Thanks to MANY loyal AWONers and their families (Photo Credits below), the Annapolis Conference
has generated an abundance of great pictures, with first & foremost thanks for everything you see to
Annapolis Conference Chairs Millie McConnell Cavanaugh and Bob Meek – whose many hours of
able conference work can be seen all through the Annapolis pictures. Here they are:

Registration: Click Here!
Speakers: Click Here!
Business: Click Here!
Memorial Service: Click Here!
Awards: Click Here!
Fun: Click Here!
Misc: Click Here!
Banquet: Click Here!

Thanks to Judy Hoffman, past Board President, for staging the many pictures from Annapolis!!
This compilation just wouldn't happen without her organization, correspondence, and staging!!

Since so many pictures came from so many different sources – on CDs, as downloads from websites,
as attachments to E-Mail, some as originals, and some as replacements, it was a hugely difficult task
to keep sources with each digital picture. Consequently, since in most cases, the Annapolis pictures
are not specifically attributed, we offer big AWON thanks to the following contributors:

• Dianne Baczynski
• Janice Buterbaugh
• Renée Cooley

• Barry Barr Finch
• Stephen Hoffman
• Pam Forgy Klein
• Darlene Mott