First Regiment | Second Regiment |
A1 Roger Waddell
Laurelei Waddell
Becky Waddell
Jim Sigler
Marilyn Sigler
George Klotzbach
Ginny Klotzbach
B1 Dick Oberg
Judy Oberg
Bill Graf
Alice Lee Graf
Dick Price
Janet Price
Tommy Thompson
Middie Thompson
C1 James Peck
Mary Ruth Peck
Charles Bond
Janice Bond
Sue Kernan
Jerry Mitchell
Maria Mitchell
Bob Clark
Sylvia Clark
Rich Gell
Penny Gell
John Schaffer
Tom Looney
Peggy Looney
Will Merrill
Barbara Merrill
D1 Ernie Hasselbrink
Gabriele Hasselbrink
OK Hill
Harriet Hill
E1 Sam Myers
Leslie Myers
Chuck Profilet
Sandra Profilet
Ray Tomlinson
Kay Lou Tomlinson
F1 Jerry Cook
Faye Cook
Terry Connell
Harriett Connell
Ben Crosby
Jane Crosby
Dick Bauchspies
Barbara Bauchspies
Jo Ann Smith
Tony Nadal
Billie Nadal
John Kubiak
Mary Kubiak
Tim McLean
Arlene McLean
Bruce Hamilton
Wilma Hamilton
G1 Bill Kelley
Carol Kelley
Pete Trainor
Doug Sedgwick
Edie Sedgwick
H1 George Robertson
Gale Robertson
K1 Ron Turner
Sue Turner
Mit Roth
Diana Roth
Denise Follett
Tom Sands
Barbara Sands
Norman Gustitis
Toni Gustitis
Bill Serchak
Edna Mae Serchak
Mel Drisko
Jane Drisko
Tom Mason
Ron Bellows
Barbara Bellows
L1 Tom Conti
Gail Conti
Bob Lindquist
Norma Lindquist
M1 Dick Graves
Bev Graves
Jude Theibert
Jo Anne Theibert
Walt Patterson
Susan Patterson
Frank Smith
Anne Smith
Ken Lager
Valerie Lager
Otto Thamasett
Shirley Thamasett
Jack Halsey
Arlene Halsey
Mary Anne Scherffius
Wally Ward
Jo Ward
A-2 John Holecek
Jill Holecek
Stan Toney
Pat Lenz
Chuck Densford
Patsy Densford
Gary Kosmider
Mary Kosmider
Phil Raign
Steffie Raign
Jim Roberts
Esther Roberts
Les Gibbings
Don Mc Cullough
Margaret Mary McCullough
Ken Phillips
Jeanne Phillips
George Hoffman (Class of 1944)
Renee Hoffman
Larry Hansen (Museum tour guide -
retired Navy pilot)
Pat Hansen
Ed Schroeder (VP Pensacola
-Dad was Class of 1939)
Donna Schroeder
John Hallberg
Katie Hallberg
B2 Jerry Hoblit
Rosalie Hoblit
C2 Vic Gongola
Carol Gongola
Thomas Cameron
Connie Cameron
D2 Jim Tilley
Sally Kurtz
Clark Bailey
Phyllis Bailey
Roxie Yarr
Joe Keyes
Janice Keyes
E2 Jim Weis
Susan Weis
Corky Henninger
Ann Henninger
Eddie Adair
Jerri Adair
F2 Ray Coffey
Gerry Coffey
Ben Pellegrini
Maria Pellegrini
G2 Hugh Morgan
Edgie Waller
Marianne Waller
Bob Pointer
Marianne O'Callaghan
H2 Clyde Brown
Phil Pryor
Lynn Pryor
Jack Downing
Margie Downing
George Sibert
Judy Sibert
I2 Palmer McGrew
Ceda McGrew
Jim Morgan
Peggy Morgan
Pete Groh
Carol Groh
John Abernathy
Nancy Abernathy
Stan Bacon
Jill Bacon
Joe Schwar
Kathy Schwar
Pete Millspaugh
Mary Millspaugh
K2 Art Meyer
Sue Meyer
Dan Johnson
Jim Rossetto
Pat Rossetto
Dave Bourland
Nina Bourland
Dick Simmers
Claudie Saunders
L2 Dave Turner
Valerie Turner
Jae Stanton
Annie Stanton
Robert Higgins
Ron Hudson
Karin Hudson
M2 Bob Tredway
Anne Martin
Bruce Packard
Nancy Packard
Bob Grete
Trinky Grete
Bob Hayden
Barbara Hayden
Bob Tallgren