Contact InformationIf you want the current phone number / address information for 82 B1ers, please e-mail the web-master. List Server / RemailerIf you are a member of USMA 1982-B1, but are not on this list server, please click on the "Subscribe Now" image to join the list. A subscription request will go to the web-master, who will review it and add you to the list. Click send e-mail to every member to have this server send the same message to every member of the list. This will start the mail program on your computer (if it is configured correctly) and you can then type in the message. NOTE: your message will only be sent if your sending e-mail address is in the list server database. Click send e-mail to an individual member to have this server send a message to one member. You will be taken to a page where you can select from members of the list. (Hint: hold down the control key to select more than one.) Your message will be a "one-way blind" message, in that you will not know the member's e-mail address but they will see yours in the body of the message. If they wish to reply, they will do so. NOTE: Anyone can send these messages.