites States. Normally, the goals of USMA and USA are one of the same, but it is poor form not to prioritize our service to that of the Country.

[319]  Helping graduate contribute to our nation

[320]  I don't know what its ideals currently are or whether they have changed during the Clinton administration.

[321]  Shouldn't the Association be promoting the welfare of the Graduates as well as the cadets.

[322]  Not certain at this point, but the purpose, as stated, does not convey ANY respect for fundamental principles. As stated, the statement could be used to justify just about anything that any wag could dream up. A business with a similar purpose would likely be characterized by a state of general confusion.

[323]  Too general in nature. Sounds too much like the West Point Protective Association!

[324]  How about some reference to information to or with graduates as a means of attaining the idealistic goals stated above.

[325]  Add "promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy and its graduates" AOG should also promote the USMA to the American public. They don't really know much about West Point and its graduates.

[326]  Communications with/among graduates

[327]  Promoting comraderie among graduates

[328]  The purpose statement avoids any mention of grads. Thus, it gives the impression that the AOG is an arm of the Academy's administration. Judging from all the communications I have received over the years (except travel offers), that impression is not wrong!

[329]  "and molding its members into a cohesive, informed body motivated to publicize the character and contributions of the Academy to the Nation." (or something to that effect).

[330]  The mission should reflect that an association of graduates should first focus on being for the graduates and second on the academic institution. The current mission implies that the only reason to do things in the direct interest of graduates is so that the graduates will then do something in return for USMA.

[331]  What about supporting and promoting the welfare of USMA graduates?

[332]  First, am not in any information loop right now to be able to tell you what West Point is doing today to prepare graduates to lead soldiers into combat. These type of overarching comments can fit at the macro level...but they do not do a bunch for me....I owe you an answer on what it ought to be........maybe you need it to be this broad to capture all the folks that need to be drawn in.

[333]  The statement is so vague it is almost meaningless. Suggest something like: "advise and assist the Superintendent and the staff and facult of the United States Military Academy in its primary mission to produce leaders, most particularly combat leaders, for the United States Army.

[334]  Lack of definitions--ideals, promoting--etc.

[335]  The statement is overly broad. The association of GRADUATES should focus more on, well, graduates. There is already a massive support structure for the academy itself.

[336]  Although I know the Association is dedicated to the graduates, the mission statement does not mention them, only the Academy. This is not necessarilly implicit.

[337]  How about some reference to welfare of graduates?

[338]  ...and (welfare) USMA graduates throughout their professional career(s)."

[339]  "and further the concept of unifying or coalescing the graduates into an organization that supports both the Alma MAter andd the graduates". There is a perception that the AOG is too selfcentered and a selfserving.

[340]  promoting ... "the ability of the USMA to produce combat leaders and career officers for the United States Army." The statement should in no uncertain way indicate support for CAREER officership training (GROUND forces) and US national defense (as opposed to support of the "ole Oak Bucket U" regardless of modifications and other fundamental changes MADE by "ole Oak Bucket U"). If WP is to survive in the long run, perhaps we DO need to reconsider commissioning into the combat arms only, perhaps even (gasp!) reverting to male-only. On the present course toward a super-rich and highly glorified ROTC program, even I have trouble supporting USMA's existance. My career swan song, by the way, was three years as an ROTC Brigade Commander.

[341]  AOG does far more than promote the Military Academy. It also supports and assists graduates--as individuals.

[342]  More focus on assistance of graduates with services most needed.

[343]  There is nothing in here about what graduates can do to help eachother, I'm afraid that most graduates don't necessary relate to the AOG because they feel they have very little to gain from it other than a hand in their pocket. While development is a key function of the AOG, I'd rather see the development activities as an extention of a mission more focused on building the community of graduates, rather than simply as a mouthpiece of the Academy's development agenda. Just my $.02. Build community between graduates and the development will follow.

[344]  Something in reference of supporting other graduates. To me an association of graduates primary concern should be the graduates themselves.

[345]  Supporting the Academy in obtaining and developing candidates to become the backbone of the Army's leadership in the future.

[346]  Promoting the welfare of USMA - are we more interested in a focus on the welfare of the cadets as the institution or the physical plant as the institution? We spend a lot of time doing the physical . . .

[347]  The phrase "be dedicated" is redundant and fairly useless. Simplify the statement to "The Association shall further the ideals and promote the welfare of the United States Military Academy."

[348]  Since many of the services that AOG offers are aimed at graduates (rather than USMA itself), I recommend adding the phrase "and its graduates" after the last word in the statement.

[349]  It is one sided in present form and should include language referring to "Graduates" of USMA as well.

[350]  I have a problem with the term "welfare". It has become somewhat corrupted in its current usage. Perhaps the term "viability" or some other word would be better.

[351]  Would like AOG to consider expanding charter to include adding "support to USMA graduates".

[352]  How about serving the graduates? I know you do this, but mission statement focuses to much on promoting the welfare of USMA, ie the Supe. You could and should serve as a forum to keep gratuates more fully informed about the big and small picture so they can be informed spokesmen for USMA. There also has been too much emphasis on raising money.

[353]  While the Academy is clearly dedicated to service to the Nation, the AOG statement should also explicitly state that goal with commitment to the ideals and welfare of the Academy being the means of accomplishing that end. To an outsider, the current goal statement might appear too self-serving for West Point and West Pointers.

[354]  See above. Statement does not provide me with the relationship between me and AOG.

[355]  The point of having an Association of Graduates is to be the link that bonds the graduates together and to the school.

[356]  "shall be" states something that will be done only in the future but does not address the present. "Furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare" is too vague. Put some action behind the statement.

[357]  There should be a phrase directed at affecting all of society with West Point's ideals. The current wording implies, by not mentioning scope, that furthering the ideals of West Point is targeted at the Army only.

[358]  should included preserving past history and proving guidance and direction for the future of the USMA

[359]  Which ideals? Duty, Honor Country? Military Careerism? Soldier-Statesmen? Who defines the "welfare" of USMA? Is it money? Positive Press? Just criticism? Perhaps something similar to : Fostering fellowship and ties to USMA among Graduates and Former Cadets; promoting moral, financial, and educational support for USMA, and working with the staff and faculty to support the Mission of USMA. Admittedly, this is rough, but I think that more precision would be helpful.

[360]  What are the areas of welfare to be supported?

[361]  Include phrase about promoting contact with graduates to assist them.

[362]  graduates should be included; ideals/creed of duty, honor, country should be included.

[363]  "...The United States Military Academy..AND IT'S GRADUATES."

[364]  Delineate specific areas of concern: The graduates;the parents of cadets;the physical plant and the private moneys needed for that.

[365]  Something to the effect of "keeping graduates involved in..." or "providing graduates a means to suport..." "...the development and welfare of USMA."

[366]  What about the welfare of its graduates?

[367]  -welfare of fellow graduates -welfare of family members of deceased graduates -welfare of cadets

[368]  The statement does not go far enough. It's focus has to include servicing the graduates, either as individuals or as a class. Much of this is done by the local societies and class organizations, but the AOG has an interface in this aspect also.

[369]  Please add: "and its graduates."

[370]  Perhaps the statement should include taking care of the old grads?

[371]  so what? this motivates not actions other than philosophizing. are you a fundraiser? is AOG a funnel of grad experience to USMA realities? is AOG a communication tool?

[372]  ...Military Academy and its Graduates.

[373]  Graduate activities in addition to the statement above

[374]  Furthering the ideals is very fluffy. I would unfluff it.

[375]  1. Provide mechanism for communication between academy & grads. 2. provide support structure for graduated class organizations.

[376]  what about adding something about networking alumni...

[377]  The ideals and purpose of the USMA appears to be changing. I should probably read up on what the Supe has to say; however, since I do not, I am not sure what the focus of USMA is currently.

[378]  Add: Defending the existence of...

[379]  add "and its graduates."

[380]  helping graduates help each other

[381]  Needs another focus to promoting graduates who are professionally working in the civilian world

[382]  We are an association of GRADUATES, not USMA, itself. As a MEMBERSHIP organization, our purpose should be to support the membership, in consonance with the ideals, mission, and goals of USMA.

[383]  "....its graduates, families of deceased graduates, friends and supporters."

[384]  Please consider adding something about contributing the Army, or service to the country.

[385]  Emphasis should be added with respect to supporting USMA GRADUATES. After all, AOG is supposed to be an ASSOCIATION OF GRADUATES, not necessarily an association of USMA supporters. If the GRADUATES were supported better, maybe the GRADUATES would more actively participate in AOG activities and then would possibly better support USMA more actively as well.

[386]  ... by keeping its Members, elected officials, and the American Public informed, in cooperation with the Superintendent, of the needs, achievements and goals of the U.S. Military Academy.

[387]  While I think it is well and good to promote the welfare of the academy ( and I believe given some of the changes in recent years, there is reason to be concerned about the future of the academy!), I think the Association needs to be concerned with the graduates themselves, both on active duty and in private endeavors. One of the biggest myths in the Army is the existance of a WPPA. I personally feel that West Point graduates suffer from benign neglect if anything to avoid the "appearance of favoritism". I think the Association should be the graduates advocate.

[388]  Keeping alumni informed of WP happenings and class activities.

[389]  It should include promoting the welfare of graduates.

[390]  Too vague and general, get more specific in a limited focus.

[391]  More specifics on the "hows"

[392]  Actually, I may agree - but the question is a b it heavy to respond to quickly.

[393]  comraderie among its graduates, maybe

[394]  Should include something for: 1. Graduates still on active duty. 2. Graduates who have left active duty.

[395]  uniting the Academy's graduates

[396]  and its graduates.

[397]  Could add "and its graduates"

[398]  add " .. and its grads"

[399]  May want to mention the means by which you expect to achieve this.

[400]  I like the way the AOG has progressed in the past few years...I like the initiatives that have been taken to bring the Cadets, WPS's, Classes, WPPC's and Friends of West Point into the fold! We've done all of this with the Mission as stated. So, I personnaly have no problem with the Mission as stated...but, there appear to be many who want to wordsmith the Mission; I believe that a new Mission will be developed!

[401]  We need to add something about furthering the and promoting the welfare of graduates, especially in the area of networking, and Army/Navy Game activities, and other social meetings.

[402]  ...promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy and of its graduates.

[403]  To me "welfare" implies mediocrity. I think we need a stronger description here...more like margin of excellence

[404]  Mutual Suport amon Graduates

[405]  Unfortunately, the problem with the Purpose Statement is not that more should be added; it is that nearly anything that could be done in the context of USMA can be justified under this purpose. In other words, if a pirpose statement is supposed to help "focus" resources towards a "finite" direction, this purpose statement is too broad. If by promoting the welfare of USMA, for example, we mean doing all we can to keep it a vital, significant, "federally-funded" educational institution, then maybe we should say that. If we mean spreading the Acadamy's values of Duty, Honor, Country throughout low-income high schools, then maybe we should say that. Of course, every time you become more concrete with what you actually want to do, you run the risk of upsetting folks. But since resources are limited and decisions on how to distribute them must be made (or nothing gets done), some folks will upset anyway. I think the dialogue can only strengthen the AOG.

[406]  I think that the AOG can be a bit more specific about its definition of "ideals" and "welfare".

[407]  support for members of the Association, particulary older grads in need of assistance

[408]  Is AOG primarily focused on promoting the Academy or are the other equally important goals--prividing info and services to Grads?

[409]  Is AOG primarily focused on promoting the Academy or are the other equally important goals--prividing info and services to Grads?

[410]  Is welfare the right word for USMA? Promote the " institution of the USMA in its service to the Army and the Nation"

[411]  Think AOG should have a more long term view of the Academy as a plant (factory) and a short term view of supports the cadets and alumni.

[412]  Enhancing the brothership and comraderie of graduates. To facilitate network development and support of graduates as they progress through their careers.

[413]  serving the alumni community while forstering and supporting the ideals and goals of USMA. Question: Welfare seems like an ambiguous term and out of date as well.

[414]  You should add something about promoting graduates to work together after graduation, both militarily and in civil works.

[415]  Statement is too vague. Need specific details on how AOG augments appropriated fund support to USMA.

[416]  Should contain an explicit reference to graduates in addition to the Academy itself.

[417]  I think that something should be in the statement which reflects a means by which graduates can maintain contact with one another...graduates helping graduates...graduates talking with graduates...etc.

[418]  Since the organization is an "Association of Graduates", some focus on supporting the graduates themselves should be included.

[419]  Add "and its graduates."

[420]  Don't think that it emphasizes "graduates" enough. I think it should be a tool for furthering GRADUATES' objectives rather than USMA's. There is currently a schism between what many graduates desire and the current policies of USMA.

[421]  add words to effect of supporting its graduates as well

[422]  Don't beleive mission statements serve any purpose because they must be too general to be of any use.

[423]  The long grey line appears in every profession and level of society, from successful to struggling, employed to looking, wealthy to not-there-yet. Association of Graduates should look beyond the confines of USMA and be a huge pool of support for those needing it and talent for those seeking it. The mission statement, as well as the activities of the AOG should take this need into account.

[424]  no mention of alumni which should be the focus. Assistance to the military academy will be the outcome of a strong AOG, but not the raison-d'etre.

[425]  and its alumni ?

[426]  Statement if focused on the Academy, not the graduates. The Academy already has a mission statement.

[427]  the How? to further and promote

[428]  add the words "and its graduates"

[429]  Purpose statement does not seem to provide anything for its members other than their association with USMA. Somehow the focus should return to the membership and not USMA>

[430]  "Ideals" should be spelled out as Duty, Honor, and Country. Change "...promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy." to "... ensuring that the United States Military Academy remains the premiere instituation for providing commissioned officers of character and dedication to the United States Army."

[431]  Should include a statement including the graduates of USMA

[432]  " . . . and its graduates."

[433]  we should have as part of our purpose the improvement of graduates of the Academy.



[436]  Difficult to determine from what perspective this statement is coming from; graduate, cadet, educator, citizen?

[437]  Something about, "and its graduates". Part of AOG should be focused on assisting graduates, and make that a stated fact.

[438]  AOG should help grads, not just promote the Academy. Be active in supporting grads in transititon, in business, in campaigns, etc.

[439]  I believe more financial support of WP by its graduates will become necessary as the Fed Govt decreases its commitment to the military. If the second part of the mission is sufficiently broad enough to permit the above, no change is necessary. If there is disagreement among our graduates that the mission says nothing about such financial support, then lets change it now. We are at a point where our stature as a premier institution can falter to a point it may not be able to recover.

[440]  add "and its graduates."

[441]  promote the welfare of the graduates.

[442]  AOG does a great job promoting West Point and works well to keep the graduates informed of class activities and concerns. I would like to see more of a statement about supporting the ideals of the United States Military Academy in its dedication to a strong Army and Nation. I have an aversion to any goal statement that talks about promoting the welfare of an organization. Just a personal preference.

[443]  It should be oriented more to "graduates" and less to the academy.

[444]  ..and its alumni. The AOG like, like any alumni organization, must benefit its members as well as the Alma Mater.

[445]  It is too general. What does "welfare" mean? I rarely have any interaction with the association. I do not know what I should use the AOG for.

[446]  Get rid of the passive voice.

[447]  provides no real vision -- what will be the outcome of the work -- what is the end-state that you are trying to achieve

[448]  Provide a means for expressions of concerns of the graduates regarding USMA policies

[449]  Should address member services outright.

[450]  Statement is too limited and limiting.

[451]  I would add something to the effect of maintaining communications or records of graduates to help keep the Long Grey Line more cohesive and informed

[452]  I would like to see some emphasis on maintaining the lifelong association to the mutual benefit of all current and prospective graduates.

[453]  add "future" welfare...

[454]  some mention of furthering the interests of graduates

[455]  More emphasis on service to society. It seems that all institutions have more complex missions than in earlier years, and West Point does, so it seems that AOG should reflect them. For example, does AOG have outreach missions to local communities and schools?

[456]  While the goal is a general one, it enables specific goals for a temporary period. The temporary goals will and should shift as the needs of USMA shifts

[457]  ...and maintain links to the graduates to insure their continued association with West Point and each other.

[458]  service to graduates should be an integral part of the aog mission

[459]  "Promoting the Welfare" is too generic. If this is money related, what do we give the money to promote; building maintenance, cadet activities, army athletics, other? The AOG is also there for the graduates and should state so in the purpose.

[460]  Not sure, but think we should look at this seriously as we come to the year 2002.

[461]  add--"and its graduates." Develop and maintain networks in and among classes so that business ties and well-being of graduates is enhanced which will result in incresed support, both volunteer and financial, of the Academy and AOG.

[462]  Delete "and promoting the welfare "

[463]  by.... (specifically, how does the AOG purpose to do that? fundraising? communication? career (transition?) assistance? cadet activities? You tell me!

[464]  Emphasize graduates Maintain communication with graduates

[465]  Focusing the USMA on re-establishing military discipline and the Honor code as the foundational principles on which the Constitution may be served and protected, and upon which this Nation's security may be secured.

[466]  It seams to be a little nebulous without a specific direction

[467]  Some specifics on what AOG does. I'd have to give it more thought than I have time for right now, but I'm sure there are some more specific aims that could be listed. For example, something like "enhancing the image of USMA with the American public through x, y, and z type activities". Any group of 2-3 graduates could come up with more specifics than the current statement communicates.

[468]  Maintain contact and mutual support among graduates

[469]  Specify the ideals, i.e. Duty, Honor, Country Define promoting the welfare.

[470]  promoting the welfare of USMA and it's graduates

[471]  This is a reasonable vision statement, but hardly suffices as a mission statement. You need both, the latter being more specific and directive.

[472]  I would prefer if you could add "and the United States of America." to the end. Many of us are closet patriots who look at the overall good of the entire country. That's all.

[473]  Add "USMA as an institution whose fundamental purpose is to provide combat leaders for the US Army"

[474]  I guess that you could say that almost anything ultimately can fall under the catagory of "promoting the welfare...," but I think the statement might be strengthened by the inclusion of something about fostering communication, camraderie, etc. between graduates. It seems that a considerable amount of what AOG does falls under this kind of catagory...and I believe that these are useful, justified activities that AOG should continue to undertake.

[475]  promoting the welfare of graduates

[476]  include something re your role in support of alumni

[477]  The purpose of the AOG is twofold (1) To communicate with and support members (2) To support the ideals and welfare of USMA as stated above This does not include funding under the West Point Fund. If the West Point Fund is to be under the AOG, it needs to be a separate organization with a separate mission with that being the raising of funds to support USMA related projects as recommended to the West Point Fund by the Superintendent, USMA. A new mission statement for the AOG is needed now clearly defining the role of the AOG. The reasons given that it cannot be revised because of tax status implications does not make sense. The mission and vision of the AOG is not clearly stated(there is no vision statement) now and the defining of that mission would be the first step to take to make the organization effective and the basis for an AOG five year Strategic Plan.

[478]  and to the success and advancement of its graduates.

[479]  It may sound self serving, but the Association also promotes services for graduates (job assistance, etc.). Perhaps add "and its graduates" to the end of the Purpose Statement.

[480]  Fundraising as a primary purpose should be included.

[481]  I think the AOG should include as a long term goal the perpetual financial well being of the military academy. West Point should have financial endowments on an order somewhat less that say Harvard or Stanford, but there should be a significant source of interest income supplementing the academy's budget. This is a one hundred year goal that we should be thinking about. In the third century of the academy is may very well be a private school. We graduates who believe in the future our school can helppromote should be working toward a financially independant operation by the end of its second century.

[482]  The AOG should also be dedicated to all graduates of WP.

[483]  It does not address the methods of accomplishing this ... through continuous communications with, and coordination of activities by, all academy graduates... or something to that effect.

[484]  The statement has absolutely no focus - it is so broad as to be meaningless. That may be what is desired since it allows you to do anything you want.

[485]  It's too vague. Must be a bit more specific and mention something about furthering/supporting USMA's mission, etc., as it pertains to the Army.

[486]  The AOG lweader's letter in the currtent Assembly said it wasn't "pc" to oppose giving graduates "ir"-regular commissions. Most of my ideas probably aren't "pc" either. It may be best to keep the purpose statement general so as not to invite outside criticism.

[487]  See the discussions by the Supe and the restructuring of the Academy Purpose and Mission. Focus on: - People - Resources - Value If it is finite - ideals and welfare certainly are not - too subjective

[488]  Better defining of "ideals" and "welfare"

[489]  add: "by providing guidance, financial support, and assisting the Academy leadership as requested."

[490]  How does this focus apply to recent happenings within the Army: Key leaders sexual harassment scandals; drawdown; unclear missions;

[491]  1. Network for graduates to: keep in touch/social, provide support (business, professional, etc.), raise funds for various projects, etc. This should be very similar to University Alumnae Associations. 2. Support admissions.

[492]  - add "involving graduates" in promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy

[493]  Add "... and its graduates." Why else would we have career options, directories, etc.?

[494]  Who gets to define the "ideals" and who determines what will "promote the welfare" of USMA. Sounds good and noble, but the implementation may suffer if a vocal "minority" exert undue influence (see NRA and Christian Coalition)

[495]  providing assistance to alumni

[496]  I think the target audience of GRADUATES, implied in the name AOG, should somehow be included in the mission with respect to flow of communications and information.

[497]  I really have not had sufficient time to ponder this purpose statement. What is the mission of AOG--the purpose should follow from the mission.

[498]  I think there should also be a point about supporting the AOG membership worldwide included in the primary mission statement.

[499]  focusing on the government's knowledge and attitude towards USMA. I also think there should be some focus towards teaching youths those ideals that we subscribe to, before they are even of age to enter the Academy.

[500]  Purpose statements, in general, are ridiculous. Alas, this one is no exception. Does anyone really believe the the AOG would be dedicated to furthering the ideals of Manhattan College??

[501]  What are yearly goals and objectives?

[502]  Keep the graduates informed and loyal to the Academy; Keep the graduates active in the participation of Academy functions; Keep the graduates informed of employment opportunities/business opportunities

[503]  If this is meant to be all-inclusive, something needs to be included about support to graduates/members of AOG.

[504]  Since it is the Association of graduates, i would think the association should also provide include in its mission its service to graduates.

[505]  Maintain & strengthen the ties that bind the West Point graduate community

[506]  It should specify who we wish to "further the ideals and promote the welfare" of the academy among. Graduates or society at large?

[507]  Goal #1: We all have plenty of pride in our Alma Matter. I consider this goal self-serving and paternalistic. Goal # 2: This is going to take a lot of work. Goal # 4: What does this mean? Goal # 7: If I were a member of the AOG staff, I would be embarrassed to include this as a goal.

[508]  ....provide a support network for graduates of USMA to further enhance the communication and promotion of the long gray line.

[509]  The Association's Statement does not provide Graduates' focus. Drop that question. Each graduate provides focus for their individual activities. When individuals choose to organize for a group objective the specific task should be spelled out. This current language allows to much to be done in the name of the organization.

[510]  The current AOG Purpose Statement assumes alot. Within it rests an unstated goal of an enduring association perpetuating the ideal of the Long Gray Line, that shall ever be widely respected. The aim foresees a strong, modern Association, prepared to always meet our country's expectations, even in futrure environments. These things, now certainly implied, need to be spelled out, and regularly repeated. Beyond that, the following two objecives are the key parts of the Graduates' collective mission: To imortalize the history of USMA, and the example of its Graduates; and To forever serve the United States, its Military Services, & the Military Academy. Each AOG program must be shown to support one of these enduring objecives. Specific management courses of action must be written down as program targets under each of these two objectives.

[511]  lacks focus: "furthering" - to whom, and "welfare" - in what areas?

[512]  regarding the purpose statement - after the word Academy - I would add "and its graduates"

[513]  The Statement is noble but vague. Please give more detail, for example: 1. List the ideals that you further and how you determine what is the welfare. 2. Who do you address in furthering the ideals, the Superintendant, the Department of the Army, Congressmen, the graduates, the public? 3. How do you further and promote, by writing articles for Assembly, by seeking opinions of graduates, by lobbying Congress, by representing the opinions of graduates to the agents in item 2 above?

[514]  The purpose of the school goes well beyond the Academy itself. Should there not be some mention of the US Army???

[515]  Should add graduates and cadets (i.e., ...of the USMA, its graduates and cadets... or something along that line.

[516]  Too vague as to how it promotes the welfare. Also, no mention of serving the graduates.

[517]  Provide active support of the USMA mission both in the military and in civilian life. (or something like that)

[518]  Needs to be specifically tied to the mission of the academy to provide focus for graduates in their support of the academy.

[519]  not in focus with the Mission of USMA.

[520]  While the focus is correctly on USMA, the Purpose should also address it's Alumni. "The Assoc ... of the USMA and it's graduates."

[521]  ...and helping its graduates to serve the nation."

[522]  in keeping with the motto of Duty, Honor, Country

[523]  I think an important purpose of AOG should be to promote the welfare of USMA graduates too.

[524]  Support to alumni.

[525]  Further ideals promotes welfare and opportunities for enrichment for cadets (support cadets) supports sup (i.e. institution caretakers) supports graduates work hand in glove with ODIA to enhance attractiveness, competitiveness and successfullness of of athletic program (you guys seem to miss the big picture that this may be your most important role)

[526]  As an association of graduates I think the focus should be on promoting the welfare of USMA grads as opposed to the institution itself. In other words, I would suggest that a primary focus might better be supporting graduates rather than activities for the school itself. I do think both support of grads AND USMA can and should be included in the AOG's efforts it is just that I think the primary focus should be on the graduates themselves. Hopefully, I am not just splitting hairs.

[527]  There should be something about fostering brotherhood (or whatever the "politically correct" term is today)among the graduates.

[528]  "...and the Nation."

[529]  Something that refers to assisting alumni with hiring grads that leave the military for civilian life and developing a profession civilian network.

[530]  add "and graduates and friends"

[531]  Add a statement about maintaining the quality and diversity of the cadet experience. That is where AOG's funds are taking up the slack for lost govt funds -- maintaining the availability of extracurrricular items.

[532]  Include wording about coordinating and focusing the efforts of graduates in furthering and promoting tne ideals of the academy, etc.

[533]  My greatest impression is that this organization wants money. I have not looked very hard, but I would like to see more news about what the planned expenditures will be and what the AOG would LIKE to be able to do before sending in a check. The mission statement is so vague any expenditures of the money I send in for any purpose is justifiable. I would be more comfortable with a tighter shot group.

[534]  The Association's purpose ought to include some reference to the fact that it also takes care of and promotes continued contact with graduates. Although most graduates love the Academy and want to further its ideals and promote its welfare, they also want to maintain contact with and help one another. We're doing more of that. Why not say so.

[535]  In general the "Yes" answer is o.k., however, this may be better, "The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals and promoting the achievements and well-being of the United States Military Academy".

[536]  To vague

[537]  Says nothing about a focus on Graduates. Taking care of Graduates, a large pool of intelligent, motivated and usually successful people) will go a long way to taking care of USMA.

[538]  We should be a lobbying agency for the Academy. Should provide imput to what is going on at the Academy.

[539]  (after ideals- ..that have made it honorable and respected,(something like that)) (ie. the ideals of our society are changing for the worse daily and if the academy heads in that direction, it might as well shutdown, and the AOG should focus on the promotioning of the ideals that past graduates stood for. See the letters to the editor in the most recent "Assembly")

[540]  I say this only because I disagree with the current mission statement of USMA. I believe that we should concentrate on developing leaders for the Army and the nation will take care of itself.

[541]  The AOG should support the graduates and the mission of USMA. This purpose statement of "promoting the welfare of USMA" cannot be defined and I cannot even imagine what it means.

[542]  However, perhaps the society should also focus more on the graduates and provide forums for networking such as some of the internetworking seminars that the state societies have been doing with the NAvy and Air Force. I must admit that the help I received several years ago from AOG and some of the initiatives with the job bulletin board, the constant Emails from the AOG I receive and and the job packet that was sent to me, were excellent efforts and steps in the right direction.

[543]  Specifics about how this furthering and promoting is to be accomplished. The present statement is so vague as to allow practically any activity for which a reasonable-sounding case can be made.

[544]  United States Military Academy is very broad in scope. Does AOG focus on cadet life and activites, promotion of USMA in media (print, audio, video, instilling Duty, Honor, Country, beyond the USMA, fund raising activieties for class projects and/or USMA building goals, etc. Each of these came to mind when I read the goal statement.

[545]  Maintaining the cohesion of the Long Grey Line

[546]  May need to strengthen the AOG purpose in concert with the Supe's revamp of the mission and purpose of USMA. No specific suggestion other than to be a little more specific.

[547]  Since this is an Association of Graduates, omission of reference to "graduates" in the mission statement seems rather odd. I think the AOG should address its responsibility to the graduates as well as the Academy.

[548]  This is too vague-graduates can do this individually. How can AOG do this better as a group?

[549]  Maintaining ties among graduates Disseminating information of interest to graduates

[550]  1) Source of information for graduates 2) Support for cadet recruiting effort

[551]  I think the AOG mission should add welfare of USMA "and its graduates."

[552]  Believe the AOG should encourage the use of potential benefits derived from the experience of its members. It could be in the form of an "oversight" role without official or legal demands placed on the control of the Academy.

[553]  If the ideals are well presented, then the welfare of USMA will automatically follow.

[554]  Alumni services and support is important also.

[555]  providing services to graduates (class information, career services, etc.) provide link between graduates and the academy (Supe, Comm, AAA)

[556]  specifically include a reference to the graduates

[557]  Link it to the academy's mission statement.

[558]  Delete "and promoting the welfare" and replace with "providing the means for graduates to aid in attaining that goal."

[559]  I see no focus at all in this purpose statement. "Furthering ideals and promoting the welfare" are very broad, general statements. A few "hows" would add focus.

[560]  add to the end, "... , the Corps of Cadets, and Alumni." How do all the Alumni support programs support the "mission" if it does not mention Alumni?

[561]  This assumes the ideals and definition of them is fixed and perfect. The Association must take resonsibility for assuring the process of refining and explaining the "ideals" is ongoing and current.

[562]  As my old English prof used to write on my papers, "lacks specificity - rewrite"

[563]  how about saying something about keeping classmates in touch since we move quite a bit, but the AOG is always in one spot.

[564]  Too vague. Should focus on a few items, such as fund raising, career planning, etc.

[565]  add...."and its gradutes to the end." Makes the purpose much more specific.

[566]  Seems like promoting the welfare is the top priority therefore it seems it should be listed first in the purpose statement.

[567]  maintaining the standards and ideals in order to maintain the Military Academy's role in providing outstanding Officer's for the United States Army.


[569]  I think it should also include promoting the welfare of the Academy as well as its GRADUATES.

[570]  While the academy is a focus of the AOG activities, it should be more focused on the grads of the academy. Supporting their interest, even over the interests of the academy.

[571]  The problem with the statement is that it focuses only one the inanimate object of a place designated a national monument (I believe). The real strength lies in the people who have and are attending West Point. Accordingly, I would add to the end of the statement "...and the Long Gray Line."

[572]  I really have not had much interaction with AOG since graduation, so I am not in position to evaluate.

[573]  As is, the statement is worse than motherhood and apple pie. Focus on why we need AOG!

[574]  Should be more specific with regard to graduate services. furthering ideals and the welfare of the academy is important, but as an association of graduates, state what you will do for us.

[575]  The AOG should do more with representing its graduates, in addition to promoting the academy.

[576]  'promoting the MISSION and welfare of the United States Military Academy'

[577]  Lacks specificity-needs better focus through a series of objectves to define HOW the goal is to be accomplished.

[578]  The mission stateent should be expaneded to include the objective of mentoring graduates in and out of uniform to serve the nation

[579]  Should have some statement for a mission to represent graduates. After all it is supposed to be an Association of Graduates.

[580]  add "and it's graduates".

[581]  This doesn't incorporate building comraderie amongst members of local West Point chapters or classes. By doing this, people will be more likely to support the above stated goal (i.e., keeping the spirit of the Academy alive).

[582]  This is an association of alumni. There should be something in the mission statement that addresses the maintenance of the relationships developed at USMA otherwise , how cna AOG justify the amount of money, time and space devoted to things like the class news in the Assembly

[583]  Some representation of the AOG as a valuable conduit for graduates to continue service to the Academy (financially, volunteerism, professional). Recent additions of the job bank and referral network indicates a service to alumni which is not necessarily indicated in the purpose statement in its current form.

[584]  ...welfare of the United States Military Academy and its graduates.

[585]  Focus the views of combat experienced graduates more clearly when furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of USMA.

[586]  promoting the welfare of graduates BUT supporting USMA in the accomplishment of its mission

[587]  Suggest that the mission include promoting fellowship among graduates -and- services to all alumni. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on life-long contributions to the nation ... to include service after active duty.

[588]  Add the specific kinds of things that the AOG will do like: 1. Raise money for the WP capital Fund (?) 2. Recruit cadet candidates etc. in other words - in what broad areas will you conentrate your efforts?

[589]  There should be some mention of assisting graduates, who form the association and provide the funds. This is a large part of what I have most recently gotten out of the AOG in my transition from the active army to civilian world.

[590]  - informing graduates on policies, changes, events, etc.

[591]  1. To keep the graduate community informed on the state of the Academy and the Corps of Cadets. 2. To exist as a dialogue for constructive criticism and debate among graduates and between the graduates and USMA. 3. To capitalize on the wisdom and experience of the graduate community by soliciting its thoughts and advising USMA accordingly.

[592]  AOG should serve as a resource for graduates and others who seek to highlight the Academy's contribution to and continuing value for the Nation.

[593]  I don't want to see a highly specific formula that locks the AOG to a narrow role. I pay dues and I expect our elected representatives to make wise decisions. they are not fools and I assume them to be dedicated, competent, fore-sighted, and able to consider what a changing environment requires.

[594]  promote the welfare of the United States Military Academy and its graduates.

[595]  ADD: , and its graduates.

[596]  Provide a voice for graduates to express opinions about the state of the Academy.

[597]  It OK but its focus is too much on the process. My observation lately is that we need to focus on the product - the candidates who ultimately then become the graduates. It is the graduates who make the lasting contributions to the Army and the nation. USMA is the process that gets them there, but if we attract candidates with the wrong values/ideals/goals (ie just want a diploma, a ring and do the minimum comittment) then we are missing the point.

[598]  AOG exists to serve USMA graduates as well

[599]  What specific ideals? Promoting the welfare of the Academy how?

[600]  I would recommend that the phrase "and it's graduates" be added to the end of the statement. We should be interested in furthering the welfare of both the academy and fellow graduates. There is possibly a better way of stating this concept, because the initial modifier "ideals" definitely should refer to the academy.

[601]  The statement is too broad and general to have any real meaning.

[602]  Maintain close ties with graduates/members Represent graduates/members to the West Point administration

[603]  1. Post graduation performance 2. Lobbying causes & issues like RA commission flap 3. Funding assistance to Supe & Academy

[604]  If this is all there is, it's too vague. If this is the opening statement, it should be followed by some more concrete and specific purposes. It seems to me that the AOG's purpose should be to keep graduates informed of what's going on at West Point and foster a sense of community among graduates, as well as to help graduates stay involved in the life of the academy. I think AOG does that, but you wouldn't know it from your purpose statement.

[605]  what about a secondary focus on graduates?

[606]  very vague statement, need more specifics about where the focus is.

[607]  Too non specific. Given the present posture of the Military Academy, where the fourth class system, the honor system (locks on doors!!!!!), the warrior ethic and cadet rank (awarded without merit), are diluted to the vanishing point, who wants to "further and promote" them? I would like to see the AOG as less of a rubber stamp and more as a custodian/protagonist for the old values.

[608]  1. Key purpose is to maintain ties between classmates. 2. Another purpose is to keep graduates informed on important issues concerning their class and the Military Academy.

[609]  By what means, something about how the furthering and promoting would be accomplished? Be more specific about the target population, cadets, grads, general public?

[610]  AOG can improve the ability of graduates to recruit other graduates. I believe that the AOG is a most powerful entity with regard to jobs. West Pointers are often in positions to help other West Pointers in the civilian sectior, yet we have no organized method of doing so.

[611]  It is time to eliminate the term "welfare" and replace it with something else.

[612]  Should also support the graduates - can help alumi transition from active duty to civilian careers, etc.

[613]  It should A. Support Admissions Efforts in getting Good Candidates B. Interwork with USMA Parents Clubs C. Support Social Interactions, particularly after Classes Active Duty Years.

[614]  Promoting the activities of a graduate. By design, most graduates are out of active service by the 15-20 year mark. The AOG should promote this segement of graduates.


[616]  Add: and supporting graduates through information and other services.

[617]  communicating with graduates

[618]  Extremely general. Allows AOG to do (or not do) just about anything. What constitutes the "welfare of the USMA"?

[619]  Maintaining and supporting a network of graduates in areas of social, community and business related activities.

[620]  promote lasting bonds between classmates

[621]  To further the ideals of the Academy in the military and civilian enviroments.

[622]  Statement is too broad, needs to be tighter within today's cultural environment.

[623]  shouldn't the AOG "support the mission" of the USMA?

[624]  It should include a reference to maintaining contact with graduates and their role in upholding the ideals of the Academy.

[625]  Include the word 'serving' or 'to serve' in the Purpose statement

[626]  How about a phrase that provides for promoting USMA's presence and necessity to our country.

[627]  promote welfare of graduates of USMA

[628]  Does AOG support the mission of USMA? Should that be stated? Who decides what the specific ideals are? Honesty, for example, a sorely needed quality that is eroding in our society... Where can I find a statement of what AOG thinks the ideals are?

[629]  promote the welfare of the graduates as well

[630]  ... promoting and contributing to the welfare ...

[631]  There should be mention of the continued involvement of graduates.....

[632]  Don't understand what "promoting welfare of the .." means. Been much discussion this year about asking graduates to donate to items which could or should be covered by appropriations from Congress. Also been suggested that Army staff be more aggressive for West Point as other Academy and service staffs are in Air Force & Navy in getting funding for their academies. Intentions of fund raising by AOG needs to be clarified.

[633]  It need to address the ideals of the Academy more directly. Otherwise it seems as though we are trying to promote the Academy and not the value that the institution provides to the country.

[634]  It states "what", please state "how"!

[635]  Lots of details

[636]  keep contact with grads and other interested parties

[637]  I don't like the word "welfare". Suggest: "value". Somehow welfare sounds as if we are a self-serving instead of service organization

[638]  I would add verbiage to further define the "ideals." Verbiage such as ....dedicated to furthering the ideals of xxx, yyy, and zzz as well as promoting the welfare.... This would just further clarify the primary "ideals" that are at the core of USMA.

[639]  --should adress what the "graduates" should accomplish--for thanation, academy and THEMSELVES.Association should be clear about what benefits memebers should receive. Not sure if that goes in the mission staement but would like to see soemthing about grads--this is not a cadet organization;about and for GRADS. focus on what is nique about GRADs and what the Assoc helps US to achieve.

[640]  Add "and its graduates."

[641]  recruiting and retaining cadets promoting within the community

[642]  The idea of promoting the welfare of the academy is noble. However, I feel that a more discriptive role is required. The entire statement is vague and leaves too much for interpretation.

[643]  The AOG is now a good resource for those of us no longer associated with the military (other than our alumni). I recommend adding something along the lines of "promoting the welfare of our alumni."

[644]  Focus on graduate communications and getting their support for what others such as the Supe are doing. The AOG, it seems to me, could give the classes that are active more support.

[645]  Define the support role of AOG

[646]  Instead of "furthering," how about rewording "... to strengthening the ideals..."

[647]  But -- the purpose statement seems somewhat passive. Is "furthering the ideals" the same as "promoting the values" (duty, honor, country) of the Academy?

[648]  The association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of the USMA and its graduates.

[649]  Sustaning the principles of duty, honor, country in its graduates.

[650]  Yes...BUT...which ideals? There have been significant changes since the mid-sixties when I was there. What are these ideals now? I'd rather see the Academy closed down than in the state that it is in now -- ambiguous, not focused on a clear mission (lifetime service in the military), feminized!!!!

[651]  I do not feel that communicating is included in the statement.

[652]  The mission should be to focus on the "GRADUATES" not the "Academy". This is the biggest issue I have with the AOG. It does little or nothing to help graduates. When I got out of the service in 1984 I felt like there was no where to go for help in transitioning to the civilian world. I understand it is better now but still there is a long way to go.

[653]  Several of AOG's management goals (below) seem to be aimed at promoting the welfare of graduates. I entirely support that effort, but the mission statement ought to be changed to reflect this additional charge.

[654]  AOG should focus on support to alumni

[655]  ...furthering the ideals of duty, honor, country and promoting ...

[656]  Something about the graduates. The goals listed below embrace concern for the graduates. A general sense of this ought to be in the mission statement.

[657]  "and its graduates." This organization's focus is not only on making a great institution (USMA) better, but also on promoting the welfare of the graduates of that institution. Empowerment of USMA's graduates then enables them to more effectively further the ideals and promote the welfare of the institution--an ideal upward cycle.

[658]  those ideals should be defined

[659]  perhaps something about assistance to grads, b/c you do assist in maintaining communication between grads, the job bank, etc.

[660]  Should include wider scope--i.e. Supporting and helping graduates retired as well as active and any worthy endeavors they may be engaged in. The AOG is the LONG GRAY LINE as well as the Academy. Can't have one without the other.

[661]  It is fine, but needs a method statement with it I think - similar to current commader's intent format (purpose, method, end state)

[662]  Is the AOG purpose directed for, by, towards (etc) Graduates or current cadets?

[663]  and its graduates -- which implies after graduation for career development, etc

[664]  A component on promoting grad services.

[665]  A statement relating to furthering connections with USMA and its graduates..

[666]  Maybe add something about promoting the welfare of graduates, too.

[667]  What ideals? What welfare(economic?) If you can't articulate them-you'll have the same problem the Supe just fixed with the mission statement.

[668]  and the Graduates and former Honorable Cadets who are Associate AOL Members; But, it is not to be not to be self-serving.

[669]  I believe it should also include a statement about furthering the welfare of the members of the association itself, in other words, the graduates.

[670]  "and it's cadets and graduates"

[671]  The AOG should provide a means of defense for those that want to eliminate the academy. Perhaps this should somehow be weaved into the statement.

[672]  How about something along the lines of a network of graduates to further the benefit of those graduates. Such as job and business connections.

[673]  ...as a means of continued service to the Country.

[674]  Keep the tradition of the ststement we have now.

[675]  Consider adding " the support of graduates, past, present and future

[676]  Add something like "maintain a world-wide Alumni network"

[677]  Adding more would complicate it, so leave it alone!

[678]  Something about serving the grads.

[679]  should include its graduates

[680]  Would recommend trying to quantify "...the ideals...and...welfare..."portion of the statement. Possibly, the statement should include words reflecting the need for graduates to become more interconnected, more "networked" with each other. Not only should the mission be as stated but also to foster an active graduate network or words to that effect. I'll give this more thought and email a more specific recommendation. Bottom line: I don't think the mission statement actively states that part of the AOG's purpose is to nurture post graduate networking and somehow it should address that critical issue.

[681]  Fostering comaraderie among and between graduates and West Point throughout life

[682]  Help for graduates after the army, be it 5 years or 35 years after commissioning.

[683]  Networking of graduates.

[684]  Could use some focus on supporting the graduate after they leave the service.

[685]  Supporting the mission of USMA

[686]  - assisting USMA assessing quality people - assisting USMA serve the nation

[687]  "with emphasis on attracting our youth to the Academy and stimulating graduates to a full Army career" or words to that effect.

[688]  I would think an association of GRADUATES should also have in it's mission statement something about supporting graduates

[689]  Too broad to be meaningful. Sounds like motherhood and apple pie. How do we, the AOG, further the ideals and promote the welfare of USMA?

[690]  Since the welfare of USMA depends on the attention the alumni pays to it, the AOG should focus some attention on assisting alumni, as it already does. Something should be mentioned on that fact.

[691]  facilitating relations among graduates

[692]  add "how" welfare will be promoted (i.e. financially, volunteers, admissions, etc.)

[693]  Need to add something about recruiting, promote USMA awareness among civilian population, promote understanding of risks and challenges America confronts in the next Century and why West Point is needed to continue to train and educate young men and women for Defense of Nation in an uncertain World.

[694]  Articulate ideals; explain/define "promote welfare"

[695]  The mission statement should parallel the Mission of the Academy, as is being changed by the Supe. It should be in the active voice and NOT couched in "specific generalities."

[696]  While the purpose must be broad to allow an umbrella under which the AOG can operate, specific goals and objectives need to be publicly stated and reported on. This is what we are in need of now.

[697]  I like the words, but have not been asked lately how I think that the Academy should conduct business on a day to day basis. There have been some drastic changes to the way that we raise our leaders for tomorrow. I have heard about these after the fact of initiation. There are tens of thousands of living grads that could call their congressmen if some less than productive policy was instituted to give the congressmen a better perspective before making a decision to support a bad policy. Do we have a voice or do you just want us to send money??? I guess the next question is does the AOG have a voice???

[698]  The AOG should also be dedicated to the graduates and not just to USMA

[699]  add: To increasing the involvement and participation of graduates in Academy activities.

[700]  Some examples of actions to be taken to accomplish the mission should be included.

[701]  after the word Academy add "and its graduates"

[702]  Clarify this statement after the mission of USMA is more clearly defined. Are the long range goals and ideals of USMA those of the current Superintendent? What the mission of USMA is will determine how the welfare of USMA is to be promoted. From what I observe, USMA, encouraged by Department of the Army, is fast becoming a non-essential, politically correct group of Ivy League wanna-bes and asp[irants for graduate study. Jim Webb summed up the situation at Annapolis in his address to the Class of 1996, and in his book, "Point of Honor". If the current Commander-in-Chief feels that USMA's mission is no longer to produce combat leaders, but "peace keepers", and social workers, integrity requires that AOG so advise all graduates. Based upon their response,AOG should then call on Department of Army's civilian leadership to review any new,politically correct role which so differs from that of wartime classes, which were trained for combat leadership rather than contemporary bureaucratic management. I sense that Togo West and Sara Lister may have suggested to the present Superintendent that a "new, improved" mission for USMA is in order. If so, AOG must make all graduates aware of this, and seek their feedback. AOG is not a military organization, nor a tool of the Superintendent. It is important that AOG inform graduates and provide a forum for dissenting opinion. All AOG members may not subscribe to Department of Army's concepts. Their opinion should be sought...after they are give facts.

[703]  "...Academy and its graduates."

[704]  It seems that by definition of the AOG the purpose should at least include the welfare of the graduates.

[705]  The AOG purpose statement is too broad and therefore unmeasureable.

[706]  With whom is it furthering the ideals? Perhaps I'm so far out of the loop that I don't see or hear of such activity except what I see on AOG hommepage.


[708]  Add something about supporting alumni and USMA class leaders (worldwide?)

[709]  emphasize furthering the ideals throughout a graduates life time in all walks of life.

[710]  Ok as a strategic goal. However, needs some implementation statements -- including favorable PR,

[711]  I believe, although inherent, important to tie AOG mission to USMA;s mission of"providing leaders of character ..." In other words, AOG's mission is to support USMA SO THAT IT MAY SUPPORT THE NATION

[712]  Too general!I do'nt know how the AOG knows if they are accomplishing their goals/objectives.

[713]  add: "and the U.S. Armed Forces."

[714]  Quit lying, my friends.

[715]  It should include something about promoting the welfare of its graduates

[716]  mission and service to country

[717]  There should be focus on the graduates, too. On the people that are West Point, as well as the Institution itself.

[718]  add following "Academy," "and the United States Army."

[719]  Don't like the word "welfare". How 'bout "interests" or "ensuring the continuing vitality of..."?

[720]  Seems very open ended. Both "ideals" and "welfare" are too broad...especially the "welfare" of an institution. I would have no idea what your specific role at USMA is by reading this. Who in USMA couldn't use this statement?

[721]  create community of graduates linking the long gray line together. provide service to graduates (traditional alumni affairs functions)

[722]  The Association should provide focus for the Alumni in recommending how the ideals and welfare of the United States Military Academy are carried out.

[723]  The "welfare of the US Military Academy" is too broad and self-serving. I think the focus should be on supporting USMA's mission.

[724]  "Ideals" is too general and open to wide interpretation. I think inclusion of services to grads, support of cadet activities, and distribution of information are a starting point. The mission in the form of METL may be useful.

[725]  I do not relate to the "welfare of USMA" part. WP ideals are what it is about. WP exists to serve, not to be served. Getting off the soapbox, the focus of the AOG should be communication among grads first, among friends second, fund raising last.

[726]  foster communication between graduates

[727]  Where are the interests of the Graduates mentioned. If "informing them" etc. etc. is not part of the statement perhaps the association is missing something that would get a better response to the survey and participation.

[728]  Realizing that this is a private organization, and not USMA proper, my first reaction was that this statement is sufficient; however, on retrospect, I feel it is too self-serving. Maybe we could add: "the goals and welfare of the USMA..."

[729]  I believe the AOG mission should also identify that the association supports graduates continuing in military careers as well as in civilian careers

[730]  "shall" is a weak construction. "is" or "will" is more active and would better suit in a purpose statement.

[731]  "... and her graduates."

[732]  In what ways and by what means? Be more specific.

[733]  Provide a channel for Graduates to network.

[734]  How the association supports alumni

[735]  "ideals of duty, honor, country and promoting..." Believe the strongest point about the Academy is the deep sense of integrity it develops. This should be emphasized rather than the undefined term "ideals".

[736]  The statement should include at its end this important sub-clause: "as expressed by AOG members."

[737]  Support of graduates and an organization FOR the graduates.

[738]  How about assisting graduates and former cadets and disseminating information?

[739]  Some sort of comment about maintaining the focus of the Graduates, keeping Graduates informed, providing vehicles for Graduates to stay involved. The word "Graduates" is not even in the purpose statement!

[740]  What are the ideals?

[741]  Something indicating dedication to the graduates and their welfare.

[742]  As the Association of GRADUATES, the purpose should include promoting services of general benefit to GRADUATES as well as the institution. We were Cadets for four years, but we are grads forever.

[743]  I would like to see AOG focus on the ideals of character and leadership, providing funding and resources to further cadet development in these areas.

[744]  It says nothing about supporting the Graduates

[745]  Change "of the United States Military Academy" to "cadets and graduates of the United States Military Academy"

[746]  something about commraderie/networking of graduates

[747]  There should be some benefit also to the graduates, such as promoting communication and mutual support between graduates.

[748]  What does "promoting the welfare of USMA" mean? What is it that you do, besides mail out incessant reminders to contribute to your organization? You seem to miss the primary mission of USMA; supply officers to the Army. Even that seems to have gone awry lately, judging by the quality of lieutenants that arrive at the units. Focus on that!


[750]  The term "welfare" should be replaced with a more descriptive term. Also, the statement should identify who is included under "the United States Military Academy" i. e. Cadets, Graduates, Staff, Faculty, Former Cadets, Contributers, etc.

[751]  ...and to provide its members with resources for continued professional development throughout a lifetime of service to the nation."

[752]  The AOG represents graduates and the statement infers the Academy as a whole. Although true, the purpose should state something like ' promote the social well being of graduates and their support to the USMA'

[753]  The AOG exists because of the graduates ie...people not buildings.....current purpose statement sounds "sterile, lifeless, gray"...personalize purpose statement to include recognition of individual, team, and historical contributions that make up the AOG

[754]  by leveraging the networked strength of the Long Gray Line

[755]  and acting as a communications link to graduates.

[756]  A statement indicating a responsibility at some level for assisting graduates in maintaining personal contact would also be appropriate.

[757]  and its graduates. (at the end of the above statement)

[758]  Not sure---but I think it lacks specificity.

[759]  THe purpose states not mission regarding graduates.

[760]  Goals of association og graduates should include reference, and activity, of the graduates; not just the institution.

[761]  Describe "ideals" and "welfare" through terms such as personal honor, commitment to country, adequate facilities, robust academic program, etc. Perhaps the AOG purpose should mirror the Academy's purpose of graduating officers well prepared to serve the country's military needs. The current purpose statement is nebulous: does it include supporting the football team through purchase of tickets, using donations to improve the golf club, endowing academic chairs, voting for measures that will keep military spending at high levels, or backing classmates responsible for sexual harassment? All are possible depending on one's interpretation of the current purpose.

[762]  There are two constituencies for us to serve here. One, well addressed above, is the academy. The second are the graduates. The mission should be modified to serve both interests.

[763]  ...and its graduate's service to the Nation

[764]  Advancement of Graduates in all walks of life Professional Development of Graduates Note: I don't think there is enough focus on "graduates" in the AOG. If the focus is not on graduates, then perhaps the organization should be renamed.

[765]  I'm not sure what needs further detail, however I do not feel the statement is specific enough to provide valuable guidance. We all (presumably) intend to further the ideals of West Point. The question may more legitimately be "how?".

[766]  Promote the unity/cohesion of the Long Grey Line

[767]  The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy AND WEST POINT GRADUATES.

[768]  It should include something about the interests and needs of the Grads. Like many of my Classmates, I am somewhat unclear on the Mission of the US Army today and am only slightly clearer on the Mission of the US Military Academy.

[769]  There should be something stated regarding service to the graduate members. Else, why should any of us join?

[770]  Tack on the mission of the Academy to give a final result to the purpose (what is the deliverable in consultant speak).

[771]  I'm not qualified to answer this question. Please record this as a "no response"

[772]  What ideals? You should specify. Also, how do you promote the "welfare" of USMA?

[773]  I would append the following to the sentence: " and its graduates."

[774]  Could possibly include a focus on people: cadets and graduates of USMA.

[775]  1. and support of its graduates-to include keeping them informed of changes at West Point

[776]  resist changes which denigrate the advantage to the country of dedicated army officers.

[777]  Something should be added about improving the American public's understanding and appreciation of the USMA.

[778]  Goals and objectives must be used to idemtify more focus. We all want to "further the ideals..", but what exactly do we want to accomplish in the short and long term. Example: short term might be to establish USMA as an institution recognized by 75% of people polled as one of the nation's leading educational resources.

[779]  Replace "ideals" with the word "mission."

[780]  To vague. What USMA stands for and how best to promote the welfare will vary from class to class. More education needs to be done as to what the current mission, intent, and goals of the academy are.

[781]  -- meet the needs of the Army via career Regular Army officers

[782]  Informing and involving graduates in the future directions of USMA.

[783]  AOG should have the additonal purpose of supporting graduates of USMA

[784]  The Association shall be dedicated to futhering the ideals of the United States Military Academy and promoting the welfare of the Academy, its cadets and its graduates.

[785]  add the words... "and its graduates." I think AOG focus needs to be more on the graduates, and on their welfare. If AOG does not help make the case that the nation owes fair compensation and care for its defenders who graduated from West Point, who will? Those in Congress in general have not served and do not understand the profession of arms. Our Commander in Chief pays lip service to our needs. The AOG can fill a large void that cannot and will not be filled by the DA staff, which must focus on enlisted, ARNG, and a host of other issues--mostly dealing only with active/reserve force issues. Why can not the AOG, in tandem with the extensive talent available there, undertake a public affairs campaign as is done at Notre Dame and other places to generate support. We grads know what West Point is and does....but the purse strings that ENABLE us to give are driven by Congress and what they appropriate both for US AS WELL AS FOR USMA. Become an advocate for USMA officers, both active and retired, and help educate the public. In the 1950's there was a TV program called THE West Point Story---why not do something like that now in conjunction with some of the conservative people in Hollywood, such as Charlton Heston. Why not produce a film or something that could help us and you explain to Congressmen/women WHY we need funding, and what the nation gets for its money? Don't leave that alone to LTG Christman. Do something about the shoddy treatment our USMA and other veterans receive that could be shown on some of the nation-wide shows. And help make the case about why we even need West Point. Many people simply do not see the need, and the AOG is in a prime position to help articulate the need in a way that no one else can.

[786]  Ideals need to be specified and concrete.Examples: Duty, Honor, and Country; integrity; selfless service to the nation.

[787]  Promote continuing communication and coordination among USMA graduates.

[788]  We should somehow seek to assist graduates in fulfilling "Duty, Honor, Country"

[789]  "The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the historic ideals and promoting the current and future welfare of the United States Military Academy." Provides a little sharper focus.

[790]  Says nothing about the Graduates?

[791]  The use of the term "welfare" brings to mind a point I am struggling with. I would'nt mind seeing the AOG lead the way in encouraging classes towards humanitarian uses for class funds. I do not have any insight into where such funds have gone thus far and may be off the mark, but I suspect many class contributions go to improving cadet life - which seems somewhat self-serving. I am hard pressed to regard USMA proper as a justified recipient of my donations. Wouldn't the "image" of USMA be best served by seeking humanitarian causes worth our help? Again, sorry if other classes have already done so, but as my class ('77) begins to set long term fund targets, I will be encouraging such soul-searching.

[792]  Sharing the fellowship of shared experiences.

[793]  Something mentioning the welfare of promoting the welfare of the USMA graduates should be included.

[794]  I would like to see a line added that provides real linkage to supporting the Long Gray Line, the Cadets, past, present and future. The broad and philosophical statement can be construed as supporting anything or nothing at all. Great start, but it needs, just a little bit more to put it in touch with people.

[795]  Is it related to the Institution or to the current students and graduates? As currently stated it appears that the focus is on the Academy rather than the people who have and will make the Academy what is is and will be.

[796]  include needs of USMA grads

[797]  i think this is too broad of a statement. we should definitely make some reference to graduates.

[798]  Provide support to and foster communication among graduates.

[799]  I recommend the word "committed" replace "dedicated", because its definition contains "to bind, as by a promise". It mandates action and burdens the AOG with a promise to keep to its purpose.

[800]  Some statement about keeping alumni informed about changes/needs of WP and about keeping alumni networked to each other. The current statement does not address what the organization does for graduates.

[801]  I cannot offer specifics at the moment. The statement is more vague than it should be. Vagueness allows you to keep all options open

[802]  Perhaps add what AOG does for its own members aside from what it does for USMA

[803]  support the interests of the graduates

[804]  I believe the association is more than just promoting the ideals of the Academy. It is an organization that brings all graduates together, regardless of class. It is in a sense a fraternity, that should also focus on the graduates, not just the Academy.

[805]  How are we going to do this? through what means?

[806]  Something about communicaation with graduates/classmates

[807]  Duty, Honor, Country

[808]  "and its graduates"

[809]  Promote the needs of our graduates to their needs as officers in the active Army.

[810]  The AOG's mission should be to support the needs of its members (graduates) as well as promote the ideals of the Academy.

[811]  how? Means? How does AOG work W/ appropriated /govt agencies responsible for USMA?

[812]  ...furthering and spreading the ideals and promoting the continued influence and welfare...

[813]  Would be nice to see something that tells AOG members and Graduates in general that AOG is dedicated to the preservations of the Academy, perhaps even going as far as joining with the Associations from USNA and USAFA to do the same.


[815]  As a purpose statement, it is succinct, broad yet pithy

[816]  Don't disagree but it is too broad a mission statement. It should be specific, what is the mission essential task of the organization, what did the founders identify as its main function and charter. I believe that if the title is the Association of Graduates, then the focus of dedicated support to the current and future graduat4es should be listed in the statement or words to this effect.

[817]  working with graduates more

[818]  The AOG should have, as its primary focus, the interests of its members. It should keep us informed, be our contact for visits and reunions, and generally be the graduates' connection with West Point. I don't think the welfare of the Academy is a valid mission for the AOG.

[819]  The mission statement is far too broad; it could mean anything. The statement should be more focused.

[820]  Would like to see mission statement and purpose beginning at founding in 1869, then transitioning forward as it changed. I DO NOT believe the purpose of AOG is fund raising -- that is WRONG and I resent some of the unsolicited commercial advertisement mail I get, even signed by COL (Ret) Hudgins, offering to sell me something (e.g. MBNA Visa card). This is a statement to DELETE a specific point.

[821]  Perhaps add that the association promotes the welfare of the USMA and its graduates

[822]  Look at the name. It's the Association of Graduates. How about some way of providing help (job searches, etc) for graduates who leave active duty. The headhunters have one goal in mind, and it is not the graduates' best interest.

[823]  KISS

[824]  add "and those who have graduated from the United States Military Academy".

[825]  Add------- "and providing a comprehensive service to its graduates." After all, it is an association of graduates.

[826]  add through meaningful efforts.

[827]  I'd rather see "...is dedicated to", than the future tense "...Shall be dedicated". If that is our mission then all our actions should support that mission, now and until the mission is changed. Shall be leads me to believe that you are not now fully supporting your mission, but will do so some time in the unmeasured future.

[828]  Since this is an "Association of Graduates", I believe that wording should be added to the purpose statement that explicitly states what relationship the Association has with its graduates. The following wording is a suggested rough draft, " ... dedicated to furthering the ideals of West Point, promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy, and preserving the bonds of the Long Grey Line." In this way, the AOG may be able to formalize the creation of a network of professional and personal contacts as KEY to its success.

[829]  Furthering the ideals of graduates also, promoting their continued contribution to the good of the nation, and promoting those goals which place USMA and its graduates in the forefront of guiding the welfare and culture of the nation.

[830]  be more specific, ie how, what, when

[831]  I'm not familiar with "the ideals" of USMA which AOG is dedicated to furthering. It is a bit vague and I couldn't find them in my bugle notes.

[832]  Continuing the bonds and fellowship of graduates after leaving the Academey and Active duty service.

[833]  Welfare should be more focused and defined

[834]  Should include specifics about keeping all grads informed about current West Point happenings

[835]  I think the AOG must be more than a cheerleading organization in support of the current Academy administration. Instead, it should promote those ideals of the Academy which have been constant throughout its existence and which do not sway with political fashion. Upon occassion, this may require taking a position at odds with that of the Supe and his staff. My only gripe about the Assembly is that it often appears to be more of an official mouthpiece than the journal of an independent, or at least quasi-independent, alumni association.

[836]  With all of the talk of cuts, focus on the need for the Military Academy for providing military professionals needs to be emphasized. If this isn't the case, we might as well let ROTC handle it all.

[837]  I believe that although 'promoting the welfare' and 'furthering the ideals' are worthy objectives, the terms 'ideals' and, to a lesser degree, 'welfare', are rather vague. This might warrant greater focus.

[838]  What ideas should they focus on, and what are the priorities?

[839]  I think it should be dedicated to furthering the ideals of the Academy but promoting the interests of the graduates rather than the welfare of the Academy.

[840]  I would like to see the ideals and welfare of the Military Academy integrated into a statement including the ideals and welfare of the nation. Our value as an institution is intrinsically tied to the welfare of the nation and I would like to see it so expressed.

[841]  The AOG should undertake to educate members of Congress on the role of the Academy in National Security, its needs to accomplish its mission. such "education" need not always be in conformance with official policy. The current lack of Regular Army commissions for graduates is an example.

[842]  The purpose statement needs to describe the "how" that elaborates on "furthering the ideals". I am curious to know what other Alumni association purpose statements say (ie. Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Notre Dame) Have we benchmarked these other alumni groups that are considered leaders in fundraising and cohesiveness?

[843]  Could include the goal of fostering brotherhood and communications between members.

[844]  It provides sufficient focus if you define it broadly as I choose to do.

[845]  The concept of "promotion of welfare" should (if it does not already) include political contact (Lobbying) the various elements of the US Government (Congress, the Administration, etc.). Recent law changes affecting supervision of the Academy and assigment of graduates, indicate a diminishment of the traditional Academy role and the spector of the eventual elimination of the Academy altogether. This is not a new situation in the history of our school but it seems particularly important at this time that the AOG, along with those of our sister academies, take strong action to counter the trend. I don't expect to change the Purpose Statement but rather to enlarge the goal of "promoting".

[846]  Which Ideals? What part of the welfare of USMA?

[847]  add...and its graduates past, present and future

[848]  The Association shall be dedicated to furthering the ideals of West Point and it graduates.

[849]  Too vague, must prioitize cadet life, recruiting, and fundraising

[850]  do away with "welfare" word

[851]  -Recruit future cadets -Support USMA -Publicize USMA's goals, achievements and needs

[852]  If AOG focus is fundraising, then the mission should so state.

[853]  I'd change welfare to mission. USMA is not an end in itself...it exists to provide officers who will enhance the defense of our country.

[854]  add, "...and its graduates." in the mission somewhere, since this is an association of graduates. We look after the Alma Mater and each other.

[855]  There should be some mention that the AOG should also serve the needs of its members.

[856]  graduate support

[857]  and the comadeship of its graduates, The Long Grey Line.

[858]  AOG should also be concerned with working for the benefit of graduates.

[859]  AOG is an alumni association that should serve the needs of its members as well as the institution.

[860]  I do not see how you can focus on a moving target. These "ideals" change over time (from administration to admistration) and I think it is hard to agree on what promotes the welfare of USMA. I have not given this a lot of thought, and maybe this is the best statement. But I would find it very easy to say that what ever it was I was doing meet these objectives. We may disagree, but I can say that in my opinion I furthered the ideals and promoted the welfare.

[861]  It is focused. However, it does not include anythng about enabeling, or enhancing, comradship among graduates, which it does, and which is important to me. Whether or not this should be in writing is arguable.

[862]  add after USMA," and its alumni." (See # 16 below)

[863]  Service to graduates

[864]  Maintaining traditions Enhancing the professionalism of the Officer Corps

[865]  It does not include the enhancement of a spirit of comeradery between graduates, which is important to me and which it, in fact, does. Whether or not this should be stated is arguable, I guess.

[866]  service to and for graduates

[867]  The AOG should be dedicated to furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of the GRADUATES of USMA. The academy is a seperate entity that has its own agenda. I currently do not agree with the primary mission our Alma Mater has adopted. We are creating college students, not warriors and leaders. I can make a very strong argument that the graduates of our fine institution have very little influence in the future course of West Point. You (the AOG) should provide us this venue. Please contact me - I want to help our Academy in this area.

[868]  The word "ideals" is vague and non-specific. My selected ideals for the Academy might differ from those selected by other grads. What exactly is meant in the Statement above. (I am not an attorney or an academic.)

[869]  However, a clear statement of goals and objectives is needed to support the Purpose Statement. (The goals for '98 below are excellent.)

[870]  ...and its graduates (or alumni)

[871]  Propose addition that emphasizes the role of the USMA to the US Military

[872]  should be some indication, in a broad high level way, as to how "furthering" will be done

[873]  We should also be dedicated to furthering the mission of USMA. The purpose statement identifies support for the institution of USMA, but also needs to provide support for the body of USMA, the cadets.

[874]  should also say something that says "we are here to support our graduates"

[875]  ...and its Graduates

[876]  There should be refernce to furthering the and promoting the interests of the graduates. Unless the AOG is just an arm of the Academy, then the purpose statement should at leat refer to the graduates.

[877]  "welfare" has negative conotations. Would recommend "furthering and promoting the USMA and the ideals for which it stands."

[878]  It is an Association of Graduates - something should be stated regarding the people, present students and graduates, and not just the institution. I think the essence of the Goals, outlined in the AOG Goals (below) should also somehow be included in the Purpose Statement.


[880]  -What service you provide Grads (if any) -Why should I care about AOG? -How can we use AOG to help find each other jobs, other than your silly (payment required) job database.

[881]  You should include points dealing with keeping cadets, past and present, informed of current and future Academy activities specifically in the purpose statement. In my opinion, thjat is the primary responsibility of the AOG, amongst all of your other responsibilities.

[882]  "ideals" should be enumerated and tied to the definition of what's in the welfare of the Academy.

[883]  some mention regarding services for graduates

[884]  It fails to mention that the AOG is there to REPRESENT the Grads. It is not there to do the bidding of the Supe.

[885]  Too broad and general--allows the door to remain open for whatever by whoever is in power.

[886]  I think it appropriate to indicate that military service to the United States Army and our country is our most desirable product, and that AOG holds that worthy goal in high regard.

[887]  However, I think we do too little "furthering of ideals" and are better at "promoting the welfare."

[888]  None, except to say that the shorter a mission statement like this, the better. The longer the mission statement, the less the organization really has to do. The above mission statement is fine. I can remember it. Anything longer, no one will remember - or care to remember.

[889]  Assisting Graduates in leading the nation once out of the military

[890]  Provides a link between the graduate, other graduates, and the Military Academy

[891]  I believe that "promoting the welfare" is fairly ambiguous in terms of providing guidance toward achievement of specific goals and objectives. I would propose that the purpose statement be expanded or modified to include wording which addresses the need to promote the value and importance of the academy to our society and nation. This would provide more of an "outward" and opposed to what I perceive is a currently "inward" focus which might be perceived from the present purpose statement.

[892]  Recruiting Fund Raising Career Opportunities Career Mentoring all might be mentioned more specifically

[893]  The statement is good but very broad. It might be useful to add further details to provide more specific objectives.

[894]  1) Support the Societies 2) Provide information about WP to the alumni

[895]  Include some words to indicate support network for graduates and their spouses

[896]  ...develop closer bonding among graduates.

[897]  "Ideals" and "welfare" are fuzzy words that can mean almost anything. If providing focus for graduates is the intent of your Purpose Statement, where do we go for definitions? For example, by "ideals" do you mean furthering an awareness of honor, integrity, compassion, duty, financial soundness, etc.; any or all of the foregoing, more than the foregoing? I don't have a real problem with fuzzy Purpose Statements - I see them all the time - but, as with the AOG Purpose Statement, they are slogans, not focused descriptors.

[898]  Perhaps this charter statement should include something about keeping grads abreast of academy developments; it should state, I think, what the USMA ideals are that the AOG promotes, and what main avenues the AOG uses to pursue USMA's welfare. This will make the mission statement longer, but a few more lines wouldn't hurt.

[899]  Should focus on promoting continued lifetime service to the nation of USMA graduates.

[900]  - Provide a conduit for input of Alumni to USMA administration - Provide organization of, services and information to alumni - Provide focal point of private (outside of government budget) fundraising for USMA

[901]  As an association of graduates, focus should be on graduates. Maybe more would remain interested in the Academy if something were done to dispel the feeling that their importance is only to feed the current system. Otherwise, they're out/graduated.

[902]  add ... Academy and its graduates.

[903]  Promote continuing service to the Army and the Nation

[904]  add "and its graduates"

[905]  This is another not-well-thought-out question. There should be a provision for a "yes, but" answer. For example, I agree with the mission statement, but I need to know the thinking behind it. If the thinking behind it includes dunning graduates for money to support the "promoting the welfare" phrase, I have some problems with it.

[906]  Strikes me as too self serving

[907]  This statement seems to have an exclusively institutional focus. I believe there needs to be explicit attention to the people aspect in any alumni association, i.e., the graduates.

[908]  Maybe something to do with servicing graduates?

[909]  Too vague. This allows almost anything to be done as "mission essential".

[910]  add "and its graduates" at the end of the statement

[911]  What does "promoting the welfare" mean? Academically, athletically, politically, diversity, financially, etc. Is this too vague or necessarily broad?

[912]  Totally leaves out the GRADUATES! Theoretically, if someone gave AOG enough money, the present mission could be accomplished without further need for the Alumni to be involved.This is not what the graduates want.Keep the statement accurate, simple and enduring like our motto!but please please don't leave out the Grads.

[913]  I would add "and its Graduates." there should be employment assistance upon retirement and/or seperation from the service. Assitance in selecting health care opportunities upon raching Medicare age. Assistance in personal finance planning at the 5yr, 10 yr,15yr,20yr anniversary of graduation. Assistance in Social Security selection and benefits. Assistance with survivors benefits.

[914]  Personally, I do not see much value in arguing over any "Purpose Statement" or "Mission Statement". As far as I can tell, the only thing that matters is the dedication of Officers and in their beliefs.

[915]  Add: "through the activities and contributions of graduates and former cadets."

[916]  You should add the clause, "and its graduates." For the Academy to succeed, its graduates must succeed. AOG can play a key role in their success through networking and teambuilding.

[917]  This should probably be a mission for both USMA and AOG. I think we need to significantly improve the retention of USMA graduates so that the overwhelming majority of graduates in each class complete a career in the Army. (As a corollary to this, we need to do better in the percentage of general officers who are USMA graduates.) If we don't do this there is liable to be a groundswell of opinion that it is more cost effective to produce our officer corps entirely from ROTC and OCS and there will be a strong move in Congress to eliminate the Service Academies. In my opinion, this is the biggest failing of USMA in recent history.

[918]  "and its graduates..."

[919]  -I would insert 'Duty, Honor, Country' for ideals -'welfare' is the wrong word - don't have an alternative at the moment; 'welfare' and West Point in today's attitude towards 'welfare' do not mix.

[920]  and support the USMA needs of the graduates.

[921]  Too general and vague. Spell out those ideals which we should be furthering. "Welfare" is too ambiguous. No mention of "graduates".

[922]  Comradeship among graduates and friends of West Point

[923]  Define ideals.

[924]  I don't see the AOG furthering the ideals of the Academy, ie, what are they (the ideals)? Surely not to raise money or take cruises, etc. With whom does the AOG promote the welfare of the Academy? Is this the line that justifies making up for budget cuts? I have trouble with that. Why isn't AOG developing and exploiting political clout like the Navy does with Congress? AOG seems to be turned inward and stirring around in a little puddle of their own making. Where is AOG touting the need for, and demonstrated value of, USMA?

[925]  Fails to mention the graduates' welfare. We are technically not part of the Academy anymore.

[926]  preservation of USMA as a national institution promote welfare of graduates

[927]  I believe our goal should incorporate a statement that promotes the democratic and free enterprise ideals of our nation. Our graduates do this not only through military service but, just as importantly, through service in business and local communities.

[928]  I believe it should also focus on promoting the welfare of its graduates, not just the academy. I believe this would encourage greater participation of the academy's graduates. When more graduates are involved, there will/should also be a greater spill-over in helping the academy. People have to believe the alumni association is working for them. If they do not believe it is, they will not support the alumni association. If they do not support the alumni association, they alumni association cannot support the academy.

[929]  I don't know, but the Purpose Statement sounds awfully vague to me. What has this got to do with all those ads for cruises and credit cards I keep getting?

[930]  "ideals" and "welfare' are not sufficiently descriptive.

[931]  something to the effect that the AOG is to look after the best interests of the graduates in addition to those currently stated.In my opinion to much emphasis is placed--and consideration given to the high contributors regardless if they are graduates.

[932]  Should address service to Graduates & mambers

[933]  ...ideals of Duty, Honor, Country and promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy as an integral part of the U.S.Army.

[934]  Vehicle for graduates to make contributions (financial, support, activities, etc.) to West Point. Forum for information to graduates about USMA Mutual support among graduates

[935]  Would suggest that the inclusion of the individuals graduated from the Academy needs to be an added focus;

[936]  Change Purpose to: ...be dedicated {to and an advocate for} furthering .... {} = add

[937]  and its graduates

[938]  The word "graduates" does not appear in the Purpose statement. Since it is the association of graduates, perhaps it should.

[939]  Periodic discussion of whether we need a military academy at all.

[940]  Perhaps the words "...and its graduates." should be added to the statement. Of course it supports the institution, but doesn't it also support the institution's graduates?

[941]  specify which goals. It would be better to have a somewhat longer, but more specific mission than the current statement.

[942]  I would assume that the mission would refer to what the role of alumni would be wrt USMA

[943]  Add: "and its graduates"

[944]  I see little furthering of ideals. Why doesn't AOG challenge the administration on ANYTHING? Where is AOG on the weakening of the honor code? The fourth class system? "Welfare of USMA" - is that what AOG furthers? Bricks and mortar maybe, but AOG should be a nagging conscience as well!!!!

[945]  "Futhering the ideals" sounds weak and overly PC. Don't be afraid to state what the ideals of the AOG is all about. I hope that the purpose statement would come across as it would have read sometime back in era of WWII or something.

[946]  Support to graduates

[947]  I love the focus on the academy, but I feel a component that addresses the needs of graduates is missing.

[948]  ...and its graduates.

[949]  better define which "ideals"

[950]  Furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of USMA for graduates on active duty and within the civilian sector. Your purpose statement does not provide graduates with sufficient focus. Obviously my wording stinks - (off the cuff for now - give me a job and I can do much better), but reading what you describe a purpose statement to be, I do not think it provides that to graduates - active duty or retired. Just read the goals - they are on the track I was looking for, but the purpose statement does not reflect the goals - or at least to me it does not.

[951]  By representing the graduates

[952]  Emphasis role of AOG in assisting USMA in fufilling its mission and assure its future value to the nation, or better the US Army

[953]  furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare of West Point graduates on active and reserve duty and the business community. Reason: In today's society, corporate sponsorships could be the greatest source of financial contributions, and Graduates should represent the Academy in the corporate sector, as well as in the military.

[954]  Something needs to be added that the focus is accomplished "through active participation of members" - Something to that effect that highlights the importance of "members," not just the "organization."

[955]  I think that there is (and should be) a component of the AOG mission which deals with promoting the welfare (personal / professional success) of USMA's graduates.

[956]  Insert "...serving the needs and interests of the graduates while..." between the words "to" and "furthering"

[957]  The AOG should also reprosent and advocate the ideas and principals that are representative of the feelings of the graduates. The AOG is as an organization should represent its members, the graduates. This may or may not agree with the Acacemy's position. I repeat, the AOG should be an organiziation of and for the graduates, and in that respect support the Acacemy.

[958]  Append to the end, "... and her graduates."

[959]  add "and its graduates." after "the United States Military Academy"

[960]  As I understand it, the AOG was originally founded to help USMA graduates find civilian positions of employment upon leaving active duty tours in the US Army. The current mission statement does not address that specifically.

[961]  It's too vague and sounds like motherhood and apple pie; it should be oriented more specifically towards the graduates.

[962]  -mentions the word and benefits for "cadets" or the Corps of Cadets -Some mention of military career service goals

[963]  add: "and of the Country."

[964]  provision of comprehensive support to graduates and former cadets BOTH during their military careers and upon their retirement/return to civilian life

[965]  Add a short statement specifying the association's role in servicing graduates: Communication Coordination of graduate support for the academy Lifelong support to members

[966]  statement should include "independently"..... i refer to congress's decision and legislation to allow 150+ cadets from the class of 77, who were found on honor violations during the electrical engineering exam, to return to the academy with the class of 78. the aog allowed these cheaters to join the association. the aog must be "independent" of political and liberal, socialist influences and agenda.

[967]  Statement of ideals other than "Duty, Honor, Country"

[968]  I do not agree with your major premise, but do believe that, assuming you are stating the AOG mission correctly, that it should also strive to assist fellow graduates in many ways that most alumnae orgs to for their grads while at the same time striving to accomplish the mission statement. However, one could easily incorporate the above under the major premise that you have stated. So I do not check either box as I need more clarification on whether your quote is correct and what your purpose is in asking some of these questions.

[969]  The social aspects of tyoing the graduates together plays an important role in my mind. We have an unusual group of people that bond together easily if given the conditions. That bonding and sense of expanded family should be part of what the AOG does.

[970]  More imput from cadets.

[971]  This is the association of graduates, not the association of USMA. The focus should be on providing serivces of valuye to graduates. Secondary to that is services of value to USMA. Ideally, the focus would be 75% graduates, 25% USMA for example. I feel it is now 95% USMA and only 5% graduates.

[972]  The AOG's first loyalty should be to its members - not USMA. AOG members are not even mentioned in the current purpose statement. The AOG would not be in operation if it weren't for its members.

[973]  The AOG strives to provide services and assistance to its members. The purpose statement does not capture these activities.

[974]  It should include promoting the welfare of graduates.

[975]  It should read "promoting the welfare of the United States Military Academy and its graduates."

[976]  I have no idea what that mission statement means with respect to those of us in civilian life. Furthermore the "welfare of the USMA" is ambiguous and open to differences of opinion.

[977]  It should focus on graduates and not "applicants" or training or on-going scholastic or military activities. Its an association of graduates not of USMA affiliates or cadets or instructors...

[978]  Include supporting graduates for a lifetime of service including while in civilian life. This includes career and volunteer efforts.

[979]  The focus of AOG has changed in that services for graduates are offered. This should be put into the purpose statement.

[980]  Two additional areas need to considered 1. Informing the American people about USMA 2. Mentoring and assistance to graduates, particularly young grads still onactive duty.

[981]  What is the welfare of the USMA?

[982]  I am assuming that, "promoting the welfare of the USMA", includes publicizing the importance and mission of the USMA to the general public.

[983]  Some statement about services to and support for members oa AOG should be included either here or in the goals statement.

[984]  Add: "...and its graduates."

[985]  It sayd nothing about meeting the needs of the graduates.

[986]  I believe the statement should recognize the order of things. Meaning, USMA is a subset of the US Army. Some things done for the welfare of the Army may not be in the interest of West Point. This is especilly true in dealing with the finite resources of the Army.

[987]  Reword 1 and 2 so that they can be measured

[988]  I would suggest ".... the USMA and the United States of America." AOG efforts should always remain consistent with those of the nation. Hopefully, the chance is slim but in the future the Academy's goals (e.g., its existence at a certain funding level/enrollment) could be in conflict with appropriate national goals (e.g., a smaller or at least different Army).

[989]  I believe the AOG Purpose Statement should mention something about supporting/helping/improving the United States Army, and promoting its values.

[990]  It ignors the Cadets and graduates .

[991]  Add the following at the end of the statement: "and of its graduates and former cadets".

[992]  interaction and networking of graduates

[993]  Since AOG is for graduates, something should address our role in the process of furthering ideals/promoting USMA.

[994]  Sounds "fair to OK." The problem is that it is too board and permits conflicts with other USMA organizations such as the AAA.

[995]  What does it mean? "Furthering the ideals and promoting the welfare" is vague. Perhaps together with the mission statement or the academy's vision it is more explanatory.

[996]  Absolutely not. Where is the word "graduate/graduates"?? This sounds like the Superintendents Mission Statement.

[997]  there should be added some concern for graduates.

[998]  to what audience?

[999]  Service to graduates

[1000]  What does the word "welfare" mean?

[1001]  The statement should include text in reference to the AOG being a link of continuity between USMA graduates and USMA.


[1003]  Too broad and vague and does not include a representation of graduates

[1004]  Perhaps a short description of the "welfare" of USMA may be needed since some grads define what is best for the "welfare" of the academy differently. The recent incident of money from memebers of AUSA being used to support an organization which promotes discrimination against women brings this to mine. The members gave money to promote the Army yet someone chose to define this in his own terms. I would not care to see that happen to AOG.

[1005]  I think the statement needs a focus on the grads.

[1006]  and its graduates

[1007]  Perhaps add, "and it's members."

[1008]  "and instilling a sense of duty, honor, and country upon cadets, the military, and the American People

[1009]  Either state that fund-raising is the obsession or quit making it so.

[1010]  ...and its graduates throughout continuing service to the nation.

[1011]  By itself, statement is too general and non- specific. It should be followed by goals and objectives that describe the areas AOG will focus upon (increasing public awareness of USMA's role; building athletic program; providin incentives for academic and military leadership performance; et.)

[1012]  Should be some direct tie-in to the wording of the mission of the U.S. Military Academy

[1013]  Support the welfare of graduates and seek their input on academy goals and missions.

[1014]  Detail ideals, and welfare. These mean many things to many people. I'd like to know specifically what you mean.

[1015]  "Promoting the welfare" is too self-serving: why is "the welfare" worth "promoting"? The answer to that question will focus the AOG on what their purpose is.

[1016]  Since it's called "The Association of Graduates," why not include, "and its Graduates" at the end? I'm a graduate, and I feel that my welfare and the welfare of my classmates and Alma Mater are all inextricably, if not subtly, intertwined. For my part, I support the welfare of AOG and the Academy through my voluntary efforts and financial contributions.

[1017]  What is meant by "welfare"? The continuous drumbeat for funds would lead one to believe that USMA is on "welfare".

[1018]  AOG should keep graduates informed on mission related issues. The AOG should also take a position on mission related matters, even if this means taking a different position than the USMA administration.

[1019]  networking oportunities for advancing the well-being of graduates

[1020]  Too Vague as a catch all and does not include graduates

[1021]  ....promoting the welfare of "its Membership and that" of the United...

[1022]  Additional emphasis should be placed on responsibility to graduates

[1023]  I think "ideals" and "welfare" are too general for meto focus on. Communicating needs and achievements of West Point and the AOG are important to me.

[1024]  It is an association of graduates; something in the mission statement should reflect a purpose toward or with the graduates, e.g., "serve as a focal point through which graduates, in the whole, can express concerns/recommendations to the leadership of USMA"

[1025]  Not focused, too general Should include older mission statements which were supporting graduates needs Insisting that West Point maintain the highest standards of Duty, Honor and Country

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