John Pomory

January 18, 2006: It was great seeing a bunch of people (at Army/Navy) that I like and care about but that I hadn't talked to, let alone seen for years and it was nice to spend the day with my dad in an environment that he has always really enjoyed.

In fact, I was telling Scott (Kobida) that the experience was so good that I am kicking around the idea of acting as an organizer of sorts for a B-2 reunion at next year's Army-Navy Game.

John C. Pomory

May 27, 1999:Hey Dan and Missy - hope this finds you well.

Now that Betsy and I have finally entered the 20th Century (albeit just months before the 21st) I pledge to be much more communicative in the future as aside from Scotty and Mr. William H. Donohue I've been pretty much out of the loop. Again the future looks brighter.

Please pass on our best to everyone including the A-4 guys and pass on our internet address to anyone who wants it (if in fact that interest does exist)( I'll be in touch again soon. Take care.