
Nuwebis a literate programming system developed by Preston Briggs. While searching for an effective way to maintain a large Matlab program set using literate programming, I settled on Nuweb, and it has worked very well.

While Preston Briggs is no longer maintaining Nuweb, Marc W. Mengel extended the system as part of his Master's thesis, and currently maintains the system as a project on SourceForge.

The SourceForge version is currently (1 Oct 02) at version 1.0b1. This update adds functionality (most notably the ability to use parameters with macros). A compiled version 1.0b1 for Windows is available here. I have not tested this version extensively; in case there are problems, the older compiled version is here. I make absolutely no warranty about these executables, but make them available for the community to use if they desire. If you have problems, please let me know about them.

Additionally, I've had some interest in creating a graphical front end for Nuweb to make it easier to use the program in a Windows environment. My current attempts, which seem to be more or less functional, are based on the Tcl/Tk programming language. You can read the document here, view the document source code, or look at the Tcl/Tk script

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Last modified: Tue Oct 01 20:36:00 Pacific Daylight Time 2002