From: "Mike Lyman" <>
To: <>
Subject: WP-ORG: Grip hands with us strengthen our hearts
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 22:58:40 -0500

Usually when it comes time for me to do my WP-ORG fund drive messages,
I like to focus on some new service WP-ORG is offering. Instead, this
time it is the oldest one WP-ORG offers, connections to the Long Grey
Line. We may now share our services with the parents of USNA
Midshipmen and USMA Cadets but WP-ORG was born to provide an online
community for academy graduates; a community where we could talk and
come together to help each other out.

In 1997, I received an email from a USMA 77 graduate. We knew of each
other through the WP-ORG moderators list since we both moderated our
class mailing lists and ran the class web sites. He told me he was
doing network security for "a large software firm in the Seattle area"
and that they were looking for people to join the team. Through our
connection at WP-ORG, he saw that I was doing related work and asked
if I wanted to talk about a possible job. Next thing I knew I had
interviewed at Microsoft, received an offer and launched a new career
chasing hackers for a living.

Fast forward six years and I was a certified IT security professional
who was homesick for the south and wanting to do defense work again. A
chance email came from one of my classmates updating me with his new
email address for our mailing list. His address was
with a large defense contractor back home in Huntsville, AL. A few
emails later and he and another classmate had found me a job and had
an offer letter in the mail.

My story is not unique. In this down economy, other LGL members are
finding employment through their WP-ORG connections. Whether changing
jobs or even finding a job, being able to keep track of friends and
reach other members of the USMA and USNA communities is an invaluable
networking opportunity.

Grip hands with us now, though we see not
Grip hands with us strengthen our hearts
As the long line stiffens and straightens
With the thrill that your presence imparts

Being part of a service academy community is a unique experience and
being able to extend that experience online via WP-ORG is wonderful.
It provides us a way to come together in ways that really strength our
ties to one another.

While WP-ORG provides this online community free of charge, running
the community is not without cost. Through the donations of those who
value our connections, WP-ORG is able to keep operating. Every six
months we ask you how we are doing and will you support us for another
six month. If you value our community, please support us with your

FD14 Donate Site:

or you may donate by check made payable to WP-ORG and sent to:

PO Box 595
Floyd, VA 24091-0595

Mike Lyman
WP-ORG Advisors

FD14 Donate Report:

FD14 Budget:

Why Donate Page:

WP-ORG Privacy Policy:

501(c)3 Information:

WP-ORG gratefully recognizes the Army Air Force Mutual Aid Association. (AAFMAA) as sponsor of Fund Drive 14. Please take a look at their homepage: