USMA Class of 1959
Minutes of Class Committee
13 February 2001

1.  The Class Committee met in conjunction with the annual Class Business luncheon at the Tivoli Restaurant in Rosslyn, VA on Tuesday, 13 February from 1135 to 1407 hours. Present were Pete Dawkins, Tom Boyle, Frank Campbell, Joe Coreth, Bill Fitzgerald, Mike Gillette, Art Griffin, Powell Hutton, Jerry Hilmes, Skip Schow,  Jim Walsh, and John Wilson from the Class Committee. Other classmates present were Lou Beard, Lee Bell, Frank Besson, Dave Cotts, Tom Leo, John McNerney, John Meloy, Bob Novogratz, Tom Roberts, Bill Turpin, Bob Weekley and Dick Welch.  Members from the "Friends of Rocky Versace" were invited to the luncheon as our guests and those attending were: Steve Versace - brother of Rocky, Mike Faber, Phil Faber, Joe Flynn, Genny Heisley - widow of Tony Heisley, and Mike Ketes.


2. Opening Remarks: Pete Dawkins called the luncheon to order, welcomed our special guests and deferred our meeting until after we finished eating. After our meal, we quickly reviewed the following topics.


3. 17 October Minutes: Minutes of the 17 October 2000 meeting had been sent to everyone on e-mail. No motion was made to approve these minutes at this meeting but will be done at the next meeting.


4. Treasurer's Report: Art Griffin handed out the Treasurer's report which showed a balance as of Dec. 31, 2000 of $18,723,71.  The Class Gift Fund at West Point had a balance as of 2/12/01 of $495,239.30.  (Inclosure 1)


Class Fundraising Effort:  Jerry Hilmes  reviewed the progress to date and handed out a status report with the breakout by Cadet Company as of 31 January 2001. (Inclosure 2). We have just over 60% participation and a total of gift and pledges equal to $1,442,630.44. John Wilson stated that the class should be looking at 75% participation as our goal!


5.CLASS CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS:  The major purpose of this meeting was to discuss the Class Constitution and bylaws of the Class Committee.  Pete Dawkins briefly reviewed the history and discussed the Class Letter that was mailed in January requesting all classmates to review and ratify these revised documents.  He also expressed his gratitude and that of the Class for the hard work of Steve Werbell and Pete Keogh to update these documents and have them accurately reflect the manner in which the class conducts it's business.  We have the ability to contact 405 Classmates which means we need affirmative votes of 203 to ratify.  As of the date of the meeting (13 Feb. '01), our YES votes numbered 197.  Note:  Shortly after our meeting Frank Campbell informed us by e-mail that we had achieved the necessary vote count and the new revised Constitution and Bylaws were ratified.  (Inclosure 3).


6. VERSACE MOH & PLAZA: Mike Faber discussed the efforts by "The Friends of Rocky" to raise funds for the Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in Alexandria, VA. The cost of the memorial will be approximately $300.000.00. The entire cost will be obtained from private donations. A motion was made and carried that the Class would make a donation in the amount of $1000.00 to the Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Fund.  It was also confirmed that the Secretary of the Army had approved the Medal of Honor for Rocky. Steve Versace requested our recommendations on the location for the Ceremony, West Point or the White House. After some discussion, we felt the decision should be left to the Versace family but we recommended the White House. Note: The most recent information (NOT CONFIRMED) is that the ceremony will take place at the White House on 17 September 2001 - MIA/POW Day. Donation Request for the Memorial is at Inclosure 4.


7. Powell Hutton reminded all that the Class Scholarship Fund included authorizing winners funds for graduate school.

8. "Last Farewell" Policy:  Tom Roberts questioned if the class had recently updated our procedures on notification and attending the funerals of deceased classmates.  Pete Dawkins asked Jim Walsh to review the policy and then get current information out to the class.  A review was accomplished and a message sent to the class on 3/31/2001.  Inclosure 5.


9. Jim Walsh commented on the low turnout for our annual business meeting and recommended we look into ways to improve attendance.  Tom Boyle volunteered to once again be in charge of making the arrangements at the Tivoli, if we decide to continue the tradition of having the annual business meeting here.


10. Next Meeting:  No discussion was made concerning the next meeting.   NOTE:  Pete Dawkins and Jim Walsh discussed the next meeting in conversations after the meeting and the tentative plan is to meet at IDA in Alexander, VA, Friday evening 7 September.






5 Inclosures/AS