Welcome to the registered users section

Welcome to the members only capabilities. You can now upload pictures, submit news and participate in the web forums.

On the User Menu you will see links:

Your details
Here you can update information about you. You can change your displayed name to something more user friendly than the version stored in the WP-ORG directory and you can enter your email address if you want the site to display it on things like the web forums. This form is fairly simple. Simply type the information you want to put in and click update. The password boxes will only change your password for this website and will not change your password WP-ORG wide. The select editor drop down allows you to select an editor to use while submitting a story. Each has various features and it is best to try them to see which you like.

Submit News
This form is a bit complicated. The simple versions is type your title and select the category for the story. There are two main areas for the story. Intro text is a short blurb to get somebody's interest. If your story is short, this is all you need to fill in. Main text is the heart of longer stories. When displayed on the news page and front page, the title and intro text will be displayed, the main text is displayed after a "read more" link.

To save the story, click the picture of a floppy disk at the top of the page. To cancel click the X.

At the bottom of the page there are advanced options. Most of these you probably will not bother with. Some you may want to are on the Publishing tab. One is the access level. If you want your story to be restricted to people who can logon the site instead of the general public, select Registered. You can also select an end date when the story will stop appearing using the Finish Publishing option. If you want the story to appear on the front page, click that box.

Once you have saved the message it will go into the approval queue and will appear once approved.

Other Help Topics

Upload Pictures

Click here and you can upload pictures to the Zoom Media Gallery. On the page you get click Media Manager. Select a a gallery to upload pictures to in the drop down. If you are lucky, there will be one that is clearly where they are to go. If not contact the webmaster or make your best guess.

After you select the gallery, you will see a screen with a small icon off the the right and the tool tip will tell you it is for uploading files. This will bring up a page that will load two Java applications. They are not "signed" so you will have to approve them in order for this to work. Once done you will have a tabbed interface that is not too hard to under stand. The first three tabs Single (zip) file, multiple files, Drag n Drop will upload files from your computer. The last tab is for looking in folders on the server and you probably will not use that one.
The three tabs you will use are not difficult to figure out. There are some important things to keep an eye out for and fill in. Make sure it still indicates the right gallery to load pictures into. Change the name from the temporary name to a better on. Do the same with the temporary description. On the single and multiple file tabs, use the browse button to locate the file(s) on your computer. On the Drag n Drop tab, use the Add Files button. Once you have them identified, use the upload buttons to upload the files.

Web Discussions

To post a message on the web discussions/bulletin boards, select the forum you wish to post to. Click New Thread if you wish to post a new message or locate an existing message you wish to reply to and click Reply Topic. Type a Subject and type your message. There are other options you can explore as you can. To save the message click Submit or click Preview to get a chance to review the message before submitting it.