2011 Annual Organizational Meeting


Invites you to the 2011 Annual Organizational Meeting

24 February , Firehouse Pub @the crack of 11.30

” Sir, for lunch we are having: sliced turkey breast, Mashed potatoes, green beans,
banana pudding, tea and coffee, two minutes sir, do not forget your lights”

Lunch is $15 (includes Gratuity) must be cash or check, no credit or debit
cards. Please RSVP no later than 21 February to billcrawford256@comcast.net
(preferred) or call 256-313-2408 ( if these don’t work, release a carrier pigeon.)

Location: The Firehouse Pub, Building 114, Hankins Road, Redstone Arsenal,

There is a lot of new and exciting stuff in the works. Officer nominations for
upcoming year. Wanna dance with your spouse at Founder’s Day? Care to come
to a Kentucky Derby Party? Interested in a Family Picnic? Anyone interested in
forming a WPS softball team? Can we listen to Army Football on the Radio next

There is a lot planned for 2011. Call a classmate and show up.

Respect the past, enjoy the present, invest in the future