Run for the Fallen Warriors and First Football Game Meeting

I have again attached the flyer for the Run for the Fallen Warriors  – This will be held on Sunday the 24th of August. Marty Eaton is working hard to make this a big success, please help him out by supporting this event.  I am planning on being a runner (I think I can make it around the course.)

Mark your calendars for the 29th of August.  This is Army’s first football game – against Temple.  This is a Friday night game and it begins at 6 pm local time.  I have been talking with the club (ROCC) and we can use the “Bob Howell Room” (used to be the Big Spring Lounge).  The Society will be picking up the bar tab starting at 5 pm through the first quarter of the game. – This is because we will be holding a short meeting before the game where I will be discussing anything new from the Class of 1967 Leaders Conference that had gone on the previous week.  We also will be discussing events for the rest of year – The Admission folks are already working a schedule of meetings with schools – college nights etc – Also the 7th of September is Bud Cramer’s last Academy Day meeting.    Please plan on making this meeting.  Bring your family and have dinner at the Club  – This is the Labor Day weekend, so I am sure no one will have an excuse that they have to work late.  (Most will be taking off early I am sure, so go home, change clothes, bring the spouse and have a great evening.)  We will be watching the new offense of Army!

Art Meier
Beat Temple