WPPC St Louis Home >> New Parents Info >> Army-Navy Tickets


Obtaining A-N tickets can be a hassle and supplies are limited. For instance, "Club Seats" have already sold out for this year's 2007 game.


The Athletic Department representative at the WPPC Presidents' Meeting "promised" some tickets would be "reserved" for Class of 2013 parents on R-Day. We don't know if you should count on this being the case. Every Cadet is entitled to purchase a certain number of A-N game tickets in September. That number is determined by availability after the "A-Club" orders are filled.


You therefore have several options:


  1. Join the Army "A" Club. The lowest level of donation is the Ranger level at $50, which entitles donors to four priority tickets. Additional tickets are available through higher donation levels of the Army "A" Club. Contact the "A" Club at 845-938-2322, 877-TIX-ARMY or www.goArmysports.com
  2. Wait until R-Day, enroll then and order tickets at Ike Hall;
  3. Wait until September when Cadets get their allocation and purchase them.
  4. Send a message to other parents on PLEBE.NET requesting tickets
  5. Send a message to St Louis parents on requesting tickets