
5 March 1998
Subject:  Findings of Recent Survey of West Point Graduates

To:  All West Point Graduates

From:  Bob Magruder, '64, WP-ORG Survey Team Leader

1. The purpose of this web site is to provide to graduates the results of the recent survey. To this end we are offering two views of the data provided from this survey.

 a. The Results & Raw Data Section section is set up in the same manner as the original survey format and provides the viewer with an accounting of the results for each question. Where a question contained an open-ended answer, we have provided the actual raw data for viewing.

 b. The consultant's tedious task in the analysis phase was to review each item of raw data and categorize that data into meaningful categories and groups for further analysis and study. From this viewpoint of the graduates' data, findings were developed to provide readers with important insights and points made by large numbers of repondents, and not always obvious from the Results & Raw Data section. These Findings were presented to the AOG Board of Trustees on Thursday evening, February 19, 1998 and just prior to the beginning of their recently completed Board of Trustees meeting at West Point. Each attendee at the BOT was provided a notebook with the Findings and the Results of the Survey and raw data for the final two questions.

2. This survey site will not go away for a long time. Take the care to bookmark this site in case you are not able to complete your review of the questions and answers. You cannot read the raw data in a sitting or even in a week of sittings. The files are quite large in some cases and we have indicated the file size for your use if you are thinking of downloading.

3. The significance of this survey is that almost 13% of all living graduates turned in a survey. Whether you took this survey or not, when that many graduates speak, it is important that their message be properly documented and told. A volunteer group of twelve graduates worked tirelessly from Thanksgiving until mid-February to develop this survey and then to analyze the results. Please take your time in going through this site to see the power of the communication that has taken place between the members of a unique organization and the leadership of that organization.

4. Jack Hammack joins me in thanking the consultants for their time and interest, but also all of the 5,158 graduates who responded to the survey.


// signed
Bob Magruder, '64

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