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Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 18:36:16 -0400
To: <fd8@West-Point.Org>
From: Bill MacLean <bill_maclean@alum.mit.edu>
Subject: WP-ORG FD8 Goals and Methods

WP-ORG FD8 Goals and Methods


1. Raise $60,000 to fund operations for six months (10.1.00 through 3.31.01).

2. Extend donor constituencies to include: WP graduates, WP parents, USNA
parents, WPPC's, WPS's, commercial affiliates, organizations tapping Job
Bank, and "big donors".

3. Increase donor participation rates among groups listed above; special
focus on graduates.

4. Test "fundraising committee" approach and several related implementation
techniques to achieve above goals and
            - shorten duration of fundraising campaigns
            - lighten fundraising burden on WP-ORG officers and advisors
            - learn how we can best approach FD9, anticipated to be a more ambitious
effort: raise ~$200,000 to fund 12 months of operation

5. Maximize number of donations made by credit card; minimize number of
donations made by check.

6. Thank each contributor.


1. FD8 launch date: Monday, October 2, 2000. Anticipated duration: less
than eight weeks. 

2. FD8 will end when $60K goal is reached.

3. FD8 organization and responsibilities.

a. "Steering committee" (Magruder, Price, MacLean..."finance-fundraising"

            - will recruit, direct, oversee FD8; assemble "FD8 Committee" ("fd8"
list), work with and through them to achieve goals; write assessment of FD8
upon conclusion.

            - MacLean will draft "FD8 Program" for review by Magruder and Price. Once
approved,this will serve as a "roadmap" for FD8. It will include a specific
schedule of promotional events (typically, forum [= "list"] postings of
~150 words). The program will be circulated to the FD8 Committee; its
members will be asked to sign on to take responsibility for one or more
"events" in their area.

Once ownership is established for every event in the program, the plan will
be complete and we can get on to the mission.

b. FD8 Committee ("fd8" list) will consist of: "volunteers" recruited from
among the parent and graduate sides of WP-ORG; Advisors; the steering
committee. Members of the committee will

            - sign up for "FD8 Program" events they wish to do

            - implement the specific promotion and support tasks for which they
assume individual responsibility, according to schedule of "FD8 Program" 

            - review and comment on proposed promotional postings if asked by author
for help

            - monitor FD8 performance and member feedback in their constituency area;
watch for problems

            - think about and offer suggestions/ideas for "course corrections" or
tactical adjustments as we move through FD8

c. FD8 Committee recruiting. 

            - Price will recruit volunteers to work the "graduate side"

            - MacLean will recruit volunteers to work the "parent side"

            - Magruder will appeal for volunteers to "moderator" to fill slots
essential but remaining unfilled by MacLean or Price.

d. Magruder, Price, MacLean will work with FD8 Committee to develop
broadcast appeals. Roughly, Magruder, Price will take lead on graduate
side; MacLean will take lead on parent side.

e. Price will process donations.

f. Troubleshooter, "first fixer": Magruder.

g. Load balancing: we should be careful that no FD8 Committee member
becomes overloaded with too many tasks. If this develops, we should
redistribute, call in additional "volunteer" if needed.

4. Thanking contributors. An important consideration, although I'm just
beginning to think about how to do it. Suggestions welcome.

            -Individual members. Ideally, we should thank each individually--although
that is probably impractical without assembling yet another team of
volunteers. Perhaps that should be the final pair of postings to the
"corps" and constituency lists (forums). Of course, "big donors" get a
letter from Magruder or Price.

            - Organizations. Each contribution should be acknowledged by letter or
e-mail from committee member responsible for the group.

5. Websites.

            - Public Information Website. A resource to be referenced in postings and
appeals sent by letter or e-mail. Collection of information about WP-ORG
services, budgets, expenses, recent achievements, plans, etc. To be
planned, assembled.

            - FD8 Website. A resource for the FD8 Committee. Will show 

                    + FD8 Program, including table of events, responsibilities

                    + Ideally, it will contain text of all of our planned/implemented
postings, letters, etc. As this content grows, it will help those writing
appeals. When FD8 is over, it can serve as an archive of all the
"deliverables" of FD8; possibly quite useful in future.

9. "FD8 Program." Will be sent separately.
