History of West Point
and its
Military Importance During the American Revolution:
and the
Origin and Progress
of the
United States Military Academy
Captain Edward C. Boynton, A.M.

Chapter I
Early grants of the Lands at West Point
Title acquired by the United States by Purchase
Commissioners Settle the Boundaries
Further Purchase by the United States
Jurisdiction ceded by the State of New York
Early importance of the Control of the Hudson during the Revolution
Resolutions of the Continental Congress, May 25, 1775
Appointment of Committee by the Provincial Congress, and Resolutions of
  the latter, August 18, 1775

Chapter II
Entrance to the Upper Highlands
Martelaer's Rock
Arrival of the Commissioners with Colonel Romans, the Engineer
Possession taken of the Island
Correspondence with Colonel Beverly Robinson
Controversy between Romans and the Commissioners
A Garrison ordered to Fort Constitution
First Proposition to occupy West Point and erect Redoubts on the east side
  of the River
Removal of Romans, and Report of the Commissioners en route to Canada
Order of Washington for a Board of Officers to Report upon the Condition
  of the Fortifications in the Highlands
Report of the Board

Chapter III
Appointment of a Secret Committee for obstructing the Channel of the
Their Action and Letter to Washington
Assignment of General Geo. Clinton to Command in the Highlands
General Clinton and other Officers examine the Works and Report upon the
  Necessity of a Boom and Chain at Fort Montgomery
Major-General Putnam appointed to Command
Advance of Sir Henry Clinton up the Hudson to Co-operate with General
Assault and Capture of Forts Montgomery and Clinton

Chapter IV
Renewed Efforts to Obstruct the Hudson
Selection of West Point as a Suitable Place
Letters of Washington to Putnam and Clinton upon the Subject
Appointment of a Committee by the New York Provincial Convention to confer
  with Putnam
Report of the committee, in which they Recommend the Fortification of West
Commencement of the Works by General Parsons
Contract made by Colonel Hughes for the Great Chain at West Point
Report of General Putnam on the Progress of the Fortifications
Report of General Parsons on the same
General McDougall ordered to Relieve General Putnam
Instructions to General Parsons relative to the Construction of the Works

Chapter V
Progress of Obstructing the Hudson
Relic of the Boom and Chain
Letters of General Glover and Captain Machin
Disposition of the Boom, Chain, etc
Fort Arnold
Discrepancies in the Name of the Work
Assignment of Major-General Heath to the Command
Headquarters of Washington established at West Point
Washington's Orders
Severity of the Winter of 1779-'80
Assignment of General Howe to the Command of the post

Chapter VI
Major-General Arnold ordered to Relieve General Howe
Disaffection of Arnold
Disheartening Condition of the American Cause
Advantages of West Point if Captured by the Enemy
Sir Henry Clinton's Idea
The Secret Correspondence with Arnold
Appointment to meet John Anderson
The "Robinson House", and its Original Proprietor
The Meeting between Arnold and Anderson thwarted
A Flag of Truce from the Vulture, and its Purport
Smith's House
Joshua Hett Smith
Meeting between Arnold and Anderson
Attempt of Anderson to return to New York by Land
Cow-boys and Skinners
Capture of Anderson

Chapter VII
Narrative of One of the Captors
Anderson Conveyed to North Castle
The Papers found on his Person
Anderson's Appearance Described
He is Transferred to the "Robinson House"
Arrival of Washington
The Plot Discovered
Flight of Arnold
Andre Conveyed to West Point and from thence to Tappan
Board of General Officers Convened

Chapter VIII
Proceedings of the Board of General Officers
Letters of Washington to Congress
Andre to Washington and Sheldon
Letter from Arnold to Washington
Robinson to Washington
Clinton to Washington
Arnold to Clinton
Report of the Board
Andre to Clinton
Washington to Clinton
Robertson to Washington
Reply of Washington
Clinton to Washington
Arnold to Washington
Robertson to Washington
Arnold to Washington
Andre to Washington

Chapter IX
Andre's Statement
His Execution
Assignment of General McDougall to Command at West Point
General Greene Ordered to Relieve Him
The Army go into Winter Quarters
Visit of the Marquis de Castellux
Celebration at West Point of the Birth of the Dauphin of France
General Knox Ordered to command at West Point
Major Fleming Succeeds Him
Removal of the Great Chain from the Hudson
Attempt to Raise the Old Iron in the Sunken Frigates
Captain Molly
The Artillerists and the Engineers
Establishment of a Military School
Repairs on the Fortifications
Report of Major Niven
Visit of Liancourt
West Point no longer of Importance as a Defensive Point

Chapter X
Early Necessity for a Military Academy Recognized at the Commencement of
  the Revolution
Appointment of a Committee to Visit the Army by Congress, and their Report
  in Favor of such an Institution
Resolution of Congress upon the Subject
Necessity for a Military Academy on the Establishment of Peace
Arguments of Generals Huntingdon and Pickering
Value of their Experience and Opinions
Official Report of General Knox on Military Education
Brief Career of Military Men
Citizen Graduates and their Services
Opinions of Washington and Jefferson on the Establishment of a Military
Organization of the Corps of Artillery and Engineers, and Appointment of
  Cadets thereto, in 1794
Increase of the Corps and of the Number of Cadets in 1798
Provision for their Education
Inadequate Means for this Purpose
Views of President Adams and Mr. McHenry, the Secretary of War
Organization of the Military Academy by Congress, to be Stationed at West
Message of President Jefferson Relative to the Subject
Report of Colonel Williams, the First Superintendent of the Academy

Chapter XI
Action taken by congress and Increase of the Number of Cadets
Urgent Recommendations in Favor of the Institution by President Madison
Reorganization of the Institution in 1812, by which it became a Branch of
  the Army
Reduction of the Latter, and Recommendation of the President to Enlarge
  the Academy
Inquiry into the Constitutionality of the Institution
Unanimity of Boards of investigating Committees on the Subject
Progress of the Institution, and the Difficulties it Encountered
Changes among the Teachers
Organization under the Law of 1812
Resignation of Colonel Williams
Colonel Swift his successor
Introduction of the Inspector
Rules with respect to the Promotion of Cadets
Appointment of a Board of Visitors
Uniform of the Cadets
Report of the Chief Engineer

Chapter XII
Appointment of Brevet-Major Thayer as Superintendent
Impetus imparted to the Institution
Organization of the Battalion of Cadets
Improvements in the System of Education
The Secretary of War directs five most Distinguished Cadets in each Class,
  to be Annually Reported
Amenability of Cadets to Martial Law
Cadet Assistant Professors
General Examinations in January and June
Major De Russy Appointed to Succeed Colonel Thayer as Superintendent
Destruction by Fire of the Academic Building
New one Erected
Organization of the Department of Chemistry, &c
The Cadets Sworn to Serve Eight Years

Chapter XIII
Major Delafield Appointed to Succeed Colonel De Russy as Superintendent
Progress of Improvements
Establishment of Cavalry Instruction
Commandant of the Post
Method of Appointing the Cadets
Principles Regulating it
Not Controlled by the Wealthy
Open to all
Substitutes for the Present System of making Appointments
Enormous Expense of the Proposed Change
Comparison of a Cadet and Citizen Applicant for Grade of Lieutenant
The Military Academy said to be "Only a School of Art," and Accused of
  having Produced no "Great Military Genius."
An Appeal to its Records
Term of Service of Graduates, and of Citizens in the Army

Chapter XIV
Law of Congress Regulating the Appointment of Cadets
Suspension of the Board of Visitors
Pay of the Cadets Increased
Major Delafield Succeeded by Captain Brewerton as Superintendent
Reappointment of the Board of Visitors
Teachers Discontinued by Professorships
Prosperity of the Academy
Demolition of the Old Barracks and Erection of New
Captain Brewerton Succeeded by Colonel Lee as Superintendent
Extension of the Term of Study from Four to Five Years
Major Barnard and Colonel Delafield Succeed as Superintendents
Continued Improvements
Establishment of Local Rank of the Superintendent and the Commandant of
Return from Five to a Four Years' Course of Study
Academic Board not Sustained
A Commission from both Houses of Congress Examine into the Institution
Major Beauregard and Major Bowman Succeed as Superintendents
Loyalty of the Cadets
Description of the Public Buildings

Chapter XV
Appointment of Cadets
The Qualifications Necessary
Admission into the Academy
Instruction and Examination of the Candidates
Outfit Procured for the New Cadet
Classification and System of Military Instruction
Academic Instruction
Arrangement into Classes and Sections
Programme for the Employment of Time
Thoroughness in Learning and Teaching
Importance of the Conduct-Roll
Successful Workings of the System
Discipline among the Cadets
Determination of Class-Rank, and its Importance
Proportion of Graduates to the Number of Cadets Admitted
Services of the Graduates

Chapter XVI
West Point in 1863
Principal Objects of Interest
Fort Clinton
Kosciuszko's Monument
Dade's Monument
Narrative of the Survivor of the Massacre
Chain Battery Walk
Library and Observatory
Trophies on the Walls
Academic Building
Picture Gallery
Sculpture Gallery
Engineering and Chemical Departments
Cadets' Barracks
Scenery from Fort Putnam
The Cemetery
Mexican Trophies
The Great Chain
The Encampment
Autumnal Landscape at West Point

Appropriations for the Military Academy
Secretaries of War, from 1789 to 1863
List of Inspectors, Superintendents, Professors, Teachers, Heads of
  Departments, Surgeons, and Adjutants, and their Term of Service at the
  Military Academy, from its Origin to the present Date
Statement showing the Number of Cadets actually Admitted into the United
  States Military Academy from its Origin, March 16, 1802, to October,
Statement exhibiting the actual Number of Cadets who have Graduated at the
  Military Academy, from its Origin to the present Date, with the States
  and Territories whence appointed
Statement exhibiting the Condition in Life of the Parents of the Cadets of
  the United States Military Academy, from 1842 to 1863, inclusive
List o9f Cadets attached to the Army Register annually, in conformity with
  a Regulation requiring the Names of the most Distinguished Cadets, not
  exceeding Five in each Class, to be reported at each Annual Examination
Military Academy Band
Abstract of all the Acts of Congress providing for the Appointment of
  Cadets in the Army, and for the Establishment and Organization of the
  United States Military Academy
Military Education in Europe
Special Military School of St. Cyr
The Polytechnic School
School of Application for the Artillery and Engineering at Metz
School of Application for the Staff
Military Education in England
Royal Military Academy at Woolwich
Prussian System of Military Education
Cadet Schools
School of Artillerists and Engineers
The Staff School at Berlin
Austrian System of Military Education
The Artillery Academy
The Engineer Academy
The School of the Staff
Military Education in Russia
General Index

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