West Point Society of the San Francisco Bay Area

We Have Exciting Events Scheduled for 2013

WEST POINT FEMALE BOXING CLUB IN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP:  The championships are on April 11th thru 13th., at the University of San Francisco.  First bout is at 6pm on April 11th.  Admission is $10.  The team is founded and lead by First Class Cadet Giovanna Camacho of Dixon, California.  More details can be found at www.collegeboxing.org/championships.html.

BENNY HAVENS:  Next event is April 17th.  The Society has regular Benny Havens get-togethers, which are held in San Francisco and the East Bay.  All members are invited to attend.  See the table of events below for the exact date, time, and location.

BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETINGS:  The Society Board of Director meetings are held four times a year, typically on the first Wednesday evening of the month.  The location will likely be in San Francisco.  All members are invited to attend.  See the table of events below for the exact date, time, and location.

OTHER EVENTS:  Please visit this site regularly for event updates.

April 11-13, 2013
West Point Female
Boxing Club in
National Championships
First Bout
April 11th - 6pm
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco
 April 17, 2013
Benny Havens  6pm start
Market Bar
One Ferry Building
San Francisco


This page is maintained by Kurt Ricci '88.  This page last updated on March 27, 2013.