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Swearing of the class of 1958

Welcome to West Point

Brigade Champions: from 1958:

Bill Buchly, Phil Ackerman, Jerry Hoblit,

PD Vanture, Dick Schonberger, Pete Kullavanijaya

On Parade

100th Night-on call to the plebes

PD and Dan

Preparing for the inauguration of

President Eisenhower, 1956

Rally - PD and John

Ring Banquet

Karl thinking about preparing for Saturday

morning inspection.  Note that he has

regulation garters on holding up his socks.

Kathleen Sue Brookhart and Karl Oelke

Beast Barracks, 1957. Sixth New Cadet Company receiving streamer as the best company.  Karl is the guidon bearer   

Les Gibbons, A-2, saluting.

Spit shine the shoes.



Ron Recher, Jack May, Ted Childress

Stan Dus, PD Vanture, Pete Kullavanijaya

Bob Guiliano, Joe Davis, Don Johnson

Dick Schonberger,RB Riggan,Bill Bush(turnback), Gaines(academics)


Bill Giallorakis, Ron Recher

Dan Brookhart, PD Vanture

Floyd Spencer, Jack May

Joe Davis, Bob Guiliano, Don Johnson

Dick Schonberger, RB Riggan, Walt Plaue


Al Claflin, Jack May

Jerry Prochaska, Dan Brookhart, PD Vanture

Phil Ackerman, Karl Oelke. Dan Brookhart

Don Johnson, Joe Davis, Bob Guiliano

Dick Schonberger, RB Riggan, Walt Plaue


RB Riggan, Jack May, Dan Brookhart

John Manos, Karl Oelke, PD Vanture

Don Johnson, Bob Guiliano, Joe Davis

Dick Schonberger, Tony Forster, Pete Kullavanijaya

Graduation Parade - The Class of 1958 marches to the reviewing line.

PD and Parents - Pauline and Chris Vanture

Floyd and Parents - LTC and Mrs. Floyd Spencer

Three Roommates

After Graduation Parade

Karl with 1955 Corvette

He almost bought it.

1960 Army-California, 1960

Army won 28-10

Walt Plaue, Karl Oelke, Sue Oelke

Betty Plaue, Floyd Spencer

Floyd Spencer and Don Johnson, Vietnam, 1968

Planting of memorial tree at the house of Jack.

Manos, Vanture, May, Oelke, Ackerman, Forster

Virginia and PD, July 1976 near Denali Park, Alaska.  PD made an attempt to run from Anchorage to Fairbanks.

He made 176 miles.

He won the National Masters 50 Mile Championships in 1979

30th Class Reunion, 1988

Back Row:  Bill Buchly, RB Riggan, Jerry Hoblit, Karl Oelke, Dick Schonberger,

Bill Giallourakis, Rooster Forster, Jack May

Front Row:  Judy Buchly, Sue Oelke, Sylvia Schonberger, Lee May

40th Reunion:  Vimol Kullavanijaya,

Jack May, Sue Oelke

Company B-2 board with graduation photos, Virginia reunion

Oregon mini-reunion 2000

Standing:  Jerry Prochaska, Karl Oelke, Rooster Forster,

PD Vanture

Sitting:  Marge Prochaska, Sue Oelke, Ann Forster

Oregon mini-reunion

Ann, Sue, Rooster

Savannah mini-reunion, 2005

John Manos, Karl Oelke

Oregon reunion

Rooster, Karl, PD, Jerry

Florida mini-reunion 2006

Ann, Rooster, PD, Virginia, Rosalie, Sue, Karl, Jack, Maude, Phil

Presentation of stained glass to Jack from company mates

          Wayne - legally: Sterling Wayne Wyatt

       with his toy tank on 20 July 2008  - his 75th.

Same time and game

Joe Davis with Karl Oelke, Jr.

40th Class Reunion, 1998

Back Row:  PD Vanture, Virginia Vanture,Sylvia Schonberger, Dick Schonberger,

Ann Forster, Rooster, Jack May, Lee May, Pete Kullavanijaya, Paul Dean,

Jerry Prochaska, Bill Buchly

Front Row:  Sue Oelke, Karl Oelke, Vimol Kullavanijaya, Earldean Dean, Marge Prochaska

Graduation Parade, Reviewing Line for the Class of 1958 - Now that is a straight line.

1958 Undefeated and National Champion  Lacrosse Team

Center, front row:  RB Riggan #24, Captain, All American Goalie

Gymnastics:  Bill Giallourakis, Rings

150 Pound Football Team

Dick Schonberger, #87, front and center

During the first season, the team went undefeated, beat Navy at Annapolis in front of President Eisenhower and 17,000 spectators and won the league championship

Dick Schonberger with Joshua Logan, 2011, Sprint Football player wearing the same number as Dick did.

Plebe Boxing Team

Kneeling: second from left: Don Johnson, fourth from left Pete Kullavanijaya

Standing: sixth from left: Jerry Hoblit

Captain RB Riggan and

Coach Adams

Rooster, the early years


Jerry, PD, Dick, Jack, Pete, Bill, Rooster, Paul, Karl

Pete, Bill, Paul Dean

Memorial plaque placed beside the tree

Jack, Floyd, Rooster

Jack May  supposedly studying

Hoblit being defrocked of stripes by Ackerman and Wyatt - prior to graduation

Broookhart and Childress

Childress losing his stripes and being congratulated by Hoblit as Ackerman and Wyatt do the job.


Ackrman, Davis, Oelke, Guiliano, Spencer, Brookhart, Johnson

Claflin and Plaue


Great, great grandma Ruth Ann with Daneka, the only female great, great grandchild

The Corps On Parade