USMA 1959


MINUTES OF MEETING, October 10, 1998



1. Hosted by Frank Campbell and Art Griffin, the Class Standing Committee (CSC) met at the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA), in Alexandria, VA, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturday, October 10, 1998. Present were (in addition to Frank and Art) : Pete Dawkins, George Day, Fred Franks, Phil Gibbs, Mary Clare Haskin, Powell Hutton, George Kieb, Nick Krawciw, Tom Russell, Joe Todaro, and Jim Walsh. Absent were: Tom Boyle, Joe Coreth, Dave Fried, and John Wilson.

2. Fred Franks, Chairman CSC, opened the meeting and noted that three of the five class officers who were elected at graduation were present. Pete Dawkins, Nick Krawciw, and Frank Campbell. Chuck Darby was in town Friday night for the regional Class social evening, but had to depart early Saturday morning. Fred welcomed Pete Dawkins and mentioned that it is a goal of the CSC to get the elected officers to play a more active role in the leadership of the class. Pete stated that, with his increased involvement with the Administration and more frequent trips to Washington, he will try and make himself available for future CSC meetings.

3. Next, Fred thanked George Day for the successful regional Class social event on the previous evening, October 9. Phil Gibbs stated that one third of those present were out-of-towners. Fred suggested that the CSC should consider expanding the Capital region mailing list.

4. MINUTES of the last CSC meeting (July 25, 1998) were distributed by Nick Krawciw and were approved by the CSC.

5. TREASURER’S REPORT: Art Griffin provided his report for the Class Fund and the Class Gift Fund activities as of October 10, 1998 (see Attachment 1). He reported that he had not yet had a chance to ask Fred McConville to glance at our financial activities and, as a lawyer give us his view whether the Class needs to file an IRS return. The CSC accepted the Treasurer’s report after issues mentioned in paragraphs 6 and 7 below had been discussed. Fred Franks asked that, at the next CSC meeting, Art present a financial strategy on how to keep the Class Fund viable considering the Reunion and other expenses.

6. FINAL FAREWELLS AND OBITUARIES: Fred Franks raised the funeral reception support issue which the CSC had not resolved at its last meeting. Also, since the death notifications were not reaching all classmates, Fred opened the discussion on these subjects. Jim Walsh handed out copies of recent e-mails concerning the notification and response to the recent deaths of our classmates (see Attachment 2). He emphasized that the goal is to get the word out in a timely fashion and have representation at the services for all classmates. The practice at present is to notify Jim Walsh and he verifies the information and passes it to the class. Concerning obituaries, Phil Gibbs stated that the Chain-of-Command through the CQ system has to encourage classmates to work on sending obituaries to the ASSEMBLY. Attachment 2 also shows a list of deceased classmates and the status of obituaries. More information will be developed on this subject to be handed out at the next reunion.

7. MEMORY BOOK PAGES: In conjunction with the above, Tom Russell reported that of our

71 Deceased Classmates, only 19 currently have pages in the Memory Book and 38 have Memorial Articles in the ASSEMBLY. It is felt that the Class as a whole has little knowledge of the Memory Books in the Herbert Hall Alumni Center and that a minimum cumulative donation of $50 is needed to open a page in someone’s memory. A fact sheet on this will also be handed out at the next reunion. At this point, Pete Dawkins graciously donated $2000.00 to insure that the 19. deceased classmates who are not in the Memory Books will be represented there. Fred Franks felt that there was still a need to appeal to the class for $50 donations to cover classmates who will die in the future. Powell Hutton made a motion that the Class be so solicited. The motion was seconded and accepted.

8. CLASS COMMUNICATION: Phil Gibbs stated that the Battalion & Company CQ system seems to be fairly well established and works reasonably well. He felt that the Regional Representation system needs to be revitalized and exercised more often. In that regard Jim Walsh was asked to send an e-mail to all Regional Reps asking them to participate more in Class communications. This would assist in developing and keeping contact with all members of the class.

9. CLASS LEADERS’ CONFERENCE: Phil Gibbs and Pete Dawkins attended this conference. Phil prepared a comprehensive trip report (see Attachment 3). Pete mentioned that the Superintendent is committed to connect with alumni to help resolve important USMA issues and for purposes of supplemental funding, although the latter issue "has calmed down." There is still a problem between the class funds and the West Point Fund. Fred Franks commented that there is sensitivity between class donations and gifts to the Academy by rich graduates. Tom Russell said that the AOG could help explain what is involved. Pete thought this would help because there is a need to describe how various types of donations relate to each other. Fred indicated that at the next meeting the CSC should discuss our Class gift strategy for the 50th reunion.

10. THE CLASS SCHOLARSHIP FUND: The Class Scholarship system is alive and well for the coming academic year. It is open for sons and daughters of class members and covers bachelor and master degree programs. For more information classmates should contact Powell Hutton at <>. Frank Campbell at <> has applications for this purpose and will forward them to those interested.

11. FORTIETH REUNION: This was the main discussion topic for the meeting. Replies to previous correspondence on the 40th Reunion were reviewed. Suggestions for schedule changes and topics for the Class business meeting were considered. Fred Franks raised the question of what information items (such as class list, addresses, e-mail, memorial policy, regional reps, etc.) should be provided at the registration and in what form they should be. Frank Campbell was concerned with costs involved. Pete Dawkins felt it would be worthwhile to provide such information. Fred Franks asked that Frank Campbell and Jim Walsh brainstorm what could be done. Next came a thorough discussion of the Schedule of Events. Some changes were made to the schedule sent out last summer. Fred Franks asked that Frank Campbell, Art Griffith and Nick Krawciw meet with him at 4:30 PM on November 9 to prepare a final reunion letter to the Class with registration instructions and with the revised schedule. This "CSC Meeting extension" was accomplished and the letter at Attachment 4 was sent to classmates asking for a final reunion response by February 5, 1999.

12. REUNION ADMINISTRATION: Fred Franks began the discussion of commitments for the reunion responsibilities. He said he would work with Powell Hutton on the program for Camp Buckner, that George Day will need help with the registration, and that George Kleb should work with the AOG to obtain arm bands, badges, etc. Mary Clare Haskin volunteered to help with the registration. George Day indicated that he will work out registration procedures with Phil Gibbs. Fred Franks added that we need someone to be responsible for the Herbert Hall ceremony on Tuesday, May 25, 1999. He will ask Tom Boyle and Skip Schow to assume that task. George Kieb led an unresolved discussion concerning reunion mementos. Phil Gibbs mentioned that West Point will provide three officers as Class Aides to assist Class during the reunion. They should be invited to an event and should be presented with our reunion mementos. All agreed and concluded that they should be invited to the Hudson boat trip.

13. MISCELLANEOUS: Fred mentioned that Sandy Beach has been nominated as Trustee-atLarge to the AOG for the years 1999 -- 2002. A motion was made and accepted to send a letter to the AOG to support Sandy. Frank Campbell briefed on USMA internet sites. He said there are two such web sites: one maintained by the AOG and the other by an alumni group in Texas. The issue is which web site should we use (see Attachment 5). Frank also provided copies of the internet discussion about a class motto (see Attachment 6). There were no overwhelming preferences from the class. This issue was closed with a general agreement by the CSC members that the West Point motto of "Duty, Honor, Country" applies to all classes.

14. Fred Franks thanked everyone for their time and effort spent at these meetings in preparation for our reunion and in resolution of other class issues. He adjourned the meeting stating that the next one will be at 0930 on February 13, 1999, also at IDA.

                                                                                                                            S/ Nick Krawciw

                                                                                                                            Nick Krawciw



MEMORANDUM FOR 59’ Class Standing Committee

SUBJECT: Treasurer’s Report

The status of the class fund and activities as October 10, 1998 is

Beginning Balance, January 1,1998



Mini Reunion Lake Tahoe

$ 956.48


$ 884.95


$ 1,841.43


Class Mailing, 10/98

$ 235.18

Class Expenses (Gibbs)

$ 142.04

Bank Service Charge

$ 119.02

Funeral Reception (Enright, Lehrfeld)

$ 700.00

Memorial Donations(Enright, Schmidt, Soli)

$ 150.00

Scholarship Grant (Lidy)





40th Reunion Committee fordeposit to Spirit Cruises


Balance as of October 10, 1998


Balance of Class Gift Fund at USMA, October, 1998


NOTE: The CD of $13,369.13 with NationsBank was renewed September 13, 1998 for six months an
annual rate of 4.50%. The CD will mature on March 13, 1999 at estimated value of $13,660.73

S/ Arthur R. Griffin

Treasurer, ‘59 Class Standing Committee