West Point Society of South Texas

Membership Statistics
Membership by Class

Membership by Name

Membership by Address

Select from the choices at the left to see if there is a West Point graduate, or a friend of the Academy (such as parents of cadets) you know living in the South Texas area. 

Codes Used in Rosters:

X=Former Cadet

P=Parent of Current Cadet



Membership Codes:

R=Regular (Graduate or Former Cadet)

A=Associate (Widow(er) or Parent)



Dues Codes:

RC/AC=Current Regular/Associate Members

RF/AF=Former Regular/Associate Members *

RN/AN= Regulars/Associates Not Previously Members

RNA/ANA= Arriving Regular/Associate Nonmembers


Note (*) The RF/AF code includes the last two digits of the year in which the member was last current. For example, RF03 indicates a regular member who was last in good standing in 2003.  AF19 indicates an associate member last current some time before the year 2000 (19XX).



Last Update: January 7, 2009
WPSST: Dan Coonan, Webmaster (