FD9 Donation data charts based on data thru Tuesday, June 12, are now available in three forms for your inspection:

        - MS-Excel file
        - Web-based, "interactive" charts; published from Excel
        - Web-based static charts; published from Excel and resized to 640x480

See below; choose form suitable for your machine. The charts are:

"RunningTotal"    FD9: Running Total of Donations
"CountByAmount"    FD9: Number of Donations by $ Amount (log)
"TotalByAmount"    FD9: Total of Donations by $ Amount (log)
"Affiliation%"    FD9: Donations as % of Total (Pie chart)
"DailyTotal" FD9: Daily Total of Donations

If you have any problems, or suggestions concerning these or additional charts, please let me know. Thanks.


1. MS-Excel file.
If you have Excel installed
        - ~1300KB; note log scale on two charts; please comment.
        - Try the Class and Affiliation options.

2. Web-based, "interactive" charts.
If you don't have Excel, but you have "Microsoft Office Web Components" (part of Office 2000; not available free) and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later installed, see

FD9: Number of Donations by $ Amount (log) (interactive)
FD9: Total of Donations by $ Amount (log) (interactive)
FD9: Donations as % of Total (interactive)
FD9: Daily Total of Donations (interactive)
FD9: Running Total of Donations (and other static charts) Click on tabs at lower left of screen to view different charts.

 Explore the charts, try options--except for "RunningTotal," they are "interactive": you can reconfigure charts; see examples below.

If when accessing interactive charts you get an error message ~"...security...cannot access data across domains...," do this in MS-IE: Tools/Internet Options...; select Security tab; click on Custom Level button. Then scroll down list to "Miscellaneous: Access data sources across domains"; check Enable. Click OK, Yes, OK. Try reaccess.

Do you see how to reconfigure the dynamic charts? Just below PivotTable title bar, click on down-arrows on fields in upper left of array to see Affiliation and Class menus. Examples for the "Daily Totals" chart:
        - Daily totals for Navy, to see impact of "usna-net" messages:
just click on the arrow at Affiliation; check Navy box; click OK.
        - Daily totals for a graduate class: click on the arrow at Affiliation; check Graduate box; click OK. Click on arrow at Class; check class year of choice; click OK.

3. Web-based static charts.
Five snapshots you can view with any browser.Click on tabs at lower left of screen to view different charts.