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West Point Class of 1958

Executive Committee




Subject: Minutes of meeting of the Executive Council 10/15/01


The meeting was called to order at 1930 by the chairman Palmer McGrew


E.C. members present:

Pete Brintnall              Alan Salisbury             Andy Andreson          Palmer McGrew

John Herren                  John Nun

Jack Downing             Jerry Mitchell


E.C. members absent



Other classmates present:

George Sibert             George Lawton


Widows present:

Audry Webb


1. Minutes

A. Salisbury suggested that the minutes be posted on the class internet site and send a notice to the class, containing a hyperlink to where it could be found when the minutes have been completed.


P. McGrew said that, in the future, the minutes of the previous meeting will be approved or amended at the beginning  of the following meeting.


    Action: J. Downing pass final draft minutes to P. Trainor for posting and then notify             class by e-mail.  After approval, replace draft with approved minutes.   Continue to circulate draft minutes to the EXCOM by e-mail for comment. (Additions, Deletions, Changes)


2. First Class Club (FCC)

G. Lawton suggested that we approach the leadership of the Class of 1994 to see if they are still interested in accepting responsibility for the FCC in the future.


P. McGrew said that the class of 1994 has been asked by the class of 1944 to assume responsibility for its class gift and that it is very unlikely that it will also take on ours.


A. Salisbury suggested that we look to the class of 2008.


Action: none at this time


3. Class gift

P. McGrew reviewed the history of the class gift.  That at the time of our raising the money for the First Class Club, it was generally understood that this was to be our only class gift.  That the Executive Committee discussed this and agreed.  That decision was given to the class and the only dissenting voice was Ed Weckel’s.  This lead to his starting the Class Perpetual Endowment Fund (“Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund”).  Since then, there has been extensive fund raising by the AOG.  The class position has been that classmates should feel free to make donations without consideration of another future class gift.  Palmer noted that there is interest in making some presentation at the 50th reunion but that this history should be kept in mind.


G. Lawton suggested that the class be given the background on the FCC and asked what they want to do.  The reunion at Santa Fe could be used to get a sensing of the class.


J. Mitchell said that the Class Perpetual Endowment Fund was also considered a gift to West Point.


A. Salisbury suggested that the Class Perpetual Endowment Fund (NTE 25%) be used to fund any needed upgrades to the FCC by the 50th that are in excess of the remaining funds in the class gift fund held by the AOG (currently at $93K).


P. McGrew estimated that it would take $35K-$50K to improve the FCC.


G. Lawton stated that there is a proposal to cover the patio of the FCC.  P. McGrew said that it was his understanding that LTC Tom Endres (CAO) stated in August that if such an improvement were to be made that he would fund it. Lawton, however, reported that Endres told him, the past Saturday, that since it was a capital improvement, we would fund it.  This would be in keeping with our previously stated principle that we fund capital improvements;  they fund repairs and maintenance.


A. Salisbury stated that it should be understood that no other non-monetary, tangible gift be considered.


G. Sibert proposed that the FCC is the class gift and that the EC support a fund drive for the Class Perpetual Endowment Fund to achieve 100% participation and increase the fund to $580,000.


There was discussion of the $100K initially discussed by Ed Weckel for the Endowment Fund.  The consensus was that the figure was used as an example to show the possible growth and not a goal.


A. Salisbury supported Ed Weckel’s suggestion of presenting the Supe with a large presentation check for the 50th.


J. Downing suggested that the goal of $580K be set for year 2007 to allow a year for adjustments if needed.


It was agreed that the first class club remain  our one and only class major gift to the Academy and Corps of Cadets. Further, it was agreed that the FCC would be brought up to “first class” shape at the time of the 50th Reunion using funds from the Class Gift Fund at AOG.  If necessary, requesting the Board of Trustees of the Class Perpetual Endowment Fund to make a disbursement to assist in that project.


It was further agreed that we should establish the goal of increasing the amount of the Class Perpetual Endowment Fund from about $126,000 today to $580,000 by June 2007.  The EC  encourages 100% participation.  No individual goal amounts will be established.             



A goal of $580K and 100% participation will be set for the year 2007.


A. Andreson will coordinate with Ed Weckel and report to the committee at the next meeting.


P. McGrew will prepare a 2-minute presentation on this subject for the Santa Fe reunion.




4.  No Special Benefits

J. Herren followed up on the topic from our last meeting on special perquisites for leaders of class functions. 

P. McGrew said that an insert in the Class Newsletter would cover the topic.

Action: J. Herren


5. Nominations

Jim Castle and Linc Jones should be nominated for positions as AOG Trustees at large.

Action: J. Downing to prepare and submit nominations for Linc Jones and Jim Castle as AOG Trustees at large


6. Healthcare

P. Brintnall reported that the healthcare program is doing very well.


7. History

A. Salisbury reported that the history committee is creating a format for the 50 year book.  F. Goodenough is coordinating with the Center for Military History for tips on taking audio history.  After the holidays, the class will be solicited for data for the book.  There will be three data calls.  There will be a need for some money for mailing although it could be coordinated with the January mailing of the newsletter.  It is planned to collect dependent data.



8. Bicentennial Activities

J. Herren reported we had 10 couples and three singles

sign up for the Carnegie Hall concert on 15 March with only 5 tickets (2

people per ticket) available. The close-off date was the 15th of Oct. and the

lottery drawing would be the 16th. We are undersubscribed for the Founder's

Day with only 7 couples and three singles signed up for 15 tickets (2 per

ticket)--same cutoff but he will take any last minute additions (next few days)

to try and fill up our allocation.


9. Class Lunch

The date for the class lunch has been changed to 25 Oct. at the Fairfax.


10. AOG Publications

G. Sibert reported that after the Bicentennial, the complete Register will be published on a 5-year cycle.  In the future, it will be necessary to subscribe to the Assembly to order a Register.


11. Memorial Articles

G. Sibert reported that it is now possible to put memorial articles on the web with the permission of the NOK.  It was the consensus to wait for classmates to ask before initiating this project.


The latest memorial article status report was handed out by J. Downing.





                                    Jack Downing



Status of obituaries