Remembering the men we're here to honor.

Bonnie Blackford Hellums, Emcee for the Conference, introduces the Memorial Service
on Mooring Deck 3, not insignificantly, aboard the Freedom of the Seas. Judge Bonnie's Dad
was 1LT Newton "Pete" Blackford, KIA 16 July '43 at Ain M'Lalia, Algeria.

Lynn Lecrone is accompanied by a Freedom crewmember – a security officer – as the service was conducted
in a secure area of the ship. Lynne's Dad was 1LT Kenneth F. Lecrone, KIA 23 April 45, near Trendle, Germany.

Barry Barr-Finch tolls the bell as Karyn Symes, daughter of Patricia Behan Armstrong, reads names of our fathers.
Karyn's Grandfather was Navy CMDR Austin Carty Behan, KIA 17 Feb 45 at Iwo Jima. Barry's Dad was
2LT David Baird Finch, KIA 13 Nov 44, Leyte Island, Philippines.

Barry tolls as Kelly Ann Durkee Ervin, daughter of Mary Ann Mulhane Durkee, also reads names of our fathers.
Mary Ann's grandfather was PFC John Thomas Mulhane, KIA 24 March 45 at Lanzenbach, Germany.

Jerry Temte, husband of AWONer Patty Temte explains the significance of the ceremonial folding of the flag.

Walt Linne and Dick Albani, both veterans, fold the flag. Walt is aboard to honor his father,
SGT Walter John Linne, KIA 24 March 45, Germersheim, Germany. Dick, honoring his Uncle,
SGT August Albani, KIA 17 March 43 at Remagen, Germany, is the husband of Pat Cervenak Albani,
honoring her father, S1C Albert Michael Cervenak, KIA 11 May 45 at the Battle of Okinawa.

With many thanks to Bonnie Carter, wife of AWONer Walter Carter, who played TAPS on her flute. Walter
is on the cruise honoring his father, CPT Elmer Nornal Carter, M.D., KIA 17 June 44 at Bois de Bretel, France.

Ron Burrus, Jr. had the honor of tossing the carefully biodegradable AWON wreath into the sea.
Ron was aboard to remember his grandfather, PVT William E. Adams, KIA 14 Oct 44 in the Huertgen Forest, Germany.

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